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Estáte of Veit Zeeb. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, 1 sa. At a seasion of the Probate Court for rae oouiity of Washtenaw, holden at, the Probate Oliice, in the oity of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eleven th i day of JunuHry, in the ypar one thouaand eigbi hundred and seventy tour. Prooent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate In the innttfcvof fche estáte ol Veit Zeeb. di-rensed. Willijn April Admlnitrjitir oí tatd aotaf, coni'.'H intu cmrl iind reprusent Ibai ia no prn pared to reinier lus dnafttocounl n sueh AdraiutÉtrnUr. Thereupon it isordered, Xhtii Wpfloeniiiv, the tenth day ot Pebuary next, t ■ ■ n ■ ch In thp forenoon, be assifrr 'ïïl tor examini fi md nllowing such account, nd that the i ■ i al law of ;iid deceaaed, and allother persen interewtod in Haidestate, are required to dppear at n misión ot múd court, then to be holden at th Probfclfl Officf, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, id saidcouiny, mul tW 0U8j it' any there be. why the Hairl arcount sVould nut be all wed : And it if f nrther erdeced ibat aaid A'lministrutor gtre noHoe feo the p'isons inlfreetedln s;iifl estt4-, of the pendenry i miA necounl and the bttturins taereof, byoaukiiig a oopycrf tliis order to be pabUtdjed in tlic XicMfOM Ary, iiewspaper printod and ciroulated in n;iil oounty thrce micceasivc weeks preTtoo to aid day oi hear mfÁtruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1513w3 Judue of Probate Estáte ot' Nathan Wooster. TATE OF MICHIGAN, Couniy of Waahtenaw as. At a aession of the Probate Court tor the county of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate ofhce, inthecityof Ann Arbor, on daturday, the nine teenth day of Djcember, in the year one thousund eight hundrtKl und -.tveutyfour Present, N'oiih W. Cheever. Judire of Prohate. In me m;i ter ot the es'uue of N.ithan Woonter, deceased. On readin vtid tiling' the petition, dulyverihYiI, of Ann WoitRier, Adminitr;itrix, pmying that she may be licentcd to e 1 the reiil e-tüiu wtiereot' suid deceased dieil S' izod. Tliereupon it i onler'', that Tuesday, the twpnty-Hixih diiy ol Junuaiy BAXt, at 'en o'cloek in iht' íorenoon, be abstened fot iMMfteg of rtaid petition, .ind ihut tl e liei.s at law ot hM duceaaed, and ali other porüons intercsted in Baid estHte, are required t" Rppfcar a MtetoB of said C urt, then to be holden at tho probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, ond .show caiiae, if any there be, why the prayer oí the petitioner should not be grunted; And it in f urt her order ordered, thutsaip petitioner jive notice to the p rsnns in tei-estod ïu s ud eatute, of the pendency ot tai'l petition and the hearing therpof, by causiiig a copyof thiB order to bf published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatetl in Baifl county four Buccessive weeka previoua to said day of heariiiKtA true copy) NOAH W. CHEEVKR, 1510 -Indi'eof Probate. Estáte of Emilia L. Knight. TATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wawhtenaw, as. At a session oí the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monduy, the twentyeihth day oí December, in the yeur oue thouaaod eitrht hundred and seventy-four. Preaent, Noah W. Oheever, Judge of Probate Id the matter of the estáte of Einma L. Knight, deceaaed. On reacling and flling the petition, duly venfled, of Alpheua F'elch, praying that he may be appointed Adrainiatrator of the estáte of said decea.ied. Theieupon it is ordered, that Monnay, the twenty-fitth day of January next, at ten o'clock in theforenoon, be aasi;m:d ior the hearing of auid petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceaaed, and all other p.'rwons interested in Baid estáte, are lequired to tppear at nesaior. of said court, then t be hulden at the Probate Otfice, in the city of Ann Arbor and show oaiup, if ny tberc 1', why the prayer ot the petitioner should not be gKMted : Aud it is further orderíd, that unid petitioner gtr uotice to the persona interested in aaid enlate, of the pend;ncy of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by ciuaim,' a copy of this orrtr to