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Michigan News

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Tira United States Patent Office haa recently granted the following patente to Michigan inventor : Machino for setting thtmbleskeinj, Edward F. Eflwsrds, Plaiuwell; earriage-top support, Zabulón C. Brom, Albion; aeeder, piaster-sower and harrow, Levi Dague, Sherwood ; bench plaue, Jamea Duncan, Buchauan ; saw mili dog, John A. Fordon, Bij' City; chain-punw bueket, Solomon C. Hamlin, Ypsilanti ; aereen window blind, John P. Olark, Jr., Jackson ; fruit protector, Aaron S. Dyckman, South Hiven ; folding tables for undert&lierB, Curtía B, Simmons, Jackson; wheels for iudt-xing, Henry H. Edwarde, Grand Bapids ; feather ronovatore, John C. Weat, Moreuci; mecbauiBms for propelling véasele, Ebenezar Raynalu, Birmingham ; windmilla, Hanry J. Woleott, All ion. The brick-makera of Grand llipids made, during the paat Beasou, 16.000,000 brick. The animal meeting of the Executive Committeo of the Michúan State Agricnltural Socioty, for the purpoao of revising the preminin ÜRt for the year 1875, and for the tranaaction of auch ether business as may be deomed neceseary, including the location of the fair f er the comiDg year, will be held at Pontiac, commoncing on Tuesday, the 12 th of January, 1875. The Detroit Free Press presenta reporta from (he principal produciug pointe in Michigan fcxhibiüng the number of dreased hogs already marketed, their coüdition and the priees pak!, together with an estímate of tbe probable amount yet to be marketed. The amouut already aold is put down at 13,090,000 pounds, and the amount to be marketed is esümatod at 5,168, 0C0 poauds. The Free Press saje tlie pricea aro modcrately uniform throughout the State, and, on the whole, very eatiefactory to 8. The condition of tbe pork 8 good, being quite up to the average. The annual report of the State Silt Icspector gives tlie followiug as the total amount of ealt iuspecteó. iu the Stato duriug the year 1871: Barráis. Fine satt, 96O-.W7 Piekert Balt 2 090 Solar aalt 29.H91 Seond qnality 16,741 Grand total 1,026,079 This woukl represent 6,134,875 bushele of 8alt, an increase of 1,018,145 buaLels, or 203,633 barrels more than the product of 1873. Tüere are twelve eaH inspection districts iu the Stato, and the Inspector ehtiruates the total mauufacturiiig capacity of tlio State at 1,900,000 barrels. The revenuo derivcd from the salt iuapejtion during the year was SI, 540, 408, aud tbd expendilurs -ïil,327,359, leaving a balance of $213,109. The Michigan Bee-Keeporb'AÉ'BociAtiouheld an intereetiug and largely attended meetiug at Kalamaz ;o laet week. Hon. A. O. Balcb presidod. CASUAI.TIKS. A Hillhdale student, while cleaning a closet reeently, thraw a bottle into the stoTe wljieh he supposed to he partly fllled witk dirt. Hia buppositioDB were qmekly dispelled, aud gave way to firm convictions. In les than a second he knew it was gunpowder. He is now nursing a mangled hand. OKATHS. John Batib, an old reisident and merchaut, of Mackinaw, died recontly of pneumonía. PERSONAL. A kewsboy entered a Detroit ttreot-car the other day and atked a paeucuger if he wantod apaper. ''No, git out !" exclalmed the man. The boy stoppod aa f ar as tho door and turncd around and asked: " Say, miBter, didthcv have this compulsory oducation law when yuu were a boy ?" The mau grabbed for bis cane and the boy stepped down aud out. The De Tray family of Kent coanty are oxcited over a $10,000,000 eatate ju France, which they propose to lay claim to. POLITICA I,. Thebe will probably be one seit (at least) contested in tho next Houso of IïepreB3ntativos. John Carter, Republican, who now represen! the Firat district of Livingston county, claims the BGiit awardod by iho couuty caov-iidei'S to Iioui Meyer, Democrat. lE(iAI.. A riTTSBTmoH telegram states thit the plaintiö's side iu the great Mjwry cane hae about oonoluded its testimony, and hai very plainly eutablished th&t William Mowry was married to Pernt's daughter, now Mary Cuba-Yon-Qnit, of Bay City, Mich. Tho evi,61108 haa beea very intereuting, and the Jnited States Court in whioh the cate ia beug tried has been throngod froin day to day with an immense crowd of spectators. The marriage, whioh is proven, thougu performed acoording to Indiau cuotam, holda under the aws of Pennsylvania. Gband Eapids wants the Legislatura to ee.ablish a Superior Court in that city. Patrick Lanohua commonced suit ogainst the city of Detroit for damages for ill treatment roccived by him ae a prisoner in the Houee of Correctiou in the sum of $10,000. MISCELtAIiEOUS. Spbino Lake, Ottawa couuty, is in the enjoyment of a firet-clasB sensation in tho form of " spiritual manifestations," eo-called. The yictim, or rather the medium through whom the "spirit" reveáis itself to aoubting humanity, is a little girl of about 12 years, named Jennie Erady.


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Michigan Argus