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TO CAPITALISTS. Gity OF Ann Abboe, Mich., ) Novemuek 2, S : Sealed proposals will be received in ' anee of the lollowing resolutious of the 't mon Council of the city of Ann Arbor, adopted ' October 26, 1874 : Resolved, First. That is expedient to have contstructed in said city of Aun Arbor, works for the ' pose of supplying said city and the inhabitants '■ thereof with water, but that it is inexpedient for said city, under the power granted in its charter, to build such works. Secotid. That, as an inducement to the formation of a Company for the purpose of constructing and operating such works, this Council will, as soon as practicable after the passage hereof, advertise for and receive sealed proposals, each to be signed by at least five responsible bidders, for f urmshing said city with water for public or municipal purposes, for the period , or term of ten years, with the privilege to said city of an additional term of flfteen years, at a rate, or for a consideration, not exceeding five thcusand dollars per annum, in the marnier and on the terms and conditions more particularly specified in the next succeeding resolution. Third. That this Couneil, in bebalf of said city ' of Ann Arbor, undertakes and obligates itself to contract for the supply of water aforesaid, in the manner above and hereinafter specified and i vided, with the lowest bidders tor furnishing l such supply, by sealed proposals aforesaid, when ' and as soon as such bidders shu.ll have ] ted their organization as a Company for the j pose of supplying said city and the iuhabitants i thereof with water, agreeably to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of 1 gan, entitled " An act to authorize the formation j of companies for the introduction of water into towns, cities and villages in the State of ] gan," approyed April 3, 1869 : Provided that such ' company shall, on its part, obligate itself to build ' and complete in said city of Ann Arbor, within ' one year from the date of such contract, works of sufficient capacity to reasonably and properly supply said city and the inhabitants thereof with i water, and within the same period, to properly : and permanently lay down in said city at loaat ' fifty thousand feet of niain or supply pipe of sufticient strength and size to adequately and at , all times furnish water for fire duty and ■ tion in said city ; and to furnish, connect and ] permauently set in suitable and sufheieut ' cases, for the use of said city, sixty good and sufficient Ludlow fire hydrants, with two two-anda-half-iuch nozzles each, and six first-class " Center Street" hydrants, to be located by the authorities of said city reasonably near to main or suply pipe that shall have been laid by such company; and thereafter, at all times during the term or terms aforesaid, for the consideration, not exceeding five thousand dollars per annum, proposed and accepted in manner aforesaid, to fully and properly supply such hydrants with water for the use of said city, under a sufficieut head, pressure or power, by machinery or otherwise, for efficiënt, continued and adequate fire duty and protection in any and every part of said city, without the aid or use of a fire engine ; and further, at all times during the term or terms aforesaid, to maintain the aforesaid hydrants, and, upon the reasonable notificatiou of the authonties of said city, to preserve the same in good repair ; and further, from time to time, and at all times durmg the term or terms aforesaid, to permit said city without additional charge therefor, to make and maintain connection of all such other or additional fire hydrants as it may elect to provide at lts own cost, with the main or supply pipe of such company ; and at all times durmg the term or terms aforesaid to fully and properly supply, without additional charge to said city, all such other or additional hydrants, with water for fire duty or protection, in manner aforesaid ; and turther, of the main or supply pipe to be laid within one year from the date of such contract, in manner aforesaid, to lay at least two thousand and five hundred ffip.t Kouth of Libertv street, between Main and tate streets, in the First Ward of said city, two lousand and five hundred teet on Liberty and [uron streets, west of First street, in the Second ard of said city, three thousand feet, on Miller Lyenue and Spring street, in the Third Ward of lid city two thousand and five hundred feet orth of Ann street and east of Detroit street, in lie Fourth Ward of said city, one thousand feet a the Fith Ward of said city, and two thouand and five hundred feet east of State street, n the Sixth Ward of said city ; and further, rom time to time during the term or terms ioresaid, and the continuance of such company, .ccording to the growth and increase of said city, ,nd such coinpany receiving reasonable guarauee of a return of not less than ten per cent. per mnum on all necessary increase of expenditure ir investment, to enlarge the capacity of such Torks