bepafelished in the Michigan Argw, a ncwspaper printed and circulating in sakl county, three ÈhOUCMiu weekw previou to aid day of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOAH W. CM KEVER, 1511 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Froderiok Ellaworth. STATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Waehteniiw, as. Ata Hosaionof the Frooate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at tho Probate kfflM in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twenty eighth day of December, in the year one thousand eitrht hundred and .seventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the e.state of Frederick Ellaworth, deceased. Snrah Ellswcirth, Administratiix, with the will annexed of btiid estáte, comea into court and representa that ehe íb now prepared to rendtr her üüal account as such Adminintratrix. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twenty-iifth day of January uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aeaigned for examining and allowing aueh account, and that the devisee;, legateesand heirs at law of said decea&ed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, ure required to appear at a sesaion of said court, tlien to be holen at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered tbat aaid Administratrix give no tice to the persons interested in aaid estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisheed ín the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printod and eir.culating in said county, Utree euccessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A truecopy.) NOAH V. CHEEVER, 1011 Judge of Probate, Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the eonditiona of a certain mortgage (whereby the power of sale in said mortgage has beeome operative; executed by Merehatit H. (oodrich. of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw eoupty, Michigan, to Klizabetli Smith, of Plymouth, Wtiyne county, Michigan, which mortgage ie dated the seventh day of September, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeds, of Washtenaw county, on the seventh da of September, A. 3j. 18Ï2, at eleven o'clock a. m. of saul day, in liber 46 of mortgages, on page 349, which said mortgage was duly aasigned by said Kliza beth Smith to Ijeonard Vaughn, by deed of assignment, dated Pebruary twentieth, i874, which assignment wae duly recorded in the otnceof said Register of Deeds, on the tourth day of Jantiary, A. 1S75, at 8 20 o'clock a. M. of aaid day, iu liber 4 of aasignments of mortgages, on page 477, and was by the éaid Leonard vauhn duly assigned to Jerusha P Noble, by deed of aeaignment, dated Pebruary twenty-seventh, 1874, which assignment waa duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deeds, on thefourthday of January 1875, at 8} o'clock a. m. of said day, m liber 4 of aasignments" ot mortgages, on page 478, and there being claimed to be due and unpaid ou said mortgage, and the uote accompanying the same, at the date of this notice. the sum of six hundred and twenty-three dollars aud flftynine cents ($6j3.59), together with thirty dollars in said mortgage, stipulated and agreed to be paid, as an attorney'a or solicitor'a fee, in case procuediugs should be taken to ioreclose said mortgage, and no proceedingB at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is therefore, herebygiven, that on Monday, the twelfth day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of aaid day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, Cthat being the place íor holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenawjl shall peil at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises described in said -mortgage. or ao mueh thereof as shall be necessary to aatisfy said amount, with interest, costa and expendes allowed by law, which anid premisea are described in said mortgage as follows. to-wit : All of lots nurabered thirteen and fourteen f13 and 14), in block number three (3) Dorth of Hu ron street, in range niimbor fonr (4) of the original plat ot the city of Ann Arbor, Wathtenaw county, Michigan. Dated January 4, 18T5. JERUSHA P. NOIÏLK, Tbacy TV. Root, Assignee of Mortgage. Att'y