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Mortgage Sale. D1PeI;T h'1Ti(ns benJm1 " oondltion. of V a certain mortgag, datd tb twuty.flmt day rit .T?íí "ï ohanna Kentdy Li. mfe, of the ati. if m rl cSunty of ltiiBW. and Stut of Mushigan, to Thoma. J. Hoskin. óf the urne i place .and recordad in th. office ot the Regí.ter oí Deed., lor the eouuty of Washtenaw lui atate of Michigan, on the twenty-wcond dav o A?u.t A. U. 1872, at oine o'clook and twnntv minute, ... „.. to Uber U of JJ " 3-0. whioh said mortgnge wu on the twecty-uiufh (iny ol AuBu, A. D, 1874. duly awijmed by Thoma. J. H0.IU11. to Richard Bcahan, which aiigSmeS" wa. recorded in the ltegi.ter'i office of .aid cuunly of Washtenaw, on the twentyninth aay o Auirunt A. D. 1874, at ten o'ciook a. m., in Uber 4, asaiittjmenta of mortgacea, on puge 377, and wherea theie l now due and unpnid at the date of this notioe the urn ot Uty-one dollar f8:.00j, and no snit or proceedmg at law or iu equity ha been iusUtuted torecover the same or any part thereof : Notice i. hereby given that on Baturday, the tif ,h day of December, A. D. 1874, at. eleven o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, at the front door (Miuth aide) of the Court House, iu the city of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, by virtué of the power of ale contslned in aiá mortgae, I wiU sell at pubho auction, to the taigheat bidder, the premiae described in aid morlgoge, or .o much tbereot as may be necewary to atinfy the amount due on said mortgage at the date of th'i notice, with interest, and costa and expense allowed by luw, and alsoan attorney fee ot twenty dollars aa provided in eaid mortgage ; the following i a dencription of thepremise as given in naid mortirHge aud to be sold pursuant to the above notice tó wit All that parcel ot land known and deocribed as the north tour rodi, in width off the aouth twelve rods in length of block four north, in rnng two eaat, in the ci' yi," vna Arbr. oouTityof Washtenaw, and Stat of Michigan, said land being bounded wont-rly by Allen s creek . and easterly by Becond treet. Dateil, deptember 3, 1874 K10HARD BEAHAN, 1494 A6ii{nee of Mortgagee. and Attj Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULT having been made in the oonditions of ■f a oertain mortgage (whereby the power conlarned therein to nell ha become operativej, exestited by " Allen H. Kisuon, 'lrualee tor the beuetit ui my cnildren,1 ol Saline, Wanhtenaw counly, Michigan to Comxtock ƒ. HiU, of Aid coun.y, and dated the nrstdayot April, une thousand tight huudied and scventy-one, and recorded in the office of the Itegiater ot Deeds of said Wakhtenaw county, ou the eventeeuth dayof April 1871, at 11:00 a. m., in hoer 46 of mortgages, on page 140, upon which mortKaciand the note accompauyingthe sume there i cluimtd to be due at the date of thu notice the um of seveuty-thrue dollm and ten wau (73.10) aleo an atlorney lee ol thirty dollars provided for in said murtitage. also there is to become due nn aid mortgage mui said note tht mm of oue thounand didlura with mierest at tlie rate ol ten per cent. per auni.m trom and after April first 1874, and no suit or iroceeciiugs at law or iu ohancery having been instituted to recover the same or any part thertof , Notire is theieloreherebygiven: thatonSatuiday the twentyewhthday of Nuvembei next, at eleven o olock ïu the forenoon, at the south door of the Couit Houe in the city of Ann Arbor, in said oounty (that beicg the place for holding the i ircuit Court for said countyj, I shall sell at public auction to the hithest bidder the pn mites described in said mortgate, or so mueh thereof as will be necessary to satisfy the demauds of said mortgage, together with ten percent, interest and all legal oosts and eipenses which siiid preñases are describea as iollow, to wit : All ot lols three, tour, flve, six, seven, eight, and seventeen, in sectiou üve of Allen H. Kisdon's addition to the village of saline, iu said county of Washtenaw and btate ot Michiean, containing four acre and ninetymne huudredths of an acre ot land more or les Dated, Ann Arbor, September 1, 1674. _ _ COM6Ï0CK F. HILL, D-C"m. Mortgage. Att'y tor Mortgagee. 