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ARGOS BULLETIN ! WANTED ooo m:w subscribers WANTED. More Merchant8 and Business roen, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the Arous. GET YOUE BILL-HEADS, CIECULAES, LETTEE-HEADS, STATEMENTS, At the Avgus Office. GET YOUR BALL CAEDS, BUSINESS CAEDS, VISITING CAEDS, WEDDING CAEDS, At the Argus Office. GET YODE LAW BLANKS, LAW BEIEFS, LAW EECOEDS, PEOGRAMMES, AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. New Type, Best Presses, Good Workmtn, AND REASONABLE PRICES ! fgpf A WOED TO THE WISE. Or, J. Walker' California Viufgar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly (rom the nativo iierbR fonnd on thelower ranges of the Sierra Nevada moan taina o f California, tb medicinal properties of whioh are extracted therefrom without the ase of Alcohol. Tho qnestion is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the itnparalleled suceess of Vpnecub BrrTBBS?" Our answer ia, that tliey reniova the canse of diseaae, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the pjeat blood purifier and a life-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of ihe system. Neverbeforeinthenistory of the world has a medicine been componnded possessing the reniarkable qual1 ties of VnrEOAB Bitters in healing the riek of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgativo aa well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of tha Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Diseases. lf men vrill enjoy good health, let them use Vlnegar Bittebs as a medicine, and avoid the use of alcoholic stimulants "tii every form. So IVrsoii rm t-ní? hlsp BiHors Bccor'linií fco directions, sml remnin long onwel], providpd their houos ure uot dostroyed by mineral poison nrother meaos, end vital orpans wusted beyoud repatf. (iratcful TllOUSailds proclaim Vrsp-oar Bittebs the most wonderful Inviguvaut that ever sustained the siukiug svgtaïu, Bilious, Remittent, and Int.frmittent Fevers, which are so pn in the vaUeya of our ffreat rivers thnonghout the United States, especially t.hoFe oj' the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, XHinois, Tennessee, CumberlanrT, Arkau3as. Rui, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Cí-raiide, Perl, Abbama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoko, Janiof., and many others, with their vast tributaxiea, throughout our entira country du; ing the Summer oud Auturnn, aiadiaiöArkably so during seasons of unusual beat end drynesa, are invariably accompanied by attensive derangempnts of tho stomai liver, and other abdominal visco-a. In th-ir treatment, a purgativo, eierting a powerful influence upon these varions Örgans, esaentially necessary. There ia 110 catlrtic for the purpose equal to Dn. J . Waixbb's Vineoab BitteeS, as they wiU speed ;ly i; - move the dark-colored viscid matte i which the bowels ore laaded, at tho sam ■ time stimulating the aecretiona of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy iunction3 of the digestivn orgaiis. Dispepsia or Indigestión, Hoad ache'Pain in theShoulders.Coughs.Tigbtness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Enict:itions of the Stoinacb, Bad Taste in tho Muth, Bilious Attavks, Palpirtio'i of tb' Heart, Inflammation of tho Lnngu, Pain in the región of the Kidneys, and a bundred other painful symptoni, nre the üfisprings of Dyspepsia. One Uottle wili provo a botter guaran tee of its manta thnn a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erj'sipolas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflaniuiatioüs, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affcotions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tke 8kiu, Sore Eyes, etc., oto. In thee, aa in all otber oonstitutional Diseases, Waj.kktí'.s Vinegab BrrTEBa havo showu their giia carative powers in the axost obstinate and intractablo cases. For Inflaniniatory aiul Chrouic Kheillliatisni, üout, Bilious, Remitteut and Intermittent Fevers, Diseasea