for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the conditiona ot a certaiu mortgage Cwhereby thepowerof sale in said mortgage has become operative} executed by John Hartman and Cat liria Hartman, of Saline, "Washteuaw couuty, Michigan, to John Lowry, Jr., of the same place, which mortgage i dated the twenty-third day of Janutiry, A. ]J. 18f8, and recorded in the office of the Register of Dteds of Washtenaw county, ou the third daj of April, A D. 1868, at 12 o'clock M. of said day, m liber 3ü of mortgages, ou page 90, which said mortgage was duly assigned by said John Lowry, Jr. to Mary E. Poster by deed of asaignment, dated March thirteenth, 1869, which aasisíiiment was duly recorded in the office of said' Register of Deeds, on said thirteenth (l'á day of March, at ö-" p.M. of said day, in liber two of assignments of mortgagea ou page 134, and there being claimed to be uue and unpaid on said mortgage aud the uote acvom pan y ing the aame at the date of this notice the sura of öve thousaud aeven hundred and fltteen dollars and aeventeen centw (ió, 715.17; and there being alao claimed as becoming due hereafter on said mortg:ige and uote the sum of thirty six hundred dollars ($3,600) and interest, alsu an ttttoruey'R ieeof flity dollurs aa provided for in said mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in equity having been inatituted tg recover the name or any part thereof: Notice ia therefore hereby given, that on Saturday, the twenty-seventh dayof March, A. I. 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the aouth door of the Uourt House in the city ot Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the ('ircuit Court for said county of Washtenawl I eball sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premisea describid iu said mortgage, or ao much thereof a ahall be neceasary to aatiefy said amount, with interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, which aaid premisea are described in naid mortgflge as fdlows, to wit : All thoae trnctsor parcela of land situated in the township of Saline, Washtennw ennnty, and State of Michigan, known and desciibed as follows, to wit : The soiitheaat quarter of eection nineteen (19j,audtïiesouthweetquiirtrofthenorth eaat quarter of ection nineteen (10), and the southeHHt quarter of the uorthwest quarter of sec tion nineteen (19), and the southweal quarter of theaouthoflBt quarter of Bection eighteen [fS). townahip four (4i south of range live (5j east ; also ten 10) aerea of land off the southeast quarter of the southeHst quarter of aection thirteen (13) in town 4, suth range four eaat, bounded as follows: 10 acres off from the south aide of the southeast quarter oí the southeast quarter of section tbirteen f!3, town fonr aouth range four east, being thirty roda north and south, and eighty roda eaat and west, all of aaid descriptiou contnin ing two huudred and ninety (290) aerea of land more or less. „ated December 31, .874. mabyefosteRï D. Cbamek, Asaignee of Mortgnge. Att'y for Assiffnpe, 1511 Coiuaiissiouet'8 Notioe. TAïKOFMICiilUAN, county ofWnshteuaw, O8. The uiulersipned huviilK been appoiuted bj' ;he Probate Court for tía d County, Oommitwion ra to receive examine pd adjut all cüiinit uwleuiaudsoi all persona aginst tlie estáte of Rieliird Flunuory.late of said cemnty dccerised, heieby (ive notice that six montus from dute are ulluwed. jyorder of said l'robate Couri, Lor creditors to , jresent tbeir claims againxt the estáte oí' said , leceased, and tbat they will meet at the office of , ,he County Clerk, in the city of Aun Arbor, in iaid Couuty, on Saturday, the tenth day of April, md on Saturday, the teuth day of July uext ut en o'clock A. M., of each of said day, to receive, .xamineandadjuitBakUhum !M3J ■ LUKE COYLE.' jComDated Jnury lHh, A. D. 1875. Mortgage Sale. WHF.REA9 Jumes Mfllahon and F„„ of March, i,, Ihe re, onr uLL W pi-hi humlrptl nd evenly-one nxr-cm, fipp t(j Siu.iu.'l Hutehiirenu, i, , ,t ""ti ol Me Yoik, i" aeran h.' ,,, principal unl interen! monc) tlii i.n , wliwl. mmtgnge wn iwiortw) m the nï "II1 Llegisler I Ik1b in id oonati un n" '' "' nentiid; oí Mucti, A. D. IWi, ,„', .. liüli (,'cI"''k !