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The PEOPLES' DRUGSTORE OJLD STAND OF R. W. Bilis & Co. PURE Drugs and Liquors of cholee selection. Dye Stuffa, Paints, Oils and Brushes of all kinds. Large assortraent of Toilet Goods and superior Ferfumeriea. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS a speclalty, of Tiemann's, Kolbe's, and Ford's man u facture. iPIRIGES LO"W. Prescriptions put up by men of experienco at all hours of the day or night. No 2 Main St., Ann Abbob. HALE & TREMAIN. "lÖWl 0 WIST." ■ ' i_i ' This ia an ïnquiry which every one ahouid have truthfully anawered before he starts on his journey, and a líttle care taken in examination of routea will in many casea save much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad haa achieved a splendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passenger Route to the West. Starting at Chicago or Peoría, it ruoa direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connectionato California and the Territories. It is also the short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, and points in Kanaas and New Mexico. Passengers on their way westward connot do better than to take this route. Thia line has publiahed a pamphlet entitled ' How to oo "West," which containa muoh valuable information ; a large, correct map of the Great "West, which oan be obtained f ree of charge by addressing the General "Weatern Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, Chicago, 111. 1461yl DON'T RE AD THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNEE has in store a full stock of Eeady-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which must and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIME Also a full stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. - Style and "Work warranted to suit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Gaods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Arbor. 1496 pjRNACES. RAFG-ES & STOVES, For Wood, Hard and Soft Coal. Wi tb tbe latest improrementi. EEöISTERS, VENTILATORS, &c. Estimates for Heating and Ventilating Promptly furnished. Bliss & Walls7 82 Lake St., Chicago, III. (Sendfor Circulara.) 1496m3 ■pEW BAKERY! E. STIIiIltfG, Would inform his numerous friends and the public generalljr, that he have fltted up the store lately ocoupied by J. C.Wataon & Co., 28 East Huron Ht., as a Bakery and Confectionery Store, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit and receive a share of patronage. Particular attention will be paid to the Ice-Cream Department, Wedding Cakes, Pyramids, all kinds of Frnit Cakes, and Ioe-Cream furnished families or parties on short notice. Fresa Fruits and Confectionery always on hand. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. Remember the place, No. 28 East Huron Street. T FEED. BROSS, MANÜFACTUKEB OF CARRIAOES, BI ;;iKS, LUTIBER H'KiO.VS, SPKI.VV WA4JOSS, CUTTERS, SI.F.IUIIS, &c. All work warranted of the best material. Repairingdone promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. 68 South Mjiin Street. 1422 MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Offlee and Reddence No. 88 Ann Street, cor ner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. 13" Offioe Hours- 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to i p. m."53I Rtftrencei- Pbof. Saoer, Phof. Palmeb. H93yl TOHN G. QALL, DBALEB IN FEESH AND SALT MEATS LARD, 8AUSAGFS, Etc, Ordoresolicited and promptly ailed with thebes meate ín the market. Cor. Huron and Fuurth Hts. Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. 874. 1874. FOR FALL AND WINTER MESS GOODS - GO TO THE - FARMERS' STORE ! We are now showiDg the Isrgest stock of Dry Goods Ever brought to thi city. "Which were bought at PANIC PRICES! And will be sold at Panio Prices FOJ3, CA.SH. Don-t fail to CALL Al 8BB PBIGB8. No. 18 Soüth Main St. Ann Abbor. O. W. HAYS, Supt. LM Al KI1UCAN, MERCHANT TAILORS. Our stock of flne Wooleus, for Fall and Winter wear, is nowcomplete,comprisingone of the largest and strictly imported lines ever before laid un the counters of any meiel i au t tailoring establishment in the State. A fu II line of everything in our line will be found at our house. Gentlemen about to replenish their wardrobe will consult THEIR OWN INTEREST by examining Our Stock before buying elsewhere123 JEFFERSON AVE., 1499m3 Deteoix, Mich. TO THE Gitizens ofAnn Artor AND THE STUDENTS OF TOE UMVERSITY. I would respectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens for Winter Wear is now complete, and will be constantly replenlshed with The Novelties of the Seasok. Oentlemen wishiug Comfort in Dress, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfled by glving us a trial, and are invited to favor ns with a cali. H. HINTERMISTER, Mebchaht Tailok. 209 Jefferson Ave., between Batea and Bandolph Sts. ESTABLI8HED 11V 1860. ' T OSTI On Friday morning, November 27th, between the house of E. C. Seanian, on Huron street, and Mr. Maynard'sstore.a MINK MUFF, lined with brown satín. A suitable reward will be paid for its return to MRS. E. C. SEAMAN Ann Artior, Dcc. 2d, 1874. 1507-w3


Old News
Michigan Argus