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oíd man Sawyer has confessed to having killed. Mi-s. Kimn"". at Haverhill, N. H., but claims that lie did it thïo'ugli nn accident ; that ho wan sittir, on the lovffige i'rav by lier, and that, while he yau) cxamming a'e lock of tn0 guu, it ivas '.iecharged tlirough pure accident The Htatc of irania declino to admit womou to electoral piivileges. THE WEST. Tuk ice gorge at Cincinnati gave way last week, liid plavei havoo with tho Tjarge fieet. Total loss nbout ï1 50,000 Three IndiRus froze to dcatli at the Red Cloud Agcncy, during tho lato cold weather ; also a number of ponies. Tlioy had uiiieteen days intenBely coid iveatlicr. Winteujiutk, "wiio waH tried at Yankton, D. T., last spriag, let the murder of Gov. McCoolt, and scutenced to teu yeai-H1 iinprieonmeiit, has besn gTantcd a ucw trinl, and rélensed on bail bondá of !?20,000....Tlieeiwlircceipt3of tho Kansas lieliof Comraittec to thifi date aggregate Í21.7G7-42 ami the dinbmuBinunla 20,712. 07. THE SOUTH. An attempt was made a few nigbta agoto capture the notorioua James boys at their home three miles from KeameV, Mo., ft small station on the Hannibal and St. Josepk roilroad. Tlieir house wa set on fire and a hand grenade thrown in through the window, tho explosión of wluch killed a child oight years of age and vroundcd tvo others. The James boya, who are Buppoiied to havo been ín tho bain, camo out, and a regular engagement followed. It is not known how many wore killed or woundod. Bloody tracks were found leadius in the direction of the woods. It is Bttppoeei thftt the attaok was made by the citi7,ens, led by I'inkerton'fl detectives. A Fianx reoeutlv took place on tlie Kio Grimde betwoen Texaa Rangera and Comanehe Indiana, in vliieh iiftecu of t'uo latter, iucludiug two big cliiefs, were sent to the happy hunting grounda. .... A most daling expresa robbery was committedin Jlomp'-iii. Te:m.. 6n t'ic lit mat. A party of deaperadoes rentad, n few daya previous, the basement of a building on Madieou Rtreet, one of the principal thoroughfwsa of the city, and liuug out a nign. " W. 1!. Tarkcr St Ca, Insurance Agenta.'1 On the morning of the lst , inat., John Brady, a me-iseugor of the Southern Expresa Oompíiny, entered the place tas the purpose of delivering a pack.ige aaid to contain $10. There were two white men and three negroes standing bahnid the counter, and Brady preaeuted hia receipt book, and at tho same time threw hia pouch, containing a j large namber of menoy package, on the . ter. Át tina moment a rope wan throwu over his neck. and a bag throwu over hia head, and he was beaten almoat insensible. Hia cries aoon attracted the crowd, aa the atreêt was f uil of people. but the robbers hail aecured tho pouch and fled by the back door. The amcunt securod by the robbers is not definitely!,nowu, butit ia thought wül reach several thousands of dollara. VASHINGTON. The recent fira in the Kavv Department building wa the werk of incendiarles. Trains cf rope and waste paper were laid about the flóor connecting with pües of cliips, shaviiigs, f.nd broken-up ltiudiïng wood. The Senate Electiou Committee bas decided to report in favor of reeognizing Kellogg as the legal Govcrüor of' Lovusiaáa aud of adraitting Finchback to bis seat in the Sonate. The Navy Department had another narrow oBcape froin ñre on Friday, incendiarism being the troublo, as heretoforo. Evidcntly a desire to destroy the records ia at the bottora of these persistent áttempts. Aböut 500 pages of the Alabama investigation have ah-eady been printed. The tetftimony taken is ver.' contradictory, some witnesses alle;;ing that intimiclation was practicad bef ore and at the elet-tion. and others that there was no intunidatiou . . .The House Committee on Appropriations in tliéir report on the I'outoince bill recomniend sa api)ropri:ition of 817.518.001) for iulaud mail service next year ; a rcductkm of i?511, 796 trom the estímate. Tue Seeretary of tho Tromury lias ÍHJtaed a cali fot tho redemptiou of Í15.000,000 5-20 i bonds of 18G2, to bo paid ou the firat of May, at the United States Treasury, at whieli date interest will coase. Of the amouut thua called itf, j $12,000,000 are coupon bonds and í!3.000,0U0 ! registerod boads. . . .The natioual debt waa iucreaaed iii tiic amouut oí -$1,397,870 duriug the month oí Jamiaiy. Tüe foüowiug Ls the cílicial staterlient : fiix per cent bomls $1,157,085,100 Fivc per cent bonds 562,025,200 Total coia bon;! $1,719,110,300 Lawf ul moncy debt t 1 i,07S,00O Matured debt ïf,343,260 Legal tanden 3H2,07'2,H7 Cert:ücate ol depoait 45,40ó,(KW Froctional currt;ucy A.,0ii7,O7-k Coin certifieates 2Í,58,3W Total witíiout interest 497,169,522 Total debt $2,242,801,082 Total interest 26,1)OS,225 Cash in Treaanry : Ooin $09,465,084 Curreney 10.343JJ50 Spfrjial liepooitnheld íor redemptiou of certificateB of redeiiipt.on 45,405,000 Total in Uio Treasury $ 126,218,135 Debt less cash in ího Treasury Í2,1,!I96, 172 Iucivaao of d.ibt during January 1,897,870 Bonds ÍHwu:_'d to tin1 Pariñc BaUway Cornpanies, intert payable iu lawf al uioncy: Principal outitaudiug $64,623,513 1 nten-rst accrued and ïïot yet paid 32:}, 117 lutornnt paid by Uie United States 26,264,102 Interest repaid by transfiQrtatiQP of mails it ". 