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Johnson's New Universal Cyclopedia

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The first volume of the above work has been laid upon our table. After a caref ui examination of it, we take pleasure in saying that it is the most compast, coucise, and complete work of the kind that we have ever examined. We have not space to enumérate its many advan-tagea, but we cannot refrain f rom mentioning some of its great merits. The original suggestion of this truly great and national work is due to the late Horace Greeley, LL. D., who with many others, had long feit the need of such a work. Some of the crowning efforts and last literary productions of the zealous origina' tor and early advoeate of the. scheme, are conained iu this work. It is published by Messrs. A. J. Johneon & Son, of New York, and edited y twenty-six of the ablest men in our country, headed by Fred. A. P. Barnard, S. T. D., LL. D., 4. N. A. S., President of Columbia College, and Arnold Guyot, Ph. D., LL. D., M. N. A. 8., Colege of New Jersey. In addition to its distinjuished editora, a large number of gentlemen f emiuence in every department of letters and nd science, both in this country and in Europe , ïave coutributed articles in the various depart ments of learning, and more than four hundred nd fifty gentlemen connectad with the press ïave contributed to this volume, information of ïeir respective cities, towns, and villages. AU f the more important articles are signed by ïeir authors, thereby making thera authoiities. 'his feature in itself will commend it to the eople. In its Biographical Department it is uperior to any work of its kind, especially in American Biography. The Geographical articles, by Guyot and others equally prominent are numerous and explicit, and are all that could be desired. Of the department of Law it is sufficient to say that it is in the hands of the veteran L. D. Wolsey, S. T. D., LL. D., ExPresident of Yale College, and T. W. Dwight, LL. D., Commissioner of the Court of Appealsj N Y. The departments of medicine, chemistry, the fine arts, &c. are each in the hands of the ablest men in the respective departments .'he articles are condensed as much as is comatible with accuracy and completeness. It will be completed in three volumes thereby making it convenient as a table book for reference. This work is sold only by subecription, and Mr. C. L. Martin, the agent, is now canvassing the city and may be found at his rooms in Cook's Hotel. Below will be found testimoniáis from some of our citizeus. We are pleased to note the fact that two of our Professors, Eugene W. Hilgard' Ph. D., M. N. A. S., and Jas. C. Watson, Ph. D.' M. N. A. S., are among the contributora : Univeesity of Michigan, Oot. 10, 1S74. I have examined the flrst volume of Johnson's Cyclopedia. The plan is happily conceived, and the execution of the plan is excellent, The Geographical, Biographical, and Scientific articles seem to' me especially well done. The writers of the important articles in scientific topics will be recognized everywhere as authoritios in their respective fields. JAMES B. ANGELL. UnIVKBSITY OF MICHIGAN, Sept. 24, 1874. I have taken time to carefuliy examine Johnson's new Illustrated Universal Encyclopedia and feel justified m expressing my f uil approval both of the plan and execution of the work. I feel sure it will meet a réal want which has been feit by the public, and must become the most popular of all the Cyclopedias. There is a large amount of valuable Information judiciously condensed in the articles, especially the scientific articles, where the business man, the farmer, and the college student in his early career, will find much that he needs to know without wading through large treatises, and he may be sure that his information is accurate. Were a young man of limited means to ask me which Encyclopedia he 6hould procure, I should certainly recommeud this in preference to Chambers, or even the American. 1 certainly prefer the scientific articles I have looked over in Johnson's to those in the American. BENJ. F. COCKEB. Ann Aeboe, Sept. 24, 1874. I have devoted the greater part of an evening to an exammation of Johnson's Cyclopedia, and I have no hesitation in saying, as the result ot this examination, that, in my opinión, as a work of reference, it is superior to any other work with which I am acquainted. For the purposes of a student, I cannot see how a work could be more convenient or more valuable. It contains a greater variety of information than the larger Cyclopedias, and for this reason it is likely for ordinary purposes to be quite as valuable. C. K. ADAMS, Professor of History. Ank Aeboe, Sept. 24, 1864. I have examined with considerable care the first volume of Johnson's Cyclopedia. I have no hesitation in saying that the charaoter of its special contributors is as high as the most critical person could possibly desire. I note particularly the fact that articles are designated by the names of their authors - an unusual and pleasaut circumstance. I also like the lengthy but condensed articles on the more important topics, after noting with brief and pointed mention of less valuable items. In short, I like the plan of execution of the work very much indeed, and can and do heartily commend it to any iriend of mine. SAMUEL W. DUFFIELD, Pastor lst Presbyterian Church. Alpha Xc Hall, Univeksitt of Michioak, 1 OCTOBEE 2, 1874. ƒ Whereas, It has pleased a mysterious Providence to remove by death our beloved brother, James C. Campbell : Besolved, That we, as a society, deeply deplore the loss of our fnend and fellow-member, whom we had learned to love for his manly character and earnest Christian life. Besolved, That we extend our siacerest sympathy to his relatives and friends, assuriug them that their sorrow is also ours. Besolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to his parents, and that they be inserted in the Ypsilanti Commercial, Ann Arbor paperB, and the University Chronicle. CHABLES H. ALDBICH, ) HENBY H. HAHN, Com. GEUBGE BABNES, ) The Saginaw River saw-mills are sbutting down for the season. All friandt oí tempéranos whohad the pleasure of listening the Misa Hindman's eameat words, laat Monday evening, must have been cheered and strengthened in the good cause. Sho showed the falsity of the oft repeated assertion, " that man must have stimulanta of aome sort," and expreased surprise at the apathy ot the world in regard to the havoc made by intemperanoe. If only the Hvea of a few persons are endangered from any other cause, men leave their business and women their homes to devise means for their rescue ; but alcohol is destroying its millions in all lands and we heed it not. The speaker presen ted f acts and figures showing that taxing liquor-dealers in order to take care of the drunkards they make, is, at least, poor economy. Intemperance, she considered as a disease, and the victima incapable of self-care so long as the temptation is daily before their eyes. She exhortad woman to persevere in the good work she had begun, believing that she would be guided in all truth. M. S. P. Seeious Accident. - John Hartbeck, of Sharon, drove to thia village yesterday morning to do some trading, and on his return home, while passing the residsnce of John Shaffer, a dog ran out and the horses became frightened, throwing the old gentleman from his carriaEe producing concuasion of the brain and dislocating the right shoulder. He was carried into the residence of Mr. Shaffer, and Dr. Munger dressed his wounds. - Manchester Enterprise.. John Greusel, of Detroit, reoently burned a kiln of briok which contained 1,250,000, said to be the largest ever jurned in the State.


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