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TIEE INSUEANOE. FRAZER, HAItRIMAX & HAMILTOX'S OFFICE OVER SAVINGS BANK, Aun Arbor, Michigan. We can now carry f uil line in SAFE and TRUSTWOKTHY Companies. and our r:itea are reasonable. We ure now carrying the best business risks in the city. We invite the Public fo examine our Registtrs and lor themselves of the kind ol business we are doing. We make a specialty of Dwelling House Insurance, and can give low rates, and good indemnity Wa represent the following wellknown Com. panies : The Westchester, . Organized 1837, Assets, $055,000.00, Jan. Ut 1874. The Allemannla, of Piltsburgh, Pa. Assets $472,000.00, Jan. Ist 1674. The Lancaster, ol Lancasier. Pa. Organized 1838. Assets $337,000.00, Jan. Ist 1874. The Michigan State, of Adriau, Onfauized 1859, Assets $304,000.00, Jan. lat, 1874. The National Fire Ins. Co. of PhlI. Assets 1567,000.00, Jan. lst, 1874. Penu Fire Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, Asseti $413,020.58, Jan. lst, 1874. The Watertown Fire Insurance Company, of Watertown, N. Y. Assets $556,000.00, Jan. lat, 1874. The Watertown was organized in Dea, 1867, since which time its premium receipts and losses llave been es tullows to wit : Premium Iteceipts, Losses. Jan. 1,1868, y% month - . $1,204 28 " 1868 .... 29,833 4S $1,856 00 " 1870 .... 45,642 69 5,'97 42 " 1871 .... 66,605 16 19,314 61 " 1872 .... 141,417 03 81,115 07 " 1873 . . . 214,9fio 19 63,169 65 " 1814 - - - - S52,58 01 105,296 0J Cnah premium reoeived in 9 yeara - $740,695 89 Loaaea in 6 yeara .... 220,946 39 Actual losses less than 30 per cent of premium receipts. Excuss of premiuum receiptE over loss.. .... .$519,649 50 IN0REA8K OF ABniilS. Jan. 1, 1868, iisaets witb 1100,000 capital.. ♦101,354 31 Do. 186a, do 182,684 6(1 Do. 1870, do. - - - 148,431 47 1)0. 1871, do. - - . . 158,893 8 Do. 187,!, do. 338,6 '8 13 lJO. 1873 do. . . . 441,500 54 Do. 1874. do. Í56.849 54 This shows a steady average gain in assets of over 7."v OU each year. Official statement of groas assets and llabilitie Jan. 1,1874. to wit: rosa oöiciully admitted assets - - f656,849 90 Otflciully calculated li.ibüities, including reinguraucefund - 217,104 61 Sui plus ai to polioy holden - - $340,746 29 If this record is evidence of bad management, safety and protit to policy and stoekholder would wish that otber companies had a little of it. The policy and practice of this company have been steadily 10 incieane its flnancial sohdity, by wliich juotly tocommaiul the confldence of the public. To this end all uuiplus premium receipts have buen retiimed, allowing the stockholders only legal interest on the assets. The interest on i.a invcsted fnnds puys all dividend, leaving all surplus premiums for the additional security of the policy-holders. AH we aak is that the people shall investígate for themselves, and we do not fuar the result. FRAZER, HAKRIMAÍÍ & HAMILTOX, Office over tbe Savlniia Ilunk, 1476m6 Ann Arbor, Mich. aadJRE YOÜHSELF A HOME. Valuable City Lot f oraal Cheap, and long tim. tiTn for D7Kt li Wr4. Hitmi q. H. MILL1N. -A. IP IPIL. ET O HST 'S American Cyclopasflia. New Kevised Edillon. Entirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every subject. Printed f rom new type, ond illustruted with Several Thousund Engravinge and Mapa. The work originally published nnder the title oí The New Amebican Cyclopjidia was compleled m 1803, nuce wlnch time the wide circulación hich it Has atiaiued in all partí oí the Uulled States, and the sitfnal developmenu which have taken place in every bramh uf science, literature, and urt, have induced the ediiors nud publiebers to submit it to an exact andthorouh revisión, and to issue a new editiuu entitled The .ieiicak CyoloIEdia. ithin the last ten yeara the prugresn of discuvery m every depaitinent oí kuowledge has made a new work ofreíerence an imperative want. 