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Specie Payments

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Washington dippatches adviee us that the Itepubliean Senators have agreed upou a general Financial bilí, of which the following are tlie leading features : First - Free b&nkingto be open to all individúala and associations witkout limitatiou of capital tkvoiul - Theretiring of an amonut of greenbacka equal to' 80 per cont. of the amount of the new íiational baak noten ieeued lintil the greenback circulatlon elull be reduced to $300,000,000; after wuieb. no further reductin of greeubackö is to take place. It is claimed that by thiö provisión thei e will be nt'itlier efep&UBion nor contraction of the curreucy, as abiut 20 per cent. is no required as bank reserves. . Third - I'he withdrawal and destruction of fractional currency and the subutittition oí Bilver coin, the arrangement to go nto effect oh toon an practicable, under the direction of the Sscretary of tlie Treaury, vrho is authorized to uo any Burplua moneyfor mpplying èTIvêr coii), and, if this ia not eufíicient, to Bell therequitito amount of bands of the new eerieH to obtaiu the fund for that purpoee. ï'ourth - Itemoviug tho coöt for the coinage of gold at the eeveral mintö. Fifth - Resumption of specie payments to crainence on the lst dy of January, 1879. ïiie Weciotary of the Treatury is iuthorizsd to uee any f urplns hpecie in the Treasury ; bat, it that is not tnfticiont, to eall bouds in order to obtam golil to pay Treasnry notes. But thiö laat provisión doce not, liko the other, go iiito immediatii effeot. The L?galïender act remainu undisturbed. ÏLe bill having been agreed toalmostunaninit.iiily by tlie cancuf, tbere reiug only four nemters diöesentiu, insures the passage of the bill by the Senate, and will, it is thought V'v Souators, pass the Houee of Reprosentativee.


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Michigan Argus