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Text Of The Finance Bill

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The following is the full text of the Tinauce and Currency bill paesed by Congress. It has received the approval of President Grant, and is now the law of the land : He it enacted, etc, That the Secretary of the Creatmry ie horeb.' imborizad aid required, asrarifily a.-praeticable,to cause to be ciued &t the MintB of the Uiúteá S'atef, fiilver coina of tlie tlenomination of ten, twenty-fi?e and fifty cents, cf standard valué, and to iesue tliern in redemption of an equal nutnber and amount of fractional cUrrenoy of wmilar rienoraiiiation ; or, at hia disoretion, he may ssue such eilver cniu throuLh the Mints, Sub-Treasm-iuf, Public Dapoeitoriea and Poetoffleea of the U'ited State.-", aud upon suoh issue he is heruby autherizad aud requiroci to redcom an equal amount of sueh fractioual cnrrenoy until the whole amouut of curt ency outbtandirg ehall h& rtde(jiued. Seo 't. That so muoh of Het-tion 3,524 of the llevieed Statutes of the United States aa próvidos for a charge of one-fif h of one per centumfor coiivfrling standard p;old bullion into coiii is herebv repealed, and hereifter 110 etiarge shU bo mado for that eorvice. 3. That (ectiou 5,777 of the Eevieed Statutee of the United HtiitoB luuiting the amount of the cirotll&tiug notee of üatioual banking attöociatione te ad i heieby repealed, a::d each exiiting banking association may increase ita circulatiug i otee in accordanco with the exmíing law, without respect to aaid aggregate limit, and new banking asiiociations uiay lie organized in accordai'ce with the exietiug law, without respect to Baid fggregate limit, an'd the provisión of the law for i hu withdruW il and redUtribution of national ciirrency among the Beveral siates and Territorios are hereby repealed, end whoaever and bo oíten as circulating notes t-hall be itaued to auy m 'h bank aaeociation, 80 uereaaing its capital er ciroulating notes, or so uowly urgiuized as aforeaaid, it chalí be the duty of the Secretary of the Treaaury to redoem tiie legal-tonder United States notes ín exeess only of $30O,ÜO;i,OOO to the amouDt of eighty per centum of tho sum of national bank nutes po seued to any enoh banking asbociation as aforetaid, and to continuo enoh redempfron as sncli crculating notes are isBiied ntrtil theve shall be outstaoding tho suni of $300,000,000 of Bueh legal-teuder United States lióles and no more. And on and after the lst day of Januarj, A D.-1879, tho Secretary ol the Treaeury eball redeem in coin tho United States logal-tender notes tlien outstaudin on thoir presentation for redemption at the ofüce of the Asoiutant Treasurer of tho United Stutet1, in the city of New Yoik, insume of not less tbau 450. And to onable the Secretary of the Treasury to prepare and prövide f oï the redecnption in this act, au'hoiizod or requirod, he ia authcrized to ubo any eurplus reveuue from time to titao in the ïrèat-ury not otherwiee appropriated, and to ieaue, aell, and dispose of at not lees thau per in coiu either of the deacription of bonds of the United States descriped in tho act of Cougreau approved July 14, 1870, entitled " An act to authorize tiie refunding of the national dobt," with hke qual'tien, privileges, and exemptions to tho extent neoeBsary to carry tbie act into effect', and to uso the proceeda thereof for tha purpoaes aforei&id. And aH provieions of law incoiietent with the provieioiiB of this act are hereby repealed.


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