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The good name of the old Slxerman House, Chicago, is being nobly niainaijiml by the new. There is not abetar hotel on the continent, lts prices, o, havo just been reduced. One hundred years ago the Sandwich [slanders made a dinner of Capt. Cook, uk! lus virtues were so remarkablo that the Sandwich Islanders of the ( present dr.y, having faith in traditfón wmcn carne dovn to them frorni thóse who shared in the ïêstive repast, bave eteoted monument to teil how good he wis. BlpedlOC ton I-uns;s, i'atarrli, UroncUlti, ConsumptloH- A Wonderftil Cure. üocnr.sTKn, N. Y-. 13, 1874. U. V. PiEnc-E, M. 1., Bóllalo, N. Y.: . Di-au 1 had nuiïerec.1 from Catarrh in an aggravatod foiin for abont twclve ad ior seveial yeara from Bronoliial troublo. Tried ïaanv doctora and thinga with noURing beuetit. in Mey, '72. bccoming ncarly worn out müx exccBSive editorial labora on a paper in New York city, I was attoclcod with Bronchitis in a sevcre form, guffcring almoet a total loss ot voiee. I returoed home hero, bnt had been I-ome onlv tivo weck wheu I was completeiy prostrated with hemorrhage frora the rang, having four nevero hlealing spells withtn Uro t week3,and Umi time insvle of mne days. tn tha September following. J. imraoved sutneientiy lo be íhie to lio ábont, thongh in a, very feeble state My Bronehial trouble remained and tne Cnturrh was tenfold woi;e than beforc. Every I eiïi'i't f-.r relief seemed f ruitlees. Ieeomcdto be loBiilg ground d&ily. I oontínned in thifl feeble state, raising blood a&noBt daily notil.boul j the lirstof MkitIi, TB, Wbenlbecjune Bobadas to be cutircly couüned to tho liouse. A frioud ■ Buggestéd your remedies. Bnt I wan extremely ' eiaptical Hiat fcbej would do rao goor!, as I had loBt iül iieart ín remedien, and begr.n to look , upon medicine and doctora with disgnsb IIowcver I obtnined oue of your circulara, and rcan it c'irefully, frora which I came to the conolnaioD that yon nnderstöod yo'.ir business, at léaBf I ffnnllT obtnined a qnantity of Dr. Ri'o's Caiafth'Bettedy, yonr Golden Medical DiScoverv and Pellets," and conmicaced their -iiiM us' 1180 according to directions. To my snniBe, I Roon begn to improvc. ïhe Di8ooven- and Telleta, in a short time. brought out a sevère eruption, wbich eontinued for aeveral weelw. I feit muoh bettér, my appetite improeed, and I gained in atrcngth and iiesh. In three moutim ovtrv veaügeoi the ('uttirrh waa rone, the Brooeiiltji hail neai-ly disappeared, Kdooeoughwiiatever, and I had cntirely eeaaed to rairtc blood ; and, contrary to the expeetaticn of souie of my Monda, the curo lias rcmamed permanent. I have bad uo moro hemorrliages from t!ie lungs, and am entirely free frorn , Catanrh froir. whieli I had suffored bo mueli anti ko Jong. The debt of gratitudo I owe for the ! blesalng I have rocoived at your hands, knows :io I am thorotighly Batished, from my experience, that your medicines wül mnöter tl'e worst formo of that odioua disease Catarrli, as well as throat and lung disease. I have recommended them to very many, and shall ever fspeak ín their praise. c.