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DON'T RE AD THIS! Tlmt ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNER has in store a f uil stock of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which must and will be sold fit PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME Also n fall stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER Style and Work warranted to uit. Aleo a Full Line of Furnisliing Goods CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 SoüTii Maii St. Ann ArboR. 1496 ROOFINC! THI8 ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATER I'ROOF ; VERY FLEXIBLE ; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNEY3 AND CONNECTIONH BETWEEN WOOD and BRICK. This Roofing has been in use five years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shiogled roofs an indeflnite period, and iñ equally adapted to tin ur iron roofs. It is flre and water proof ! This paint will be put on by the Company or sold by the (fulíüu, with iiibtructions how to apply the same. WST No Coal Tur is used in el t lier. Wc solicit the public patronage. AU work will be wan anted. All Communications should be addreseed to the HTJTCHINS ROOFING CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOE, MICHIGAN. Kesidence 43 South Thayer Street. 14ÏStf W. A. L0VEJ0Y, TOBACCONIST 1 Deals iu both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Strufï, Pipes, &c, AT JJO. 7 EAST HURON STREET, Next to the Express Office, ANJI ABBOR, MICII. 1345tf FurnaceS RANGES & STOVES, For Wood, Hard and Soft Coal. W i tli the latest linproveinenta. REGISTERS, VENTILATORS, Ac. Bitiraatea lor Heiiting and Vcntilating1 Promptly luruished. Bliss éc Walls, 82 Lake St., Chicago, Itu (Snd for Circulari.) 149Cm8 Farmers' Store Ve offer to the CITY and COUNTRY Trade EXTRA0RDIN4RY U1G1IIS Dry Goods, Lace Shawls, Summor Silks, Black Silk3, 3-4 Grenadines, Striped Grenadines, Figured Grenadines; Fongee Cress Goods, Mohair Dress Goods, 3ashmeres, Drap D'Etes, Dress Linens, Piques, Cloth Suitings, House Furmshing Goods, Victoria Lawns, Swiss Mulls, Nainsonks, Indian Linens, Beaded Gimps, Fichu Scarfs, Lace Ve.ils, Neck Ruchings, Lace Collarettes, Ladies' Ties, Sasli Ribbons, Japanese Fans, ParLsian Fans, Ladies' Underwear, Children's Underwear, Cambric Waists, Embroidered Waísts, Ladies1 Corsets, Children's Corsets, Balbriggan Hose, Lisie Thread Hose, Cliildren's Hose, Striped, Superstout Hose, Superfine Hose, Table CARPET IPAIfflIM. Body Biussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, Oii Clotlis, Matting:. For CASH Only. An inspection Will amply repay. G. W. HAYS, Supt. 1505 1874. 1874, _ i, FOK FALL AND WINTER ORESS GOOJS - 00 TO THE - FARMERS' STORE ! We are now showing the lsrgest stock of Dry Goods Ever biouiiiit (o thla cily. Which were bought ut PANIC PRICES! And will be sold it Panic Prices FOR ClSH. Don't fail lo GALL ANÜ M PRIDÜS. No. 18 South Main St. Ank Akbor. G. W. HAYS, Supt. LYNCH AND KlllKM, MERCHANT TAILORS. Our stock of flne Woolens, for Fall and Winter wear, is nii coinpleie ( onipriiii}ioin' of the largest and strictly iniported Unes ever foefore laid tui the counters of any nierchanttailoriiigestablishment in the State, A f uil Une of everything in our line will be found at our house. Gentlemen about to repleniah their wardrobe will OOWHÜt THEIR OWN INTEREST by cxamining Our Stock before buying elsewhere 123 JEFFERSOX AVE., 1499m3 Detroit, Mich. Se PEOPLES' DRUGSTORE OLD STAND OF R. W. Ellis & Go. PURE Drugs and Liquors of cholos seleetion. Dye Stuffs, Tilinta, Oils and Brushes of uil kinds. Lrge Hsaortment of Toilet Qoods nd superior l'erfuméries. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS a spociulty, of Tieuaann's, Kolbe's, and Ford'a man ufacture. Prewriptlons put up by men of experienee at all honrs of the day or niglit. No 2 Mits St., Avx AnBOH. HALE & TREMAJN. 3 ICHJttlS CE5TEAL EAÜROAD, WINTER TIME TABLE. Pasaengei trains now leave the severrj st&tic&s, ollowa OOIMaWEiT. Si i ,! Á ñ TATIOKÍ,. J i Si s 3 Ï I í i 8 8 i g S _a_ __! JL'5_li_f_ A. M. A. K.P. M.