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BUSINESS PIREETORY. COEORO, M. 1)., Pljyuiciau nnd Surgeon. c Office and reeideuce Nu. 7 Washington streef, : four d00T8 (ast oí Main, Anu Arbor, Mich. EÜGEIfE K. FIïriiAUFF, Commissioner of Deed fi-r tbe state of Punnfylvaiila. Office, H!j1 Opera-Houw, Aun Arbor, M cii. W.i!. I.i:VITT, M. D.J Physioltn and Surgein. Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Main streef, Aun Arbof. ANN UBBOR MINKRAliSPRIXGS, Morris Hale, M. D., Superintendent. Office in buildiDg corner Maan and West Hnron streets. -iirlNKS .V: WORDEN, 211 South Main Street, Anu tibop, Mich., wbolf sale and retal dealers tn Dry Gouds, Cárpete aud Groceries. MACK & SCHMID, rteali-rs in Dry GoodP, ies, Urockery, fee, No. 54 Soiith Main etreet. -ITT H. JACKSttN, Diëtist, Bucees sor to C. B. y a Porter. Office coruer Main and Huron-stP., over t'ie store of Ha'e & ïreniain, Anu Arbor, Mich. Anesthe'ics adminietered if required. SUTHEI5LANI) & WHE1JON, Life and Fire Iusursnco Agenïp, and dealers in Real EHtate. Ofiico on Ilurou t-treet. BACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Good, Groceries, &o., bc, No. 26 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. W.H. WAliNER, dr aler in Beady-Made Clothiiiir, Cloths. Cassimcia, Vestingp, Trunks, Csrpet Bagn, kc, 21 South Main striet. "lïOAH W. CHËËVÊrT" ATTORNEY AT LAW.j Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. MRS. H. J. HÏLTÖN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON Office and Itesidence No. 88 Ann ti.'reet, corner of Ingatts, Ann Arbor, Mich. nyOffice hours 8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to i p. m. References - Prof. Sager, Prof. Palmer. DR. C7i. LË [TËrT PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. Office over Watts' Jewelry Store, Maiu Street, Itesidence 58 East Iluron Street, Ann Akbob, ... Michigan. JOHN G. GALL, De út i' in FRESH AND SALT NIEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. Orders solicited and promptly filled with the best meats iu the market. Cor. Iluron and'Fourth-sts., Ann Arbor. J. FRED. BROSS Mannfacturer of CARRIACES, BUGCIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All work warj-aiifeti of tbe best material. Repairing done iTomptly and reasonably. All york warranted to Kve perfect mitiefactiou. G8 South Maiu street. CKOCKERY, GLASSWARE AND GROOEitlES. .1. & P. DONNELLY Have in store a lan-e stock of Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Cntlery, Groceries. &c, :c., all to be so d at unu6ully low jiriccs. JVo. 11 Easl Suron xt , Ann Arbor. HENEÏ MATTHEWS, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Huron Streel, nexl to Leonard House. Ordrrs left by cusfomers jiromptly filled. HENEY MURPHY, Dealer iu CROCERIES, HOSIERY, Cl.OVES, And Notions, i'o. 9 Korth Main ülreet, Ann Arbor. Produce taken in exchaüge. E V E R Y B O D YSAÏ8 Ï1TÏ REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 Kast Huron Street, up stairs. W. A. LOVEJOY, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FINE-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNUFF, PIPES, &c., At No. 7 East Huron-st., N'uxt to the Eiprees Oflice, ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery ! E. STILING Wouïd inform bis numeróos frieuds and the public generalij tbal be has fitied up tor lately occupied by .]. c. Wa'sou k Co., 28 EmI Hm on-et., as a Bakery ai Coiifectiouery Store, And hopos by a gtrict attcntlon to business to merit and revive a baro of patronado. Particular atteatiou will be paid to tho Ice Cream Department. Wrdding Ckee, PyramldK, al! kinds of Fruit Cakes aad ii-d Gream faruiebed fftniiiies or pariies ou unort uoticr. Fresh Fruita and Coufectiouery always on huud. Goods deUveted free of charge t o uy part of tbc city. EEMEMBEE THE PLACE, No. 28 East Huron St., N AKHOB.


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