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ïhere were lively times in New Orleans on the occasion of the assembling of the Louisiana Legielature on the 4th inst., but, contrary to general expectatiou, the day pasaed off without bloodsbed. The members of tho Houae aaseinbled, the Chief Clerk cailod the rol], and announoed 102 membera present and a quorum. A motion was immediatoly made, amid much confusión, that L. A. Wiltz (Demoorat) be declared temporary chairman. Amid much exciiementand uproar, Wutz took the chair, aud appoiiited a Sergeant-at-Arma and temporary Clerk. Col. Lowell (Rep.) proteeted, on behalf of tho Republicana, again&t the manaer of tho temporary organizaron. Speaker Wiltz replied tbat tno mannier of orgauization was identical with that of 1863, iu which Mr. Lowell partio'pated. Five members, not returned by the Board, were declared, by reeolutiou, members of the House, and took their aeata. A motion was then offered to go ;nto permanent oiganization. This raised a coaimotion among the Bepublicane, but when a further motiou waa made to Baat the members from the cont.ested panshes referred to tho Legialature, the excitemeiit, accompanied with phouts and exclatLaticns of all kinds, waa fearful to hear. A motion was thbu put to admit the membera frdm fi.iir contested parishes, reaerving the matter of contest for the LegUliture, and it waa carried amid the wildent exoitement. To i-U'.-h a poiot (lid tho excitement reacb, lht the Sergeant-at-Arms was called upon to seat memberd and preserve order. The Hm use theu proeeeded to choose Wiltz for permanent Speaker, whereupon the Kepublican membera proceedtd to leave the hall, bat the Sergeiut-a'.-Arma sought to prevent them, ad scVdral ecuffles ensued. At this poiiit the military iuterfered. Gen. De TrobiiaLd, with a file of soldiere, entared the hall aod ejectei thoee members who had not been returned as elected by the HeturniDg Boaid. Speaker Wiltz protësted againot aueh interference on the part. of the military, to wbich OeD. T. replied that he,' as a soldier atjd ouly second in command, had to obey the urdera of his tuperior, Gen. Emory, who had ordertd him to obey the instroctiona of Gov. Kellogg. Aftor the'expuleion of UK tive mambers wno had been seated in oppos:tion to the dacisiou of the Beturnir.g Board - the men bting pointed out, oue by one, by Hugh J. Campbol! - tbe Bepublican members returned and took their seata. Gen. De i'rnbriand then ordered Chief Clark Vigore to cali tharoll of membsra as returned elected by the Baard. The Democratie membei-H, huadedby Mayor Wiltz, thon marched out, after again offoriDg a solonm protest againat the nterference of the military. The Bepublicftiis then proceedod to organizo by the oleotion of ex-Gov. Michael HaliMaa Speaker. Gsn. Snerulan is now in command of the forcea at New Orleans, having taken charge ou tho moruing of the meeting of the Legislature. _________


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