ÍP. M. P. M. P. M. Jetroit, leave, 7 00 lü 20, 1 50 4 00! 5 4010 20 Wayne, 7 58 2 35 4 66 6 40 Vpsilanti, 8 31 11 81 3 05 9 80 7 10 11 34 AnnArbor, 8 55 11 49 3 Sai 6 83 7 4S 11 6a Dexter, 8 22 r. u. 3 5S 6 3o! 8 lil A m. 'helsea, ; 9 41) 4 lo 8 SO I Grasa Lake, 10 07 1 4 33 9 00' ackson, 1C 43' 1 15' 5 10 9 35 1 2U l'.M. a.m. Kalamazoo, 2 Oí 3 43 8 3o 12 L5 Ohicagoarrive, ! S 05 9 00 6 30 830 OO1NG KAST. É - S !-J é & L -o" w -g s -g w s a S_ _Q_ R W 3 (B j_g ;Q -5 A. IC.Ía. m. a. M. P. M.j Chicago, leave, 6 00; 8 30 5 1.5 9 00 r. m. a. m. a. h. Kftlamazoo, 10 50 1 23 4 15; 1 2 36 p. k. p. m. Jackson, 2 10 4 00 7 4512 40' 5 W UrassLake, I 2 48 j 8 191 Cheluea, 3 19 í 8 4o a. m. Dexter, 3 30 8 96 1 6 30 Aun Arbor, 400 9 08 9252 00 6 80 7 0U Ypsilanti, ! 4 51 5 25 9 5o! 2 20 6 50 7 21 Wayne, I 4 5; !10 13, i 7 10 7 55 Detroit, arrive, , 5 45 6 80 11 0(1. 3 30 R 00 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Express run betweeu 'aokson and Xilew on the Air Line. The Kalamazoo Accommodul ii.n ri:ns t-ant duily; west daily except Snturday. Dated, NovemDer 15, 18T4. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INüfANA EA1LKOAD. OOIKQ WK8T. -1874- OOINC, EABT. stations. Mai:. Exp.i stations. Kzp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, clcp... 7:00 5:40 p' M Ypsilanti.... 10:15 7:15 ' Bunkers 7:00 2:30 jaline 10:45 7:43 Hillsdale 7:09 2:4d Bridgewater.. 11:03 8:00 , Manchester.... 8:40 4:15 Manchester.. ..11:23 8:18 , Bridgewater.. 8:58 4:3r P. M. j Salino 9:15 4:."" Hillsdale 1:05 9:52 i Ypsilanti 9:46 5:20 Bunker 1:16 10:00 i Detroit 11:20 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect Au. 1,1, 1874 W. F. PAIIKEE, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquette B. R. TOLEDO, SAGIKAW AND NOETHWESTEBN MICHIOAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wayne Junction with trainH of the Michigan Central K. 11. Four trains North and i'out South daily except Hunday. Time Card of novembeb 15th, 1874. OOINO NOHTI1. ; A. M.l A. M. P. M.' P. M. Wayne, leave 9 00 2 15. 5 60 10 40 Holly, j 10 45: 3 55 7 45 lï 50 l'lint, 11 28 4 25 8 27 4 58 Bast Saginaw, lï 4f 5 16 9 50 6 23 SaginawOity, 12 55 5 30 9 57 Bay City, ! 1 20 ü W 10 85 7 25 P. M. Reed City, I 1 9 40, 12 15 OOINfl SOCTII, A. SI. A. M. P. M. '■ P. M . Wayne, leave 8 20 11 00 3 00 6 30 P. M. Monroe, 9 25 12 30 3 55 7 45 Toledo, air. j 10 30 6 00 9 05 SAKFORD KEELEIt, Ass't Supt. J. P. Noorse, Uen'i Ticket Agent. " Unquesticnably the best sustained work of the kind in the Woild." Harper's Magazine. lUl'STRATED, Noticts of the Prcrt. The ever-increaaing circulation of tbta excellent monthly provea ita ccntinued adaption to popular desireH and needa. Indeed, whtm we think into how niany hornea it penétrate every montb, we must conaider lt aa one of the educators aa well aa eutertainera of the public mind, for lts vast popularity haa been won by no appeal to atupid prejudicie or deiraved taatea - Boston Globe. The character which this Magazine posoeesea for variety, enterpriae, artiatic, wealth, and literary culture that haa kept pace with, if it haa not led tbe timen, should oauae its conductora to regard lt with justitiable eomplacency. It alao entitlea theni to a great claim upon the public gratitude. The Moyotuit bas done good and not evil all the duys of ita life. - Brooklyn Eagh. Post age frce to all Subscriben in the l. S. Habper's Magazine, one year, $4 In) $4 00 includea prepayment of U. S. postage by the publiahera, riuhscriptiona to Haupek's Magazine, Wekklt, and Bazab, to one addreaa for one year, $'0 l 0 ; or, two of Habpeb's Pebiodicals, to one address lor one year, $7 CO : postage free. An Extra Copy of either the Magazike, Wfeki.t, or Bazab will be aupplied gratia for every Club of Five Bubscribers at $4 00 each, in one remitance; or Six Copiea for 120 00, without extra copy : postage tree. Back Numbera can be supplled at any time. A compíete at of Harpek'h Magazine, now compriaing 49 Volumea, ia neat oloth binding, will be Bent by expreaa, freight at expense of purchaeer, ior $2 26 per volume. Single