1464 Estáte of Martin Wolpert. WJTATE OF MICHIGAN, county oí Waí J At a session of the Probate Court íor the county of Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate Office in the ei tv oí Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the flrst day of October, in the year one thousand eight hundrod and seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Martin Wolpert deceated. litorge Müler, Administrator of said' estate, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to render liis final account u euch Administrator. Thereupon it isordered, that Wedneday, the twenty-eiahth day of October instant, at ten o'clock in the assi(fned tor examiniuR and allowiug auch account, and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons iuterested in said estáte are required to appear at a session oí said Court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City oí Ann Arbor, in sairt County, and show cause, if any there be, why the aid account should not be ai lowed : And it is further ordered. that aid Admimstrator give notice to the persons inttrented in saiu. estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be publmhed in the Michigan Argüí, a newspaper printwl and in said Gounty, three auccessive weeks previous to aaid day of heariuR. (A true copy.) N0AH W. CHKEVER, 1498 Judga of Probate. Estáte of ü-ottfrey Miller. 4TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At u seesion of the Probate Court tor the oounty ot Washtenaw, holden at the Probute office in the cüy ol Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the seventh day ol October, ia the year one thousand eight hundred and seve _ty iour. ■"=i Pie.ent, Noah W. CheeTer, Judge ot Probate lu the matter of the estáte of Uottfrey Miller, deceawd. Leonhard Gruntr, Administrator, of said eatate, come into court and representa that he i now prepured to render his final account as iuch Administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the fourtn day of Nevember neit, at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, be aesigned for eïamininit and allowins sucli account, and that the heirs at law of aid do oeased and all other persons intereBted in said estate, are required to appear at a sessiou of said sourt, tijen to bu holden at the Probate office, in the iity of A"n Artior, in said county, and show cuse 'f "iy thtre be. why the said account houid not be illowed : And it is further ordered that said Adminstrator give notice to the persons interested in said jstate, ot the pendency of aid account, and the aearmir thereof, by causmg a copy of this order to De pubhshed in thi MiclUgan Argus, a newspuper printed and ciiculating in said county, three tueessive weeks previous to said dny of hearinir (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1419 Judge of Probats. Election JN'oliee. SHEBIFF'S OFFICE, Washtenaw Cocxty, 1 ANN Arbob, August 31, 1874. ƒ To the Ekctors of Uit County of WashUnaw: You are hereby notified that at the next General election, to bo held ou the Tuesday succeeding the nrst Mondav of November the State of Michigan, the following officers are to be elected viz ■ A Oovernor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State Auditor CJeneral, State ïreasurer, Commissioner of the fetate Laud Ofiice, Attoruey General, Superintendent of Public Iustruction, a Member of the State Board of Education in place of David P .Mayhew who was appoiuted to fllf the vaeauey caused by the' death of Daniel E. Brown, whose term of office wil] expire December 31st, 1874; aiso a Representatie in