-rr.ri Gratefullv yorja. WM. H. SPENCEB. P. O. Box 507, Koohester, N. Y. IlirORTANT TO CoNBÜMPTIVBS. - Tlie long-looked-for spocific for the euro of rulmonary diseases is found at last. Alleu's Lung BaUam has proved to be tho most extraerás nar;,medical preparation for curing Consumption. It uot only curen ('onsumption. but relieves j mediately'the inciyuent wtagos, aueli 88 C'oughs, Cuida. (jppresBions, etc., Pains in the Chest. It breaka up the most dmtresahig cough in an incredibly short time. For aale by all medicine dealers. A splenbid mnp of the United States, sizo 38x52, b given to mail subscribe! to the Daily Post and Mail, of Cbicago, who pays .7.80 for one without map 6.80. Canvasseis wantod ín every town. Send for sample paper. The NoiiTHWESTBBN Hokse-Nail Co. 's " Finished " Nail is the best in the world. AI.KVTS. ClianírChansrelIsat nij:bt. NnceMary as soap. "Goodsfrée. OhangChang MTgOo., Boston. föiri ft nionth to npentseverywhere. Address JJiiVv Excelsior M'f'o Co.. Buchnnan. Mlcfa. Ae.ltAn per day at home. Terms freo. Address p U V í U GEO. Stinson i Co., Portland, Malne. urU[Vml rapidly with Stencil and Ke.v;Cheok. fnÜilCl puifits. CatalogneB, Samples and rail ttenjari V S. M. Spencer, 117 HaiioTPin.t., Boston. (3 r Daily to Agents. 8ö now artiolea and the best E5Í1" Family Paper In America, with ÍS $6 Chmnsus. freo. AMKBICAM il'F'O CO.. 800 Broadwar. N. T. OIO irrttyoarsalarj-. Salary end expenses paid.OutïbZi.'iUU tit free. A Mlnabló pockag eent for 15o roturn iiostago. C. H. GraLïï, Waterboro Center, Me. AGTOVTS WATEn-Men or Women. $34 a wook or $100 forfcited. Tltp eecrcl Yrrfi. Writo at We to CO WEN & CO., Eichth Streut, Lsw York. AQK PER 7AY Commisiion, or 30 a -,veek n.-Jrs Qt3rj. irnd apeara. Ws otter iï and vill payitAPP1' noir. ts. W. W cUber tó Co., Marión, O. (hnKA A MONTH-Airents wantod everj-u-hcre. JKvIrSI 5 Business hon-.-ablo and iirst-class. ip&iU j-ariicularsiantfrrn. Addresa WonTH & Co.. Sc. L'juie, Ma. prof. d. Pqifllppq ftïïWft Pnrpltj cppsful remedy of the present day. Send for Paper on Opium Bating. P. O. Box 475, LAPORTE, IND. riiHIS paper is printed with Ink fmiFl!ert by Charles I Eneu Johnson 4 Cn., SOI Bouth Tpnih Street, PlnladelDbia aml 6!t tiold Street, New York. lor salo m 10 and 8S-PQHYSpAPËR UNI0N, Chicago, III. "1ONSTANT EMPLOYitKNT-Ai hninc, Male ftnd j j FsmnJo. SKÏ week insured. No capital required, i Piirtiop.larBand valuablfl sample frce. Address mlh bc ! roturn stamp, O. Rosa, WiUUmaourRü, - Y. Hkin diaeases, aml moet form ft (!ise, ariu from bad Mooi. The ; Wootfisp.indbT riMd Wli-, irisuic from IWer enmptiiint. lïr. TtOtiGï i (lïRjtix iitb Powdkbs in thii müt ecnrtliiii(? rrmctlj lo removí btm humor from tb b'oo.l n,l RvI is futind iu the mnrkït. Fit Bnlc 1 uil Drup;"na: andVmr bt orde red ft-ra Dr. Douci, 1&8 toutli Halitcd btreet, SÏMMONS' SASHSÜPPÖKTE Apiiliod to no-.v or oíd ivindows, aro wárrántea to Ki atisfácüon Thoy tko tb placeo cnrdsar.d WCUDCSOD commou-sized wlndows. Sênts wanted ülOTOTy oounty. l'.urpentirs prefent-d. AddreóS J. D. blMUONb 4 OO., 93 and Vi Weat Lako Bt, Ohioago, 111. TVho drslrc to reacli country readers can do so in tlio best anUcheapest marnier by xising onu or moroiectiOllS Of TlIEGKEATKEWPrAl'KItAlIXILIARY I-I8TS. ApplytoE. E. PKATT, 7'J Jacksoc-st,., Chicago. OlïITe wUi send 6 va rïctlcs Pl'IlK PH)W ff ER SÏBED3, (your choleo trom mir CatiF„ Jlncrue,)for 25 ets. All tino to nnmo and nar F rapteS. 