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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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- We corumend to our radical journalistic friends who cannot slopp o' nights for fear that slavory will be re-established, and other evils dire poured out upon the country, the littlo incident of the girl who boo hooed out in company without noticeable cause, and explained her grief by saying : " I was thinking if I should laarry and have a baby and the baby should die, boo-hoo." Aren't our radical friends borrowing trouble equally prematurely ? - " Vox Populi" writes from Hillsdale to the Detroit Tribune, protesting against the re-election of Senator Chandlor, and entering Judges Campbell, Cooley, Christiancy, and Etnmons, for the Senatorial race. Another Tribune correspondent names Judges Uhristiancy and Campbell, Ex-Gov. Baldwin, and Hon. Wm. A. Howard. Judging by the " gains" the Democrats are making in the official canvasses, they may have something to offer. - In 1839 Marcus Morton was elected Governor of Massachusetts by a majority of one vote over Edward Everett. He was the last Democratio Governor elected in that State (by the people). And now, after a lapse of 35 years, Massachusetts has once more elected a Democratie Governor. Who says the world dosen't move, or ventures to quote that saying of Solomon, " There is nothing new under the aun " ? - The Democracy of Detroit held high jubilee on Tuesday evening last. Hon. Eobert McClelland presided, and speeches were made by Gen. Williams, Congressman, elect, Hon. G. V. N. Lothrop, Hon. Wm. P. Wells, Hon. Henry Chamberlain (the gentleman who has just missed being elected Governor), Dr. Foster Pratt, chairman of the Democratio State Committee, and others. The speeches were appropriate, and all feit happy. - In 1851 Daniel S. Dickinson was elected a United States Senator by a New York Legislature, the last Domocrat elected to represent the Empire State in the Senate. The tide has turned, and at the coming session of the Legislature an able Democratie statesman will be commissioned to ocoupy a seat once held by Silas Wright and other eminent Democrats. - That prohibition journal, the Adrián Times, makes haste to declare in favor of the re-election pf that model tempéranos man, Senator Chandler. " Undoubted courage " (forgetting his Buil Run flight), " undoubted capacity," and " undoubted honesty " are the three leading qualities it assigns him : qualities it is to be presumed no other Eepublican in Michigan possesses. - Pennsylvania turna up a Democratie majority in the Legislature on joint ballot, and a Democratie Sonator will succeed Senator Scott. Illinois also reporta an opposition majority in the Legislature, and John Logan sees hia " ticket of leave " in the near distance. And in Minnesota, too, Ramsey ia about pegged out, and no Republican ia likely to succeed him._ - Four majority : that is the figure officially tallied for Boies, Republioan candidate for Senator in Lenawee county And a dozen or so Republicana go into one branch of the Legialature or the other by like small majorities. Why didn't the Demócrata look ahead, and place a few more votes " where they would do the most good ?" - " Three doubtful Senatorial Districts gone Democratie," was a display heading in Wednesday'a Tribune. Yesterday's dailies discovered several doubtful Representative districts gone the same way. Another week we sha 11 be able to give the exact political status of the Legislature. - The Detroit Tribune of Tuesday opened its batteries on Sonator Chandler, and demanded his retireinent from the high office he has so long failed to ornament. On Wednesday the Post accepted the situation and went for the Tribune in right lively style. Go it friends, we'll hold your garments. - The entire batch of constitutional amendments submitted to the electora of New York, somu of thern very important and instituting great changes, were adopted. And now comes the question as to their legal submission, whioh the Court oí Appeals is to be called upon to decide. - One of the constitutional amendments adopted at the recent New York election fixee the term of the Governor (after Tilden), at three years, his salary at $10,000, and requires a house to be furnished. Another makes the salaries of members of the Legislature, $1,500. - The Jaoksou Citizen styles Michigan's " blood-letting " Senator, the same who is now " sitting on the ragged edge of anxiety and despair," as " glorious old Zach Chandler." There is no accounting for taste, and no law against ono's making a fooi of himself. -The story of the boy who spent a whole forenoon chasing a blackbird, didn't catch him, but " worried him liko h - 11," is now applicable to Chamberlain and sevoral other Democratie candidatos who just missed their game. Muck fun ia poked at Ryan for his stupid blunder in printïug the " Democratic-Reiorm " tickets, so that they read Fourth Senatorial District instead of Fourteenth. Allegan comprimes the Fourteenth Senatorial District, while Mr. Angel has the satisfaction of knowing that he lacked but a few hundred of being elected to represent Washtenaw county in thu State Legislature. - Allegan Journal. As it ísn t necessary for the ballot to desígnate the number of the district - either Congrossional, Senatorial, or Eep resentative - the " stupid blunder" was of no possible account or significance. Votes enough would have elected Mr. Angel froin the "Fourteenth district'1 had the ballot read the " Fourth " or "Fortieth." The law not the ballot makes the district. Cackle over a bigger egg next time, Mr. Journal. The Kalamazoo l'elegrnph speaks of a trial in that village in which the witnesa, a well kuown bibliophic, was asked if there had not heretofore existed between the parties friendly relations. The wit ness replied, " Yes ; I opine there has, for aii extended chronological period existed between the twain an amity of recijirocily." " What do you mean by auiity of reciprocityi'" said the attorney, with a wink at the crowd, as ïuuch as to say, " Now I have got him ! " The witness instantly replied, "Sir, I know of no lingual phrase in the English language sufficiently small or plain to make you understand it. Orders have been reeoived at the Junction shops to remove the names of the ongines as fast as they come ia for repairs. The name panels will bo filled in with the letters " M. C. R. K.," and engines 'will be known by numbers instead of names. The old " Raoer," No. 31, is new undergoing the change, being the first one. - Jackson Patriot.


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