Congress for the Seeond Congressional District of this State to which Washtenaw County is attached ; lso a Senator in the State Legislature for the Kourth Senatorial District cousisting of Washtenaw County as provided by Act No. 128 of the Session Laws óf 18(1; alaothree Representativas in the State Legislature, agreeable to the provisions of Act No. 146 of the Sesslun Laws of 1871. Also the following county officers : one Sheriff, one County Clerk, oiie County Treaaurer, ooe Kegister of Deeds, one Prosecuting Attorney, two Circuit Court Commisaiouers, two Coroners, and one County Surveyor. ' You are also hereby notified tliat at said General Election, the following amendraents to the Constitutiou of this State are to be subiuitted to the people of the State tor their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the requirements of the Coustitution, and the resolutions of the Legislature subraitting them, viz An Amendnit-ut relative to the qualifications of Electora," to be substituted, in case of adoption for so much of Section 1 of Article VII. as precedes' the proviso therein, in the present Constitution of this state, as it now stands, and substituted for Section 1 of Artitle VII. in the amcnded Constitution if the latter is adopted, as provided by Joint Resolution Ivo 2, of the Session Laws of the Extra Session of 1874. Also, the "AmendmenU to the Constitution of the State of Michigan," which are to stand, in case of adoption, as Ihe Constitution of the State of ' pan, and to supersede each and every other '' ísting provisión oí the Constitution of the State of ' of Mionigan, as provided by Joint Resolution Na 4 ' said Sessiou Laws of 1874 t MICHAEL FLEMING. Sheriff. ' CLOTHING! CLOTHING! CLOTHING ! The Spring Cttmpaigii 0PE1D IN EARNEST. , BULL, THE CLOTHIER, Has just arrived and opened the great One-Prico CLOTHING HOUSE. IN MARTIN 'S BLOCK. i Whcre you can now ftnd the Laigest, Finet and i most Complete Stock of i : READMV1ADE CLOTHIM HATS, CAPS, THL'NKS, AND Gent FurnisJiing Groods, Evory before offered in A n Aubor. No trouble to annw Goods at th Sfar Clotti iniï House, No. 33 duuth Muin öt., East iide And Arbor, ilioh. GEOBGE BÜLL. U78tf - ü Mortgage Sale. rjEFAULT having bn made in the xmñM Lf a ceitam mortRage (whereby the p"„ n'oí p id mortge ha become operatief êï„ Vj 'Allen H. Kisdon, Trustee, lor the ben7t bI ohildton ■' oi Waghtenaw county, State ot SÍJ' a to illïa M. Kerr, ol Buflaio. in the Btat? 'I"0' York, which mortBsge i9 dated the tmw Sew dny of Maroh, A. D. .872, and ncorded in thi?"1' te. oftce pi the county of Wa.hteaaW , " twentywxlb day oi Maiuh, 1612, at 1:20 p ,,, 4 ol muitgugfB, ou page 760, u,d th. re bi" 'd be' to be due andunpaiü on snid mortfraïe and tl, "lei1 aocompanyirg the me the eum oi flve hundr%no" twenty-cme dollars and sixty-.ix conts Of Mu? ?" the urn of thiee hundred dolían, with in'Sl t1 the vate of ten per cent irom the twenty-j?i " oi March, A. D. 1874, whlohha becomj dne bv Í ia' ol lald defuuli, „„d the electlon of .aid moit!, " making th wholesum due on Baid inoSgáí"8. note at the date of this notice to be eisTfi.'"11 and thirty-four dolían and ixty-iix ,, f' attorneyM tee of tlurty dollars ptovidf'd t's said murtK„Ep, and no proceedi) g at law 01 Si cl " cery havms been mstitiitefi to recover the i. jny pait tliereof : f, ut.ce is thereforr hcreb ï? ' that on Saturday, the twuty-eighth day S vf ITMli bernext. at eleven o'ctek 'in the Ciron „, ' day, at ihesomh dooi „f the Court Hou 1? city of Ann Albor (tLat bng the place for'löw ' the Oircoit Court for Bnid county of Washtena" "f will eell at public micliou to the hichest bmZK1 premire deicribed in said morlgé f or k Vh'v thereof ab ,hM be DecesMry to Sa?itly ,Zi wi(h mleiest, costa and expcuei, which r,,Z ? ' aredescribMiasfollOTS towit: All ot lot ñ S" .even in syction four of Allen H. KMor 8 „d f" to the Tillage of auline. ifl the cumv of V, w" naw and State of Michigan. ' 'W:t. Uated, Ann Arbor, ei'temher 1 1874 D.cRi„Ku, M!lltn Atfy for llortgagce. 