30for$L Send W cis. (or a paokiwo _ : LJI fmir.Wvr-.,t SíT'árf Bonqufl Vt"'and 6 3 t- í atiloeue oí D jjucsííc uul ïroportoil Seeas at;.,r1878. A'.l.lress I gOMWBIitiY ítC'O., JiiKUtstii-, W. Y ePS8BlP HORPKINE HABIT srieetUly tlwöWS 7st C7ITA.IIG23 for treutment until cuml. ('uil on or &tldross DR. J. C. BKCK, Cincinnpti, O. gjggjïfes T.hls PATENT CAElNETjor "- TSaS or PAVEES alwaya clean ■Zi raid i plpliabetical order; hclda raTfe-bwi 4 000 I-p.Ucrs.ean be iisei'. ou a dealc ■tHM Pr hmig to thü wnll. Wo prepay 6gc ffitail ' '-'á& Expreoa chargoB. Bend for circular Addreaa C. A. C00K Ö CO.. CHioago. 111. OifKiSS Ol'B KET CA.TALOGFF., 150 SL9íWa& IgíS, oontainlug Ihe grnatest ---, -r-. -- ,-_-■-. Y variety oi Qarden fiiut Fiowei (rHC)W II lfeda.and the best Mratiisef homo - v " J- ïrównaeedsforMarketUaruvncra @K1O Faniily Garrtena, AnvncurH and vS 0 tra C3i lfloriflte,seiitfreatpallwhofV] I '■■:■ HOVEÏ & CO.53 No. Marknt St. Boston. Mnss Tho Anm-ifau Ñotvppn í-v ! lion niwiibera over 1.600 pperasep!itii inU) nevtn bupumsma. Kor fppnrato lista nlnicist o! a'lv." l.suiB, aüuresa h. P. SANüORM, 111 M.mroo tit., Chicago. HAVE YOV BEAD JOSTAH ALLITN'S WIFE'8 KEWB00K "3VET OÏ'IKriOKTSÏ" The booï thnt eerj'l'o'ly who lias (ten it is tallinK hls friöiifls b) buy. (-iet it and rpad it at honm aloud ; it ivill take yuu by Btt'rm anl pleMfi your wlfe aniazingly. It is thu siiailK-st and fminicst boök out. Keen "JgÖ:.POI3I.ISH1NG CO.. 118 lUnduiph, Strekt, Cbioago. 111. Agent are selling with great success LSVINGSTONE'8 LIFE WORK, The boolc thit sella fastest and paya hist of hII otters. Now, complete and authentic. The whoio story told in one soporb frótame if HOI) page Bowol Octam inlh mjul,,r Enqrarhiq. Unequaled in beauty and ohenlnes3. Best of commissions p;iid. 8end for circnlw to Columbian Book Co., CUlcaRQ, IU. SONCS F JOY! A NEW COLLECTION 01" Ilymiis .axci T unos EsnecMIy adnpted for Prayer and Camp MeettnKj, l.üirihtian Awticintions mi Family Woriliip. By J. H. Tenneï. Boards, 30 centa ; Flrxibla Clotn, So cents. Sent postpaid onreggt of Bo9ton. ffl PowíU'b Star Waod Pumps ! VJt& Wankigaii Farm Pumps, Ihm Wootl Eave-Trcugh TuWng. K!tó f. II you want the dkst of these artltt il l clcs co to jour Hardwareor Agrkully l un-aHiiipli'iiHMitSIvn-S. Il tlu-y do El not keep them, oü wil not fe," Wv for you, eend direct to the Factory, - 1 'I 1 Cataïocup and Trice Lista malled ar m."TífisiowSuv_ 'm'" '"','■' _, ,!. S. Wtoüiw éi t'o.,fl dfÈIËiSr?W&. ïoneatly thiiik yuur Sca. Foam n&SsWn ombines .iU qualitira deslred in a I (Kfa') I first.o!aBíBakrPowcliT." V V'Vv' "Itisthothiiy-lonisspcpücsana fBf r,?ongPaerd0nw:.í"d LnyVS CMcap Business JOirectory. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CHICAGO SURAPElt 4 DITCHER CO., 66 LaSalle. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Dn. HIATT 4 Le ROY, 101 South Clark. AWNINGS, TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. GII.HKET, HUBBARD 4 CO., 226 to 230 South Water. BAKING POWDER AND EXTRACTS. DE PRICii'S, SWe 4 l'rice M'ï'rs., 201 4 203 S. Water, Chicago, 3U N. 2d, St. Luuis, 244 Main, Cincinnati. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. W. B. KEEN, COOKE 4 CO., 113 to 115 State. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION. JAS. P. McNAMARA 4 CO., 27 E. Washington. BOOTS ANO SHOES-WHOLESALE. DOGGETT, BASSKTT 4 HILLS, 29 to 81 , (iKKi;NSFÍiLlliK,llOSi:.NTHAl,4CO.,M4:!6TJake. PHELPS DÖIMrü .t PALMKR, 48 and -M Wabash-aT. G. S. ÏUCHAKÜSON 4 C., 128 to 150 Franklin. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE PICKLES. F. A. WAIDNER, 45 and 47 Rivor. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, ROCKHtlG HORSES, SLEIGHS, Etc. JAMES B.THOMAS, Manufacturar, 114 N. Pooria. CHINA. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE. 10WEN KENT, M to 264 Wabash-av. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. lBRAM FRF.NCII & 00., 101 i 103 Wabash-av. DRUGGISTS-WHOLESALE. ï. BÜBNHAM 4 SON, 52 and 54 Lake. :NGRAVER SEALS, PRESSES, BURNING-BRANDS, SOAP STAMPS, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS. 'j. BOCHE, 171 E. Randolph. ENGRAVERS. . D. CI11LDS, JR., 4 CO., 115 Franklin. ENGRAVER, STENCILS AND STOCK. 3. H. HANSON, 38 South CUrk. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS- SPECIALTY. DALY, HENROTIN 4 CO., 144 and 146 Wabash-av. FURNITURE. A. L. HALE 4 BRO., 200,202,204 and 206 Randolïh. GLASS SHOW-CARD PAINTER. J. J. G. BURGHOFFF.R, 1, 201 and 203 E. Randolph. GRASS SEEDS. ALBERT D1CKINSON, 136 Kinzie. GUNS, CUTLERY, FISHING TACKLE. Address W. E. SPENCER 4 CO., 68 Stat. Est. 1867. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN I1UNT 4 SONS, 58 and 60 Lake. HEAVY HARDWARE-WHOLESALE. K1MBARK BROS. 4 CO., 80 to 84 Michigan-a7. HOTELS. NEVADA HOTEL, Wabash-av., bot. Madlson undMon roe. Central, convoniént. 2.00 per day. IMPERIAL AXLE GREASE. GEO. B. SWIFT 4 CO., M'f rs., 142 to 146 Faltón. LEAD PIPE AND SHEET LEAD MANUf ACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHFORD 4 CO., 70 North Clintcn. LINSEED OIL AND OIL CAKE MANUFACTURERS. E. W. BLATCHFORD 4 CO., 70 North Olmton. LOCKSMITHS' AND BELL-HANGERS' MATERIALS. J. F. WOLLENSAK, 228 LaSalle. , LUMBER. THE PESHTIGO CO.-Groen Bay Lumber. North Pier. W. K. Strung, Pres't : G. C. HempBteid, Sec y. MARBLE AND SLATE MANTELS. THE GOWEN MARBLE CO., 11 North Clark. MÜS1C' SHEMESACNADL ,BN0STÍuMflENNDTS0EALERS '" THE ROOT & SONS MUSIC CO., 109 State. . PIANOS AND ORGANS. W. W. KIMBALL, 205 to 209 Stote. PUMP MANUFACTURERS. J. F. TEMPLE 4 SONS, M'f rs., co Polk and Canal. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 73 Doarborn. SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. AMFR1CAN S. M. CO., 243 Wabash-av. " DOMFSTIC " S. M. CO., 74 State. Agent wanted. GROVER4 BAKER S. M. CO 150 Sute. ÚOMK S. M. OO., Johnson, Cl.irk 4 Co., 141 State. V10T0R S. M. CÓ., 381 West WadiBon. PUAT snvi CHICAGO SHOT TOWER CO., 70 North Clinton. SHOW-CASE MANUFACTURERS. SAMUEL B. MARTIN, 13 N. Green. SOAP MANUFACTURERS. JAS S. KIRK 4 CO.'S STANDARD SOAPS Boldby Wnolésale Trade everywhere, 358 to S62 N. Water. STEAMSHIP LINES. WHITE STAR MAIL LINE, 97 Clark, A. Lagergren. WASHING MACHINES. Por Circulare, etc., address CALK1NS CHAMPION WaEhor (Jo., 2C7 Clark. Agenta wnnted everywhore. WHITE LEAD, ZINC AND COLORS MANUFACTURERS. CHICAGO WHITE LEAD & OII.CO, Green i Fullon. WIRE CLOTH AND WIRE GOODS. rTlVTflS W1KF. CLOTH CO., 178 IUn iolph. ia asía too superes varieties ofbrbk fl nHlllI 600,000 Greenhouse Planto. U VP K I ! H Mailing Planta a Specialty. UlJufiU LUuJiU Illustrated Catalogue Proo. ilOWB í IOS? SÍe E.Y. TEAS & CO. Rlchmond. Ind. SlÑT FËEE A Book erposing the mysteries of ttfll I -CT and how fLny one may opérate If ■■ u ■ " fulJy ,vith ï oapitïïoi pO .ir 1,000. Completo m. Btrnotlotui and illastrationa to any addross. Tlll MBBJÜGE &.:O.,Bakkebs and Bkokeks.2 Wall Street, New York. _ - .fofiN wireIr n es. jjffil Vv Wlll BOt Kunt or mako tlie fWLad) V % Uoi'3 Koiw Sorc LJ4L&Í?t! Hardware Dealors sollthcm. OJS ?" VBinger.S1.00; Tin Bines, por MÊSm. -A ,-OKSi 100 60;! ■= Copperod Buigü, : Tongs, 1 1.85 ; by maü. fííaE!i'Tai8'ií.