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IHIS paper i;i prlnted with Ink frnitherl by Charles i l.ii.ii .lolinson & Co., 60B Kontli Teiith Street, ' Ipl.itt, imil 69 C.old Stront, Nuw York. For salo in 1U ui 25-poun'l rm l;y THE Xi;VSI'APKRUNIOX, Chicago, III. 1 ASTH W AÍ CATARRlT MÍ&O leatlt with AhTHSM, 1 cx pa rimen te tl tiy remÊgmwtó potiiidinj; r.t.its aii-t linU nn.l Inimliiii; m--i. mSHMo ' fi't"ly dlsoovircd womlrrful WKBtiyft remerty aml mir rnre for AkIIiiiia mi'l Catarrh. SsS-r" W.urantfid to relieve leverett pnroxygm lnrwHPiSbk fttni)tW.fltliepfttl?iit "inlic .lwn to rent and yPHHI "lct'11 '■""li't"1 '' ■ ■ 'PP'i'-'l wlth " ilruKKlMl". Pitrkftfc-t' by BuU AddrcflB LA,.l.l,l., Apple Crack, til. ifflKraBtoh This new Trusa ia worn ÈU0BBmB with perfect comfort VM TT T & e T T P WniKlit' ftI'd dny. Adapts Q ELASTIO llitrolf to every motion of iPL. T R V fl B . J tlio body. retaininK Rupkjfc-r- - - - vatfJLy torn under tho hardest l?fcpr-Sü '-"■■"-) JE'-d rucrcieo or severest -"' ■ ■■ ''-rS "n 11Ilt11 pormanently NipiiF cun d. Sold etioap by ELASTIC TRUSS CO., ïq, f)8,') nrniuhvny. N. Y. C'Hy, and Bont by mail. )al!, or nrifl tn Circulo r, and bo ourcd. MANUF4CT0RY AND SAUESROONI, 23 & 25 RANDOLPH ST.. CHICACK WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS are thk best tntïo ; thr. t)in li elnstir, and a line xljiiciiic tone, iiowci-rul. iiiii-c '■' even VVATERS' Concel-to ORCANS confié be excelletl tone or beauty ; ;"-y flify romper i t ion. 77ir Concerto Stoic aflnellni" Inli'm Human Voiei-. PKK'KS 1?TBEMELV i,OW for cash dui-lng lIs JIontli. Dfïii1hly Installinent-i recetved; o, Piíinos.SlOtoSaO; Oigan, S" "' S10; Srcotnl-hatirl Ititritmciil, fi'.i f S5. montlily afternrstDepoait. AGESTSWANTED. A liberal discount 'o Harken, iltniilert, Cliurchu, SchoalA, Loflgr,6te, Special I iiUiceiiients to the traile. ílliltvatC(l Cntnloeuca Mnilcil. IIOH.VCK WATERS fe SÜ!V, '1S1 Broadway, !Ycw Tork. '"-r 3067. I Marking Clothincj, Books. Printing Envelopes, 1 I Cards, B.iijs, &c. Bankers Stamps a specialty. I ■ Agenls Outfit, $2.00. Send Stamp tor Circular Waukesha Water. MINERAL ROOK SPRING, Curca Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Diabeten, Cnnstipntion, Grave!, Janndice, Bnght's Disoase, Scrofuln, Fr ver Sores. Femrilo "Wcvkncss, in all its forms, ..11 disensos of the Kidneys anrl Liver. PmcEB;rTela, $12 ; half do, $7 ; cans, jiirs, demijohnnnnd bot t les, 50 cenis per Rllon ; pacKges extra, Vloney must iicconipany tho order. Sena stamp forour jook of 32 pages, giving description of the above disC. C. OLIN & CO., Wunkeshn, AVls. "WILBOB'8 COMPOTTHD OF N PURE COD LIVEE LoiLANDLIMEJ WllboTCod LlverOil arM TAnw - Pnrpons whihivo b&onUklng CodliverOll wfll 1"; pioaaedto tefttil that Dr. Wilbor has BucceoJed, from diroctions of evor! professional gentlemen, in oomblnüig the pure oil nnd Inuo in o-.ich a mannor that it is pleasnnt to the tasto, and itfi oiïocta in lung oomplainta aro truly wonderful. Very m.iny persons whoeo caae3 wero pronounced hopeless, nnd who'had tken ího cleu oil for a lon time without m:irke'l eiT(ct, have been entirely curoa byusing this prrmarHtion. lío fiure and et the penuine. Manufacturad only by A. Iï. WILBOR, Cheinlst, Boston, feold by all druggists. JVaüCIIGC Snccesa. Evory muil and oxpress leavÜ7!lflC.nOC. in Boston is crowded with oods from the crent popular ind money-savine N. K. Dolur Sat.e. rivíusandá neiil with it everf month and all are grntined and Bfitistiod. 