494 mon8af. Mortgage Sale. WHEREASdefault bas been made tn the cotrfL 1 ir'Oï' ?i ?erlaiD worteage made aud exeX by Llijah W. Morgan and Luey VI. S. Morran li wife, to S.laa H. Dougla.,,, baring date tbe iourtaS dayol _ iobruary, mille year 1B72, aud recorded , the office 01 the Register of Dteds a atd o ■ . county of Washtenaw, in the State of MiclV," 'ï' thesixteemhday of February, in the y.-ar 1ST2 Líber 46 of Mortgagws, ou page 256, by wl.ich i' the power ol sale MAtained in said mortgaire hu f come opetative, auü tbere is claimtd to bé due ,t unpaid on said ntórtgage at the date of this nol , tbe sum ol two tbousaud and sixtyniix dolían Ti lorty-seven cents, aud no suit or proctediue at ].. has beon institutid to recover tbe satne or an? iI thereof : Notlce istherelore bereby given tl at I' MOKOAT, THE SEOOND DAT OF KoVElIBÜR Nvtt , ten o'cloek iu the forenoon, by virtue of the power said inortgage coutaim d, said raortgnaa wiil be fi,ï closed by a bale of the mortgagtd prtmise or ÍZ part ol them, at public vendue to the higbeet bidZ at the soutb door of tbe Court House in the city „i Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, (that hein. tbe place wbere the Circuit Court for said countv ! held, ; said mortmeed premlsei are describid as a lows, to wit: All those païcels ot land !yli,K „ f city of Aun Arbor iu said couuty of Wubtenm inJ atate oi Miehigau, knowu and deseribed as Elüflr1 k fourteen, flftetín, sevénteen (except lot one; } bloek twenty, in Ormsby 4 Page's addition ; ai'dZ all the laud Ij ing between the center of the rim Uuron and the Sinclair mili race below the dam Z above tbe Woolen Factory, said block fourteen , tending northiily above the dam and easterly to il.' center of tbe river, aud iu,:luding the share of f dam and water power appuiteuaut to tbe riaiit knk or weaterly bank, of said river at said dam, ith ,ii the pnvil.ges and appurteuaaees. Dated, August tilb, 174. A Feloh SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Attorne'yjbr Mortgagee. 1490td ""i" Mortgage Sale. rEFAUl,T having occurred in the conditionof JL ceita.n moitguge, dated the sixteinth dT „ Iiovember, m the ytiir one thoueand eight l.uidiid and sixty-eight. execuled by Samuel M. Bui back and Amanda Burbank, his wife, ol the townehin i .'1?,A;or lnthe cuul'y of Washlenaw and Sï,t ol Michigan, to Jnuie, W. Hincl.ey. ol the toM,bit ï i,ut?"m m the Pu"? oi Livugston and bi.'ï of Michigan, and lecoided in the ottce ot thel. sterot Dtedscl said countyol Washtenaw on il. eveuteenth day oí ïvovimler, in the yenr onetl.oi. and eight hundred and aixiy-eight, in liter tbivt;nine ol mortgages, on pase tlnee hULdred Md eighty-thrce tlieieuf. on wliich mortg(e tbeie laimed to be duc, at the date oí tliië notice IL, ium ot one tliousand one huudred and ninetctudol ara and sixty e. nts, and the power ol sule colIbídcJ n said morigage huving Ui,, uit uperative bi tem ot such deiault, and no uil or pioceedings at li ving btun niBtituted to recover the debl rtmaiciin secured by said mortgage or any part thereol ■ K ticei thereloie hircby niven, thiit by virtue ol ih. power ot sule in said mortgage contained, and ot 11 statute ïu öuch cases made and provided the sid mortgage will be toreclosed by a sale of the mort?aged premises in said mortgage, d sciibid a wit: AU tliat cettain picce or paicel of land sttui.tedin the lowuship oí Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, knuwu nd desenhed ns follows, to wit : Beine a part f the southwest quarter ui tulion thirty in towiiBhijj to olranp 813C east, beginiiing at a point in the quarter line in the centil ol the road leadme outhwesterlv from the city of Aun Albor ; tlience eouth aloiig ihe quarter line of said section twenty-tbree chniui