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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CííEOKG, M. D., PhyBician and Surgeon. 9 Office and residence No. 7 SVaBhingtou Btreet, fourdoors east of Main, Ann Arbor, Micb. EUGENK K. FRTJKAUFF, Commissioner of Deed for the State of Pennsylvani. Office, HiJl's Opera-House, Ann Arbor, Mich. TH. IiEWITT, M. D., Physician and Sur eeon. Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main street, Ann Arbor. NÏTaKBOB MINERAL SPBINGS, Morrie Hal.1. M. D., Siipcrinlendeut. Oftice in blüld[ugcoruer Mmiu and Wept Hurnu streets. TTTINES & WORDEN, 30 Soutb Main etreet, YY Aun rb)r, Micb., whoksa'.e and reta4 dealers iu Dry Goods Cárpete ar d Groceries. tTtACK & SCH9UD, dealers in Dry Goods, IVX Oroceries, Orockery, &■., No. 54 Sotith Main íreet. -ITT H. JACKSON, D.ilist, succepsor to C. B. Y # Porter. Oifice corner Maiu and Huron-stfl., orer tbe store of Ha'e & Trem:iu, Anu Arbor, Mich. AiMthetics adniinistered if required. S ÜTHERI.ANW & WHKDON, Life and Fire IuNurance Agen's, and dea'crs in Real Estáte. Office on Hurón Rtrect. BACH AHKL, dealers in Dry Goode, Groceries, &c, &c, No. 2f South Main street, Ann Arbor. -TITM. WAGNKR, d.'aler in Ready-Made Clothy inp, Cloïlis. CaBSiniörcp, Vestinge, Truuks, Carpet Bags, &C , 21 South Main street. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. MES. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. Office and Mesidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Jngalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. Cyoffice hours 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 p. m. References - Prof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. DR. C. A. LEITÊR PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. Office over Watts' Jewelry Storo, Main Street, Residence 58 East Huron Street, Aror Arbob, ... Michigan. JOHN G. GALL, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT NIEATS, LARD, Sausages, &.c. Orders solicited and promptly fllled with the best meats in the market. Cor. Hurón and Fourth-sls., Ann Arbor. J. FRED. BEOS8, Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCCIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All work warranted of the best material. Repair, log done promptly and reasonably. All work warranted to give perfect satisfaction. 68 South Main Btreet. CROCKÊRY, GLASSWARE AND GROCERIES. J. & P. OONNELLY Hve ia store a large stock of Crockery, Glassware Plated Ware, Cntlery, Groceries, &c, &c, all to be 6o:d at uuusually low pricee. Ho. 11 East st, Ann Arbor. HENRY MATTHEWsT Dealer iu FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Buron Streel, next to Leonard Eouse. Orae" left by customers promptly fllled. HENRY MÜBPHY, Dealer in GROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, No. 9 ïiorth Main Street, Ann Arbor. Produce taken in excuange. EVERYBODY 8AYS THAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Kast Huron Street, upstairs. Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FDÍE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNTJFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., i Next to the Express Office, ANKARBOE, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING Would inform bis nunierous frieudn and the public newraiiy tbat hc bas fitled up the etore lately occuPied by J. c. Wat son & Co., 28 East Huron-st., a a Bakery and. Confectionery Store, " hrI" ■ b7 a Btrict atteiitiou to bisineBB to merit ana rci-ivo a ebaro oí patrouage. Particular at'eution willbepaid totho 'ce Cream Department. aiídiL'! Caei i'yramitls, al' kinds of Fruit U&keH o Ii Cn-ain turiiirhea families or parlies on nori i ..,o. Fr, kIi Fruit and CooïectioiK ry al,dS8oi hand. GUtJds dilivecd freo (. f charge to nyparioi Utecity. BEMEJUNBK THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St., ANN ARBOR.


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