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CQftA flIld oxpenses a month to AgentB. Ad4}f& Ww dros 8 A. Ij. Stoddard, Jones vi lic, Mich. ftr .nnf) per aay at nome. 'I'erms tree. A Itlresa V 0 H Q L U öko. 8TIN8ON & Go., Portland, Malne. k GJfiJSTS WAiXTK O-Men or Womm. 34 a A. week or $100 forfeltod. Ï7ie secret free. Wrlto at once to OOWÏK & CO.,8th 8t., New York. "I f7 Ki per day made by our agenta selling X i .MF staple artlclea used in every faraily. AdürossH H.Miller&Co.,lllHandolph-8t.,ChicaKO jjj k er PKR UAÏ CommUslon or 93U a week EpjilO Salary.and orponsea. Weoffer it and wlll pay it. Appiy now. G.Weliber A. Co..Marlon,0 WAKTEO-Hitfnest price pai-1 tor OLD ZINC. Addreas or inquire CHICAGO PLATE AND BAR MILL CO, 132 Doar bom 8t., Chicago, I 1. ""V t t01 O n Mati+Vi Aent8 everywhere. I J I ÍPílU a JllOlltüi First clasa bu. Par ticuiara frce. R. Wi Ier Co., St. Louis, Mo r, . _ . Kor ful 1 Information, price-liat, l'ATARRu ,.,■., i,ii,lrfsmwltn stamp) KET. CUREO" T. I'. CIIII.DS. Troy, Ohlo. autlu.r of "Criwil SuJ t," &c. Atreiita waated. JOHN E. MILLER L CO., fublishors, CUicaBO, 111. lONSTANTEMl'LOYMENT-At home, Male orFel_mle. yflüaweek Inaured. No capital requirod. l'articulars and valuable aample frec. Audreas with 6c return stamp, C. Roaa, Williamaburgh.N.Y k DVEKTISKR8 1 Bend S6 cents to GEO. P. BOWA. ELL é. CO., Park Row, New York,tor tbeir Pamnhltt et 100 pages, contalning liste of 3000 newapapera and estimates ahowmg oost of advertlaing. $1,(11)11 PKR WKKK CAN BE MADE by any amart man who eau keep Ui buBineaa to himself. Address D. F. HERMANS, Hoboken, New Jïrsey. UrW V A MONTH-Agent wantod evoryWS+9 ÍtiI I where. Buainess honorable and m!yimit37 nrat-class. Partionlars aeot free. T'1'" AddreaB Wokth Co, St. Louis, Mo hare rrrrrentd th,t thoir Dun;iFT Pr. N. S. Dodob, of 16 Soutfi Hileted Bb, UbicH, T1" ' lhc "HI1 tb1 Ur haB b"n 'Pr8t ?" n.e in hi! ! pi. nit.ring oí iiim.ílf. which m.j b onknd from bil "fflee onlj. PriM.SO et. 1'wBcripüons to the poor (ree. Ui, Coutm of Medical eetures to Studeata opeas uu J anuir; 6di. IïVj. CfillCDCVor KITS rured by the uBe of Bobs' EPILCroï Epileptic Remedies. Trial Package ■■■■■BS FKBK. For cir.ulara, evidence of ucccsa.etc, address IIO3B BKO3., Rictinioiid, Ind. Mi Ri 1 1 1 ■ ■ EATERS tbokocoblt CUBED. ■ ■ CbeP,quick;noauerinfr. 6yrs I r 1 1 I IVI wonderfiil BiiccetB. Describe cae. UI IU II I Dn. Ahmstrong, Berrirn, Micb


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