5,602,163 Balancj of interest pald by ! Slate.i 20,tVU,93G A guaxd of mariued anti an extra forco of watchmau for eacii floor of the Navy Doiartmeut have been dct tiled to prevent a reourreace of the attempts to Ure the building. Four ] atteuipts to set it on flre have been discovored miel frustrated. It i QyUoat tliat the j cendiariss are partie %vho want to destroy ; tahj (locuments dar-iagliii,' to thernselves. I"OLITICAI. Gen. A. E. Iíuunside lias been eleeted to j ceed Jlr. Bprague in the United States Senate from Tiiiode Island. . . .The most exciting Senatorial conteat in the hfetory of the cquntry has been bronght to a cloao by the election of ex-Pre3ident JohnBOn to the tseat now occupicd by Wflllatn Ö'. ürownlow The foliowhi are the nr.ineB of the Iiepubücan niember of the Iloiue of IfeprcBentatives who voted against the proposed new rule of that body abridging the privilege, of the minority : Bufiinü n, Maseachnsetti ; liurehard, Illnioia ; Burteigh, Maino; Darriü!, Ijouisiana ; FoRter, Ohio : Hale, Jlkine'; Kasaon", To'.va ; Lowndea, Ularj'laud ; Herriam, New York ; Phelps, New Jeraey ; Pierco, Massachusetts ; E. J. Eoberta, New York ; J. Ambler Smith, Virginia ; John Q. Hmitli, Ohio; Willard, Yermout A Washington diapatch to the Chicago Tribune sayB: "Attorney-Gcneral Field, of Louiaiana, bas telegraphed hero that ihe members oí tho Investigating Committeo now in New Orleans i are, au he calle it, quite as prejudiced as was the Foator Srtb-Committee. The members of the Foater Sub-Conimittee are confident that tho whole committee will f tüiy indorse their report aa to the action of the Iteturning Board." Hon. Thkodoke F. Bandolph (Democrat) has been elocted United State Senator by the Legislatura of New Jersey, as the successor of John P. Stocktoii. A Yashinoton dinpatch to the Chicago Tribune uavn : Tha Arkansas case. it now seems probable, will not be changed by legislation at t.hiw session. It is now well kjiown that the President, at his recent conference with the memboro of the inveetigating committee, discovered tbat he is not in accord with the majority of that committee. The majority, it is Baid, favor a disavowal of the Garland government and a restoratiou of Brooks. The President is weary of slate-making, and does not wish to have his Louisinna experieuce renewed in Arkansas. This difference is likely to defeat any proposed legislation. A Washiniíton dispatch of the lst inst. nays : ïhe Eepublicau Senators were in caucas Satwrday for about live hours on the Louiaiana question. After much debate it was concludcd to support the President in wliat he had already done relativo to affairs in tha' State, ai.d to utand by him in the future in the support of tho Kellogg govermnent in all ita lawful authority. It ia aaid there are eigút Senators who dissent from thia position of their Eepublioan associates. , i , ■ Joint rMolutlon hve been passed by the llinnesota Legislatura calliiig upon Hon. Wm. B. King for an oxplanation of hw counection ] with Pacilic Mail or reaignation. A numbek of prominent colorod men, includiug Frod Douglas, Trof. Langton, Hncbbaok and Kapier, have issued an addre& t) CongleáB and the people, in whioh they Hay Uiat if Cougress faite to pass the Civil Pdghts bill the blacks j of the South vill bs foroed to act with the Democratie party. THE TILTON-BEECHEK TBIAX. The oxamination of Moi'.lton in the 15cecher oase was concluded on Wedneeday, Jan. 27. ; Moulton occupied the witness stand for ten consecutivo days. At the coTiclnsion of liin nxamination, JIrs. BrwfehaW and Jir. West weic pul njion the stand. Tho former teutilied as to the pleatumt relations existing betwecu TUton and hbi wife previous to üeecher's adultery with Itrs. Tilton. The lattcr gave a Htoi-y of tlie proeeeuingB of Plymouth church at the time Tilton's name was erased from the roll of members. Ho utatcd that ]5ecchor was very wroth at him because he inaisted upon tho trial of Tilton for