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Kntate of Nat han Woostor. STATE,OF MICHIGAN, Couniy of Washtenaw } H. Atasessionof the Probate Oourt for the imnty of Washtenaw, holden at ihe Probate otfiee, V Lu Lht' city of Ana Arbor, ou tiaturday, the nino heenlh day of December, in the yeax ouc thousand e iii'lit hundred ivnd seventy-fawr. g at, Noati W. Ctaeever, Judge of Probate, o 1 n Uu: tiui'tcr of the estáte of Nathan Woorter, i !, ■ .-■■!. i 1 1 cending and tiling the petition, duly rerifled, 1 of Ana Wooötor, Ad ministra trix, jimyinfE that t ihe iiüiv be liieiif'd Ui wed the real b tutu wiiereof 1 ,-ant deoeaaed lifl seized. f upuu tt is orderert, llial '['nr.sdity, tin; ' ! wi-nty sixth duy of Janunry iiext, at 'en o'clork i m tlit foïeaoun, be aened for the luMbring of ' waid potiLion, and iliat the hei ia at Uw of mud lroeased, and all other porsonw iiitorcsted in aaid ' r-ötate, ure roquirw) t" appesr a wwvioa of Mid 0 urs, Ihcmto be holden at tho probate ottire, in ih'1 niy fflf Ana Arbor, Jind show cíiukc, if any there be, why the prayeroi the petitúmer nhoulU nol be(?rnDted; And it 's furtiier order ordered, tha1 iip petítioner pive notice lo thi p. rsons in teredtod in iiid estáte of Cho ptmdeney oí wi'J petition umi tne heariag thfrt-of, by aautiug a copy cf this order tobe pablisbed in tne Michigan Ar gut, a newspapt-r piiiitt-d nwl ciroulated in unid oounty foor saeeesUT woèka previouu to eaid day of hearing. (A true copy) NOAH W. CHKEVEU, 1510 Jud'e of Probate, Estáte of Cyrua Beckwith. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Wanhtenaw, as. Ata Hes.sion of the Probate Court for the couuty of Washtenaw, holden at the Prob.ite office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedxtwlar, tho nintb day of iJecember, in the yoar one thousand eiht hundred and eventy l(mr. PMWanfe) Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probate In the matter of the entate of Cyrue Bt'ckwith, 1. Amarilla H. Beckwith, Kxecuirix of the iaat will and testament of said deceased, oomei into court and representa that sbe in now prepared to render her final nceount au such Plxeeut.rix Thereupon ït ia orilured, that Wedneaday, the thirteenth day of Jamiary next, at ten o'clock in the fnienoou, be MñgBM for ux;iiiiiiiinL and aliowingsuch account, and that the devises, légateos and heirs at law of aaid deceawed and all other peraons interested in aaid eatate, are required to appear at a session of Baid court, then to bt holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county. and show cause, if an y there bo, why the aaid account ahould not be allowed : And it is further ordered that Raid Exocutrix give notioe to the persons interested in unid estáte, of the pendency of aid account, aud the hearnifr thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the MicMyan Argux, a newspaper printed and oirculatinsr in said county, three Buccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A tmecopy.) NOAH W. CH BEVER, fS08 Judge of 1'rohatP. Estáte of Richard Flannery. OTATÜ OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, O gis. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mondny, the foorteeuth day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Richard Flunnery, deeeaaed. On readingand tiling the petition, duly veritied, ot Mary Flannery, praying that an Admimstrator inay be appointed on the estáte oí aaid deceused Thereupon it is ordered, that M ndiv, the eleventb day of Junuary next, at ten o'okck in tbe forenoon, be assigr.'ïd for the hearing o ■ n petition, and that the n-ii at law of aaid deceawed, and all other persons ïntereated in said ettatfe are required to fippear at a seiwion of said oourt, tht;n to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, ïf any there be, why the praye! of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intretê(i in said estáte, of the pendency oí said potition and the hearing thereof, by eausing acopy of thtff order to be published in the Michigan Arjusy a newspaper printvd and eirculated in said eounty, three successive weeks previous to Baid day ol hearmfÁtruenopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVRR, 15OUw3 Judge of Probate Estáte of Frederick Ellsworth. