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Commercial Statistics Of 1872

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The annual report on the commercial relations between the United States and foreign nationa for the year ending September 30, 1873, has just been issued. The value of exports to the United States froin Great Britain amounted, in 1872, to nearly L46,000,000, a greater amount than has been exported to this country in any previous year, while the imports trom the United States, aniounting to more than L 54,500,000, indícate a decrease of nearly L6,500,000 from the year 1871. It appears that the value of imports into the British Isles from the United States has increased nearly twenty-per centum during the five years ending with 1872, and that the exports to the United States have alniost doubled during the same period. The number of vessels arriving from the United States during the same year was 2,726. Of these vessels 480 carried the flag of the United States, being a decrease of over 41 per centum from the number of American vessels that entered in 1871. The imports into Canada from the United Staltes, entered for home consuinption, amounted during the above period to $44,217,969, being an increase over 1870 and 1871 of $5,195,582. The exports to the United States for the same period ainountod to $31,896,816- $921,174 more than the previous year. The statements of the imports and exports of France for the first eight ruonths of 1873 promise an increase for the past year of over 9-iu,uu(,uüO as compared with tle iuiports and exporta of 1870. The aggregate yalue of the declared exports to the United States froin the consular districts of thi8 Government in France is reported as amountiñg to $69,077,562 in 1872. This is an increase of $13,752,888 over the year 1871. The declared value of the exporta to the United States froin the consular districts of the Governmeut of Germany for tlw year 1872 is estimated at $37,177,000, thisamount exceeding that for 1871 by mote thun $4,000,000. The official statement from Spain shows .in increase of inore than $40,000,000 in the value of the importa for the first six months of 2973 as compared with the imports for the corresponding period o: 1872. Duriug the five years ending with 1872 the commerce between the United States and Switzerland has doubled. Thu value of watches exported to this country in 1872 is reported as having amountod to $3,600,000. The direct import and e-Yport trade of China with the United Staies appears to be very small ; but the American inlaud and coast tra4e is reported to exceed that of my other natiou. The entire American trade, foreign and coasting, forms nearly 37 per centuin of the whole foreign trade of China, and contributes more than 23 1-2 per centuin of the revenue xllected by the foreigu customs department. The returns frora Japan exhibit i decrease in the exports oi' nearly 40 jer céntum from the preceding year. The house at Kissengen occupied by Princo Bismarck is distinguished by seven bornbs, whieh it received i'rom the Prussiaus ia 1869, and whioh were left iininured in it. A peasant of the environs to whora the Prince, iacognito, showed tho proper wu.y of mowing meadows, has, since the thing got abroad, refused large suins offered for the scythe, with which the Chancellor exemplified his practical knowledge of farming. The followiug, in addition to those pteviously noted, are ainong the donations received by institutions of learning during the last few weeks : Mr. James B Colgate, of New York, adds 175,000 to the general tnwt funds of Madisou ÜDiversity, Harailton, N. Y. He had previously given Colgate Hall auj grounds, costmg abont 960,000. Mr John B. Thorn, of New York, has giveii the Raían iustitntion about $NO,000 Mr. Sophronesta Morehouse, of Liverpool, . Y., gives $30,000 to Syracuae üniversity. The late Jereuiiah Kiüg. inan, of Barrington, N. H., bequoatheil $40,000 to Phillips Academy, at Bxeter, in the same State.


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