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Mortgage Sale. DEKAULT having been Jnado in the conditions of a certain mortgage (whereby tLe power to selltherein contaiued has become operatlve,) exicuted by Jane A. Grifflth, of the city of Ypsllanti, county of Washtenaw, and State ot Michigan, K Julián O. Dickinaon, of the city of Detroit, Wayne county, Michigan, dated the seventeentb day of September, A. D. 1874, and reoorded in the ottee oi the Regisier of Deed for the county of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in hber 52 of inortsages, on page 286, upon which mortga(e íhre ?y f claimed tS be due at the date of thi notice the aum of twenty-seven hundred and seventy-eight 10-100 dollars, and no suit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover „ny part thereof: Notioe is therefore. hereby given thal on Wednesday, the twenty-eighth day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon' I nhall seU at public auction, to the highest bidder, (sale to take plaot at the front door of the Court House, that being the place where the Cncuit Court for the county of Waahtenaw is uaually held,) in the city of Ann Arbor, Waahtenuw county, Michigan, the premisos contuined m snch mortoaire, or so much therooi as shall be necessary to satisfy the iimount duo on uch moitgage, with ten per cent. interest, and legal coat, togetlmr withnattorneyfte of twenty-flve dollar, (coveuanted tor thereinl that is to say the followmf piece or paroel of land sitúate in tho city of Ypifauti, in the county of Washtenaw, anl State of Michigan, and desoribcd a follows, to wit : UrnmoncinK on the eat side of Huron street, one rcxl north of the northwest corner of lot one hundred and eighty-flve ; thence north along said east lme sis rods : thence east at right angles with said enst line to the Huron river; thoncs aoutherly down the Huron river to a line six rods diatant trom and parallel with the uortb line of land hereby uouveyed ; theuce west to place of boglnmng. Dated Detro,t, '%&$%CKIVSOV, 3. Q. Dickinsoh, (in person) Mortïgee. Atl'y fur ilortrgo 'ils BUSINESS COLLEGE! ANN AKBÜR, MICH., Jhi-niril io the Practical Kdueation of Yvnng and Middle-Ayed Men and Womeu. Day Classes throughnut the yenr. EveninK Otaawi fruiu Hentember to June. Instruction accurdiiiK to thu moet approveil plans, and uiostly ïudividual. Student eau anter at aoy timu and receive suptnor iimtruction in Uawuess Penmanahip. Uirauicreiiil Uiw, BuioeB Corrospondeuoe, BuBinee Antbmetic, HinK e aud Doublé Eutry Bookkepipfe (Jraham átaudard Pnonograpby, and Practical Telegrapby. Maiulme wires pas directly tbrougb tue rooms of the Telegraphic Department, affor3injr tbe .tudent every lïautage of ''Actual Office J"'""-' The prülïreB of the student in Bookieepingr M reatly hcStated by the use of a new Cbart entitled ?Sookkeepin at One View," jut publuhed by tb aiïarte -obool bour., „ ad,,r., C. K. POND, AM Albor, Iticb MMtf


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