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William T. Underwood, the murderer of Charlotte Pridgeon, was taken to the State PriSon Thursday and conflned in the inBane asylum atUtched to tbat institution. Annie Haokett, a half idiotie girl, aged 15 years, residing in Marshall, accidently set fire to herelothing Saturday morning, during tho temporary absence of tho rest of tho family, and wus burned to daath. The Ithica Journal says : Tho great need of the times is water. Not even the " oldest inhabitant" has ever witnessed this article so acaree in Gratiot oounty as it is at the present time. Wells which never refused to " gush forth " at the shake of tho pump handlo are now as dry as a powder horn. Christian Goen, who stole a horse from D. C. Hodges of South Haven, about two weeks ago , was capturod on Thursday last, but got away from tho officer. Ho was rocaptured the next morning and lodgud in Van Buren county jail for trial at the Circuit Court. In the Inghara Circuit Court last week judgraent for $500 was rendered in favor of Nancy Patrick against James Mc Daniels and others, under the liquor law, for damagea sustained in the death of her son, who was killed about two years ago by the overturning of his wagon while in a state of intoxication, The dry good store of Mr. C. J. Keys of Coldwater was broken into on Friday night last and $107 in currency and a draft of $200 were taken froia the safe, and a larga quantfty of ready-made clothing taken from the shelves. The safe was carelesBly left unlooked that night, consequently the contents of the safe were easy to get at. Mrs. J. Reynolds, living near Davisburg, Oakland county, during the absence of her husband at church, November lóth, tied her two children, aged one and four years, tó herself, and jumped into the Shiawassee River. All were dead when found. Many rumors are alioat, but nothing is defiuitely kdown of the cause. a inan named Wm. üutler, foreman in T. North & Co.s mili, at Vassar, waa instantly killed Saturday. He was instructing a new man how to run the f'eed-lever, when in some manner, it struck Min on the back of the neck, dislocating it. He was President of the village, and was highly respected. He leaves a wife and two ehildren. The Wyandotte Courier of the 12th saya : During the month of Ootober the Silver Smolting Company received twenty-two tons of Lake Superior silver ore and 176 tons of Colorado ore. Theyshipped in the same month 40,058 ounces of fine silver, valued at $55,080 30 to New York.and twelve and a half tons of nickel speiss (Regulug) to the United Koyal Smelting Works of Prussia and Saxony, The value of the nickel is $400 per ton. They had a wedding in in St. Joseph the other day. The happy man was an Englishman about fiity years old, who has been D. Bonnell's gardener for two years. The bride is a widow of full negro blood, and she has several little black ehildren. It is said she was clothed in white, but no mention is made of orange blossoms. A colored preacher tied the knot. The Detroit Post enrómeles the death of Capt. E. R. Viger, the well known steaniboat captain, who died at his residence in that city on the 14th inst, aged 45 years. His disease was softening of the brain. Capt. Viger has spent nearly the whole of his lifetime on the rivera and lakes in various capacities. He was one of the inost genial and warin-hearted captains on the lakes, as well as a very careful and pains-taking navigator. A pleasant episode ocourred on the 12th in the village of Washington, Macomb county. H. Rosery, a worthy citizen of that place, became seventy-seven years of age on that day, and his friends to the nuinber of sixty made him a surprise cali, bringing with them as a present a nioe arm chair and a volume of sacred songs. These were presented in a happy manner by the Rev. J. E. Davis, himself eightyseven years of age. Mrs. Kent, a laundress, wh o lives in Plint, wa9 visited in her room a few nights ago by several rats that got into her bed and made a fierce attack upon her. She was awoke by their gnawing at her face, which is badly torn by their teeth ; and when her screams brought her son with the light to her room, the bedding was stained with blood and her uight clothes ohewed in an extraordinary manner. The Detroit Tribune says : James Lee, a farmer residing in the township of Redford, was burned to death Friday night in his house, which was burned down. Lee was in the city Friday with a load of produce and went home, it is reported, under the influence of liquor. He is supposed to have lighted hia pipe and to have laid down in bed to sraoke, when the bed took fire, and burned hiin and his house together. The othar in mates escaped unhurt. Prof George McMillen, who has occupied the chair of Greek and Latin in Hillsdale College for the past fourteen years, has decided to accept an urgent cali to the profeasorship of Latin at Berea Uollege, Keutuoky, and will entei upon his duties there on Janury lat. Prof McMillan's woik at Hillsdale has placed him in the front rank of educators, and his loss will be sorely feit and hard to make good, but his state of health renders it imperative that a warmer climate should be sought, henee his final decisión. The Hastings correspondent of the Detroit Post writes : The expenses incur red by Barry county in the Vanderpool murder trial have never been paid by Manistee county. One year ago the Board of Supervisors audited and allowed the greater part of this claim, but failed to make adequate provisions fo its payment, and the Clerk of this count has received a copy of recent proceec ings of the Board of Supervisors of Man istee county, in which they resolve unan: mously that " Manistee county is not anc never has been justly or legally indebtec to Barry county for the indebtedness o the Vanderpool trial, and that we repu diate the so-called Barry county claim and hereby reject and disallow the same. The matter will now go to the courts.


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