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Local Brevities

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- Oiïculars. J Bill-Heads. _ Letter-I d _Sliijsu:i!i Tags. __ I'rintcd at tho Aegtjs office. „ In tlio Lust style and ciikap. 4_ Don't order o'.sewhore bofore calling. -"For Sale" or " To Rent" cards reaclyplinted nt tiic Aïuras ofïice. - A. McDonald, of this city, shipped a ton o) gripes to the State Fair on Monday. ee.card oï C. Weithrecht & Co., a new jirni venturing on the troubled seaof business. - Win. Wagnor has his new Fall stock in storo, and will redeem greenbacks in clothiug. - At the recent annual school meeting at Ypsiianti 408 voters exereised the riglit of iianclnso. - Myron Webb and Charles Burkhardt were olected trustees ut the reeent Saline annual fcliool meeting. - The store ot Joe T. Jacobs & Co. is much fnllcr thfin their " roserved" advertising spaco ull.e Auaus. - Frank Hewlett, of Jackson, was exauiined in the Circuit Couit on Wednesday and admitted to practice. - Eev. Dr. Cocker reached home on Tuesday afternoon, lookiug in better health for his trip "over the seas" and back. _ Kev. H. S. Hubbell is taking his vacation. }Iis pulpit was filled on Sunday last by Itev. Dar, of this city. - Mrs. Thos. S-. Sauford has gone to Syrafuso. X. Y., to attend the annual sessiou of the Xstional Unitarian Conference. - Es;"u:umations for aduiission to the Literary (Isiiaitment of the University comrnenced yesA large class is indicated. - A vciy hot week carne to an end Tuesday Mini", and at the same time carne a very moderate but very welcome showcr. - J. T. Swathel is home from his health-seekn'trip to the sea-shore, but not lookiug so well as his fflenefs W.oúld be glad to see him. - Xlic annual renting of pews in the M. E Ciiirci will bo held in the church on Monday evening next, September 21st, at 7 o'clock. - At the receut annual school meeting at Msnehc?ter Dr. Conklin, Nathaniel "Wells, and James Kelly were elected trustees : the latter to gil a vacstocy. - IÍ you come to the County Fair next week, ,ioii't forget to cali at the Arctos office. We desire to seo you,- especially if you are a delinquent subscriher. - President Angelí atid family arrived home on SSfurday last, and the President immediateiv comrcenccd active operations preparatory to ■..gei' the college year. j-i'roi. Tyler and family came on Tuesday nijht, and Trof. C. looks as though he was glad to gek liack again and j)ick up his (knitting) ivork whore he dropped it two years ago. - We remind those subacribers who have not responded to bilis sent them, that there will be a iow at soraebody's expense unless immediate payraent is made. "VVe must have money. - At a meeting of the School Board on Tuesning the following officers were elected for the new year : President, E.B. Pond ; Secretary, Jas. B. Gott ; Treasurer, Philip Bach. - The ladies of the Baptist Chureh of this city are to feed the visitors to the County Fair next week, and the ladies of the Congregational Ohaich mili scll fancy goods in one of the halls. - Itev. Prof. Jlorrison, of Meadville, Pa., is to preach at the Unitarian Church on Sunday 2ie.xt, moniin and evening, and on the following Sundaj Dr. Brigham will occupy his own desk. - Prof. Adams and viLe are at home again, nnd the professor looks as though he had lived welt during the vacatiou. Prof. D'Ooge and wife, and Prof. Morris are also back, and ready lor duty. - The Akous readers who have been having a violeut attack of the " Black Hills fever" should read "what our fonner fellow citizeu Prof. N. H. Winchell, now State Geologist of Mjnncsota, has to say aboufc the new gold diggings. See another column. - Ou Wcdncsday Judge Grane entered a final decree in tho long pending case of E. A. Eetd is. A. YT. Chase and the Ann Arbor Printing and Publishing Company, assessing the (lamages oL Beal at .510,1516 and costs. llotion was immediately filed for a stay of execution ior 20 days, to give time to appeal, we presume. - Morris Gregg, as3istant freight agent of the II. C. K. II. in this city, died of cholera morbus at au early hour oí Friday morning, leaving a wiíeandfour children. Mr. Gregg was an efficiënt officer and worthy citizen. His funeral was largely attended on Sunday afternoon Irom the TJnitarian Church, Bev. C. G. Howlaud officiating. - The Manchester Journal puts in a complaint that Manchester was ignored iu the appöiutmont of committees for the coming County ï'aiï, and charges that " the thing has been run into politics." And this, just because the Jourvu', man wasn't made chairman of the committee cm jacks and niules, or we 'speet that's it. - As some of our local readers seem to be ignorant of the times for " closing the mails at the postónico in this city, we give the following "by authonty" : Mail going West closes at 8:30 a. M. ; mail going East closes at 3:40 p. ir. A mail is stut to Detroit and places beyond, closing at 9 H. Letters f or J ackson, Mich., and all points west of there are sent iu the 3:40 p. M. mail. - At the annual school meeting of the district including Dexter village (No. 9, Bcio and oMcr), held on the 7th inst., C. S. Gregory, 14. P. Copeland, and L. "VV. Briggs were elected trustees (the latter to fill a vacaney). The anaual report eatimated the expenses of the current year at 13,195, of which $2,079.51 was ney to bo provided by tax. That amount iras voted. The salaries paid teachers last ycar ageregated L2,ölO. Number of children in district 111. - Aserious accident happened on Saturday morniiig last at the railroad crossing on the Whitmoro Lako road near this city. George Moore, of this city, was going to the]lake, accomjanied by Miss Mattie Haskell, of Ypsilanti. His horse was frighttned by the approaching lexter tram, the carriage upset, and the occuJButs throwu down the embankment. Miss Haskell had an ankle dislocated, with a severe etiaiu upon the hgaments and cords, and must te laid up for a long time. Moore escaped with fciiglit injuries.


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