of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, theso Bitters have no equal. Bueh Diaeoses are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mcchanical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Tvpe-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in bife, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To miard against this, take a dose of V líjik 'm Vikeoab Bitteb3 occasionally. For Ski üiseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringwonns, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Ifch, öcurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name r natiue, are literally dug up and eai-ried out of the svstem in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the sy stem of so many thousands, are effectuallydestroyed and removed. Ivo svstem of medicine, no vermífugos, no anthelniinitics, -will free the svsteni from worms like these Bitters. For Feínale Cqniplaints, in young or old, uian-ied or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of Ufe, these Tonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jaundice.- In all cases of jaundico, rest assured that yonr hiver is not doing ita work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor it8 removaL .For this purpoae use Vinegab Bitters. Cleause the Vitiated Blood vhenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tel' you -when. Keep the blood pure, and tht health of the system will follow. R. H. McDOXAI.D t CO., Droifaist Mid General Agente. San Francisco. Clif r nui, ud cor. WwüinKtoa nd Cbarlton SU.. New YovU old br nll IrMgiUi and Pealer. I ij 0710) BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN ARBOR, MICH., Dewtvd to the Practical Bducation of Tcmng and Middle-Aged Men and Womeri. Day ClaBses thronghont the yenr. Bvenin Classes from September to June. Instruction accordipg to the moet approred plftns, and racwtly iudividiiAl. Studeüts can enter at any time and receive superior instruction in Business Penmanship, Commercial Lïw, Business Correspondence. Business Aritlimel ie, Single and Doublé Eutry BookkeepinR, Gruhatn's Standard Phonograph jr , and Practical Telcgraphy. Maiu line wires pass directly through the rooms of the Telagraphic Department, affordin the student every advantuge of 'Mctual Office Praotice." The progreas of the student in Bookkeeping is greatly facilitatJ by the use of a new Chart entitled " Bookkeepin at One View," just. published by tho Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or address, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Micli. 1493tf JAMES McMAHON, Justice of the Peacc, Office in new block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGENT. Trtumph, assen. $T-2T.nn3.11 Nortn .Missouri, MMW.M Hlbernla. ' 350,000.00 REAL ESTÁTE. I havo 80 acre "f land í of a mlle from thp city lmlts, flaely locaUd for fruit or garden purpoaei. Also 40 acras. Also 10 acres, with h mee and bare, and a üvel etream of water rannin? throngh the barn yard. 80 acre, a mlle out. I wtll soll any or all th abore chaap, or exchtnoe fortproparty. JAME8 McMAHON. Mortgagü Sale. [VHEREA3 dofault ha? been made ia th ' TT tioas uí a certatn indenture oí mor tgaae bearnz date tbe sevanth day of Januery, in tne year ' 3?lf mada by Msry Gore, of the city of Ann Arbor, ■ Vashciiiaw county aou buta of Michigan, lo John ". Utillock, of tbc aína1 plac, bh1 rconlnd Ju tho É ilflce of the Hogiitr of D4 of said coüdIv of '■ Vaibteijflw,on tLc Ja Uut mexiiinQ9d,i 12'.L o'clock j 1 . m., lu Líber i-'i 01 Mortug' %, on paSe 3i, which 1 aid tuortjagfl was duly a-signtd by M Johü T. ; ' ock to Wüllam Hulb:rt, on tho 24tb day of .Januaiy, ' L. D. H12, and the Instrument of the aistguinfjut ' .