defaming the character of the defendant, and relatod how the matter was hoshed op. The proceedingH on tho 28th consisted of- 1. A decisión of Judge Neilson to admit Woodru ff's teatimony of tho interview between him, Traoy. and Moulton, (OQching tho Beecher Bcandal ; 2. The protest of connfeeï a;:ainst tho New York Trilmne's commenta ; and 3. A vciT able and interesting apeocH by Jfr. Evarts, on the inadmissibility of Tilton'u tesümouy. Mr. V.ood! ruff'fi testimony was Ktrongly conlirm of that offered by hiü business partner, lloulton. Ho tcstitied that (en. Tracy. seVertl niontbs ago, thought the oaao was 0110 to justify Monlton in lying. When Theodoro Tilton'a name was callod an a witnoss. Beecher's counsel interponed strenuous objections tó the admlssion of bis evidence, and tlie j entire day was consuined in argument as to i whether. ouder the law whieh prohibitu a band f rom teatif ving in a case the basis of whieh is a charge of kis wii'e'a infldelity, his evidente couïd be received. Fiuday, Jan. 29, was the twcnticth day of the I trial. Ñothing was done but the completion of the argnmcntH of tho counsel on the adniiasitility of Tüton as a witnees. These argumenta couaumed the entiro day, and Judge Neilson reserved bis decisión to Monday, Feb. 1, to which day the court adjourned. ïwESTY-FiiisT Day. - Judgo Neilson having given his decisión that Tilton was competent to testify, he ascended the witnesa stand and j ceed to teil lus story, which was sub.itantially ( the same as embraced in the statements of laat Slimmer. Tlie Judge ralod that ho would not be : permitted to teil what his wife commuuieatecl to I him relative to Beecher'a adultery with her, but all the facts were wrang from him indirectly by the counsel while repeating the eouveraation he I had had with Beeoher. There was a good l deal of aharp Bparring between co-oneei during i the examinntion. GENERAL Bishop Whittikuham, of Maryland, refused to countenauce tlie consecration cf Dr. Dudley, ! Bishop eloct of Southern Ohio. and refused to sign his oredentials. Ho batios his action, it ia rmdcrstood, on the language of St. Paul, in the third chapter of the Fixst Epistle to Thnothy, wheroin tho apostle says : " A Bishop shall be the husband of one wife." Dr. Dudley having been t-.vice married. the Bishop holda that he is ineligible to the Episcopate. A DEsTiíuc-nvE lire took place at Str&tford, Ont., in Kegent Hall, afewdaysago, destroying property to the amount of L1-15,000.. .. The bock relating to a niember of thé royal family of England, lor which a reward of i-5,' 000 has been offered in that - against ! the pubhcation of which the Lord Chancellor I issued an injuuctiou, and of which only one , èopy ia known to be in the United States - has i j'.ist been discovered to bein t-ie posseasion of a ■ young lawycr of Louisville, Ky. FOKEIGX. T'ousci Cm, the Emperor of China, (lied ou i the 12th of January. He ascended the tbrone i iu 18G1, wlien only 5 veara of age. At the timo of his death he v, as IU. Hia lcgitimate succeBáor ia a little bey ouly 5 years oí age ... Large nmnbers of Carlista are giving in their adliesion to the new King of Spain. Don Carlos lias recently shot ctoveral of hi oftieers for treason. Thk trouble between Germauy and Spain has been nettled by the paymont to the fornier of indemnity for Öie Gustav outrage. The Frencli Awienibly hoa rejected the amendnient to the Constitutioiml bil!, providing that the future governmcnt of France should rost svith the Senate, a Chamber of Deputies, aud a Proeident of the republic. The amendment was the laot liope of the Republicana to eecure even a tecbnical recoguitiou of the ropublic. . . . Arehbishop Mamúng has fired asother pamphlet at Gladstone - 200 pages this time. . . .The Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath has been offered to Caxlylo, and Alfred TennyBon is to be made a baronet. Eüssia has recoguized King Alfonso The Czar of Bussia has cent a noto to the Priuce of Montenegro, eongratiüating him upon the peaceable solutkm of the diflicultv vfhioh arone betwcen liis govermnent and tiiat of Turkey from tlio Podgiritza aff:iir Ají immeneo Btrike is on foot in the ooal mines in South Yales, no len than 120.000 ruinera being i gaged in it. As efTort in being made in Spain to effect a compromise between tUe oontonding djnasties of King Oariori aiid Kiug Alfonso. Overtnre have proceedcd from the latter, and if aocepted ! will bring the present state of anarchy to an end, ar.d resuit in the reception of Don Carloñ at Madrid a. a prinee of the blood.


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