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- A Republican Legislaturo providod for a Constitutional CommÍ9sion ; a Re publican Governor appointed such Commission, constituting it ltirgeiy of Republicana ; the Republioan Censtitutional Commission tinkered up the oíd and dilapidatod Constitution, and tho afort8aid Rupublican Governor convened the aforesaid Legislature in extra session, which tinkored tho affair up again and ordered its aubtnission to tho people. And then the Ropublican State Convertion gave the bantling the cold shouldor. What au "ongrateful" body. - Attorney-Genoral Marston is reported as perfectly satieiied at beiug " retired " to make way for Andrew Jaekson (Nobody) Sraith. And well he may be, for it is understood that it will be found nocessary, Smith being elected, to emIjloy competent counsel to look after the important euits now pending in which the State is interested. It will be only equitable, of course, to continue Marston in charge of them, in whioh event his fees and charges will greatly exceed the salary he would receive as Attorney-General. - It ia out Ihat Senator Spencer of Alabama procured a negro named Clark to be appointed on the pólice forcé of the Distriot of Columbia, and then sent him imniediately to Alabama to do political work for his master, continuing to draw pay as policeman during seventy-eight days of absence. And this is civil service reform undor the very nose of the President, or would be under the Prosidential nose, if the President was not following said nose from Long Branch to Newport, Martha's Vineyard, Saratoga, etc, - President Grant couldn't lind time to go to Springfield, HL, to deliver an address at the inauguration of tho Lincoln monument, but official duties didn't prohibit him from going on the " City of Peking" junketing (or advertising) expedition to Newport, and from thence to the Vineyard Grove campmeeting, where he was publicly and enthusiastically re, oeived aud made one of his characteristio speeches, " I thank you." - Tho Cold water Republican, speaking of -the Republican State Convention and ticket, Eays : " That a mistake was made in not giving the farming element a more prominent recognition is a fact aoknowledged by many." Tut ! tut!! the "farming element" has no rights which Eepublican office-dealers are bound to respect. The offices were not made for " sich." - As another evidence that the Democratie party in the Southern States is putting up a war of races and means to annihilate tho colored population, comes this dispatch across the waters: " Mount iEtna has been in a state of eruption since Saturday, and streams of lava are pouring from three craters." Which is commended to the next Republican convention. - Since Susan B. hts been photographed as sitting on Tilton's knee, an lowa widower, taking that as an indication that she had been for long years misrepresented, and that the juices were not all dried up in her viens or her heart ossified, has telegraphed her an offer of marriage. But, restored to her senses, Susan has deelined. - Defending the currency plank of the Republican platform made at Lansing last week, the Detroit Post says : Tlie most silly attempt ai criuio, against this plank is one that objeots that it was intended to suit resumptionists without offending inflationists." And it was the Detroit Tribune that " throwed that are stone." - It was Anna Dickiuson who told that Susan B. Anthony wore (on a certain festive occasion) " a beautiful pluincolored silk dress, and said that it was a present from dear, generous Theodore." And now comes Bessie Turner and says that she saw Susan sitting on Theodore's lap. Didn't T. T. "pay dear for the whistle" ? Chief-Justice Church, of the Court of Appeals, and Hon. Samuel J. Tilden are the two New York Democrats most prominently named in connection with the nomination for Governor. Either of them would be a credit to the party and be quite sure to knock the wind out of any Radical opponent. - The Republicana of the " soutbern tier" are not exactly satisfied with the " deal" made by the recent Republican State Convention. The " sop thrown to the whale" by the noinination of Nobody Smith for Attorney-General was like washing fresh wounds with gall and vinegar. - The Detroit Evening Keies says that the financia! record of Hoses W. Field has been repudiated, and that he is running 8olely on his good looks. We supposed that a renomination was a full indorsement of his speeches and votes, both on the tariff and ourrency bilis ; but it is verv easy to be mistaken - Judge