volumea, bymail, postpaiid $3 00. Cloth caaea, for binding, 58 centa, by mail, postpaid. Newspapers are not to copy this mA i ui Mucniwil without the expres.8 ordera of Habieb 4i Beothehs. Addresa, UARPER & BROTHEH8, New York. " A Complete Plctorial History of the Times." - " The best, Cheapest and most successful Family Paper in the Union." Harper's Weekly. ILL1ISTRATED. yotices of the Prew. The Weekly is the ablest and moat powerful ÏIlustrated periodical published iu this country. lts editoriala are scholarly aDd convinciiig,nndcarrymueh weiffht. lts illustrationa of cuirent eventa are full and frenh, and are prepared by our best designers. With a circulation ot 160,000, the Wéckly ia readby at least half a million persons, and its influence m an organ of opinión is simply treraendous. The Wtekly maintainu a poailive position, and expresaes decided views on political and social problema. - LouisvilU Co wier 'Journal. Ite articles are models of high-toned dif cnasion, nnd its pictorial illu&trationB are often corroborative arguments of no small forcé - iVr. 1'. Exaviirn.r and Chronicle Ita papers upon exiatont questions und iU inimitable cartoons help to mould the sentiment ut tlui country. - PiUsburg Commercial. TEBMS z Postale frec to all Subscribers in the l. S , Habper's Weekly, one year, f 4 00 S4 00 includea payment of Ú. S. postage thu publishera. Subsonptiona to Harper'8 Magazine, Weïklï, and Bazau, to one addresa for one year, $li(0; ur two of Harper's Periodicala to one addresa for onu year, $7 üO : postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Wiíekly, or Bazab will be Bupplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 (JO each, in one reniittauce ; or Bix Copies for $20 00, without extra copy : postage frea. Back numbers can be supplied at any time. The Animal Volume of Haiipeií' Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be aent by expres, free of expensu, for $7 00 each. A complete Set, compnsinn Eighteen Volumes, seut on receipt of cah at the rate of $5 25 per vol., freight at expense of purchnser. Newepapers are not to copy this advertiaement without the express orders of Harvee & Bbotbebs. Addreas HAKPER & BROTHERS, New York. " A Repcaitory ofFasbion. Leisure, and Instruction." Harper's Bazar. 1LMSTKAT1I. Noticta of the Press. The Bajar is edited with a contiïbution of tnct aad talent that we seldom find in any journtil ; and tlie journal itself ia the organ of the great world of fhshion. - Boston 2'raveller, The Bazar commeuds teelf to every member of tlie hcuaehold- to tnechildren by droll and prctty piotures, to the younj? ladies by its fa sh ion -pl ates m endlees variety, to the provident matron by its patternB for the children's clothea, to paterf amüias by by its taatefu! designa for embroidered slipxerB and luxurioui dressing-gownB. But the reading-matter of the Baiar is uniformly of great excelleuee. The paper han acquired a wide popularity for the flre&iilt! eujoymeiit it afforda. - V. Y. Evening i' rf, TERMS: Posta&re frec to all Sabscribers in the i S. Habpeu's Bazar, one year, $4 00 $4 00 includes prepaymeut of U. S. pust a ge by the pubUshera. Huoecriptions to Harfsb's Magízink, "Wekklyi nnd Bazah, to one address for oue year, $10 00; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one addresH for one year, Í7 00 : postage free. An extra copy of either the Magazine, "Weekly, or Bazar will De anpplied gratis for evcry Club of Five Bubsciibers at $4 00 each, in one rmittonce ; or Six Copies for 20 00, without extra copy : poatoge Back NumberB can be sunplied at any time. The seven volumes of Harpeb'8 Bazar, for the years 1868, . 'ls 'l' 't # '"i muy oounn u green morocco cloth, will bo aent by expresa, freight prepaid, lor $7 00 each. Newspapers are not to copy this RdvertiBement without the exprese ordere of IIarpek & Brotkekh. Address HAEPEK 4 BROTHEBS, Xew York. AFULL LINE -o,_ all kinds of Sewlng Machine Needles WINES & WORDEN'S. lftOltf T IVE ÖEE8E FEATHWKS FIBBT QtJALITT CooetntyoDlinl ndforaleby BJCESr ABEL.


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