News Summary
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Aftkr four years of estrangoment and enmity and efforte to avoid encountering each ther in a final' conflict, Henry Ward Bei nd Theodore Tilton havo at leiigüi mot ace to face, tho great trial having oommenced &t Brooklyn, in the City Court, beforo Jndgo ieilson, Jan, 5. Three iurora were chceeu. The great mas of attendance at tho TiltouBeeolicr trial is compoeed of tlje 1,500 summoned j arors, fmru ivhom tho twelve good mon aro to ho choeen. On tho 6th inst., a lady was observetl puthirg her way throngh the throug to the front, when Judge Neiisou iustruoted the oflícer in charge of the door that no lailies were to be admitted, whorenpon the ady waa ignominiously excludod. The West. CmcAoo wholcsale giocer are somewhat agitated over the BUddon dinappearaiice of tho ñrm of Koe Brothers, exteneive dealerd m grooerieK. Tho raombers of tlie firm, ooiiBieting of two brothors, havo gone to Caua-'a, carrying with them about $100,000. Tlitir debta amonnt to doublo thaf. unra E. B. Koberta tclegraplia from tho Indian Territory that tbe A3sociated Press reports of the troublej ia that rogiou have been greatly exaggtration. The only affmy, lio say, was oaneed by an attompt to introduce whieky by Iadians, near Price'a Cre6k, and their attempted arrest by the Cherokce Sheriff and his poseo. Two were killed and two woundeí. No tbreata or moves Wêrfl made to molest parties or traius at any atation on the railroad. Cnic.voo elovators, as per official figurea, oontained on the Gth inst. 2,373,392 bushcle of wheat, 1,201,101 bushels of corn, 480,171 buebela of oats, 22,179 bushela of ryo, and 333,728 buehelü of barley, makiug a grand votal of 1,506,871 bnshelu, againet 4,034,805 baehels the previons week, and 3,G25,698 Lushels at the eame period last year. The South. A whole fami'y, consisting of Uk-hard Borum, bia nifo, two cbildren, and a negro boy, were mnrdered a few days ago in Lee county, MibS., and their bodies couaumed with the building. Two of the cjected members of the Louisiana Legislatnre have entered suits againat Sheridan and Emory for $10,000 damages for being driven f rom tho Stato-Houeo Gov. Kellogg, in teatimony before the CongiOKsional investigating committee at New Oileans, etated that he had information tbat a oertain organization of the White League had laid their plans and determined upou an attempt to assassinate the President of the United State?. The organization which he refeired to was composed of ignorant aud reckleas men, who probably srgned that tbe President was responsible for his (Kellogg'o) government. A New Orleans dispatoh of the 7th inet. eays: "Mr. R. H. Harr, represonting the White League, waited on Gen. Sheridan last eTening and Btatod that tha White Leaguo waa ready to eurrender to the civil ar.thorities. Gen. Sheridan has expressed himself aa determined to break up the organization, and ia roing to compel them to disarm. Inew Obleans advicea of the Otli inst. roport everything quiot. There is & movemeni among manyprominent Kepublieans looking to a re-reconstruction of the State. Judgo rlenry C. Dibble has wiittou and had pablished a letter, addresscd to the Cong'reasional Investigating Commiüee, urging aiuh a conree. Tho plan ia to have a bilí pastied by Congresa providirg for a provisional gov ernment for tho State, auctor military ruleGen. Sheri'an ha=i addresaed the followiiig telegrama to the Sacretary of War : New Obleass, Lu., Jan 8. W. W. Bellmap, Secretary of War, Washington, D. C. : Several prominent people here have for t'ue Uet few days been passing reyolutions aud mimufactuiriag sentimental protest for Nurthf-rn politica] consnmptlon. They seera to be trying to mu '■-■ martyrs of therneclve. It camiot be doue at tLi late day. There have been too mïny bleeding negroes and ostraciz d wliito citizeus for their statemenls to be believed by Lair-mintled people. Bishop Wilmer protesta against my telegram of the 