and lorty-fuui links to the quarler ijost; thpnee ieI along the section line ight cliuins and eighty-sevfn links; tbence north pnrallel with the quarttr line twenty ouechains and eeventy links to the cenlfrof said road ; tlience aiong snid road to tlie place oí begim,ing, eontaining twenfy ncrs of Iimd, or so much thereof na st.all be necessary to ëatisly the umount due on said mortcnee with ten per cent interest thereon aud legiil cosls and au attoraey tti 3t nfty dollars coTetianted for therein, at the conth loor of the Court House in the city of Ann Añm, in said countyol Wuihtenaw, that being the piafe Jf holding the Circuit Court lor aaid county, on rHUKsDAY, the fifth daï of November kext, at )neo'clock in the alternoon of snid dny : thnt sid ■ale will be made subject to the payment of tbe leveral installments ol prinripil nnd interest ecured )y and vet to become due on taid mortenee. Dated, July ;8, 174. " T „ JAJIBS W. HINCHET, I. H. Hahmon, ilortüiKe. Atty. lor íMoitíraírpe, 14Hutd llortgage Sale. DEFAULT baring been inar'e in the conditions of ii certam mortguge executed by Solon Cock to Lewitt Cto secure the pnce of lands tuerein deci ibed ) , on tlie fitst day ot il ay, a. n lihl, andrecorderl in tl, e office o Begister ot Deed lor the county of VVashtenaw and btule oí Michigan, on the acventh duy of May, a d. 186; a Liber 86 of Morttoges, ou pnge 491 ; and duly assigned by said Aaelaiae Ltwitt to bilas H. Douglu, uu üie 2oth day oí Apiil, 1S70, which aesignmenl in recoided in s.iid Hegister's othce in Liber 2 ol Asfigr,meins of ïlortgiigeo, on pnge 6(H, on suid 25th day o( April, 1870; uiidlurlher asoipued by taid H. Douglass to Irene Clark, uu the 4th "dn y of IJeimber a. D. 1873, whieh last aasignment was ïecordtd íl said Regiater's office ou said 24th day ot Decembtr, 1873, in Liber 4 of ssijüimcrits ot Mortjiiiges. on page 180: and wa by suiii Irene Clark to Oracge li. Young, on the 2 d duy ot J]rcL, 174 which last assignmem wns íitoidt-d in fid Kef iiier'a office on the ütli day of Apiil, 1874, iu LibetS of Mortguges, on J6S, by wliich deiault Ibe power ot sale contaiiud in said morlgiiHe hos beccme operntive, on which monguee tliere is cl.nmed to be due at the date of tina noiicr, tor principal. ínteiíít and msuiunce, and Attoiuey tte a piuMdcd lor in said mortgrte. the sura oí one thoubund eiglit Ijubdred dollar wid fitiy-tíve cents, and no suit or proceedlng at luw er in equity having betn instilutet Ie recuver the amount due ou saici morlgaiit or nny pnrt thereof: Now therelore notice is fiftrby glTpn tlft by virtue of the powa ol sale coniniñed in sid mortgage, I shnll stil at public auction at the eouth door of the C'ourt Houw in tl e city of Ann rborthat being the building in which he Ciicuit Courl for said couniy ot V asbtennw is held- on ïattbdat, ÏHK TWENTY-FOUKTH DAY OF OCTOBEl: NEXT, Mt ten o'clock in the toieuoon ot tl. at day, the following premises described in sukl mortguge, viz.: Alltlwe cettuiu tmet parcela of liiud sltuntid in thechr of Ann Arbor, in the couuty of 'Vaahlenaw ani State of Jlichiim, krmwn and describtd as the east three-föurtl.s of lot uumber six (6j, and the west half of lot number sevin(7;.in block one fl) nortb o( lange six (6) east, iiccording to ihe recorded plat of the villagH of Ann Arbor, m said county of Washtenaw, or mo much or sucli part or paris thert of as shfll! ae neeessury to satisfy the amount due upon siJ norlgage. Dated July 31, 1874. OKANOE B. TOUNO, As3i?ni. AJ. Sawteb, Atty. tor Assignee. H69td JVlortgage Sale. DEFATJLT having been made n the condiïion o( acertain mortgage (wherehy the power ot sale I became operutive in said mortgflge), executed by Samue] Burtle and Marión Borile his wií'e, oí Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, to Allen H. Hudon, oí the county and State aforesald, acd dateá the eiglith day of August A D 1870, and