One of the odde&í seusations íh sa:d to be that of beiag lowered fiftoen hunel led ie; t intp a mino. The great Icpgth of cable allows a epring of a foofc or moro npon the slinhtest move ment in the basket, and W. J. Florenco, the actor, who ha3 jast had the experience in Nevada, Sdys it feels like beiug a bsll at the e.d of a rubber string. Pianm and Org.-ms. Fitie dgw rosenoöd piauoH for $3no. Fino wa'nut f)rga.nö, six tt'ïpi $125. Vt.;oA Bficond-hand piano, $60 to 200. Bced'd Temple oí iltwic, (;üicago. There is no better way of snving moncv tiia.ii in parabwlDg a gc-od frtie. Tliiu i. speoially t'ne case in po oonspicu u :-!i;ln vï dretfH ae a gentlotnsLii'rf colihr. srho liavA waru etliar tho Eiinnooil or Warwick Collar l!ave dtt-ovcred thip, aiid aivie their frionde to ti y tlio-ïe firt-t-clat-u goodd. The Northwestebn Hcbse-Nail Co. 'b " Fiiiobed '' Nuil i tbe bet ia the world
Old News
Michigan Argus