On the 7th inst., at the reBidence of M. IX Case, in Manchester, by Rev. J. 15. Uilman, Grorb S. Reuson, of Bridgewater, and Miss S. Elizabeth Nestel, of Manchester. At the residence of the bride's father, In Hudson, Mich., on Thursday evening, Deceinber 31, 1874, by Rev Dr. J. Cocker, Mr. Louis E. Palmer, of Saline, and Miss Clara A., daughter of J. M. Scarritt, editor of Hudson Pont. In Ypsilanti, Dec. 25, 1874, by Rev. J. A Wilson, Mr. Phii.ip Lewis, and Miss Ida V. Cook, all of Ypsilanti. At the residence of the bridegroom in Ypsilanti, on Thursday evening, Jan. 7, 1875, hy Rev. John D. Pieroe, Mr. John J. Norton, and Miss Emma E. Clark, both of Ypsilanti. In Freedom, Dec. 22, 1874, by Rev. John Weinman, Fredrick Rentschler, of Lodi, and Miss Christina Mary Mann, of Freedom. In Freedom, Dec. 22, 1874, hy Rev. John Weinman, Christian G. Mann, of Freedom, and Miss Anna Maria, of Lodi' In Ypsilanti, Jan. 10, by Rev. S. G. Bettes, Milo E. Gould, and Miss Dedorah E. Case, all of Ypsilanti. __
Old News
Michigan Argus