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, -i ■ ■., .íMiir: vok TUK Abous- Í1..Í0 a yonr. _ Jí, B. Covert is linngerouslr Bick witli ty.,l,nid fever. _-There as a houting mutuh at the Fires Part. Satnrdny. -Milford Wells, Esq., Civil Euglneer, has been pending a few days in the city. _Thero has not been a Democratie juror rom the town of Green Oak iu 16 years. - We learn with regret that A. K. Hale, nlLT,Twt, is very áick with mñammatiou of the Inngs. _ General E. Clark was presented with an Hgioaiag gold pen, by a young friond of hisr íaturday. -The pólice are making but few arresta „„uadays, which certainly speafcs well for the city-One of the jurymeu drawn for the Februarv erm ' 'ne CJircuit Court is a colored aan of Ypsilanti. _ Tho animal concert of the Congregational Sunday School will take place at the church ne,t Sunday evening. _The Dexter Leader proposes the name of iiuige Crane lor re-noinination by the Republicana ol this judicial Circuit. - Olney Hawkins, Esq., who has been in ble health for some time, is seriously ill at I , reeidenoa on Miller Avenue. _ W. A. Lovejoy represented Golden Rule toügí at the session ot the Grand Lodge of gmjnt, held at Detroit this week. - 170 copies of the Erening News are detwnd by carriers. Young Millen of the 1 ;fth ivarJ has charge of the whole business. _ The discourse delivered by Prof. Moses C. Xylcr at the Presbyterian Church Sunday aormnï was listened to by a large audience. -The memliers of the Congregational Society have l)een unable thus far to make the necessary arrangements for an Old Folks Concert. - Tlie assault and b&ttery case of R. S. Swect vs. Wells, of Salem, before Justice McMahon, Monday, was aeain postponed for two meks. - We are informed that Dr. H. S. Cheever, who bas for some time been in Colorado, is on his way home, and his airival ia daily expected. -Mra. Hubell Gregory, who had a atroke of paralysis Friday, is much better, and getting along as well as could be expected for one ioaged. - At the Medical College and Laboratory from 50 to 7 barrels of water are used daily, which supply is now obtained by uelting snow -The tank on Miller Avenue having frozen in, Kittridge is uow couipelled to go to the Mineral Springs Houae for water to supply hú eustomera. - There is one nuifmnco which should be jbated. We refer to snow balling. Let the folree make an example by causing the arrest of a few " boys." - A mosonic gathering takes place at Saline neit Tuesday evening. The lodges of this oity aud of Ypsilanti have been invited, and espect to attend. - The County PiDneer Society will hol d a meeting at Warner's Hall, Dexter, Monday next. A large attendance and interesting excroisos are expected. -The Huron river was never known to be solow at this time of the year as at the present time. On this account the milis are doing fomparatively a small business. - í'rom a letter received from L. Calkins, of London, Monroe County, we learn that he reiitly f'utchered a nine months old pig which weighed, when dressed, 414 lbs. Who can tot it ? - A fistic oncountor occurreil Sunday even:ng at a late hour on North Main street, beIneeu a number of men who had too much of tbc "crathur" aboard to prevent them from verely injuring each other. - Fridaj, Mr. McCuen, of Detroit, reprefinted to a numtter of our citiens that a compauy from Detroit was willing to build and run Water Works in this city, in consideration il the Í5.000 tor hydrants, etc. - The stock of goods and fixtures ot the Ann Arbor Trading Association have been purtkased by Messrs. Wm. McPherson & Sons, of Howell, who will carry on the business in this city until the stock is disposed of. -TueRday afternoon as two young ladies mre out for a ride, when passing a load of Hrair on State street, their horse took fright md started on a run, but by the coolness of the taver, v4at might have been a serious runaraywas prevented. -Au ex-confederate soldier from Kentucky, "ras arrested Saturday for being on a spree and eonducting himself in a disorderly manner He was relcased Monday by Justice Bcahan, e giving his word that he would leave town immediately. He got - Ab tho time approaches for the Spring flecüon, candidates are beginning to be proposed. We hear that efforts are being made from different parts of this judicial Circuit to induce our fellow-citizen, D. Cramer Esq., to kecome the Democratie candidato for Circuit Judge. - Deputy Sheriff Case, of Manchester, arrested James North, of Grass Lake, on Mondi, for passing a forged note of $156, on Mick & Schmid of this city, some dayB ago. He was taken before Justice Beahan, Tuesday, ■henhe waived examination and in default of H wae lodged in jail to await trial at the February term of the Circuit Court. -Frid&yeveniug, Ezra Bowen was thrown 'ram the platform at the depot and slightly "jored. He thought he saw the cause of the touble in the person of a Junior Law student ho was standing by at the time, and being some on the muscle, he was about to adminis puniBhment to the young man, when parta interfered and prevented a row. -A young lad who attends school in the Tted ward, with a number of his schoolmates, Proponed, on