{.postpiid. Cíiroular3 frea. ijggSy lI.W.imlAO. Dcoatvr,HU The Tribune Aimanac AND Po'iíica! Resjster for IS75. Oldcsí, laargost, I!,-:í. 14S Paires. The Standard PoUtical anci étAttstlool Animal. Price poetpaid, aOCciltaji Seen f.r5l. Aaaiess, TIJK TiiiJil--v.E,!'.c-w orli. THE FAVOR ftTES. PAT.rSI.Y PAVORITE. í TTieTitles SI V,VL'FACTÍIUEB.S'FAVOKTME Indionta RK!Ví;R l; PAVORITE. i the Uses. i 'i.r hillinfomi tlm petlínconrr.oodí.or Agencies 1.-S.HÍ1-, vlduissVVKKlisíiWIMQ ÍIACITUSTE (OJü' Hartford, Conn., oroarBranch Oitices in leadins cil . I FREE For 1876, of I FEESIÍ- S BEU S- P U R E i WESTERN" GKOWN. ra Scnd your name to the largest M 1 SEE FARMERS IN THE WESÏ. 1 GE0' HASKELLk c0;' ?,Sf.P.r.M,'i,u"'i B Tosell the HOME SHUTTLE SKWIIÏG MA('HÏ'VK. l'HK'ffi í''. Rondar!! you can make mon.-isfilm.rtho "11IISIK SHUTTLE," whether ïim urn ISÍJ-iOKiRVÍ'KD in iho buBinoB rnot. If you iih to buy aSEWING MACHINE for family use, ottr circulara will show yon bow to save muney. AdJOHSSÜS. CLARK & CO.. Obicaoo. Iixtnoib. Sowa R. R. Land Co. for sale 1,500,000 AcnEs of Railroad Lands in the Middle Reglón of Western Iowa. HETTEK LANDS AT CHEAPEK PKICES timo con be found elsewhere wituln civilization. No grassbnppens. No agüe. No Indiana. Average credit prict. $5 and 6 por aero. Start right. Cali or Bond to the Company's office. 92 Randnlph Street. Chicaffo and obtuluiullinforinationand how to reach the lanaê free. ! Por mipi and pampfflets, wllta prices and tenni. addross : lowa KaUroadiand Go., 'ffffSSSSHBt' Land Commissioner. Great "OifèrT Twenty Steol Reproductlons of famous pictureB, original RnKr.'ivins3 v.-i)rth f'ÏSi. " I'alod to bo Freu," Jean Ingelow'a great Btorr, price '"!a0 wriin'W n thrilling story cf American home life, price in book form Sl-';1' , . „ Twenty short stories, a rich vancty of miscellaneous reatline and over-150 pages of raro pictures. All t1;c;,bov,.in,lud,,l in tho ter of HEAI.TH AND Home on tkial till July 1. Sent post-paid tor only fl. The creat illuatrated ivcekly maKar.ine. Pnco rcuced to S'i.50 per year. Single number Bil cents. At RlCHAEDSOffS W MSTHOD FOR THE PIANOFORTE. lt stands the test Sells 25,000 yearly, and is laining friends everywhere. Ko piano instruc'ion book ever issued approaches it for real merit and worth, and no teachers regret using it in thcir conrse of inslruction. This u-ork is a power in the musical advance of the day, and has been a most important agent in the recent remendous increase of technical knowledge of I the Pianoforte. The success of Eichardsok's New is ' world-icide, andprompts many competitors, but ! ís sale surpasses that of all others combined, and it stands to-day incontestably superior to aU olher Piano Methods. : üsed by thonsands of Mnsie Teachers and sold by aU Book and Music Dealers in this Country and Canada. PRICE, $3.75. ' I All books Bent, post-paid, for rotail price. CHAS. II. DIISON&CO., ' 711 Broadway, 'S. ï. ! OLIVER DITSON CO-, Boston.


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