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COUNTY CONVESÍTIOSr OF THE WOMAX'S TEMPEKANCE UNION. Believing that the Woman's Temperance Movement will be greatly assisted by a more thorough combination of local uniong, we have decided, in accordance with a very general wiBh expressed to this purpose, to cali a convention at Ann Arbor, Oct. 14th and l.Oth, commeucing on Wednosday at 2 p. M. As the object of this convention is to arrange a County Union, and to attend to such business as the good of the cause may soem to demand, it is earnestly requested that every union in the county shall be as fully represented as possible. From those towns not having any organization, ladies interested in the Temperance cause will be cordially welcomed. The delegates will please answer by postal card, so that they may be assigned to places of entertainment, and report themselves immediately on their arrival to the Committee ot Arrangements, who will be in attendanca at the parlors of the Gregory House. By order of Executive Com. of the W. T. U., Mrs. H. M. EEED, President. Mrs. Geoeqe Dufiteld, Cor. Secy. Ann Arbor, Sept. 28, 187-t. Pioneer Society. ïhe Washtenaw County Pioneer Society will raeet in this city on Wednesday, October 7tli, 1874, iu the Court House, at 10 o'clock a. m. C. A. CHAPÍN, Ree. Secretaiy. Every Person, Man, wonian, boy, or girl, should sond at once for jne of the Excelsior Statiouury Packets, conUining iote Paper, Envelopes, Pen Kolder, Pencils, Pens, ïlank Book. Blotter, Photographs of 100 bcautiful jadíes, Tooth Picks, Perfume Sachet, Chinese Puzzle, and a fine piece of Ladies' or Gents' Jewelry. Try a Pack age. Price, post pald, 50 cents, or 3 lor Si. Sisenta wanted. Address, J. CAKTY 1ÏÜRR0W, 319 Harmony St., Philadelphifl, Pa. ■ -■■- - ■ uw - aPt? The only place to purchase goods clieap for cash, is at the Ann Arbor Trading Associalion, wliere hcy are selling all kiuds of Dry Goods chcap - to close out their Sunimev stocR. 1485tf Ü. "V. IIAYS, Supt. Centaur Linlments . Have cured more wouderlui cuoso: 'fts rheuma,tism, achep, pains, swellings JtJ íroat-bites, caked breasta, burns gJöf A jf sculde, salt-rheum, &c., upon the %JuBg human frame, and Btrains, spa vin BCg- galls, &c, uopn animáis, in one year )PÍYPOÍ than all other pretended remedies have aince the world began. Certificates of remarkable curee accompany each bottle, and will be sent gratis to any one. There ia no pain which these Linimento will not relieve, no ewelling they will not subdue or lameness they will not cure. Thia is strong lan g-uage, but it is true. No family or stock-owner cm afford to be without Centaur Liniments. "White Wrapper for family use; the Yellow "Wrapper f o animáis. Price, 60 ets. ; large bottleSj $1.00. J. B Robe & Co. 53 Broadway, New York. Custoria. is more than a substítute for Casto Oil. It is the only sae article in existence whieh i certa in to regúlate the bowels, cure wind-eolic ant produce natural sleep. It is pleasant to take. No more nleeplenH mothers or crying bubies. Price ' ets. per bottle. 1-lSlyl


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