Saturday last, to have a ride dlln hUl TTnfortunately for him he had no seigh, but with an eye to business, he con'nved a cntter out of his atlas and slate and u te rode down hill he was heard to exclaim "Xeceesity is the mother of tavention !" - At the closing out sale of the goode and fixtures of the late tirm of Miller & Webster, kers, one of the creditors purchaseda num"" of artioles, including a sign, and as it 8 mmored that Stephen M. Webster is aoon to Wme a partner with a Mr. Miller of Bay ■■'!', the gentleman proposes, in case such a PWnership is forraed, to present Stophen with e ifotmid iign. - We are glad to know tliat the Ladies' Ubrary Association give a musical and dramatic entertüinmeut Wednesday evening, Feb. j1' t 8 o'clock, at the house of Mrs. Israel Hall. "'e ladies have always had attractive proSfMnincs, and we are told tliis will surpass Hiera all. Secure your tickets soon as there " only a lumted number to be sold. Ticket ' l had at the store oi Fiske & Douglas. -Baruey Morrison, who had too much " taurle leg" aboard Wednesday evening, was Picked up by one of the pólice for couducting ''imself in a diaorderly manner, and Harringo Johneon (colored) was arrested tor abusiug " wife. Thuraday, Justice McMahon sentenced Barney to 66 days in the Work House, wd Johnson not having the neoessary amount to Py his fine was committed to jail for 20 dy. - The examination of Ed ward Eisenhardt , charged with being a di?orderly person, etc., ond whioh examination was to come off Tueaday, waa upon motion of Edward Duffy, Esq., lield open to ascertain the action of the Judgo of Probate in the appointnient of a guardián for the deserted child of the dcfeudant. Subaequently upon the appoiutmeut of a guardián for the child upon the petition and consent of the defendant, the suit was discontinued by and with the advice and consent of the Superiutendents of the Poor. - In our last issue we spoke of a reading room, where young men could go and wile away au hour or two, when tree f rom the cares of business. It shouid be a place fitted up with a billiard tablc. Lot those who desire to play cards, chuckerb, or che&s play. Wheu a place liko the oue to which we refer to is startod it will bo the means of calling out all young men who now seek pleasure in tome saloon. We hear a great deal about the " prevailing element" or whatever you may choose to cali it, but with a room like the one to which we refer young men wül congrégate together, talk politics or something else, and go home at a reasonable hour. - We take pleasure in iniorming our citizens that H. D. Watsou, üeneral Manager of of this State for " Johnson's New Universal Eucyclopsedia," is in town, and propones to thoroughly canvoss the city, and give all an opportunity to examine this most important of all works for all classes of society. It is without doubt the best Encyclopuadia yet published, and its price is withiu the reach of all. Mr. Watson informs us that over 190 subscriptions were recently obtained in the city of Lansing, and that the work wins deserved laurels everywhero. Mr. Martin, who receutly cammenced the canvass of this city, was obliged to leave on account of his health, and for that reasou the orders taken by him cannot bo delivered before March. - Moses Marks, the champion wood sawyer, and Charles Berry, a tonsorial artist, happoned to meet in a barber shop en North Main stn-et Wednesday aitemoon, when a dispute aróse between them in relation to a transaction that occurred at a Masquerade ball the evening before. Oue word brought on another when Marks was ejected rom the room by the proprietor whon he passed into a hall-way to one side, and waited for Berry to come out. As Boon as he made his appearauce, Marks agaiu went 'for him, and duriug the affray, which lasted but a few minutos, Berry's left thumb was nearly bitten off, and his lower lip fearfully lacerated. Marks has been arrested, charged with mayhem, and his examination will come off before Justico Beahan. - Saturday evemug, on the complaint of R. A. Beal, Sheriff Fleming attachod Saturday's edition of the Univtrsity Vironicle, for a debt of $667 22, a balance which remains unpaid by former editora for work done at the Courier office last year. The seizure caused considerable excitemeut among the atudents, a large number of whom were waiting at the bookstore for their papers. The editora, however, were not to be discouraged easily, and on Sunday afternoon three of them went to Ypsilanti, and ordered a new edition printed -the type being all standing. At 6 o'clock Monday morning the edition was ready for mailing út Ypsilanti, and the papers were distributed with the eastern mail here. This enterprise of the editors was the topic of convorsatiou on Monday, on which day the Sheriff also seized the back numbers of the Chronicle which had been taken to the house of oue of the editors. Suits and counter-suits are talked about, and the end is not yet. The preRent editors have been cited to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court, and show cause why they shouid not pay the aforementioned claim.


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