3ít,U0U deli{ïhted ïatrona supplied and sutil f DtQV Goods aro sent C. O. D.. nnd you can Fl U Sí a ö ft . examine befpre payixw, No humluiR, no tickets, distribution vr swindlinR, hut simply a concern doing an immenpo business and peiling fiimas at retail at los than wholesata prices. Kend for circulars and fiEE what one Bingle dollar raïi do. We offer undeniable proof, pivo names and places. 00 ftfifï IVliiilited patrons testifying to ourhonesty JÖjOUU andfalr dealing durins 174. You ra ave mant v if you ir.L. AVhy pay doublé pricear VVbynot buy$15worth of poods for $10, if you CAN, and yon can do it ií you deal with us. Ilundrcdsof auperb 2 and $ bnoks, )i 11 sfinE off at just one single dollar. Thïs is no humbuc. aa one Pingle trinl will ehow you. ftPCWTQ "VV'o want 10,000 Rcwd agenta, ludies and ."ÜLI1 I O. penis. WfforiietOgiT9 perfect iiirfoction; Free outfit sent to all. No rifk. Aiidresa ÜHM1ST05 Je CO-, 33BromfieïdSt., Boston, Maei. %Jr HabSt Cured A certain and snre cure, without lnconvenlence ndathomo. An antidote that stands purely on its om merite. Send for ir. y quarterly magazine, (i coRts you notkinff,) contalnlng cortíñeatesof hundreds that have been penn.inently cured. I claim to havo discovered and produced the fikst, oeigiital axd ONLY SUBB CTIKE FOR OPIl'S EATIXG. DR. S. B. COL.LÍNS, Ja Porta, InJ. AMIBBR'U CÜEED at Home. So IBfll l'iibllclty. fei-ms moderato. 9 V, ■ fl H aWil Timo short Four ycars oí unWl IQriWÏ panil]ele(lEcccs3.Di'scribecnEe. 40O!eítónKí.A(ldre83Dr.F.E.Marsh4ulncy,Mtoh. ÍÜ e% f and expenses a month to agrats. Artdress aUUA.L6TQ.l)DARD. Jonesille. Micii. 4fc t% H H B BI KATERS THOBOuani.TCURKD. U &tf íí I kL1 Choap.ñulck; nosufferlng. O yra IB ■■■awoaderii!l!i"cces8.Descri'becase. VB IV ÏB lr. Armatruua, Uurrieo. illch. Agents Wanted for U U í íí J JL Ujhave just receivod nowa f tho fact that the gieat TTTCmrT V Statepmau and Histoiian lilöiuIVX had just comyleted mis imporlant work beforo OF bis dcath, the MS. of the last volume l.einff now PM 1 II A !■ in tho hands of tke Paris S ï,l E Ü publishera. We are now Ia K 91 IV I . Va issuinKthewurkiutemlI Sa rl 1 1 U Ln "mt jf. ' - ■ illtll W taj per part It is one of tho mest su A C perb specimens of bdokf'ijlj makiiiti ever publiBhed -■ " in Amenra. "irit-claas ■niip.i. -Tanvassing a;e-.its wantmHUlliriUtli I country ItitheOREÁT ILLUSi'RATIO'S. aBtf'.eOioth year' Appljr KSTKS ifc IAllSl VT, 143 Washington S.ircl, llomon. O. J. tilill'FITHÜ, 26 Ilrmluiru Alltel. Cliiciijro. "ËMPLÖVMËNtr Iwant 1UO() agenta to caí Tai a foi tho COM PLETfi HEtiBAl'ÏSr and T.Htf Ghowinü Vohld. 1 vi 11 gi ve such tttimi and .irnish such advertiRirg facilitiea that no man n di nulcu lesa than S200 por mon li ana all expense- no matter er he ever canvaBserl b fitre or not. Addrc 8 Dr. O. VHELPS BKÜWN, No. 21 Grand St., Jersoy City,N J..and fu'l particjl irB will ba scui y return mail ■mm liliiii thoso who u-e viiurricd or corvïemphite iniirriatre. PrioeOOcta. bvmail. Address Ur. ïtutts' DlspeaMry. 