ü#roof rucord?d in laid Hgitir's office, on the I y-fourth day of August, a. D. 1874, at ten o'clook a. } il.. In Líber 4 of asstynuieuts of morigeres, on pajj ' 70; and wasagaia duly aasijned by ssid Hulbert to ' brisilan Eberbach ana Onanuel Manu, of said city f Auu Arbor, on the tw nuty-ftecond of Aanit, . v. ' 574, au'I tiie inalpiineut of assigunient thereof rorded In satd lïegi&rr's office on the twenty-fourth ay of Augunt, a. o. 1874, at y4 o'cïoct p. u., Ju Líber 50 of mortgaffv, on page 5'0; and thwv is due and inpaid ou saM mon W at th dot" of this notie ho sum of Uve huudred aud nlut-ty-four doilara and hlrty cents, togot'uer wlth thlrtV dollar in aid Doria-g1 stipulatM and ftrevi to )? paid as sn aionteya or MUcüora or eollection Íh. in caae pnv ?txliugs hoild be taken to tofOcloM aid mortage, MUOuBting in all to Urn nn f sir hunflrv1 aud wenty-four dollars aul thirty ooota, which la nrw ïl&lmed to be due thereon, aud uo suit or proceedlna; at Uw or in equity hn beém insUtuted to recover ib'. leblaecured by uüd niorLuace or fny part theienf: Notloe Ia th'irfore hn-by pveu, that oy rlrtue of iht pov.r of sale in nairt mottgage rontainod, w u foreclme aid mortgagi by Mie m pabUe Toodoe Uj the higbest bidder, on Monday, tbe tw-nty-fifth dy f JaaiuurjTf in the yfBrix7-". afcteo of thf cirk in the forenoon of said day, at th toutfa dxr of ihi Co'ii ííous in sfti'i city f Anii irbor. aW Cour! House h ï t i ■ Hm plse of hnldiiiR thi GircuÜGoun vthiu md oounty of WahtenaV, of tlie premlMM (ü 5-jid naortgag' descrihed, ntmofy; All of lot nuinboivd seren 7 iu blpek d amber ou 'i, ín Ornssby a m to the city oí Aun Arbor, abl co ihe tecordwl plat tfaereof. Dfltttl, A tui Arbor, (trtober 27i!i I HRISTIAÏi EBERBACH, HM A SC KL MANN, A. Pki f n Attomey rneea. ftr Aigiies. l5O2td Cbftncdry Order. SÏATE t7F MICHlGAW, t-o-irtli Judicial Circuit, in Ohrtneuiy. Diuiiul Hünd, coraplainant, vt. Qeorge D. IlilU Francés A. ilill, James C. AUen, Frailee E. Alien, hlinlm 8. Faböett. Luoy O Fasaett, A muróse V. Kobiaon, Charlüd Baxter, Lewis G. KÍ8dou, Williiim M. White, George Jerome, ÜAnfoii bessions, and Timothy liiley, Defendunta. Suit pending ín the Circuit Court for the Connty ol Wusliteoiiw. iu Chanoery, at Ann Arbor, on the tifth day of November, 174, upou proof by afBdavit on ttlo, thnt the said Elisha 8. Faasett, one of aair] defendants, i eontinnjiily absent from hie place of residfnee, to wit: the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, and that said Wilmm M. White, one of said defendautfl, ia nol resident of the State of Michigan, but that be resides in the State of Nt-w York, it ui on motion of Uoorge E. Hand, the solioitor for aaid complainant otdered that the aaid defendante Ëlisha tí. Fawett and Wilhfim M White, appear in said suit, and anawf;r the bill of oompUmt therein within three months f rom thisdate; alao that this order bepubliahed onoc in ench week for aix weeks in succession in the Michigan Arjus, a newapuperprinted and publiahed in aaid county, tho flrat pubiication to ho within twenty days from this date. Üated, November S. 1874. JOHN' F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commusioner, Washtenaw ; Oeorge E. Hxsd, County, Michigan. Solieitor for Comp. 15'!.ls Chaucery Notice. THE CIRCUIT COUET for the oounty of Wtehtenaw, Mnria (ïratns, complairant, r. Frederick R. tirams, defendant. in chanoery. It satiafactorily appearing to thia Cnurt by utüdavir. and tbe return oí the otficer on the subpoena issued in thia cause, that the residenoe of the defendant is unknown, and that aaid defondant ia not within the jurisdiction of thia Court; on moiion of Denamore j Cramer, eohcitor for the eomplaiuant, It i ordered that the defendant cauuebiB appearanceto beentered inthiacuuse within three mouths from the date of thia order and that in caaa of bis appetiring he cause hi answei to the coraplainant's bill to be flled in this oause and a copy thereof to be aeryed on the complainant or her aolicitor within twenty daya after service on hira or hip aolicitor, of a copy of the tbe bill of oomplainant tilwi in this cnuse and a no tice of: this order, and in default thereof that the aaid coinplainant'v bill be taken ae confesed by the naid detendant: And It is further ordered that within twenty days the eaid complainant