Baril Harrison, the original pioneer and ñrst settler of Kalatnazoo County, died at his residence on Prairie Ronde, on the 30th uit. He was a cousin oí' the late ex-Presidont Harrison, and has been reputed the original of Cooper's Bee-Hunter,- an honor reoently questioned. - The balance in the State Treasury August 31st, was only #1,146,284.90. Something ought to be done to increase this balance, - for the benefit of the " Treasury Ring " and officers compelled to throw up their lucrativa business and serve the State at a starving salary. - The New York World is indulging in the luxury of libel suit. Ex-Gov. Herbert, cf Louisiana, is the plaintiff, and he wants damagesin the sum of $50000. Moro than all the reputations of the oombined office-holding fratornity in Lousiana, ex-officials included, are worth. - Leading Republican journals are in a peok of trouble, and just bocause th Illinois and Ohio Democracy disagree on the financial question. How ig it with the Vermont and Indiana, Maine and Illinois Republicana? Do they blow through the saine Suancial horn ? - Moses W. Field, who has a desire to continue to misrepresent the First district two years longor at Washington, is attending all the üranger picnics he can hear of: if held in Wayne County. He is a " horny-handed sou of toil."' - During the month of July the leading Life insurance companies of the United States paid out $1,.74,762.83 on death claims, and 56,437.26 on matured endowuient policies. - Gov. Kellogg, of Louisiana, has 3alled for a regiment of " picked white men." Where is the Civil Rights bill? - The Marr family are on the wnrpath, determinad to gobble up a fortuno of $250,000,000. A meeting waa held at Lansing on the first inst., and au organization made. Running our pedigree back we can't find a singlo Marr in the line. - It took threo days and 599 ballets to nomínate a candidate tor Congress in the T welf tli Ohio district, now represented by Judge Jewett, of Cohimbus, who declined a re-eleetiori. A. T. Walling, of Circleville, was nomiuated. - Light ia evidently bruaking in the Sast : for the Demócrata of Burlington, Vermont, have eleoted a Democrat to the Legislatura for the first time in t.wentyone years. Si and from under. - The Arkansaa Constitutioual Conveutio (Democratie) has given the lie to the charge that it ia in favor of ropudiation, by giving a second three to one vote against repudiating State bonds. - Attorney-General Williama left Washington Tuesday evening : to visit the Government at Long Branoh and interview the head thereof concerning the so-called Southern outrages. - John "Wesley, Dr. Edward Payson, and the late Eev. John Harria, author of " The Great Commission " are now oited aa victimg of slandera similar to those showered upon Beecher. - A little evening daily at Detroit ppraists in capitalizing ita own name (Evening Newx), but prints baptist, methodist, presbytñrian, etc. Typographical reform run to seed. - Gen. Sheridan bas warned the troasure hunters meditating raid3 on the Black Huls country that pennits from the Secretary of the Interior will be necessary. The Eepublican Congressional Congressional Conventioiia were held on Wednesday - in the Foutth, Fifth, and Ninth districts. The present incumbenta were all renominated, to wit : J. C. BüRaows (the Columbian orator) in the Fourth ; "W. B. "Williams (of spreadeagleFourthof -July SpangledBanner-Hail-Columbia- Yankee- Doodlegreenback eulogizer fame) iu the Fifth, and J. C. Httbbell (noted for nothing in particular) in the Ninth. The convention in Uonger's district, the Seventh, was held yesterday. Eesult not known when our forms were put press. Congressman Poland, of Vermont, great with the lobby, and theprocurer of the pabsage of the bill designed to haul all the editora in the country before a subservient Washington court, camn to grief on Tuesday : that is, he wasn't reelected. Dennison, Eepublican, nomi nated by the bolters but declining to run, leads Poland, but probably fails of an absolute inajority, uiaking another election necessary. - The Eepublican State ticket was elected by a reduced majority, and the Eepublican majority in the Legislature cut down. A General Council of the Patrons of Huabandry for the eastern división of the State waa held at Detroit on the 2"th uit. Eighty Grangea were represented. It waa stated durhig the seasion that there were five hundred Grangea in the State, with a membership of 40,000. The Counoil adjourned to meet at East Saginaw on the 17th of September.


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