■. m ol f.iii dy, in Hber 4. "7. Hi.t'i1. ')'■ 1B '""' whprcii defúli 1? , miuli' ior more Ihan tinrty clnysiu tlic pav,. ' l:" inutnilmi'irt it in((!rcsl monfy wljicli }iei .,"'■ hth dayot September, A. I). 1Ï73 íe whi'liMil and purmmnt to tbe tevrns of said n t aiiid mortRiigee liereby eleits tlmt so m piinci]mlas remiiinB unpaid, with all an interpBt thereoD, lutll bëcome dut' ani] '1:iit' " '■ mediuU'ly, and wliereaK ttolü r-laimeij Tt vT1 and unpaiil on sairt mortgngeut thediitenf tv tice íive tbouMiud humlre'! nnd ,, ,tcn msá flftyeight canta tor piiiicrpal .„ '"Slxii HtHO an ntti,nifyv lee of thirty Bve (iollüt "?■ uny pniceedlngs be takes to foxeetofee tbe ' ' addition lo lili otbi-r eoVts; ;nid hij uit op8810 iiilía Imring betn msHIuledcitlier in !■ or l"c" recover the minie or anj part ' therefore hereby givcn, tlmt on the twenty tv a of Jaimary next, at two o'clock in the aft '! said day, at the front door of the Court Bm ""'i I cuy oí aiiu irtiut, iiiirtL ihuij' i ríe jiiace of v 7j I the Circuit Court for said county), and l,v ■■ In? [ the power of al(; CfmtafnFd in khüi morteiwot f sell at pnMic nuotion, to the hihest" primise ducribed in saiil mcrtí, to s,.;'1 " I iimount of principal and Interest above da I due, wit.h the oliaiesol "ich sulcnnd „■. ot tliiriy-Hve dollars: Ail :I,m. ,.,.,.,.„', uuh of hinct ntnsted in the townslii]. bor, county of WHhtenaw nml ïstitte I known, hounded, and descrintd hb folio i'1 ' rlcingtliG ea fruclior of the noitli-ïestftji-"' quurtgj of wctiofi nurnbor sevfntren fi") tow I lier two(2) BOiith of rangt numhtrsix (6 elt' taining nixty-nine acres of hinrl fexcepl 'dJ i sold to Jotin L. TBppan] alio th ';tbifj'? ontbaaat fraerional qonrter of sectioö seTtnli- 1 township nuniber two euuth of raniip numbpr1 east, containin; abont seventy acres, aeres sold to l-'raliek and ten acres sold toR(J)t''1 i all tlmt part of the south half ot seniaa n lü I seventen (17) townshi]j nmntier twn son!h0i number ix í(í) east, lyine between the riönLa ' river, north ot the line, rontaini'p about eixtr !r acre, contaming in ftll one hundred rmd irir'ttei! ; acres of land. xtïa Dated, October 30, 1P74. SAMUEL HUTCHIKROV John If. Gott, Morta'w Att'y for Mortgagee. 150 Mortgage Sale. I WHEREAS defanh lias been made in tb of a certain indentuie of mortotn I ing date tlie aerenth au of Jamiarr, n tfc, , ' 151, inaue D) .uai} oore, oí me Liiy 0] ' W'a-htenaw eounty and State of Midi! T. Hallock, uf Mime place, ;in ofliee of the Register of treedt of uU Miiit, VVashtenaw, in the day last nientiuiini , p. M., fn Liber 43 of Mortgagei, on pan -aid mortgage was duly asslgned liy uj j, lock to WUliam Hulbeit, ou the 2-íth day ol Ji,, .' a. d. 1872, and tbc instrument of thé thereof reeorded in said Begister's office, 01 ty-fourth day of August, A. D. 1S74, at tel m., in Libei1 4 of assignmeuts of nioittjaets (l]] .,' 370; and was agalu auly aaslgned bysal ('liiiMiun Eberbach and Emanuel Manu. of Aun Arbor, on the twenty-seconil m . 1,71, htkI the instrument ef usMmmim; ■ corded in ttaid Register' -tïi-i-. on the tl day of Angunt, A. I). 1S71, at 4% oVluok p -, ."io of mortgages, on page 520; and there bdwg unpaid on ;iid iiioriiiao at ol Mini of five hunared and ninetv-fuir thirty cent, togethei wlth thirt'y doBi mortgage stipulaied and agreed to He paid asm iorn-'ri or solicitoi's or collection iee, imasem I eeediiiys ghoukl laken to foHclose stid morton ' aniounliiti; in all t" sum of sil liundral m t twi-iit y-l.iiir dolían and thirty santa vhicbbn ! clainii-d to Ik: du; thereon, uut no mul or prwwüm al law (ir in equity lul Ijeeu idaUtuted i debt Bootuvd Dy Raid Biortgagt or any m Noticr is llH'lt-f'ii-f licrrhy KÏvi-n, tliiil ■ the power of Bale In satd BtortgageeontalMd,ni foreftkwe Baid Biortgage by sale ai publU the iliiïbt-sl hiilder, on Monday, ' of Januarjr, in the year 1H75, at ten of tl the forenoon ot :iid day, at the isoutli fijor c: i: Court House in said city of Ann Arljor, HotMebetag the of holding i within said county of Waahtenaw, ofl ■ in aid mortgage deseribed, naim-ly: Alloffoum bered seven (7; in I iJnek number - 1 ■ in OmuhTj Page' addition to tlie city of Ann Ara to the reeorded [jlat tliereof. Dated, Ann Arbor, OetoBer 