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Tuesday, Jan. 10.- Señale - A memorial from : the Legisla ture of Dak ota., asking for the complctioii of the Northcrn Pacific railroad, was laid before the Sciiüte by the Vice-President The time of the ! Senate was oceupied prineipally in coneideration of , the Legislativo Appropriation bilí. - E. B. Hoar offered a roKolution for the appointmeut of a select conmiittoe to inqiiire whether i the privilogea of the House, had beeii viola ted by ttu arrest and detention of Whitelaw lteid, at the trnit of Alexauder R. Shephcrd, while Beid was witliin the District of Cohmibia undei ft Bttbpcma from a coiumittee of the House ; adopted, and a comzaittee of ftve appolnted, comprlelng chsts. E, R. Hoar, Halr of New York, Ürth, Clyi'icr, niid Saylcr. The Hourc tben wi-ut into comxnittee of the whole on thc Indian Appropriation bilí, PoiaAd in the oittir, but adjourned without (lisposing of the (joestioii, Wednesday, Jan. 20. - Senate - Clayfcon !ntroducod a bilí to protect each State againat invasión, and for other purpoaea. It provides that wIioiukoever nhall invade any State for the purposc of viotating Che lawe of sala Stato, or of tln: United Statee, or fnr the purpoae of iiitorfering in any niannrr with the exocntion of saiá laws, or wlio)iisoi;vrr shall wilfully and corruptly conspire, combine and confedérate with any other prrson for any of the purposes above indifatad, Hhall, npon conv4cöon thereof, be '[■ ini'íl guilty of fplony and bo punished by a Une nnt eXQGfiding í"! 0,000. ;ud by imprisonmont at hard labor not excoedíng ten j&vpb .... The Legielatlve Apprnpriation bilí, after nonie unimportant amendments, wh8 ri.'ad a third time and pansed .... Mortou'n amendment to tlie Constitution, providing tef the elH:tion of President and Vioe-Presideni by direct vote of the people, was read, but without actlon upon it the Senate went into executive seasion. JiouHc - Garrióla reponed a mil appropnatmg $150,000 for continuing tho conetruction of the St. Louis Postónico Crounse introduced a bilí appropriating $30,000 for the dintribution of seeds to Un i portions of the country that have BUffered from grasshopper ravages. . ..The Indian Appropriation bill was considerea iu oommlttee of the. whole, and the proposition to pny uenrly thr-e million dollars to the Choctaw Indiana, under the award sf tho Senato of March 9, 1859, was agreed to, and so reported to the House; but tliis ameiidnient beiog deemed obj jectionable the bill was rejected - 111 ayesto 120 noes, j and the bill was reeommitted. ...Tne Speaker prei nented a message from the President, cajling att ntion to the absolute necessity of providing proper armament for Üie sea-coast defenses, wliich va r - fenvd to the Committee on Milittsry Affairs Aftor some debate on the Pacific Mail invefitigation the House adjourned. Thursday, Jan. 21. - Scnaie - Tho Vice-Preflident laid before the Senate a message from the ! President with regard to Ktr.-ngthening tho coast def cuses Davifl introduced a bill to incorpórate the Washington City and St. Louis Railroad Couipany. .... The Civil Service Committee ivported adversely on the bill to reduce the palary of the President of [ the United States The remainder of the sesslon wasoceupied in dJsflUMfög the propoaed amendment to the Constitution iu regard to the eleetion of the Tïvsidmt and Vtce-Prestdent by direct vote of the people. louw- vote by whieh the Indian Appropriation bill was defcated ytsterday was reeonsidered, and the bill was referrcd to the comniittee of the whole Smith, from the Election Committee, reported a resolución expeUinj; Delégate Caimon, of Utah, for polygamy. Ordoivd printed What is I known as the " Little Tarín bill" was discusaed and ! fmally passet!. FniDAY, Jan. 22. - Senate - Scott presen ted a p-jüüon from eitizena of Pennaylvania a reetoraüos of the duly on tea and coffee, and for a repoal of the law of 1872, releaHing forelgn producís of the 10 per cent. üix. Keferred Wost pralented the credcntialu of P. B. S. Piuch'Dack !; BenatBS elect from Louisiana for the term expiring Msroh 4, 1879, and tluy Vi re ïvferred to the Coiumittee ou Electious and FrivUeges Boutwt'll introduccd a bill to provide a bar for the two hovses oí' Congrios. . ...Lewis inlrodnced a bill repealing the act providing a governmeut for the lJiwtrict of Colmnbia, approved June 20, 18(1-4. . . . The iiiorning liour haviug ex])ired, debato waa renumed on the Sixteenth Anu-ndment to the Constitution and albo on Schurz' resolution regarding tlie right of LouiHiana tö ifgoverument, whlch was participated in by Sht nuaii, liayard, Schurz, West and Johutou, af ter which the Senate wout into executive Beesion and adjourned. fïouse - O'lïrien asked leave to offer a resolution calling on the President to stato by what authority the courts or omcers of Mississippi, at Vickaburg, had been interfcred with by the army. Conger objected, because üiat was au iiMruunption Unit they had been interfercd with Gariicld reported a bill appropriating $182,500 iu coin to pay the interest on the 3.65 bouds of the District of Columbia, which was ordcred printed and reoomrnlttod , . , .Butler, of MaHsachunett, by unanimous consent, introduccd a bill to authorize Lieut.Con. Frederick Plejsoxt to accept from tin Quoea of fíreat Britain the decoration of the military Order of tho lïath, for gallant iu the combïned attack on the Japancse forts and piratical Teasels. whiHi was paBBcd, wheu the House adjourned till Monday. Monday, Jan. 25. - Senate - In the absence of Vice-President Wilson, Anthony, of Rhode Island, was elected President pro tem The Chair laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of War, traufimitting copies of the correspondence in relation to certain disorders in Louisiana BobertHou prwented a resolution of Uie Soutli Carolina Legislature anking an appropriation of $100,(KX) to deepen the Charleston liarbor. . . . A bill was introduced by Morrrill, of Vermont, to establinh an education fuud and Kppty a portiou of the proceeds of tho sale of public land to public r'lurution, and to provide for a more complete endowment and support of nationsJ colleges for the advancement of scientific and industrial education .... The bill for the relief of the Polaris BTifferers was paeee3 Discusión of the LouiHiana complicatiou was fehea reausned. Houw-BHte iutroduced : By Butler, of MttstaelmsettH, to ehtablish errtuin faelegrsph lines in serera] States and Tcrritories at post roads, and to regúlate the transmlsflioo of commercial and otherintolligence by tolögraph ; by Wffliaxns, of Indiana, for Incorporating the National Union Tetegraph Co ; bj Wells, for a branch mint at St. Louis Onmotion of Dawes, it wan ordered that Richard B. Irwin bc diweharged from arrost, lic havlng answered ah" [iu-sii:is of the committee,., Oeslu offered a resoliitiou providiiiR Uiat " tho rules be so tar suspended during üio caaindi r of the present Bossion as to pteveni Khe Speaker from entertalning auy í dilatíiry motion pending the consideratlon of any public l'ill or joini rosoltiüon, or of any motion to bring, or the reÉrait of whlch msy bring, before the House for oonsiderution such bill or joint rosolutiou ; and tliis order atuU apply to aineinimentH offered in the House or adopted in the Senate. and jiu;ntiiig eonourrenoe In the House, or to such public bill or joint rtvoiution and to auy report of a comniittee threon." The resolntion was received with protrsts from all sidea, and was rejected, - yeas, 156 ; nays, 19,- not Uie uecessary two-thirds In fihe afflrmative A motion by Butler, of Mftssaohtisette, to lahe ttp the Senate Clvfi Rights bill for oonetdermflon was defeated - yeat, 1-47 ; naya, 93. , . .Burham presentod a mi-morial aud petiI tion, signed by 6,000 residente of Keatncky, askixig au amendznent to the Constitutiou of tho Uüited States prohlbiting the manufacturo, import ation, ad nalc of pirituous liquor, such amendment to take effect Ju. 1, 1878, wbich was referred. aed tbc 1 Houne Kdjouravdt


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