recorded in the KegieterB office, of the couniy of Washtenaw on the tenth da y of August, 18;0, at A o'clock p, M., in hber 44 and page 331, and duly assigned by aid Allen H. Itisdon to Norman B. Covert, of the'township of .Ann Arbor, the eecond day of Jauuary, 12. I which assienment was reoorded July tweniy-tirsti 1873, in liber 4 of axsignment of mortgages, on page 73, and there being clíiimod to be due on aaid mortItRfie and the note accumpanying the samo forty-one dollars anrl sixty-eiaht cent, and nlso four hundred and ten dolhirs, with interpat at the rate of tenpr ceut. perannum, from the date of August eighth, 1S74, whidi haabecdmedue by reason of Baid defaultanithe electionlof said morti?agee mnkinir the whole aum du on said mortgage and note lourhundred and flitynine dollars find twenty-one oenis at the dateoftbis notice, also au attorney f. e of thirly dolíais as provided tor in suid mortgage, and no pioceedings at luw or in chancery ha ving been insiituted to recover the same or any part therf of : Notice is therefore hereby (riven, that on ilondny, the eighteenth dar of Jauuary, .87ó, ntehven o'clock in the forenoon of eaid day, at the south door of the Court House, iB the city oí Ann Arbor (that being the place ot holding the Circuit Court for said county of Watihtenaw, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises dscribed ie s;iid mortgape, or 80 mueb thereof as shnll be neoeswry to stnipty said amoïint, with ínter st, cotta and expenses, which premisM are desci ibed as lollows. to wit : All of lot number ■ixteen, in number fiv, in Allon H. T?idon's addition to the villupe of Suliite, county of "W'nshtP" ni.w, and state of ilicliigan, accoiding to the reoorded plat thereof. üated, Anu Arbor, October 14. 1874. JNOHJIAN B. COVERT, 1600 Assignee of MortgageT.i...i,-.. c.i.. iïtorcgage ale. DEFAUIT huvini been mnde in the conditionsof certain morlgag-e Cwhttreby tlie power of sale m aaid mortgage has becorae operative) executed by Velevan iL. Doane und Fannie L. Doane, ei the city of I Arm Arbor, eounty of Wasbtenuw and ötate of Michigan, to Sarah G. Winner of Pennington, MerCRroounty, New Jersty which mortgagé is düted the twentieth day of April, A. D. 1871, and reorded in the otüoe of the Keijter of Deeda for snid couniy of Waahtenaw, on tlie twenty-fourtb dnj of April. A. D. (871 at -1:46 p. m., in liber 4b of mortggres, oo paare 00, and there beinpr claímed to be due and unpüid on said mortgiige aod tho note accompanyiog the earae at the date of this notice the snm of one thouaand eigbt hundred und nineteeu dollai-s and filty oent f$l 819 óoj, ulso ttn attorney'fi fee of tweiityflve dollarn as provided for in said niortgHge, and do proceediüge at luw or in equity baring been nwtt1 tnred to recover the sunue or any part thcreof : NO1 tice íb theretore herebyiven, tlmton Saturdafi tt sixteenth dny of Jjinuary, A D. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of snid day, at the souh door of the t ourt House, in the city of Arm Arbor, fthat being the place lor liolding the CiicuitConr fttr said county of Wnshtcnaw;, I ahall peil at public nuction t the highcat bidder, the prtmipesdescribed in said mortfrae, or so much thereof as f1" be necessary to saticfy snid itraonnt. with inferest, costs, and expenses allowed by law, which said preni iies üre described in s.iid mortgne as folluws: AU of the iollowing deat-ribed piece oí land: Commencina ut a poinL in the south line of Huron Street twelve rods u-est of the east line of flection thirty. In town nnmber two south, and range niiniber 5ix ?nst, in the couuty of Washtenuw nd State of Michgnn, running thence west on Huron etieet four ods, thence south eiiht rodi, thence enst fourrodi, henee north eiurlit rods to ihe place uf beginnini;. Duted, üctober 15, 1874. SARAH G. WINXEE, D. Cramkh, Mortgsgw Att'y for Üortgagea. 1600


Old News
Michigan Argus