12 Kortii Klflith Street. St. Louis, llu DR. C. I BOHANNAN, ■TO. 19 North Fifth Street, St. Louis, Mo., KSTABli LISH1CD 1837. Cures ftll eufTorcrs without the use of Mronry. GharKtti reasonable fees. BTDr. B.'b 'rTrcatise on Special DiseaseB." whlch fully explains the nature, cansos, nymptonis, and menna to cnro all forma of Nervons Debility, alt Díbpssob causod by the " Krrora of Youth," and valnable Information on other delicate Bubjecta, Bent FltEE in plain oealed en velo po. Dr. J. Walker's California ïu. egar Uitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mado chielly from the nativo hei-bs found on tho lower ranges 'o[ the Sierra Novada mountains of California., tlio medicinal proporties of which aro extractcd tlierofroin without tho usa of Alcohol. Tho qnostion ia alniost daily askcd, ''What is tho cause of tho luiparallcled success of Vinegab Bi', runs!" Our apawer is, that thcy remove the cause of diseasc, and tho patiënt re. covers his hcalth. Thcy aro tho great bloot) purifler and a lifc-giviug principie, a perfect KcnovatQjr and Invigorator of tlu system. Never bcfore in tho history of tho world lias a medicine beca eonipoundert possessing the reniArkable qualities of VlííKOAR Bittkrs in healingtj, sick of every diseaso man is hcir to. tiq are a gentío Purgativo as well as a 'Twí, relieving Congestión or Inflammation 0 the Liver aud Visceral Orgaus, ia IiUiou Diseases. The properties of Dk. Walkis's , Tinkgah Bittkrs .iré perient.Diaphoretio, Canuinative, Xutritious. Laxativo, Diur Sedativo, Counter-Irritant, Sudorifio, Al; tive, aud Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thonsands proclaimV egab Bitters the most wonderful hvigorant that eyer eustained tho sinMii system. No Person can take these Bitten according to directions, and reinain lon unwell, provided their boues are no; destroyed by mineral poison or otha means, aud vital organs vasted bovoad repair. lJilious, Rcniittent and íntermittent Fevers, which are so preva. lent in the valleys of our great riven throughout the United States, cspecially thosc of the Mississippi, Ohio, M'ssot, Illinois, Tennessce, Cumberland, Avkan. sas, lied, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pcarl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannab, lioanoke, James, and many others, ititb their vast tributarios, throughout odr entire country during tho Slimmer and Autumn, and reiuarkably so duringsa sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensiva iteran ge men ts of the stomach aud liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatmtnt, a purgativo, exerting a powerful intluenco upon tbeso varióos organs, is essentially necessary. Thera is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegak Bitters, as thoy will speedily remove the darkcolored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stinmlatiug the secretions of the liver, and generully restoring the healthy iunctious of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluida with Visegju BlTTEKS. No epidemie can takc Ml of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspcpsia or Indigestión, Tleadache Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Som Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitatation of tho Ileart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of tho Kldneys, and a hundred othèr painfül symptoms, are the offtprfngs of Dyspcpsia. Ono bottlewill provo a betterguarau.w of its malta thau a lengthy adwrtéenient. _ Scrofnla, or King's Evil, "Whita Swellings, Dlcerg, Erysipelas, Swolled Keek, Goitre, Scrofuloua Inflamraations, Indoleal Inflammations, Mercurial Aü'ections, OU Sores, Erüptions of the Skin, Sora Eyes.etc. In these, as in all other cunstitutional Diseases, Walkkr's Yi.nkgar Bitters ha siiown their great curativo powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For InHanunatory and Chronk Kheninatisin, Gout, Bilions, Keniittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseascsol the ISlood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are cansad by Vitiatrd Blood. Mechanical Diseases.