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washienaw, sa. Al a session of the Pronate Oonrt ior the eounty of Wu.shtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twen t y eig-hth day of December, in the year one thousund eiirht hundred and seventy-four. 1'n.soiit, Noali W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick Ella worth, deceased. ■Siirah Elisworth, Adminiatrutiix, with th wili annrxed of said estáte, comes into oourt and representa that ahe is now pi ep;ired to rendtr her fiual account as such Administxatrix. Tht.' reupon it i ordernd, that Monday, the twenty-filth day of January next, at ten oVlock in the forenoon, bu assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the devisees, legatees and heirs at law of said deeeawed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ottiec, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be why Lhe said account should not be allowed: Anditis further ordered that said Admiaistriitrix give no tiee to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by ciiuering a copy of this order to be publi&hfed in the llichtgan Argus, a newspaper printed and cireulating 'in said county, three Buccessive weeks previous to f-aid day of hearinsr, (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1511 Jude of T'rohate. Estáte of Caleb Moore. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for thfcounty of Washtenaw, holden at the i'robate Office, inthe city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, rhe twentyeightli day of December, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Preaent, Noah W. Cheever, Jndge of Probate. On reading aud filing the petition, duly verifled, of B. Franklin Gooding, prttying that a certain instrument now on flle in tuis court, purportiug to be the last will aud testnmeut, of said dece:ised, mny be admitted to Probate, and that he may be appointtd sole executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered , that Monday, the twenty-tifth day of January next, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, be aaaigried for the hearing of said petition, and that the deviseea, legatees and heirs at law of said estáte, and aïl other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then t be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted . And it is furtner ordered, that baid petitioner give notice to the persons intereeted in paid estáte, of the pendency of said pelition, and the hearing thereof, by cansina" ;i copy of this order to be published in the Micln'tjan Anjus, a newspaper printed and cinculating in said county, three successive Teeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1511 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Erama L. Knight. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ïf as. At a session of the Probate Court foi the county of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentyeighth day of December, in the year one thouaaud eight hundred and seventy-four. Present, Xo;ih W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Ëmma L, Knight, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, of Alpheus Felch, praying that he may be appointed Administrator of the estáte of tsaid deceased. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, tshe twenly-fifth day of Junuary next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of suid petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at sessior. of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by ciusing a copy of this order to be publiahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three Bucceasive weeka previout to said day of hearing, (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1511 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditionB ol a certiüu mortgage (whereby the power of sale ïu adid mortgage haa become operative) executed by John Hartman and Cathria Uartman, of BaÜDfli Waahtenaw county, Michigan, to John Lowry, Jr., of the name place, which mortgage Ís dated the twenty-thiid day of Jauuary, A. D. 18f8, and recorded in the oihcu of the Register of D ds of Washteuaw county, ou the thirddaj of April, A D. IStíS, at 12 o'clock M. of said day, in liber 3Í) of mortgages, on page ÜO, wliich said mortgage was duly asaigued by said Juhn Lowry, Jr. to Mary E. Poster by deed of assignment, dated Miirch thiiteenth, lH(i:t, whïoh assignment was duly recorded in the office of caid Register of Deeds, on said thirteenth (13j day of March, at Bj p. m. of said day. ín liber two of assignmenis of mortgag:s on fiogfl 1S4, and there being claimed tobe aue and tinpaid on said mortgage and the note accompanying the same at the date of this noticf; the num of flve thousand aeven hundred ;i:ul tilteen dollars and seventeen centa ($5,715.17. and there being also claimed at becoming due heroafter on said mortgage and note the sum of thiity ;-ix hundred dollars f $3, 000) and interest, also an attornty's fee of tifty dollars as provided for in saul mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity havteg been instituted to recover the same or any part ihereof: Notice ia therefore hereby given, that onSaturday, thetweuty-seventh day oí March, A. 1). 