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Money remarkably quiet ; but little demand for funde, the grain and provialon interest doiug very littlo in the way of borrowlng, owing to tho f net tUat thero is na profit in c&rryiog. Bates unchangod; 10 p3r cent., witlï bhaded rates for fintt clans paper. Bat little demand for currenty f roai th country. BoiiíIb rathor qaiot, olofting at 121f for U S 6'n of 'SI ; 114 for 5-20's of ;tJ2; 117 for '65, and 117J for cnrreucy 6'a. Latest itold qiotations- New York, 111J; Chicago, lllj. BREAB8TUFF8. The vieible tupply of grain, inchiding the stocks in graaary, at the principal pointa of accumulation, at ïake and seaboard porte, and iii tranöit by rail, Dec. 19, 1874, and tho comparative btocka at the other undermentioned periode, were as fsllowa : 1874. 1874. 1873. 187Q. Dec. 19. Dec. 13. Dec. 20. Dec. 21. Wheat..l2.449,495 12.138,913 8,465,!.53 5 639,213 Coro... 4,024 034 3,830,152 4,704.450 9,217,367 Oats ... 2.583,229 2,671,469 2,206.561 3,670769 Hirley. 2,447,778 2,476,141 2,028,268 2,533 759 Rye.... 203,041 204,160 218,204 Total.ül, 707,977 21,320,805 18,621.830 31,078,108 The movemüüt in the grain nibrketö during the week under review has been comparativelylight, and almost whollyoii local epeculative account. There were but few orders from tte interior, and but little speoulativo demand from other markeis. As neual at thi season, there is but littie shipping demaud, the abaence of auy ehippina; worth mentioning being duo now to Ihefactthat local epeculation has froed pricas above a ahipping margin ; pnces beiug agaiust ehippers all round . The reporta from Liverpool and New York vrero without any very important changas, but the goveroiug iijfluoncefl were gent-rally of a local speculattva character. Tho receipta of all kind of grain wore ighter than during the preceding wef k. and ehowcd a larg r decrease wheu compared with the same week last year. The shipments were atso ligbter. the stock in store nhowiDg an increaeo of 250,000 bu wheat, 156,000 bu oom, 170,000 bu oats, 3,000 bu ryo, aud 18.00Ü bu barley. Tuera was but little iuquiry for flour, snippers holding off. Spring wheat wís moderately active, but somowlist unsettled. Values at 011e time were Je to lc lower, and again higher uuder the inauipulations of specnUtors. The eurrent quotations at the close, however, wcro about the earne as at the opening. The com market is in a ratüer peculiar couditiun. ve have a "corner" in oíd No. 2 fur this month, and prise have advaueed from 77$u to 80j, and this figure waa l'reely bid at the close It is generalij conceded that a good many "shorts" are stili outstanding, and theprobability is that prices will rule higbor this week ; that ia, whould the combin&tion deera it prudent to squeezo the market any further. New corn was weak, both for present and aluo for future dolivery, the receipts being larger than had ben expected. Tbe oat market was in tbe sumo general condition as the corn trade- a "comer" for December being a feature of the tiade. The general market %ai firmer, however, with light receipts and lest! desire to forcé Bales, Ity was utoidy and ñrm throughout. lieceipts light and demand good. Barley waa dull, and ruther easy at times, but cloaed firmer than at the opening. The fullowing were the luling prices at tbe opening and at the close : Opening. Clomng. No. 2 spring- heat, cash. 89 @ 89)4 S3'.{ No. 2 spring wüeat, Jan. 89'4@ 89', 0iO89;, No. 3 spring wheat, casn. 8a4@ 83 83j@Si No. 2 coru, cash 78 @ 78X 80 New No. 2 corn, oanh liO',4 64?i@65 Now No. 2 corn, Jan 66 65 V NewNo. 2corn, May.... 71)@ 714 71, Newrejocttd 62 @ 82 61 No. 2 oaif, casa W.a 63iL@53?i No. 2 oats, Ju 62=@ SS% 53JÍ No. 2rye, cash 96 @ 87 08 É.99 No. 2 barley, caali $l.2i)(tLlM $1 25@1.28 No. 2 brley, Jai) 1.24@1.25i4 1.28 No. Sbarley 1.10 @1 12 1.12@1.16 Eejectcd barley 1.03 @1.06 1.00O1.03 PKOVISION8. Opened weak atd eauy and declinod daily nntil nioss pork was 50o to 70c per brl and lard c to Jo lower. Domand maiuly on local epeculative account ; with compuritiTely faw orders received. The market, however, closcd firmor and with a more favorable outlook. Meas pork cloeed at $18.75 to $18 80 for oash, $18.80 for January, and $19.15 to 19.17Í for Ftotruary. Lard cloied at $13 00 to S13.0S for