- Personsensraged in Paints and Minerals, sneha Pluinber, Type-setters, Gold-beatcrs, anJ Minere, as th'ey advauce in life, aro subj to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guarí againsí tliis. take a dose of Afalker's ï eüar BiTTiiiis oecasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions.W ter, Salt-Kheuin, Blotches, Spots, Pimpla Fustules, Boils, Ca'vbuneles, Ring-womj Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas. üi, ScU'rfs, Discoloratious of the Skin, Hnmon and Diseases of the Skin of whateret naot or nature, are lite'rally dug up and camefl out of' the system iu a'short timo by the is of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other lVorms, lurking in the system of so many thousaml are effectually destroyed aud remoVed. S system of medicine, no %rniifuge8, no antïielminities will f re e the system from worn like these Bitters. For Feniale Coinplaints, myoimj or old. married or single, at the dawu of ff 1 manhood, or the turn of life, these Toui Bitters display so decided an iuflueuce tw improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Klood wh; ever yon tind its impurities burstiug thro'Jg" tho skin in Pimples, Erüptions, or Sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed an; slucjiisb in the veins; clcause it wheu it " foul ;' your feeliugs will teil you when. Kee[ the blood pure, and the health of the systel will Fellbw. lt. H. McDONAI.D & CO., Drugpi. ïs md Gon. Agte., San Franciüco, Califnn and cor. uf Wo3liinKton mul Charlton Sts-, ■ w Soltl by uil liruggists and Dealers. "DSTCnOMANCT, or Soul Charroüig;" r H..w .■! i.J lilclut .1! tHln tlio WW ITiTllon of niiy pomnu tln-y i-lu,,.o, liintaiill)'. : iur tmt. natcm T. WlLLUMa CO-, Pal.', rlilltdig; brTwhittieb, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, Ï&, rontlnne to treat 11 case of obnaeles to marrjape, ofoi impuritiefl, every ailmeat or nirkuusa which resulta frcni indlcrctloD or lmprudcocc, with unp;trlleled HoMM Dr. W.'i eílaljllsíimcnt is charterpd br the P tute of M1' Boiiri, was fouBded and haa been CMtablisbed to bmui1 safe, certaip and rcliable relief. Being a gradúate et itvveral medicnl colleges, and bavlng the exneri-nce of loDgand successrul Ufe ín his apecialtles he has perfccíeJ remedies that aro effectual ia all these cases. Hii patieBU are beiag treated by m.iil or express everjwbcre. mattt r who failcd, cali or write. From the arent number of appiicatktnn he in enabled to keep his charge' lew. 36 pojest givinc full sympioms, for two stampMARRBaQË CUIDE, 260 pagea, a popular boo!i which ahouM te read bf BT7 bo!j. jïo married pair, or persons noaicrnriatiDg mr rlngfi, can atTord to lo withont t. It oonmins the creain of m.Y al literature on tbl sLhjcct. tho remiiuof Dr. V-t Jout ?iperlenoo; al?o the best thonghts frnm late wo1"1" la Liiroii and America. Sent senlcd. ponl-pald for5"ct. C. N. U. V'1Í_- WHHN WrRITIIVG TO ADVERTïSBBj pleaae say you saw tlio advcn-tiaeiucM Izn tnis paper.


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