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, at the south door of the Court House iu the city ot Aun Arbor (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for wiid county of Wiinhteuiiwl I shall sell at public auction, to the hi'-jhest bidder, the premiHes described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be , necessary to aatisfy said amount, with interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, whioh said , premiseeara deacribed in said mortgage as f; 'Uows, towit: Allthos tnctsor paicels of land situatod in the township of Saline, "Washtenaw county, ( Hnd State of Michigan, known and described as ( follows, to wit : The southeaBt quarter of section Dineteen (li)j,andthesouthwestquürterof thenorth east qnarter of sectiou nineteen (19), and the i soiithfiant quarter of thenorthwest quarter of sec tion ninrteen (lit and the southwest quarter of tliesouthciist quarter of section eighteen $), , township four (4) south of range five (5j east ; also , ten (10) acres (f land oiïthe southeast guarter of } the southeast quarter of section ihirteen (13) in i town 4, S'Mith range four east, bounded asfollows: t lOhcresoff froui the south side of the southeast f quartor oí the southeast quarter of section . teen fl8)i town four south range four east, being ( thirty roda north and south, and eight y rods east and west, all of said description contnin ing two hundred and ninety (2iü) acres of land fl more or less. t Uated December 31, 1874. MART E. FOSTER, J D. Cramer, Assignee of Mortgage. Att'y for Assignee, iftH OTICE! All persons are hereby cautioned airainstpurchasnga noteofhand for $4,000, glven by Geo.W. rlays, Hupt:rintendent of the Ann Arbor Trading , i.s9oclation, to Mra. Mary R. Hays, dated Dec. íth, 1R74, payable thirty days lifter date. By order of the Board of Directora. 1509 OÏÏO. ÖtTTTON,ABsignee. "- - Mortgnge Bale, 11 II i: I KAS Jmui UoMal in and Fw VV Msban of the ol -.- oi ;,„ . , , ,„. mT" Mc Waahtensw and State uf iil if. i lm the Si? ,f Handt, in the ven. of m.i i " d, j ■i flit liiuiiliiii ;uii] evwity-onp fiV(uti' agetoHmnuel Bntrhinmn, -r:r .1 ..„ "'.? '". ,1 New York, 1.. secure the ],„;„,; ,lt ,. ""; Sta, principal iuhi intirisi money ihii.,,, „mr"1 whioh wtu reunirá in the,, ,'h!. Register "I Deed in said county, „„ tmntbday of Maren, A. D. Wïi, al tl,ul. ' '■ hall o'clock f. H. ol r-id day, in hl„.v ,,. ïï gages, oa page 133 and wiumm dofauit Lf"t mude fot mure Ihnn tlnrlv Oajrii in tin i,.iVii.,,,, inst.nllinci.tol1 interes! money whidi „.;..,lm ,ol thaeighth dayof September, ,"H vbelèof and pHTsonnt to the tcrmi ol ;iïil Ti'in-+easoib ■aid mortgagee hereby electa tlint o much. prfneipalaa iemtám nnpaid, with all atr,., "í interest tfacovon, cluill bëcome du umi -,.,', 'I11 mediately, nl wberena thereiti claimei ■',■■' iind unpiinl on said mortKHge al Áedateoft tice Uve thoiii-und eigbt humlred and siiti in aad ttf ty aigbt oenta foi piinoipol and h? iilso mi uitniMj':. f.M of thirtj ttvi dollars aiiy prooeedinuB iit; taken to fon ' 0!JW addition to ill otlier ;osis; ntid im iiint 01 l ' 'n inifs lm ving boon institnted eithei 11 law oiemn1 recover the same or an part thoreof: theiefure heroby t?iveu, that on die tweiity-thi.j'i'' of Jiinuiiry noxt, ut two o-Vloek in tin n'rtin, '' I aid duy, at the front iloor of theCourt BoS"? I city of Ann Aroor, filmt bebiü the piase of hM I the Circuit Goort foi nirt couiily;. iI:, the power of salt eontained is :ú( moi aell ut public aucMim. to the hich flt biddi I in sniil njortge to antJNti nï I iimount of prinoiji;il md ' ; 'laiirJ I duo, wiih tbeehargeo( srici sale and,"1 I oftiirty-flva dollars: All those certaio ,' prticelot land altuated in thetownnhip of At !ir I hor, county of Waöhloimw aml Ht.i'. known, bonnded, and deKOribed as íí)]i(1ws - ISciiiKthe west fraclion of thenoith-i quartcr of soetion number serentoen f171 tt,w ' En two (J) south of range nui 1 taining nixty-nine acies of liiml texrej.l bSJ? oldto Jonn I.. Tappan] alsn the east hifM,? xouthoast, frar.t