ruime a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Arpus, a public newspuper printed in snid oounty of Vashtenaw, and that the pubiication continue at leaat once each week for six succeanive weoks, or that ahe cause a oopy of this ornr to bp pononally Bervel on the said defendant, accoi-rïing to tbe n;lce ani prwtice of thia Court. Dated November ö, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Cinmtt Court CoinmHionr. in and for D. Cbasieb, W'.whffUHW Oouaty, MiobU{n. for ComplahiMkt. IM4 Mortgage Sale. DEI" Al 'T 'T hfivin ben rande in the coodition of a certain mortage Cwhereby the power of sale became operativo in aaid mort-gagej, executed by Samuel Bortleand Mrion Borile bis wife, of Wasbtenaw county. State of Michigan, to Allen H. Riadon, of the oounty and State afore&ud, and datel the eighth day of Aujpnit, A D 1870, and recorded in the Registera ottice, of the oounty of Washtenaw ou tlie tenth d;iy of August, 18(0, at lj o'clock p, m., in liler 44 and pege 331, and duly aseigned by eaid Allen H. Rifcdon to Norman B. Covert, of the townshipoi Ann Arbor, the second day of January, 1672, whieh aasinment was recorded July twi-trly-first, 1873, in líber 4 of assignment of mortfragee. ou page 73, and there being claimed to be dut on said mortgage and the note acoumpanying the same forty-one dollars and tiixty-eight cents, and also four hundred and ten dolluru, with interest at the rttte of ten per nt. poranuum, from the date of August eiphth, Its74which has beentue due by reason of said default an i the elecdon;of said mortgagee ui;ikiug the whole sum due on said mortgage and note four hundied and fiftynine dollars and twenty-one cents at the date of thi& notice, also an attorney ft-eof thirty dolíais as provided for in said mortgage, and no prooeedings at l;iw or iu chancery having been instituted to recover the ea&je orany part thereof: Notice is therefort hereby grven, that on Monday, the eighteenth day of January, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, at the south door of the Court. House, in the city of Ann Artor (thnt being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county ofWMhtenaw), 1 will sell at public auction to th highest bidder, the premisea described ie sakl mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necftaary to satisly said amount, with interest, cot and expenses which premises are described aa follows. to wit: All of lot number sixteen, in aection number five, in Allen H. Risdon's addition to the vil Inge of Sulirte, oounty of Waehten&w.and .State of ilichigan, according to the recorded plat tbereof. IJatcl, Aun Arbor, October 14, 1874. NOKMAX B. COVERT, 1500 Asaignee of Mortgrat. ' ,...., . , Chancery Xotice. rpHE CIRCUIT COURT for the eounty of WaahJ. tenaw, Francia Kinyon, complainant, vt. Orín Kinyon, defendant, in chancery. It aatut actor ily appaaring to this Court by amdavit, snd the returu of the omcer on the subpoena issued in tbia caue, that the residenoe of the defendant if unknown, and that e id defendant is not within the jurisdiction of this Court; on motion of D. Cramer, aolicitor for complainant, it ís ordered that the defondant cause nía appearance to be entered in this cause withui three months from the date of this order, and that in caee of bis appeaianee hecauAeiiis answeTtothe oomplainant' bill to be flled in tbia cause ana a copy thereof to be served on the complainant or her solicitoi within twenty days after service on hiin or hifl aolicitor, of a copy of the bill of complaint Hlod in tbia cause, and a aotice of thin order, aLd in default theroof that the said complainants bill be taken w coufeased by the said dffendant ; And it is further ordered that within twenty diiys the said complainant cause a copy ot this order to be publithed in the Michigan Argus a pu,blic newapaper printed in said county of Wushtenaw, and that the pubiication continue at lenst once each week for six sucoessive week, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served on the said defendant aocording to the rules and practica of this Court. Dated November, 1874. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commispiouer in and D. Cramfr, for Washtenaw couuty, Michig:in. Solicitar for Complainant. 1604 SherifiTs Önle. BY VIKTUK of one execution issued out of and uuder the seal of the Circuit Court for ths couot y of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to ma directed, wherein John Ciaucy is plaintiö and Patrick Kelly and ICiizn Kelly are defeudants, and for tbs want of' gooda and chattels, I have this day seiivd and levied upun all the right, title and interast of Pat riek and Eliza Kelly aforusaid, In and to the following described property, to wit : The &ast half of the soutbeast quarter of section thirty; aleo the nortbeart quarter of the southcast quarter of section twentynine, all ín township number one south of range six east, Washtenaw county, Btate of Michigan, which above descrlbed proper t y ïshflll expowi for sale at public auction, as the law directe, to the higheBt bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty-airth day uf December, A. D. 1874, at tn o'olock a. y. of said day. Dated, October 20, 1874. M. FLEMIXQ, Sheriff. 1501 By Wm. H. McIstthi, Dep'y Shwriff. Commissioners' Notioe. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, m. O The underaigned, having been appointed by the Probate Coiirt for said county, Commiasioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demande of all persons against the estáte of Martin Üausz, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notioe that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for creditorato present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased, in the township uf Bridgewater in sald county, on Mon day the tit teenth day February, and on Sntnrday, the ñtteenth day oí May next, at ten o'olock x. m. of each of said dayn, to receive, axaminfi and adjnst said claims. Dated November lCth.A. D. 1874. AARON FELDKAMr, JOHN LAYER, H)5 Commisióners. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOE SALE. THE subsoriber ha on hand s trood Mdortmrat of KOAK, ASH, KLM, BASSWOOD, WHITEWOOD.tiod utht;r varieties oi'Lumber, from J in. to 3. in tkiuk. ALSO, Fence Poats, Squar Tiitber. Plank und Ok 8tudding of ail sizea kept ou htuid ui runde to order on Bhort notice. Particular attention ïiven to CUSTOM SAWIXG. Fcnoe Posts planed, Oak Pioksti kept n hand and ■awed lo order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sa wed to order FARM GATEB kept on hand and soldcheap. fartioular attention ïiren to fnrnishing bill of timber of different lengths and BÚea on the most reuaonable terras. 6AW8 ÖUMMKD ON SHORT NOTICB. LOQS WANTED. I m priparod to pay CASH for onnd Oak, Aih, BasBweod ond VVbilewood Log delivered at my mili, or will buy and meaaure Logi in the wood within ii miles of the miU. DSTAU persona indebted to the lat flrm of Wlne & Hallock will pleute wil and Httle thelr aocouctl at tb VU1. J. T. HALLOCK. Mortgage Sale. itrSEEEAS Jumes McMataon and Faimí w J Malion of the cliy oi Ann Arbor Süctr Vah;en-iwand atare uf h) gi,r on theetahth a f ICsnb, ir. the var of nur Lnrd, oae tliooMnJ íisriii hundí d anq .-v u y-on fxwutod n Hiioumi lin'ri.itisnn, of lirookly. , }1 thest t Nw Vork, Ut ayruifc pftMucnt ot tetu I irhiofa mnrtgage was record! lt 1 .e -,fiic ,t th' EUyieMr ol Dpfïi" in ttaid OMibty, ou the J., 4' teaothduy of Mrch, A. D. Ic7:, M four anden .ork f. m of paid ia%, In liter 4-i oí uiürt ing1, on pge éSj. mii1 whcicös hns bn cande mr nooit than thirty daya in the payment ot an installmeut of inierst money which btcnmedueoi theoightfa day of feptomboi, A. D. 1-73 by rea,!! wheleof ond pursMuTit to lb term of said mortgüpA aid mort beicby tlörts thut io much ot aM principal aa reruainH unpmd, witb all airearnge ot interest thereon, hlmU btcome due and paya ble lm mediately, and wheieaa tb re is elaimea to be du& and nnpaid on aid mort vage at the dttte of thianc. tice