cash. and $13 32J to $13.35 lor Mavch. Meals steady aud firm. LIVE STOCK. Cattle market stedy aud firm, with no difficulty iu obtaiuiug relatively good prices for good stock ; quaiity medium, closing at $i4.5ü to $G.OO for iair to choice stoers, aud #6.25 to $6.75 for extra. Stock cattle Btedy und iu moderate demand at i5J.5ü to Í3.70 for coiamon tj good Iota. Butchers' tock Bteady at $2.50 to $1.60 for comrnon to good lots. Througb Texans 1.75 to $3.75. Oom fed $3.75 to $l.7ü. Ilogs vöry dull aud lower, notwithstanding tliü meagcr receipte. Quaiity only fair. Packeia doing but little, closiug at $0.00 to $6.60 for light, and $6.70 to Ü7.10 for heavy. Sbuep stea.dy and firrx, with a good shipping demand at O3.00 to f6.50 for poor to extra. DKKH3ED HOG9, HIQHWINES AND SKEH8. Dreeaed hogí opened ürm at $8.00 to $i.40 for iight to hoivy ; but ruled weaker, deoliniuf to $7.60 to 7.7O for ligbt and $8.00 to $8. 15 forbeavy. Pigs sold at $7.00, closiug eteadier. Highwiuea closed steady acd flrni at 97Jo for irou bound paokagos. Seeds wera very quiot ; demaad light. Timothy quotable at $2.40 to $2 55. Clover, $5 50 to $5.60. PJax, $1.93 to 5'2 flO. Huug&riau, 753 to 80c. Hillet, 70c to 75c. OENEKAIi MEKOHASDISE. As usual the üoliday trado was quito active, but the diatribution of gooda w&a mainly on tuail order aooouut and largely ia the fancy goode line. The attendauce of interior buyera wss liglit, but tbere wore a pood many local buyers present. Dry goodd üuld to a fair extont at former pn"c-H. 'Bootaand shoea Belling quite freely. Cjffeo firm at the outside pnoa for choioe Rio- 21o b9iug weil msiut.ained. Silgara were eaoier; Standard "A," lOfc. Grain baga remsiu dolí, ftith but litfclo inquiry. Building ma'.eriala wcre alow sale. Orange firm at &12 per brl for Lonisiana. Fish dull and wenk. Hay was 50o to $1 por tjn lower, Lumber reniaina very quiet; Sil to S12 for commcn ra:xedf fencing, ec. Laather quiot. Nails splliüg to a fair extent at $3.62J rates. OÍ eteady and firm. 8a,lt eteady aud firm at $1.65 to $2.00. Wool Bteady, but firm. The tt ocia are light, while the ahipmauta contiuue in oïcesa of the roceipts. Prioea Bteady. PRODUCE MABKETtí. Butter quiet and pncea eaaier. Qood to choice roll,233 to 28o. Packed butter, 22 j to 32o for fair to extra grades., $1 25 to $2.00 for comoion WeHtern to ohoioe Eaatern. Beeswax, 27c to 28o. Cheise íq fair demand aud prioaa Bteady atl4;tjl5ío íor gtod to choice, and 7c to 13 Je for comru ínto f ïir. Egga wero dull, local dealers about tha onlybuyeic. Siles at 243 to 253 for freisli new ; 15o to 20c for pickled. Gamo was dull at 43.Ü0 to $3.25 for prairie ohickena ; $3.00 for ducka, and $1.00 per doz for rabbits. Apploa slow ale at 75o to $ i.CO for common to selected. Hules steady and firm at 7Jc to 8c for greeu frozou . 15o to 16o f or ealf ; 18o to 19o fot dry flint. Hops Btea'ly and livm at 25s io 37 for fair to prime. Hooey quotablo at 20o tj 25 j ptr Ib. Püultry was dull and alow. Chickene, 5c to 8o per Ib; $2 00 to 83 00 por dcB; turkaya, 5c to 9o ber Ib, ducka, f 3 00 to $4 00 per doz, and geesr, $8.00 to $10.00. l'otatoen quiat at 75o to UOc for fair to choice penchblow. Vegetables qüotable at $2 50 ío $390 per hd for red to yellow onione, and 35o to 40c per bu for turnii'. Veal dull at 4c to 8o par Ib ïelciRrapliic itlarliet Report s. EW ÏOKK. Bzzvxi 9 ? 13 Hoos-Dressed 8i@ 9 Cotton li@ 15 Ki-OüB - fcSuperáne Western 4 00 @ i 60 Wheat- No. 2 C%icago 1 11 @ 1 13 No. 1 Spring 1 19 @ 1 25 Ooen 9@ 83 Oats 9 @ 't Kïe 92 @ 96 ?ork- New Meaa 29 5 @ Labd- Steam 13J lij liT. LOTlIb. Wheat- No. 2 Red 1 06 @ 1 07 OoiiN- No. 2 New 68 lm 69 Qats- No.2 565 Wi aYï;_No. 2 1 03 @ 1 01 roLL- Maan 19 50 @ L.vnr, 13 @ Hoes.' "O m 7 00 Oattlb 5J & 6 25 MIIiWAUKEE. Whkat- No 1 92 @ 93 No.2 88 @ 89 CkraK-No. 2 64 65 Oats- No. 'i 51 & 62 Rtz "@ P8 Baeley- No. 2 1 27 @ 1 29 OINCINNATI. Wheat- Bed 1 08 @ 1 10 Cobn- New 69 70 Oats &9 @ 60 Bïb 1 10 f 1 11 ToiiK- Mess 19 00 (S) . . Labd 12J'i! 13 TOLEDO. tíVheat- No. 1 Bed 1 11 O 1 12 Amber Michigan 1 10 @ 1 11 Ooen- New 70 S 71 Oats 66 @ 68 DETROIT. Wheat- Extra 1 15 ( 1 16 Amber l 08 @ 1 09 Oom 70 @ " Oats 51 @ 67 CLEVELAND. Whkat- No. 1 Bed 1 10 @ 1 11 No. 2Rsd 1 06 @ 1 07 Coen 72 fw 73 Oats 57 59


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