and the extent of such mam or supply jipe, so that said city and the inhabitants theref may at all times be properly and f ully supjlied with water for all municipal and domestic jurposes. Fourth. That, as a further inducement or en;ouragement to the formation of such company, ;his Council further undertakes and obligates itielf in behalf of said city of Ann Arbor, to grant by Ordinance, to such company, when duly oranized in manner atoresaid, all such right to the use of the streets, alleys and public grounds of said city, as shall be necessary to enable such company to properly construct, enlarge, extend and opérate the aforesaid works, subject ouly to such just and reasonable terms, restnctions and limitations, as are contemplated by the provisions of the aforesaid act ; and further, that this Council also undertakes and obligatee itself, in behalf of said city, as aforesaid, to exempt such company, by Ordinance aforesaid, at all times, from the imposition of any restriction in respect to rates or charges for water contemplated by section 15 of the aforesaid act, that would, if imposed, prevent such company from realizing an annual net income, gaiu or profit, over and above perating expenses, coat oí extensions sim rejairs and interest on money borrowed, if any, ■qual to fifteen per cent, on its capital stock , presented by the actual cost oí the construction, mlargement and extensión of such works, on jondition that such company shall contract with said city in the manner specified in the preceding resolutions, and shall, at all times, keep and perform all undertakings, covenants and conditions on its part to be kept or performed in pursuanceof of such contract. All proposals must be made on or before the flfteenth day of December next, and addressed to the Committee on Water Works, Ann Arbor, Mich. Sixty days will be allowed for organization of Company and completion of contract after notitication of acceptance of bid. Further information, if desired, will be f urnished by tho committee on application. H. J. Beakes, MOSES E0ÖEK3, W. D. Smith, Moses Seabolt, B. F. Gkanqeb, Committee. ÏTOTICE! I hereby give notie that I have been Suly nppointed Commis8ioner of DeedB tor the Btate of l'ennaylT'5ïïtoa. Nov. 4, 18U.btjgene K FRUEAIJFP. Office, Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. ÖÏCURE Y0UB8BLF A HOMK. Valuablo City Lots foreale Cheap, and long time givenforpaymentif de8ired. & millen_ riCHlttAH CETÍTKAL RAILKOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Passengertrainsnow leave the aeveral stations, a follows aoiKa wkm , o. v M M STATIONS. - H Í . .J_J__x_J_J_ll A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 10 00 2 00 4 10 S 40 10 00 Ypsilanti, 8 25 i 11 10 3 08 5 80 7 10 AnnArbor, 8 50 1186 3 27 5 60 7 45 1135 Dexter, 9 17 3 50 6 20 8 10 Chelsea, 9 35 4 10 8 30 örass Lake, 10 02 P. M. 4 41 9 00 Jackson, 10 3 12 35 5 10 9 35 1 00 P.M. A.M. Kalamazoo, 1 58 3 05 8 20 12 26 Ohicago arrive, 7 35 8 00 6 80, 8 00 OOINQ EA8T. I Ú b'.s i á -B' w 'S í S 2 S a h L n a 'S, hS a p p p3 a zi p i Ia. m.Ia. k.I p.m. p. m. Chicago, leave, 6 00 9 00! 5 15 9 00 P. M. A.M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 35 j 5 00 2 35 P. M. A. M. Jackson, 2 33 4 05 8 00 12 30 5 10 Grass Lake, 3 08 J - 3Ï - J Chelsea, 3 33 8 65 A. M. Dexter, 3 60 9 17 6 35 AnnArbor, 4 13 5 10 9 45 156 6 301 7 00 Ypsüanti, 4 35 6 21'10 I0: 2 15 6 501 7 26 Detroit, arrive, 5 55 30 11 20 S 30 8 OOI 8 4 The Atlantic and Pacific Eipreas run between JackBon and Niles on the Air Line. The Kalamazoo Accommodation runs eastdaily; west daily except Saturday. Datefl, May 24, 18T4. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAILEOAD. QOINO WE8T. -1874- aOISQ KABT. STATIONS. Mail. Exp. STATIONS. Exp. Mail. Detroit, dep... 7:0o' 6:4o' M# MYpsilanti.... 10:15 7:16 Bankers 7:00 2:30 Saline 10:46 7:43 Hillsdale 7:09 2:40 Bridgewater.. 11:03 8:00 Manchester.... 8:40 4:15 Manchester.. ..11:23 8:18 Bridgewater .. 8:58 4:35 P.M. Saline ....... 9:15 4:50 Hillsdale 1:05 9:52 Ypsilanti 9:45 5:20 Bankers 1:16 10:00 Detroit 11:20 6:30 Truins run by Chicago time. To take ettect Aug. 13, 1874 W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypaiianti. Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAQINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. velóse una rtíiittuie uunutrcuuu muue at ayue Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R. R. Three trains North and two South daily except 3unday. Time Card of Jone 23d, 1874. GOINO HOSTH. Wayne, leave 1.16 p. M. 6.05 p. m. 10.35 p. m. Holly, 2.55 " 7.25 " 12.57 A. M. Flint, 3.50 " 8.15 " 4.58 " East Saginaw, 5.15 " 9.32 " 6.25 ' 3aginaw City, 5.20 " 9.37 " 8.45 " BayCity, 5.55 " 10.10 " T.35 " BeedCity, 9.30 12.15 P. M. OOINO SOÜTH. Wayne, leave 3.00 p. M. 7.25 a. m. Monroe, 4.10 " 8.38 " Toledo, arr. 5.10 " 9.35 " SANFORD KEELER, Ass't Supt. J. P. Noubse, Gen'i Ticket Agent. A Representative and CHAMPION 0? AMERICAN ART TASTE! Prospectus for 1875- Eighth ïear. THE ALDINE THE ART JOURXAL OF AMERICA, Issued Monthly. 