tirt! thoutand eight hunrired and sixty-nix dol iarw and flfty eight cent for principal nnd interes! ñipo n Aitnrney'H feu of thirty flve dollars, shouid any proceedings be taken to toecloee the same in ddition to all otiier cobta; and no suit or procet-d ngs having boen luatituffid either in law or comty tn recover the urne or any part thereof: Notie u therpfore hby pi ven. that on the twenty-third di of Jnnuarj' next, at two o'clock in the afteraootttf Bftid drty, atthefroit ioov of Court Hoti-nintht Btyof Anu Aroor, fthnr being tbeplaeof holi]nc tht; Gi'cmt Court for s:id cotmtyf, Hnd by virtue oí tbf power of sale oonlaim in nid mortgnge, I %htA sell nt public nnction, to the bibcat r, tje prsmuM dweribed iu 8;iid mortpige. to satisry tht amount of principal and int erf -t jtlove claimen, due, with th ohargesoi such hiile und ftttorn&yj ofthirty-flve dollar: All tho-e eTtnin pieces nt raioelaof lauds-iniert in the town&hip ot Ana Ar bor, ooixnty ot VTashttoav and ï?tttte afi.-reittid known, bouridedi and de onbod m ftaUews, towit' Beingtbe w i the ooi th-weet fractiouj quartt'T of swetion oumber sevntpen fi7) town niinj. ivdv two (2) south of range nambersix () ent, ettaising cixty ninc arret of land fexcet! nife ncru aold to Jonn L. Tappmi] alwo the tast huif of the sontbaaat frartional quartur of seetion seventeen n;; townsbip mimber two soutb of ranpe numtt i east, containin a bout se vent y aer.-. -AoxQñ sold to Fraliek aod ten acrs sold to Kom; a]o uil thtit part of the souili half of HDtion numbei AcvnnteGD(17) townshij) number two sonih ot rane. number ix (8,east, lyine be'.ween the railioad and rirer, north of the line, eenUloirg Hbout sixty-en acre, oontaiuing in all om bandréd and aixty-tem ftcrenof land. Datd. Cctober 5a, IPM. 8AMTTE1 nrTCHINfiïX, John N. Qott, Moriagee. Att'v tor KoftavB WW Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beon m(de in vhe conditjoníof a certain mortguge, dated the twciity-ttrst day ' ot August, A. D. 1&72, made and executed by Tino. . thy Keuedy and Johanntt Ktutil) , ti mi, oï tt j city of Ann Arbor, county oí Washtenav, and j State of Michigan, to 'ihotuns J. HimkiLh, of tb sumo piace. aui rt-fxjrded it the office tt the B ter ot Deeds, tor the couuty of Washteuuw aitd ötató o üicliian, on the twcnty-picond day of August A. D. 1872, at nine o'clcek ai.d twentj minutes, a. m.. In liber 45 of mort gages, on paift I 2-ü, whioh said mortgnge was on the twei ty-mith i day oï August, A. D, 874. duly asigned by 'Lhnuj f J. Hoíkirih. to Richard Beahan, which assinint&t I wasreoordel in the iingibter'b office of hhmj tuut) ■ of Waahtenaw, on the twenty ninth 3ay ot Angust, I A. D Ift74, at ten o'cïock a. m., in libvr 4, agaign. I menta of mongages, on page 377, and whereas tbm I ia now due and unpnid at the date ot tb is notice tbe Hum of aixty-one doliaii dB .Wj, and no snit or I proceeding at lnw in equity boa been inütucd torecover the same or any part iheieof: Noticia hereby giren that on Satnidny. the tjlh day of j oember, A. D. li74, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of that day, at the front door (south side; of tl ( Court House, in tbe city of Ann Artor, eountyoi Wtifihtenaw, and State of Michigan, by virtue ot the power of eale containGd in baid nioxtgaue, Iwü seU at public auctiou, to the bigbest bidder, tht premise dtcnbed iu said mortgage, or so mtrn thereof ag roa y be neceweary to bat ir f y the amonrt due on aaid mortgage t tbe date ol thia notice. ?i;h mtereet and costK and exptnees allowt:d by ;r alfto an attorney fee of f ent y dollurs aw prnvided in said mortgage ; the foHowing is a det-criptioncf the promieei as given in said uud to ba sold pnrsuant to the bove notioc towit: AU thu parcel oí iend kuown and dsciibed hs the nortk four rode m width off ihe èouth twelve roda io length of biook four north, in rnrge two city of Ann Arbor, oounty ot Wimbtonaw. au of Michigan, soia land bfing bounded westt-rlj by Allen'a croek and eastnrly by Beocmd .. DatfHÏ, S' r'-ïnber 