'Ihe movement of política] affairs ha kept pace with the discoveries ot scienct, and their fruitf ul Hpplication to Ihe industrial and usetul arts and the i ouvemence and reflnement of social life. Great wure and consequent revolutions have occurred involvinunationalchanges ot peculiar moment The civil war of our own counti y, which was at its height wben the last volume of the oíd work ppeared has happily been ended, and a new course of commercial nou industrial aciivity has been commenced Larjp accesBions to our geographical knowledge have been mude by the indetatiguble exploréis of The great political revolutioDs of the lant decade with thu natural result of Ihe lapse of time have bfought into public view a muhitude of new 'men whoso Dames are in every one's mouth, und of whose' ïves every one is curious to knuw the particular Gieat battles have been fougbt and important sieiee maintained, of which thedetails are as yet preserved only in the newswipers or in the tranient publicaïons of the day, but which ought now to take their place in permanent and authentichistory. Inpreparins; the presout edition lorthepref it ouuuruiiiuiy Deen the aim of the edite r to bring down the Information to the latest possible dates, and to fu-msh an accurate account ot the mostrecent discovene in scieuce, of ever) fresh production in literature, and of the newest invention in the practic! art, as well as to give a succinot and original record of the progrese oi politica! and historical events preliminar? labor, and with the most ampie resources lor carrymg it on to a successful terniiuation None of the original stereotype platen have been used, but every page has been printed on nrwtjpe tormini; in fact a new Oyclopeedia, with the me' plan and oom?ass as its predecessor, but with a far greater pecuniary espenditure, and with such lmprovements in its composition as have been suggested y'r?n?nr exPelie"ce an i enlarged knowlcdEe. ineiUustrationswhichare introduced for the flrst time in the present edition have been added not for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the explanations in the text. They embrace all branches 01 science and natura) history and depict the most famous andremarkable features ol acenery, architecture, and art, as well as the various processes of mechantes and manufactures. Although intended tor ins-.ruction rather than embellishment, no pains have been spared to insure their wtictic excellence ; the cost of their execution is enormous, and it is believed they will flnd a welcome reception as an admirable feature of the Cyclopwdia and worthy of its high character. 3""Pai, work is sold to Subscribers only, pavab'e on dehvery of each volume. It will be rompléted in sixteen large octavo volumes, each contamine about 800 Mges, fully iilustrated with several thousand Wood ngravings, and with numeromcolored Lithographic Prlce and Style of Bindmtr. In extra Cloth, per voi. 5 oo ïi t ÏJ Leather, per Tol. 6 00 in Half 1 urkey Morocco, per vol. 7 W) ïn i.'",1,' ?USBia' extni Kt, per vol. 8 00 y Í ,, "oroco. nntique, gilt edges, per vol. 10 00 In Pull Rumia, per yol. i(, no Four volumeB now ready. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued once in two mouths. Specimen pages of the Amkbicak Cyclopjídia howing type, ïllustratious, etc., will be sent gratis n apphcution. Fibbt-Class Canvassinu Aoestb AVastid. Address the Publishers, 1. APPI.ETO & CO., 649 & 551 Broadwar, j. V. FurnaceS RANGES & STOVES, For Wood, Hard and Soft Coal. With ttae latest improvements. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, &e. stimates for Heating and Vcntilating Promptly tuinished. Bliss & OTalls 82 Lake 8t., Chicago, In. (8end for Circulara.) 1496m3 ?Oll SALE! Fifty-three acres of choice land, South of the !)ity of Aun Albor, and within one mile and aquarít of the Court House. Eiht hundred Pench treei n full beuring, fcix hundred Apple trees and other hoice lruitt. A deiirable place ttrm aiy. For furthr ioforOflie. tu Qm: Biok. - MOf$5:


Old News
Michigan Argus