ional quartor of sed ion sevi 1 hnmabip nomber two söntb of ranüe numbetai eawt, containiny: about seveDty aoreg, ej acres Hold to Fialick and ten acres sold to E ' all that part of the Kratb half of Bection serenteen (17) township two soinl10{r nnmber mix (fij eant, lyina: belweeD the rnüioad i river, north of the line, ooatatBii k about sixttji!1 aerea, contamina in all one hundred nnd sixtv-v m acres of land. ' ' Dated, (ctober 30, 174. SAMUEL HTJTCHnreoi John N. Gott, Moi1i;a"ee ' Att'y for MortnBee. ISO! Chancery Order. STATE OF MICHKiAN, Fourth JuclidalCim, in Uhaneery. l)aiiiel Hand, complaiitaaj , Francés K. Alien, Nifl&a 8. Kii-M.t.Lucy C ÍW Ambrose V. Kobison, Charles liaxter, LewjgCjS, dou, "William M. White, Georue Jerome, IW tíessions, and Timothy Biley, Defendw pending in the Circuit Conrt for tlie Coiintr i Waahtenaw. in Cbancery, ai Aun Arl ttfth day of November, 1874, upun prooi un tile, thtit tht; tsnid EUmbaB. Fassett, one of mi deiVndants, is coiitinmilly boent from hispía ní rsaideaoe, to wit : the city of Ann Albor, Miáizm tind that said WiiUaxn M. White, one of saiddefa dants, ia not a resident of the btate of Mii tli at h e resides in the State of New York, it f,E I matton of Georga E. Band, the sulici'or í'uraaidn. I plainant ordered that the said derendaiits Eiists 8, I Fassett and Willuim M White, appear i and finHWfrUieblUof complaint therun m monthn from t.hindate; altiothat tilia oí iished once in each week tor nix weeks i: in the Michigan érg$, a newnpHrpriutcduDdpab. I lished in B&id oonnty, the fim publioation tob I within tw:ii1y dnys from tbifl date. Dated, November 5, 1874. JOHN F. LAWR] Circuit Conrt CommiBeioner, WnShtenn 9 teohi;k E, Hand, (Jouuty, Michigan. Solinitorfoi Cump. ijnj Mortgage Sale, DEFAULT having been made in theconditioseofi I certaiu mortgae fwheieby tlie pow said mortgage han 1 cume operative) execui evan K. Doane and Fannie L. Doane, oJ Afin Arbor, coimty of WMhtenftW in Michigan, to Baxan Ö. Winner of Fencii cercouniy, New Jersty which mortgagi the twentietli daj oí April, A. D. 1871, and rtwn& in the oilico of the liegiater of Dued fot said coumi i i(f WílsIi enaw, on the twenty-fourih daj A. I), i H71 at 4:4' r. m., in libra: 4f of moi page 90, and there being claimed to bedue &i on said mor tg age and th note ure ni ame at the date of this notice the buiqo! sand yight hundred and nineteeu dollars uidÊuj I cents (11,819 50}, also an nttovney'fl lee oftroh. E live dollar a provided lor in finid mortírnge, andio I proeeedings at law or in equity haring tuted to recover the tame oi any pwt tbtreol: fo ï (ice ia thereforo hereby iven, tnat on atiirday, the sixteenth day of January, A. 1). 1H7;Ï, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of saicl day. si door of the !"ourt House, in the city oi i] Tthat being1 tne plnce for hokling tlie Ci for Bflid county uf Washtena-wj, I slmll tt . He anction to the higheat bidder, the ■, rtcribetl in said mortgage, or so muph theri be necesrtary to antiefy said amomit. wit! costa , and expenses allowed 1j law, isea re described in suid Trortgaje as fol] of the following dea.ribed piece of land : ColIneE ing at a point in the south line of I!' twelve rods west of the east line of fctinn thaiy, I in town number twosouth. and raoge i eaat, in the county of Wushtennw HTid Sti ifran, running thence west on Huron ridfl, thence aouth eitjht rods, thein thence north eigüt rods to the place oí be Dated, October 15, 1874. SARAH G. WINJÍBE, D. Cbamkb, .-ia Att'y for Mortgagee. 1500 Mortgage Öaie. WHERKA8 default has been made in ft tions of a certain indenture oi mortgi ing datt; the seventh day ti!' January, in tae ) I 1871, made by Mary Gore, of the city ■ :. Washtenaw county and 8tute of Micbiga T. liallotk, of the same place, and reci DÜice of ue Register of Deeda of Baidcoontrd Washtt'iiuw, on the ihiy lasl mentioned, p. m., in Liber 43 of Mortgag' said mortgage was duly assigni d by said Í look to William Hul hert, on the '2-ith da) ■ a. d. 1872, and the instrument of the . thereof reeorded in suid Register8 office on ty-fourth day of August, a. d. 1874, ui n.n uiltxk l m., in Liber 4 of assiKunient.s of mortgag 370; and vu aaaln duly assignt d by said Holberl k Christiaii Eberbac-h and Emanuel Maon, o of Ann ArlKr, un the t uty-second of Ai 1874, and the laatrume&l of assignnienl corded hi said Begister1 office, oii the day of August, a. i. 1874, ai , a't i k p 50 of mortgages, on page 520; and there uiipaid on said