27th, 1874. CHBISTIAN EBKH E.MANUEL MANN. A. Fk.lcii, Attorney for Auigoeea. mi Sheriffs 8ale. BY VIRTüE of one execution ïsaued out 1 me uniler the seal of the Circuit Court fot I ty of Wn&htenaw, to nie dii-ected, aod In September twenty-eecond, 1H74, whereiu .' is plaintiii and Charles Holder ia defencthe want of gooda und ohattels to levy iipou, I havethja day levied upun sil the nght, titie and intmI4' detendant above nanaed, in nnd to the followingml estáte, to wit: Lot number ten (iO) in blockltw f:i) northof Huron treet, in range two 12), mm ing to the reeorded plat of the city oí Ann Ark Michigan, which I sLall exposé for sale to the tigt est bidder, as the law direct, at the south dm il I the Court House in suid city of Ann Arbor, ffl j Saturday, the sixth day of February, A. D. 113, r, eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Dated, December lti, 1874. M.FLEMlNö.SbetiJ. 1509 By Wm. H. McXntïee, Dep'j SlieiüSheriffs Sule BY VIRTL'E of one execution issued out ol mi under the aeul of the Circuit Court for tie cour] oi Washtenuw, State of Michigan, to me diretK wherein Jolin Clanoy is plaintia and Patnck K-.. f and Eliza Kelly are defendants, and lot (ie all I goods and chattels, 1 have tlu's day seized and Initi 1 upo all the right, title and interest ot Patrickiit I Eliza Kelly aforesaid, in and to the follorajif I scribed property, to wit : Tlie east Iialf of tbemiÉ east quarter of sectiou thirty ; siso thi quarter of the southeast quarter of section lt:[nine, all in township number one soutl ofnor six east, Washtenaw county, State of Mküpi which above deserfbed property I shall expo i"f sale at public auction. as the law directe, to hihest bidder, at the south door of tbe Cois House in the city of Ann Arbor, ou Mondar, t ftfteeuth day of Februury next, A. D. 1 S74, at les o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, January 1, 1B74. M. FLEMINO, Sheril. 1511 By Wm. H. HcIstybe, Uep'y tait_ Estáte of Kader, Minore. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtffls'!OAta session of the Probate Couit for Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Ottiof Ann Arbor, on Monday, the thirtietb dy of ■ vember, in the year one tliousaudeiyht hundrre'fc aeventy-four. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probalf In tlie matter of the estáte ot AnnaMaTjGi Catherine Kader, Caroline Kader, Emmj l '■ der, and Godfrey H Karier. minors On readinü and flling the petition, duly venta!," John CJ. Ciros, guardián, prayiug tliat }' "I licensed to sell certain real i state beloi. minora. . Thereupon it is ordered. that Tuesday, tbemntt f of February next, at ten o'clock in the fortow ' issigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and t - next of kin of said minors, and ill otherpei'-j iuterested in said estáte, are requited to m at a session of said Court, then to be w at the Probate Office, in the City of Au W and show cause, if any there be, why tiepi!: of the peütiouer should not be sranted: it is further ordered. that said petitionei notice to the persons interested in M "- of the pendency of said petition, and '""■; thereof, by causing a copy of this order to te f ■ lished in the Michigan Argus, a newspapc' pnwand circulated in said County, f our ucsMve "' previona to said day of hearinir. -,,.WD ( A true copy. ) NOAH W. CHBEV EB, 1512 Judt:e ol f"". DOFT READ THIS! Tlmt ever relïable dealer, WM. WAGNEl has injstore a full stock of Keady-M" FALL AND WINTEÜ CLOTHING Wlneb must and will be soldt PRICES TO SUIT THE TIM Also a füll atock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work warranted to auit. Also a Full Line of Furaishing Gw CALL and 0. WM. WAGÏïER, 21 South Main St. Ann ArboR. rvWELLING HOUSES 'avR l Alargeand very w,:ll built brick house 'l',a ur more lols. Two larse framed house. A l0S!! iized brick house and framed ; J" .fpnil, Frame house ou a good lot. iutended for ailcl ■ For sale on fair terms and a reusonable crou Also other buildings, Iota, aud property. { BONEI WANTED-80 ma"pldüyoW ornui money apply to me that I can renu , [oiUndert good satisfactory investments ai ut. ntere . yv M0Rtf' Ann Arbor, Aoril 28, 187S. W


Old News
Michigan Argus