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Whereas, It is providet' in the Constitution of the United Siates that the Uaited Statea ehall proteot every Btate in the Union ou application of the Legislatura, or Executive when the Legiblature cannot be conTened, againnt domestio violenoe; and Whekeas, It is provided by the laws of the Unjtod States, that in all casos of insurrection or obstruction to the lams thereof, it shall be lawful for the President of the Uuited States, on application of the Legislatura of such State, or the Executive wbea the Legislatura cannot be conveued, to eall forth the militia of auy other State or States, or to employ such part of the land and naval forces as shall be judged necessary for euppressiug such inHUnection or of causing tbe laws to be duly executed ; and Whebïas, The Legielature of the State of Missiöbippi, now in eetsion, have represented to me, in a concurrent resolution of that body, that sevfcral cf .the legally elected ofücers of Warren county, in said State, are prevanted froin execuüug the duties of their respective offices by forco and violonce : that the public buildings and records of said county have been taken iuto posseesiou of and are now beid by lawiess andunauthorized preoii3; that mauy poaceable citizens of said oounty hjve baen killed, and othors hve been umpelled to abandon anu remaiu away fr au their. homes and families; th&t Ilegal and notouB seizures and imprisonments havs been made by such lawleas pereone, and, further, that a larga number of armed men from adjaceut Stites haveiuvacied toiBfisiippi te tid such lawless perrons, and are still ready to giTe them such aid ; and WhisReas, It is lurther repreeented, as aforesaid, by the said Legislatura, lha.t the courts of said county cannot be held, and ihat the Governor of said State has not saflicient force at his command to execute the laws therecf in said county and suppress sa;d violence without causing a conflict of races and eudangering life and property to au alarming extent ; and Whebeas, The said Legielature, as aforesaid, have made applicatiou to me for such part oí ihe military foice of the United State i a may be necea=ary aud adequate to protect aaid State and citizensthereor against domeatio violeiice heroinbefore mentioned, and to enforce the due execution of the law ; aud Whebeas, The lawB of the United Statea require that whenever it may become necessaiy in the jadginent of tUe President to uso ! tary forcé for the purposea aforeeaid, he ehall forthwith by proclamation command guch insnrgents to dieperae and reture peaceably to their respective abodes withip a limitod time. Now, therefore, I, Ulyaoes 8. Grant, President of the Uuited States, do hereby command euch (lisorderly-aud turbulent peraoua I to disperse and retire peaceably to their reBpecüvo bod ■ ni hin ü daya f rom the díte hereof, aud that they relraiu from forcible reuistancö to the lawa and eubmit themselvos peaceably to the lawful authoritiea of eaid oounty and State. In witness whereof I havo herevmto eet my hand; and caased the aealof the United States to be affixed Done at the city of Washington this 21st day of December, in the yer of our Lord 1874, and or the iudepeudonce of the United States the ninctv-nintli.


Old News
Michigan Argus