morteBgfi at the date of this nwH the sum of fivu hundiLtl and ninety-foai thirty cents, ogsther with thirtV dolían in w mortgage stipulated and agredí to be paW as an 31 torney's or solicitor's or coUection fee, ceedings should be taken to foreelow? aai i amouniiiig in all to the sum of six h twenty-four dollars and thirty cent, which to nw clainied to hv due tboreon, and do at law or iu equity has been instituí d I debt secured ty said mortgage or any par Notice ia therefore hereby giren, that b] the jwer of sale in said oioitage contaii foreolose said inortgaK'1 by Bale at publi the hïghest bidder, on Uonday, the tweot] of January, in the year 1875, at ten of the doet w the forenoon of said day, at the south door of tw Court House in said city of AonArbor. House being the place óf holding the Cii within said county of Washtenaw, of in said mortgage described, uainely: Allüi lot nunj bered seven (7) in block number one (1) in Ürnisby l Page's addition to the city of Anu Arbor, agreeabü to the reeorded plat thereof Dated, Aun Arbor, October 27th. 174. ,„ CHÊISTIAN EBEBBACÍ EiLA.NïKL MANN, A. Felch, Attorney Aaa for Assiguees. lL Mortgage Sale. DEPAULT having been made in the condition of u certain mortgage (whereby the pon became operative in said mortgagej, Samuel Bortle and Marión Borile hit wife, oi I W tenaw county, State of Michigan, to AllenH, L don, of the county imd State aforesaid, and (W the eighth day of August. A D 1870, and reKHMJ in the Registeis office, of the county of Wast"' onthetenth day of August, 185 0, nt l1 o'cloci p, ■; in liber 44 and ppe 331, and duly nssTg"i bj" JU Allen H. Kisdon to Norman B. Covert, of theio; ahip of Snn Arbor, the eecond day of Jtiuuarj. 1" ■-■ which assignment was reeorded "July tweDly"1' 1873, in liber 4 of issignment of mortgages, on W 73, and there being Olftimed to be due on saia"" age and the noto accompanying tlie Banae U-}'1dollttrs and sixty-eight ct-nts, and alao iuur o"" and ten dollwra, with interent tt the rata OÍ MPJ oeut. perannum, from the date of Augusi i i which has beoome due by reason of said default un I electionjofsaidmorttiagee mHkinpthe wholesjwy on said mortgage and note iour hundied nd % nine dollars and twenty-óne centa at the 'i11001" notice, alm an attorney feeoi tliiru dol vided for in eaid mortgaye, itnd no prw luw or in chancery having been instituted lorein! thesarue or any pnrt tbereot : Notice is hereby giveu, that on Monday, th) eig] of January, 1875, at ek ven o'clock in tb fwjP of said day, at the Pouth door of tlu Couri the oity of Ann Arbor (,that U ing the plací oí ing the Circuit Conrt for said county of waMngJ1 1 will Heil at public auction to the highesl "JJJ the premises described it said mortgage, t'r80rt thereof as shnll be neoewary to satisfy saia maV with intrrtBt, costs and expenses, which PrfID. . are described as foUows, to wit : All of I Bixtfien, ïUMcctiou number five, in aIIhh B addition to the vfllage of Sulire, oounty of "j naw,and Sate of Michigan, acoording totberer" plat thereof. Dated. Ann Arbor, October 14, 1874. NORMAN B.COVEBT. 1600 Asaignee of Mortgag Estáte of Kader, Minors. UTA TB OF MICHIGAN, county of 3 At a Mfesion of the Probate Uourt for the cou Washtnaw, holden at the Probate )f Ann Arbor, on Monday, thethjjiuüi reniber, in the year one thoutüimleight hundí60 ieventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cbeever, Judgeof Proba In the matter of the estáte oí Anna M Jatherint! Kader, Caroline Kader, Knimii ■ & Ier, and Godirey H. Kader. nim r ,ü, of On reading and riling the petition, duly venfiW;N Föhn U. Ones, guardián, praying that ) icenaed to mll certain real estáte BelOfigiiMi w "' ' ninors. . ,hJ8v Thereupon it is ordered. that Tueaday, th' ' tt Kebruary next, at ten o'clock in the fo"{7tka signed forthe hearing of sald petitioii, wu tw lext of kin of said minors, tnd all otn uterested in said estáte, are requitcd U) ;U 1. ; ;1 ut ;i ■nwrinn oi mid ('ourt, then to w w X the Probate Office, in the City of Aa ,nd show cause, if any there be, why InePiV f the petitioner should not be grnnteoí t is further ordert-d, that said petitu Lotice to the ptrBüus intereöted in - f the pendeucy of said petition, and '■■' hereof, by causing a copy of this order to w.lntc iahed in the Michigan Argus, a newspa] nd circulated in said County , f öcbp awseeBSi reviousto aaid day of hearinir. ,,..„ (Auecopy., NOAHKiV I IVE EE8E FEATHWKi? 'uastDotly on hand andforsaleby BAC1I& ABJSl.


Old News
Michigan Argus