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Did ever a man become a drunkard who did not think he oould stop drinking wlien he desired to ? Thbrb is no Death. - If it be true that Nature abhors a vacuüm, it is equally true. that the Great Oreator abïors death and glories in Ufe. There s really no sueh thing as death- the ;erm is a misnomer, used to desígnate the changes whioh occur in life. Life, eternal life, is created by the laws of A.1mighty will-power, whichare as immutable in their application as is the existence of the Creator himself. When God made life, ho made everything necessavy to sustain it, but left it for man's progressive intelligence to discover, convert and utilize. Good medicine is to the aïling physique what good fuel is to the expiring flame ; the better the fuel the quicker the fire - the better the medicine, the quicker comes relief from pain. California Vinbgar Bitteks is life's elixir for old or young. Use this medioine properly and yon will live to a good old age without those phy3ical ailments which make seventy years a bnrden. 15 " A Drop oí Joy In JBvery Woril. Flemjkgtom, HuaterdOD, Co., JJ. J., June 26, 187. Da. K. V. Pierüe, Buflalo, N. Y. : JDeartSir- ft is with a happy heart that I pen these linea to ackuowledge that yon and your Golden Medical Disoovery and Purgativo Pellets are bleseinga to the world. Theae medicines eannot be too highly praiaed, íor they have almoet brought me ont oí the grave. Three months ago I was broken out nith largo ulcere and sores on my body, limba and acó. I procured your Golden Medical DLjeovory and Purgativo Pellets, and have tajeen aix buttlos, and to-day I am in good health, all thoso ugly ulcera having healed and loft my skin in a natural, healthy condition. I thought at one time I could not be cured. Although I can but poorly expresa my gratitude to yon, yet there ia a drop of joy in every word I write . God'a bleeaing rcst on yon and your wondorful medioinea ia the humble prayer of Yourg truly, James O. Bellis. When a medicine will promptly oure auch terrible eating ulcers and freo the blood of the virulent poison cauaiug them, who can longer doubt ita wonderful virtues? Dr. Pierco, ho wever, does not wish to place hia Goldon Medical Discovery in the catalogue oí quack patent nostruma by recomménding it to curo every diaeaae, nor doea he bo recommend it ; but what he doea claim ia this, that tuero ia but one form of blood diaeaao that it will not cure, and that diseaae is cáncer. He does not recommend bis Oiaoovery for that diaeaae, yet he knowa it to ba the moet aearching blood cleanaer yet diacovered, and that it will f ree tho blood and aygtem of all otbcr known blood poisona, be they animal, vegetable or mineral. The Golden Discovery is warranted by him to cure the worst forma of Skin Dieeaeea, as all forma f blotches, Pimples and Eruptions, also all Glandular Bwellings, and the worst form of Sorofulous and Uloerated Sorea of Neck, Lega or other parta, and all Sorofulsua Diseaaea of the Bones, as White Swellings, Fever Sores, Hip Joint and Spinal Disoases, all of which belonfc to Serofoloua Diaoases. Wilhopt's Anti-Pebiodic or Fêver asd Agüe Tonic. - This iimiluable and standard fanrily medicine ia now a honaehold word, and maintaius its reputation unimpaired. It is indorsed by the medical profession, and prescribed daily in the Charity Hospital and o'her hoapitala in New Orleans. Wilhoft's Tocio is thua highly recommended by the leatiing medical men of the csuntry, and ia worthy of such indorsement. Wheelook, Finlaï & Co.. Proprietors, New Orleane. Fok SALE BT ALI, I)KUSieT. Probably do one disease is the cause of bo much bodily mieery and unhappinees (and the dineate is almott universal among the Amerioan people) as dyapepsia. Iti causea are many aud various, lying chicfly in the babits of our people. The remedy is simple and effeotual. üse Dr. Wishart's Great American Dyspepaia Pilis. They never fail to cure. Samples of the Western Mural, the great popular agricultural and family week ly of the WeBt, are sent fret on request, ora "trial" aubacription for three months, postpaid, for only 50 cents. Terms, $2.65 per year, Splendid " extraa" to Bubscnbers. AddresB H. N. F. Lewis, Publisher, Chioago. In cold weather the best oollar you can wear is the Elmwood. It makestheueck warmer, while it fitn so Dicely y.u do not fooi it aroun.i your neck. Another advantage is, it keep clean louger thai! any othar callar. Fearfdl - the ainouut of inoney tbrown awiiv in not bujing bhoes pfotected by SILVER TIPS. Parentj, le wim and insUt tbu your cboe dealer ehould keep hem. Thk Nobthwbstekn Hobse-Nail Co. 's " Finished " Nail is the best in the world.


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