4tli infct., forgettiug that ou Saturday 'ast he testifleá uiidor bef ore the Congression al Committee tUat the couditiou of affiirs was Bnbsfantially as bad as roported by me. I shall soon Kend a statement of tbc number of murdera cumirnttcd ia thi State dnriog tho last three or four years, the perpetrators of wliich are stiil uupunished. [ think that the uumber will startle yon. It wiil be up iu the thouaandf. Tiie city is perftctly qniet. Xo trouble ia apprehended. (Signed) P. H. Sheridan, Lieutennt-Goiieral. New Orleans, Jac 8, 1875. W. W. Belkuap, Secretary of War, Waihingtou, D. C. : I sliall Eend yon, thia eveniiig, a report of afï'airs aa they actnally occurred here oh the üh inet. My telegram to jou of that date, aud thoso ot the 5th and 6th inst., are truthful of the condition of aff airs in this section, and Ftrike so near the waterline, that miaiata of the gospel and others are appcalel to to keep tho ship f rom Binkiug. Human lifp hae been held too cheaply in Uüs State for iQny yearp. 3iguod) P. K. Sheiiiiian, Lieut f o lit-G-M; ora' . Gov. Kellooo and llie leaders of the ]!epublican party iu Loivsiana repudíate the letter of Henry C. Dibble propoting another raconetruction of the State. Washington. Secretary Fisa ia reportod by a Washington dispatcU aö having co '5oubt that the ini)omnüy from Spain for the Virt-iniuB out rage will be secured, with tho amount fixod by arbitration, as wa8 tbe case in tho sottlemcnt witu Great Britain The friendo of free Cuba in Oongreas have determine! lo introduce and prees to i vote at as early a day as postible a reeolntion organizing the indopendeEce of the i&land.... A femóle lobbyist is now said to have disbur3ed pari of the $750,000 paid out by the Pacific Mail Steamship Oompary, and to liave inveigled a number of Congreasmen with it. .... The Houao Committee on Public Landa havo adopted a definite policy with regard to all applications for land grahts for railroads. Tbey have dccided, in the caaes where bilis are reported favorably, to recommond that ouly aright of way beranted, with twenty aores for etation-houae purpoeea at suitable ditstancea . . . . A. Wiiahington telegram of the 5th eays that at aCabinetmeoting that day tho Louieiaua question wan the subject of much diacuseion. ''The adminietratioD," it ie added, "is well aatiafied that Gen. Sheridan is in every way competent te carry out the ideas of tho general, government reepectiiig whatever participatiou it may be thought neceeBary (o take regaidiug affairaLin Louiaiana. These, as now under8tood. constitute ;n iniorsemont of tho report of tho Eoturnijc Board, and tho inaintaining of the thority of the Legislatura reporte;! elrcted by ■ that Boúd." State Senator Ghaiiam, of Yirginia, who made tbe original ch&rges against Itepresentative PtoweU rf laving fold a naval eadetUip, appeir-od beforo the House Naval Committce the other day, and teetiSed that he had agreed t; y.ay Stowell $1,000 f or inakiiig tlio appoilmert. Grabam gave to Stowoll the name of tlio b'y who wae to be appointed and hoa appointod .... A Washington dis.. n'cli raya Ibfie ie no probabiíity tbat the Piai'd'snt 'il1 iesue pu3h a j-roclamníion as Gf;. Sljeri'bm sugeüta in his lelogram to the S-'C e.üry of Vr. The oviJer.ei thas far taken in the Pacinc :.[,,!: Fubt-idy caso thowe ü'.at tlie enonnons lobby f Jim of IJ775.O0O ie accounted for by paymeiit by Trwin, rb follows : Hon. Jobn G. flbumtker, #275,000; Charlen A. Bori, 12V,00O K. B. Irwin, 100,000 ; B. lrwin, I 680; B A. WliUinp-. Í100.000; W. R Kinp, $11S,OOO. Tota'. 775,000. B A. Whiting. lioe ñamo ia in tbe list, ii . broH er-in-law of ex-8onator Ó lo, of California, and is gonoaUy regarde 1 a the "couDBel" who manared th enbfMy i:i Un S' Grass wiíiowa - Th? T?ive of roviog i bladen. If yon regard comfort, safety and economy, stop ut the Sherman House when in Chicago. Unckr its new management and reduoed scalo of price, it loads nll the other hoteln.
Old News
Michigan Argus