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txc &vtvtwmmt$. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY, OCT. 12th, '74. FRArtK VlACEVOY'üS NEW HIBERNICON Irish Comedy AND SPECIALTY COMPAfoY, Entire Change of Programme. New Companr, New Scenery, New Play, New Acts, , New Songs, and w Dances. Tlio íavorite Irish Comedian Robert Byrne. Our original " Barney the Guide." Dan IN'usli. Irish Comedian, Vocalist and Speoialty Artist, Emile Ames, The celehrated Delineator of Germán and Ethiopian chtiractera. The O'Donohue, In his Irish Songs, Dances, and wonderful Sbillalah Act. Miss Kate Reiiley, , The favorite Soprano. Miss Mary McCrea, The popular Contralto. Miss Ka ti', Byrnes, Late of the Dublin Theatres. Prof. Henry Moeslin, Musical Direotor Priees,- Parqnette, 50 et, (iallery, ...35 et. Cliildrcn, 25 ets. 14J9wl F. C. GAKLICK, Agent. DEPOBT of the condition of tiie First National Bank of Ann Ar nor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business on the 2d day of Oetober, 1874. RESOURCES. Loana and Discounts, ... 8225,304.60 üverdrafts, - 334.87 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation, - 150,000.00 Other stock, bonds and mort gages, - 16,600.00 Due from approved Reserve Ageuts, - 12,826.57 l)ue fromother National Banks, - 24,030.72 Due from State Banks and Bankers, 11,810.23 Banking House, - - 16,195.00 Furuiture and fixtures, - - 8,095.00 19,290.00 Curren t expenses, - 1,519.40 Checks and other cash items, - - 730.80 Billa of other National Banks, - 3,350.00 PractloBtü currency (includiug nickels), 1,000.86 Legal tender notes, - 37,107.00 Five per cent. Redemption fund, 6,750.00 1010,654.60 LIABIXITIES. Capital stock paid in, - 8150,000.00 Surplus fund, - ;í0,000.00 Other undivided profits, - - 22,402.78 Cirtulating notes received from Coniptroller, - - 135,000.00 Less ainount on hand and with Conipi roller for burning, - 1,500.00 133,500.00 Dividfiids anpald, - 126.00 Due Depoertora, - 174,605.82 $510,654.60 I, JohnsoD W. Knight, Cashier af the First National Bankof Ann Arbor, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of mv knowledge and belief. J. W. KNIGHt, Cashier. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw,- Sworn to and mibscribed before me, this eighth day of October, 1874. W. A. Tolchard Notary Public. Correct- Attest, E. WELLS, ") PHILIP BACH, }- Directora. C.H.MILLEN, J Estáte of Gottfrey Miller. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenawss. u At a eeKsion of the Probute Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the seventh day of October, in the year one thousand rfight hundred and seveuty-four. Present, Noah "W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the eBtate of Gottfrey Miller, deceasud. Leonhard Crruner, Administrator, of said estáte, comea into eourt and representa that he is now prepared to render hia final account as such Adminictrator. Thereupon ït ia ordered, that Wednesday, the fourth day of November next, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, be assigned for examining and allowmg such account, and that the heiro at law of said deOeaaed und all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, it any there be, wny the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said Administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the heann? thereof , by eanurog a copy of this order to be publishfHl in tha MicUgan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatiuK in said county, three successive weeks pi-evious to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) XOAH W. CHEEVER, UW Judge of Probate. pRIVATK INSTRLCTION IN Germán, Frcncli, etc, given by J. KOPELKE. late teacher of Modern Lfinguages at Lakcaide éeminnry, Oconomowoc, Wis. innuire at 47 Fourth St., Ann Arbor. 1798w2 l('It SAMi! Fifty-three aeree af choioe land, South of the City of Ann Ai bor, and within one mile and a quarter of the Court House. Eight hundred Peach trees in full hearing. Six hundred Apple troes and other choice truitR. A desirable place ; term easy. For further infurmation inguire of J. H. M0RRI8. Office in Gall'üBlock. H98tf. ry AKE NOTICE ! "Wool time and "after Harvest" both passed. I have had man y promiaes of payment at these times. 1 am now ready, if you are not. I ask you to make Íouraelf reody on short notice, if you are not ready, wiU take ritrht hold and help you. The pay I must liave. My creditors demand it. Putting it off on account of low prices of produce, dont pay my debts. Yours. 14Dm3. M, ROGERS. CURE YOURSELF A HOME. Valuable City Lots forsale Cheap, an,4 loog time given for payinent if desired. 1475m3 . H. MILLEN. A - 'i i ___jBÍCJLJUB The PEOPLES' DRÏÏGSTORE Sö -- So -, . I r- H OLD STAND OF R. W. Ellis & Co., Drugs and Liquons of dioico selection. Dye RtufFs, Pnints, Oils and Bruöhes of all kinds. Large assortment oí Toilet Goods and superior Terfumeries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS a Bpecitilty, of Tieraann's, Kolbe's, and Ford's manufacture. p jr, i o e s low. Prescriptionn put p by men of experience at nll honra of the day or night. No 2 Main St., Ann Aeboh. HALE & TREMAIN. LI'IH M KIlUCAi, MERCHAST TAILORS. Our stock of iine Woolens, for Fallaiul Winter wear, s now9pmplete,eomprlsli)gone of the largest and strictly importert Jines ever befare laid on the counter of any merchanttailoriiietal)]i$liment in the State A fnll line of everj thing in line wiil be found at our house. G entlemen about to replenish their warflrobc will consult THEIR OWN INTEREST by examining Our Stock before buying elsewhere. 128 JEFFERSON AVE., 1499m3 Detroit, Mich. 1874. 1874. FOR FALL AND WINTER iiEISS GOODS - 00 Ï0 THE - FARMERS' STORE! We are now showing the lsrgest stock of Dry Goods Ever brouglit to this city. "Which wore bought ftt PANIC PEICES' AnJ will bo sold at Panic Prices FOE CA_SH Don't fiiil lo CAL AND8BBPRU No. 18 South Maiu Sr. Ans .Arbob. G. W. HAYS, Supt.


Old News
Michigan Argus