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Finance And Trade

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The domand for fund was rathef liglit dviring the pawt week, and tho raoney maïket .wiwí quiet and steady. Supply of loanable funds moderately lnrge. Interest rates Bteady at 10 per cent. per annum on tinio and 7(a8 per cent. for cali loauH. Government bonds firm and Hteady at 115@115,Y for 5-20's '02, 118%@119 I for5-20'H'C5, llfi(VillGYfor 10-40'h, and 119JÍ (ll'.Ui for currency fl's. Ilünoi 10 per cent. Hchool bonds, 97@98J. Latent gold quotations -New York, 112X(112' ; Chicago, 112% , BREADSTUFFS. Tho folloTving wero tho recoipta and ship ments for the week, aa compared with the same time last year : RecXpts. Shipmmtt. Articlee. 1875. 1874. 1875. 1874. Flour, brl.... 47,832 83,871 1 38220 68,132 Whcat, lm 364,930 1,098,513 101,2(10 673,248 Oorn bu .. 21)7,52ci 372,000 157,57 35,(148 OatR bu 72,89H 213,701 23,901 100,680 Rye,bn 7,22(1 20,853 8,070 10,25 Barley, bu.... 40,073 91,940 19,M 74.81Í Dreased liogn . 25,0(1 18,261 23,444 25,04(1 Live hom, NO. 90.9W 73,30!) 39.230 28,4(10 Cattle, No 20,052 15,383 10,003 10.15-J Tho movcmciit in the gram markets ivas not very satisfactory to sellers and bolden, and the general tendency of valué was to a loiver range. The amount of biwinoss transacted ivas light, and tlie principnl interest of iipeculutors eentered in the ivheat trade, the other markets ruling oomparatively fiúet throughout. The general influencea and governing circumstancea affecti]i; tlio markefe veré generally of an rmfavorable tenor, and ivere naturally calciüated to cause a downivard movement in priesa. The rlosing quotations show a general decline all anmnd, although at ono time ivheat and corn ivere both considerably higlier than at the opening. Liverpool was quoted firmer on ivbeat, and under a better speciúative domand prices ailvanced to 8!I;'",V. or about le 'tí bu. Corn alao advaneed under lighter receipts, ivbile oatü syinpathized ivith tho improvement. Later, hoivever, the higher prices brought out more sellers, and ivith largely '■ increaHed receipts and dull, uufavorable advicen j from Liverpool and New York the markets becarae weak and dull, and prices declined to and closed easy at the annexed quotations. Shorts j ivere onlybuying moderately. Evo ivas quiet , but firm. Barley ivas dull and eaay, with no ; special deinand from any source. The folloiving wcre the current quotatiou3 at the opening and closiug of tho week: Opening. Cloxiny. , No. 2 spring ivheat, cash.. 88% SS' No. 2 bpring wheat, Feb.. H'J:-,i 88% No. 2 npriug wheat, Mar.. 90ÍÍ 89 No. 2 corn, ca i 6iy No. 2 cora, Feb 66JÍ 66J4 No. 2 corn, May TV4 'IX No. 2 oats, cash &VÍ 62 No. 2oatn, Feb 52% r.2'., No. 2 rye, cartl 97 97 No.2barley, canh, H.25(ñl.3O $1.24l.a7 No. 2 barloy, Fc) 1.26ml.27 1.25 (.1.25% No. 3 barlcy, cash 1.10@1.18 1.10 (5il.ll ruovlsloNK. The movement iu this market ha been uunsually active, and an enormous business iva-s transacted. A combination of unfavorable influeuces caused a very weak market, and the tendeucy of prices iva to a lower range. The advices from ether markets were unfavorable, and holdeni shuwed í, general defiirc to realize. wlúlo the heavy decline in the price of hogs has aided materiolly in the depression. Mesn pork was 50(n :75c "t1 brl lower, closing at Í17.80 cash, $17.80 tseller í'ebrnary, and 18.12)í seller Mai'cb. Lard active at }Lc decline, closing at L13.25 for cash, .? 13.30 for seller February, and ■13.50 sellor March. Meats firm. I.IVF. STOCK. 