3, 1Ö74. KICHARP BKAnAX, 1404 Aspignee of Mortüagee sndAtij. Chancery Notïce. THE CIRCUIT COUBT for the County of f tcnaw. Mary Porter, compluinant, vt. Oku , Porter, dofendant- in Chancery. It satisfactonlj apieirin2 to thia Court by atfidavitaud the return rf theoificeron the ?ubpopna issued in lü cause, tb'. the residence of tbe defendant U in the Htate of Yort, and that aaid dt-iendant is iiot witbin the jor ' diotion of this Court. Ün motion of Henry Seüeck, solicitor fr the oomplainitnt, it is ord&red that tbe defendant cause his appearance to he entered m thii cauae within three montha trom the date oi this order, and that in eau of his appearmg he cauteht answer to the complainant's bill to be Üled in 'h:s ohubc and a copy thtre' f to be eerved on tl. e cimplaïuant, or her aolici'or, witliin twenty days after service on hira, er his solinitor, of a copy of thebiilof oomplíiinant riled in this cnu and a notice oí thii order, and in default thereof that the aul pomplsin ant's biü be taken as cutii eased by il dant; and it i turther ordered that within twenry day the said complain-mt cause .'i cupy o! tbisordei to be publiulH'd tn the Mchty m A-rgns, h public newspaper print ed in said oounty of W asntenuw, uud tbat th publication continue at least ouce each wtek tot six 8ucceLÍv? week, or that shb cause a copy of tbia order to ba personaily erved on the said defewUnt accordmg to the rules aud prüctico of this ' ourt. Dated November 17, 1 874 -. JOHN" F. LAWRENCE, Cirr-nit Court Coniruissicnfr in and tor ffiAJÏfet 8klleck, tenaw Oonnty, Mkhigtü. Solici'or foi ("omplttinant. I). Cramer, oï Couusol. isost Mortgage Sale. DKFaULT havlng been made in the conditionsof certain inortp2-e fwhwcby the power of siuein said mortgage has beconie opyratie) executeüby IaIevtvn E. Iíoune and Fannie L. Doane, cf the city oí Ann Arbor, ci.uuty of 'VVushteu.-.w nnd totate of Michigan, to Sarah U. Winner of Penniugton, liereer county, New Jersey which mortgage ia daTed tbe twentieth day ot April, A. D. 1871, aod recoraed in tha ottice of tho Eflgiitei of üeeds tot said et uo:j" of Wash'enaw. on the twenty-fourth ilny of April. A. D. i 87 1 at 4:4r p. M., iu liböl 4i of mortfRigea. on page 90, and there being c!aimei to bedue and unpaiii on said mortgage and the nota acenmi'itnying Ai same at the date of thia notice the sum of one thousand eight hundred nnd nineteeil collars and fiJtJ oente ($1.819 50), also an attoinpv's fee of tweniyfive dollars as pro vided lor in said mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity baring oren instituted to recover the same or any purt tbcnof : ïotice is theretore hereby given, that on c-aturdfiy, the sixteenth day of January, A. D lf7J, at eleven o'clock Io the forenoon of Uáá day, at the sou't door of the Court House, in the city o' Ann Aibor. (thatbeing the pbice for holding the Circuit Court for ftid county of Wnshteisaw;, I shall rU at public auction te" the bigbost bidder, the prtmiï'"e; scribed in said mortgnge, or o much thf reot aaBiiau be neoeasary to saticfy eaid amount, with inlerrtt, CO8U, and exp:nsps aliowed by law. which snid preo ises are described in aaid niortgtie aa follows: All of the tollowing deacribed piece of land: Oommeuc inii t a point in tho south line ut Huron tfrw twelve rods weet of the eaat line of section thirtt, in town number twosouth, and rnge number six ettrtt, in the county of Wa&htenaw nnd State oí Ml igan, running thence -weat on Huron stieet fom roda, thence south eiiht rds, thence enst fourrftj. thenoo north eight rod to ihe pluce of beginnins!„. Orto&rl. Aao .VINNER, D. Cbamke, Mortgagw Att'f for MortgoRae. 1S00 Chancery Notice. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court forti ö County of Waíhtenaw- iu Chancer j . Ata sion of aid Court, held at the Court Houst in ti oity of Ann Arbor, on the twenty. third day of November, A. 1). 