'A Mngnificent Conception wonderfully carried out." The necessity of a popular medium for the representiition of the productions of our great artista, has Uwayñ been recognized, and many attempts have been made to meet the want. The successive failures which so invariably followed each attempt in this country to establish an art journal, did not prove the indifference of the people of America to the claims of high art. So soon aa a proper appreciation af the want and an ability to meet it were ahown, the public at once lallied with enthusiasm to ite support, and the result was a great artistio and commercial triumph- THE ALDINE. THE ALDINE, whileissued with all the regularity, bas none of the temporary or timely interests cbaracteristic of ordinary penodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, aud graceful literature ; and a eollection of picturea, the rarest specimens of artistie skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number aífords a fresh pleasure to its friends, the real valué and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it is bound up at the close of the year. While other publications may clf-im suyerior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar claaa, THE ALDINE is a unique and original conception - - alone and unapproached- absoiutely without competit ion in price and character. The possessor of a complete volume can not duplícate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any other shape or number of volumes for ten times üs cost ; and tken, there is the chromo, besidet! The national feature of THE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosmopolitan. While THE ALDINE ie a strict American institution, it does not confine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. lts mission is to cultívate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus, while plaoing before the patrona of THE ALDINE, as a leuding characteristic, the productions of the most noted American artista, attention will alwaya be given to specimens from foreign mastera, giving subscribers all the pleaaure and inatruclion obtainable from home or foreign aoarces. The artistic illuatration of A merican acenery, original with THE ALDINE, is an important feature, and its magnifleent plates are a size more apprupriate to the satisfactory treatment of details Uian can be afforded by any inferior page. The judioioun interspereion of landscape, marine, and animal subjects, sustain an unabated interest, impossible where the scope of the work coñnes the artist too closely to a single style of subject. The literature of THE ALDINE is a light and graceful accompaniment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such technical disquisitions as do not interiore with the popular interest of the work. PREMIUM FOR 1875. Every subscriber for 1875 will receive a beautiful portrait, in oil colora, of the same noble dog whose picture in a former issue attracted so much attention. Man's Unselftsh Friend will be welcome in every heme. Everybody loves such a dog, and the portrait is ezecuted so true to life, that it seems the veri tf. ble preaence of the animal itself. The Eev, T. De "Witt Talmage tella that bis own Newfoundland dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks at it ! Although so natural, no one who sees this premium chromo will have the slightest feai of being bitten. ííesiues me enromo, every nuvance suDsuriDer to THE ALDINE for 1875 is oon.stituted a member, and entitled to all the privilege! of THE ALDDÍE ART UNION. , The Union owns the origináis of all THE ALDINE picturee, which, with other paintingsandengravings, are to be described among the members. To every seriei of 5,000 subBcribers, 100 different pieces, valued at over $2,500 are distributed as soon as the series is full, and the awards of each serieB as made, are to be published in the next succeeding issue of THE ALDINE. This feature only appliea to subsoribers who pay fnr one ymr in advanct. Full particulars in circular sent on application enclosing a stamp. TEKÍIS. One Subsuription, entitled to THE ALDINK one . year, the Chromo and the Art Union, $0.00 per annum, in advance. (No charge for poatage.) Specimen Copies of THE ALDINE, 50 Cents. THE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rates ; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without res%tonsibtlity to the publishers, except in cases where the certifícate is giveu, bearing the íac-simile signature of James Sutton, President. CANVASSERS ITAIVTE. Any person wishing to act permanently as a local cauvasser will receive full and prompt information by applyiug to THE ALDINE COMPANT, 68 MAIDEN LAÑE, NEW YORK. T3UT YOXJR MONEY WHERE IT WILL DO THE 2VEO3T A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPET1T1ON ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS I3f Cali Vefore purchasiug. 1 5 South Main Street. _iLl Go to the Farmers' Store for your 60 cent Corsets, Dress TritomiDgs, Ball Frlnge, etc., etc.


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Michigan Argus