1 The cattle market iva quite activo, but the unexpected and unusually largo receipts cauBed a weak feeling and a general decline of about 15 ! @25c per 100 Ita ivas austained, except for stock steers. whicb wero in active raque and very 1 firm, closing steady at 2.00@i-50 for inferior to good butehers' stock : 3.7o@4.00 for stock cattlo ; Í4.5O(5.5O íor tair to gooa ; ana ro.uu (G.V2}4 for choice Hhipping ateers ; extra, L6.25 i (G.75. Ilogs were dull and weak ut the opening, and ivitii 70.000 011 sale priceti deolined 10 (d 50c per 100 lts. but improved ander the light receipta, and clowed Bteady at $6.eO@6.40 for conimon to medium and Ï6.5O(!C.85 for good to very choice ; extra, $6.90@7.10. Sheep dull at Í3.00@5.50 for cominon to choice. rRESSF.I HOOS, Thi market wan somewhat nnsettled, ruling active at times and again very dull. Trices were at one time 50c lower. Onder an active compe' tition at tho close between hippers and packers ! t!ie market closed firm at $6.80@6,W) for piga, #7.00 for light weights, and .Y7.50 for heavy. I Light weighta are from 100 to 200 tbs and upward, and heavy 200 tbs and upward. KKEDS ANP HIOHTTUniS. Soedn v.-ere tirm and there was a good demand for timothy on apeculative account; cloeing at $2.40@2.K. Clover f6.15@6.25. Flax steady at ïl.lJO(2.00. Hnngarian and millet quotable at 80@85c. Highwinert were firm and Bteady ; cloaing at 94c. OF.NERAI, PRODUCE. Butter was dnll, the demanrt being light and prices were weak and easy. We quote choico roll at 22@23c, faucy 24e, packed lots 18@ i 30c for poor to choice, 32c for fancy. Beans were dnll and priees weak. Broora corn firm and in demand at ll@13c for the boet. Bees■ wax firm at 25(26c. Cheese was in demand and fii-m at 15(Í7c for good to prime factory ; new 8((il4c for poor to fair. Cider firm at $6.75@6.00 't) brl for choice Kweet ; keg 8.50@8.75. Dried peau $,1.25@1.70 for common yellow to choiee green. Dried fruits were tirm' at licT-c for Michigan apples, 6@ ! 60 f qr Southern, sy2 c.c for halven peaches, and 10'('10Kc Ior biackbemes. Egg were in ! fair local (Iemand ond steady at 26c for fresh ■ (warranted), 2.'("24c iorordmaryoonBignmenta. Prime live geese feathera 47@49c Prairie ; chickens 'in demand at ï2.5Ö r' dozen. Quail W.66@li75 't' dozen. Grease 1% : @8Jo. Honey was qmet at 23(u25c for ! comb, and 10@llc for strained. Hop quiet at i 33@37c for good to prime, and 25(íí30c for fair. Iliden were in moderate demand at 8c for green frozeu, 8@9e for green salted and 15c for calf ; kip. 10@12c ; calf, 15@16c ; Hint, 18@ i 19c; di7 calf, 2Sc21e. Hay waa firmer at Í15.00@15.60 for No. 2, and 17.60@17.60 for i No. 1 timothy. Natu were elow at $1.00 for large hickory' and 75c@f2.50 per bu for cheet; nta. Poultry was dull ; torkeys nlow, at over I 10c for best ; fair to good 7@St. Geese dull ai 6@10c. ChickenH 5@9c for poor to choice. Potatoes were rh-m at 85c for peach-blows and 75(B 85c i for mixed. Tallow iirm at 8( ti'ic Vegetables were quiet at ,?2.75(c4.50 for common red to choice Kilver-skin oniona ; S5@65c 't' bu for turnips; -ïl.75 V brl for parsnips, and 75c( j V doz for Hubbard Bquashes. Veal dull at 5@ 8c per IK TelegraphlG REarket Keports. NEW YORK. Beeves X@ 13,'i Hoos- Daeesed 8 @ 9 COTTON 15 tg 15)i Fï-our - Hupi-rüue Western 4 Ü0 (íí 4 26 WUkat- No. 2 Chicago 1 09 (1 1 11 No.l Sliring 1 18 @ 1 22 Cohn 84 80 Oats W Kye 04 96 Poiuc- New MesB 19 2. @19 M Lahi- Steam 12J@ 14 ST. LOUIS. No. 2 Red 1 05 (ff 1 07 ('miN- No. 2 New 63 (A M j Oats- No. 1 55 @ 5(i Hïk- No. 2 1 00 @ 1 09 Pokk- Mcsr 1H 00 @18 2.) : Lard 13 & Vi% I Hoos B SU @ 7 (Hl Cattle 5 00 @ 0 00 MILWAUKEE. ■Viieat- No. 1 93 94 No. 3 88 A 89 I Oohn- No. 2 CO (m 61 inh-Si. -2 50 (.i, 51 Hyk 98 ( H Babley- Nu. 9 1 27 1 29 CINOINXA'ri. WflEAT- Red 105 @, 1 10 Cohn- New 68 w 70 Oath 60 @ 03 ItYE 1 10 (ri 1 12 PonK- Mens 18 00 (18 25 Lard 18JÍ U% TOLEDO. ■ Wiikat- Extmi 112 (.ü 1 13 Amber tflohlgta 1 07 @ 1 8 [ Cokn- New ; 68 O 69 Oats 57 S9 DETROIT. Whkat- Extra 1 13 @ 1 14 Amber 107 (i'f, 1 118 Corn 89 (rf. 70 Oats SÖ (,.) 58 CLEVELAND. Wheat- No. 1 Rod 1 10 g 1 12 No. 2 Ital 1 01 (S 1 M COEN 68 (1, 72 Oats 5'J (.., 61


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