1874. Present Hon. Alexander I. Craue, Circuit Judge. In the case between JaO L. Mitchell, complainant, and Lucy E. Mitchtll. Benjamin F. Hudeon, Catliarme P. Hudton, Job A Mitchell, Chauncey E. Mitchell. John P. Alarlw. Oeorffo E. Southwiok, and Frank G. Rnsêell, l signe in Bankruptey oi Baid Southwick, defeudanta. It iatisfnctorily nppeaiicg to this Courl. by the affldavit of James L Mitchel), that the defendanta, Luoy B. Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudnoft Catharine 1'. Hudson, Chaunoey E. Mitchell, mH John P. Marble reside out of this State. nd that ti aaid Lucy E . Mitchell, Benjamin F. Hudson. CUrine P. Hudson. and Chauncey E. Mitchell, re in the Htate of Kanmvs, nd that the ssid John r Marble resides in the State of Massachusctts. On motion of Hiram J. Beakes, Bolicitor for complainant, it is ordered oy this Court that tw said Lucy K. Mitohell, Benjamin F. Hudsoo, Cothsrine P. Hudson. Channcey E. Mitchel! wJohn P. Marble do appear and answer the bij ol' complaint, flled in this cause by the nineteen! day of December, A. D. 1814, and in deiaol' théreol thatiuch bill of complmnt be taken as eontened. The premisses whereof partition is sooe1 by taid bill re described therein aa follows : Tb' north weBt quarter of section 26, and the weit hB of the north east . quurfcr of sectiou twenty-Bix. an th south flfty aeren of the west half of the sou west quarter of section twenty-three, all in towmOT two south, and rantre four east, in the 8tnte oI'.Miíi1 igan. And it is further ordered that within one wet from the date of thi order the cumpUinant oauM copy of this order to be published in the Miclii!" irgut, a newspaper piinted at Ann Arbor, in saL County of Washtenaw, and that auch publicntion continued ín such newspaper onco in each weck for ach week suecessirely alter snch fiift publication thereof until aaiii mnctotntli day of December next. U06 A. D CKANE, (Attnoipy). aienitJuAg. Sheriffs Sale. BT VIRTCE of one execution issned out of under th seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed, and beariog dal September twenty-eecond. 1S74, wherein Johii (JlaMi is plainritf and Charles Holder is defendant, ndir thevantofgoodsandchattelstolevy upOD, lhaveuj day levied upon all the njflit, titia and interest of to' defendnnt alwve nnmtd, in and to tho Mlowing: r" estat, to wit : Lut nvimber ten (10 íd Mlock three pi) north of Hurou street, in range tv.o J), accoroing to the recorded plat of the city oí -un Art'' Michigan, which I sliall exposé for sa!c to tha "fK est bidder, as the law directa, at the south dooi oi the Court House in said city of Ann Arbor, o Tueeday, December the twenty-auth, A. D. l"'. eleveu o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, October 20, 1874. M. FLEMING, Sheriff1301 By Wm. H. MoImttee, Dep'y Sheriff. Keal Estáte for Salo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw. 5 In the matter of the esiat of Kobert üw mick.deeeaaed. Notice is herrby given, that in P" suance of an order (tmntid to the underMgned, ■" ministrator de bonii non with the will aunexe" " the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Juilïethi Probate for tbe county of Wishtenuw, on ",, eighteenth day of November, A. V. 1874, there wu be sold at public vendue, to the higrhest bidder, the late residence of said deceased, io the to_wn. r of Ann Arbor. in the county of H'uhtenaw, 1D,9 State, on Wednesday, the sixth day of Janury, 1875, at ten o'clock in Ihe forenoon of tbat day ( eet to uil encumbrances by montage or otn existlnir at the time of the death of said occ1Íjj: the tollowing described real estáte, to wit: Jof visión number iwo, of th outhweat 1a"etv:(, ection number township numoei i oath of Kange il East, in aid State, nt"; J nfty-two 90-100 ere, according to a ■";,,„ plat thereof in the office of the Uegister of Vr said county. Also lot number four In blocK "u.vL, six in Brown and Fuller's addition to th viumi' now citv, of Ann Arbor, in said State. Uated líovembtr ISth, A. [. 1874. 15i WILLIM GEIE, , Adminiatrator 4t bonii mm with tht will aun"


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