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The "sunny Side Farm."

The "sunny Side Farm." image
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Ann Aeboe, Nov. 12, 1874. Editoes Aeoüs : Chance and the force of circumstances in the course of a cosmopolite's meanderings has brought me to a beautifu[ spot on the desert of Ufe ; and wïth your permission, I wonld like to have it chronicled in your excellent Journal. As a starting poiut, I will speak of the " aunny side" farm of Wm. Bush, iu the town of Superior. This name for this splendid farm was made suggestive to your correspondent as I stood facing the east, peering through the beautiful evergreens to oatch the flrst glimpse of bright Aurora, who never yet failed to be on time in making his diurnal revolutions. As the gloriou8 light made lts appcarance, its rays seemed to center on this attractive spot and to shed a benign iuiluonce on all things in the imediate precincta. I stood and gazed with feeiings of gratitude to the grcat (iiver of all blessings for the inestimable goodness conferrec on finite creatures, and especially on my frienc Mr. Bush. This banner farm embraces 130 acres of the choisest land, and fronts on the fine road stretching away to the East. The house and numerous farm buildings are situated on a gentle rise of grouud, at the base of which flow never failing streams of crystal water to quench the thurst of the uumeroua herds that have free accoss to them. Standing at the house you eau see over the entire farm, on which there are two orchards of choice fruits oi all kinds. The products of this farm for the year past have, like all othor farms, been inured by the excessive dry season. I will only mention the corn erop, which is moderately in proportion to _other cereals raised on it, was 3,500 bushels. Had we not been posted on the amount, we should place it higher, judging by ;he size and iiumber of cribs. The stock on this farm is another attraction which we have not time to speak of fully. Suffice it to say that but few, if any, farms in Washtenaw couuty can show better stock, from ;he biped creation up to cattle, slieep and swine of pure blood, from which Mr. Bush ia daily selling for breeding stock. The domestic affairs I leave for an abler pon. Epicureanism has been studied and practiced nutil I can find no place to start in point of detailing. If you should visit this locality, I hope you will cali at the " sunuy side farm," and aee whether I have exagerated in my cription. OBSEEVEE. The Nursery tor December is iull of beauty, and lts bnght pages and well told stories are ure to make glad the hearts of the four-years old and upwards. It is a model in picture, print, and literature, aud has no rival in the afections of the Httle ones. Ii there is a brightyed boy or girl (say under 8 years) in your amily he ought to have the Nursery for 1875. 1 60, postage prepaid. John L. Shoeey, 36 Jrowufield St-, Boston. - The Aeous and Nursery, $3 10.


Old News
Michigan Argus