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Tin: Outonagou líiner given a uctaiied , raent of tho producto of tho iron and copper milieu of Lake Superior for tho year 1874, ' wliieh wo condcnue te followR, giving tbe total ! production from each copper-miniug dúítrict íor tliat yew : COPl'IiE. Ton. }iounds. Ontonagon Diítrict 680 172 l'irtH);t' Lakfl Dittrict 17,007 1,380 Kcwecnaw Diítrict 4,HG , 97 Total al,KH V39 ■ Tho approximote productioa of American j JBJot copper íor 1874 was 39,304,438 pounda ; and of tliiB amount 84,G54,438 pounda were produced from Micliigan minea. Of tho total ftpproiimat production of tiio United Htatee for 1874 there have been exported in ingota 6,500,000 pound ; bought for exportation in cartridgea, 2,500,000 pound ; loaving a balance for home conBumption of SO, 303,438 pounda. The total amount of iren ore shipped from the Lake Superior minea in 1874 in grotis tona wan 935,490 j and its valuó on the cara at the mines was Y5,053, 97U. The average production of the soveral irou furnaces in the Lako Superior diütrict in 1874 was 90,494 grosa tonB ; and the value of the iron at tho furuace was $2, 533, 832. The aggregate yield of the minea and fiirnacee from 1856 to 1874 inclusive waa 8,167,631 tons of oro and pig iron, and its value 803,366,731. These statistics, savu the Lauing Iiepublican, show the heavy and enduring wcalth which in tnrned out from tho nortberu eection of Michigan to " enrich the whole world and the rost of mankiud." Tue Michigan Stato Poultry Association held a meeting at Detroit, recently, bat on account of the slim attcndance the election of ofücers was poatponod until the June meeting. A Cincinnati fa, haviug leaaed Mili lake for a period of ton yeare, havo commcncod tlie eicction of immense storing houees for ico. The hunber cut in Michigan in 1874 was 2.400,000 feet against 2,886,351,000 in 1873, not includiug uhiugle. Tue woolen milis at Ypsilanti aro about to pass mto tho hands of Eastern capitalista, and are eipected to commence operations soon. Thk BÜHsfield Tobacco Manuf&cturing Compauy Hiiaponded recently, and ita liabiliticB, ainounting to about $27,000, have been assumed by Homo of the retjponsible Directora. The second annual exhibition of the Barry Cornity Poultry AsBociation wül begin at HaHtings on the 25th of February aud continue tliree dayB. The f ruit growers at Grand Haven report that the recent cold vroather has not injured the fruit trees at all and that the prospect for fruit uext seasou in unusuaHy good. 1'EK.SONAL. Thk will of the late Capt. Eber B. Waiil ha been admitted to probate, in the Wayno Couuty Court, with Irwin W. Potter of Chicago, Georgo II. Wyman of Clevoland, L. C. Owen and amuel B. Jlumford of Detroit, as exocntorn, with boudri in the Hum of 50,000. The ewtato, af ter pajiueut of the debt, it is thought, will net 54,000,000. I'ATIÍONS Ol' HISBAXDRV. THe annual meeting of tbo State, grango of I the Tatroua of Huabandry was held last week j at O rand Kapids. There havo been 349 grangea organized during tlie laflt year, and the tota ■ numbcr now in Michigan is 505. Total recoipts siiK-e tho organization wsa formed, $34,243 total eipenditurea, V,W1 ; &u 0I "ana, $1,341. For tlio ensuing year, Jonathan W; Woodmau, of Faw Paw (for four yoora Speaker of the House), waa chosen Haater ; P. W. Adama oí Tecumseh, Overseer ; J. F. Cobb of Sehoolcraft, Secrotary ; O. F. Erown of Sohoolcraft, Treasurer ; and as Exocutive Committoe in part, Alonzo SeBsicns of Ionia, and J. Webst3r Childs of Ypsilanti. As an autUoritatiye emmciatiou of their principie and objecti, we give a brief summary of the resolutions adoptod by that body, for wbicli we are indebted to the Lansing llepublican : Premiaing that íui those engaged in other purHiüfct combine for tlieir mutuul iiiterest, and as apricultare, tixo chief source of the nation'a wealth, ia of equal if nüt greater importance tiian all other calliugs coinblned, it ík doemed absohitely necessary that farmers unite for mutual devolopmont and protection, if they would successínlly compete with tkcwe en1 gagod in otheT oceupations and the grange I suppliesthisdomand. Tlieir ainis they declare to be : Increafle of knowledgo on all questiona, and especlally those relating to ngriculturo ; ; improvement of tlieir social position, and of ! their finances- the latter to be aocomplished by unithig in large ordon, payiiíg cash, secming ohoaper trannportation, and dismisRiug a portion of the middlemen frora thoir employ. Denying that the grange ia a politica! orgauizatiou in any partisan sense, it ia yot au imperative duty to educato ita ïnembers in our governmcntal policy, because ita financial support dovolveB mainly upon the farmer. In thoir fifth rosolution they declare thnt the government in nearly all departments has failed to coinply with the general demand for economy, Biul emphatically innist upon retrenchinent in its administration of public uffairs. In the same resolution they ateo declare: "We believe that the erection of coetly buildings by the public, chiefly for fame and show, ia an unjuBÜfiablo if-e of our moneys ;" and protest against the eontemplated appropriation for the centennial celebraI tion at l'liiladelphia. The sixth resolution deI clares the present tax laws of Michigan inoquitaI ble, and naks for an ameudment as regards ortgaged premiBm. The seventh, eiglitU, and i ninth reHOlutiona declare in favor of education and an ïinprovoa ixjimiiuu-Bnvui njo.." , - eettling difficnlties bet-ween farmers by arbitration ; and condemn the anaignment oí the intelligent laborer to a lower eocial position j becauso he is a laborer. The Commiesioner of Railroads has seut a communioation to the House etating that he cmployB only one clerk. whose salary cf i'1,000 per anium is paid by the State. The incidental expenes of tbo oflïce from its organizatiou to Oct. I, 1871, a period of eighteen montha, havo been $745.94. The salary of the pommissioner is Í4,OOO, and a bilí hivs alrcady been subraitted which proposes to reduce the ealary largely. Tuf. Auditor-General has informed the Sonate that the specific taxes received by the State from if.j,,iniim íiomiianies durine the last twc:ü year amounted to 49,300. The wholo law conoerning the tation ef insuraaico companies will certainly bo ovcrhauled at this Beatiion. I.HCAI.. In. Necubuiiby, of Lanfiing, entcred into a ■ritten agreement with the wifc of D. P. Show by which he was given charge of a little girl j unül Bho arrivcd at the age of twelve yeain. The tuno having elapsod the parents claimed the cMlil, hut the Doctor reí iwod to ;ivo her up and the child reí iiisod to go to her párente. Bbe was kidnapped a lew days ago on her way to school, but made her escape the same eveniug and returned to her fouter parents. The father hats brought auit for the reoovcry of liia child. CA8UAL.TIISH. A fakmkh. immed líeiuliardt Hessol Tras j thrown from ris sleigh a few clayn ngo, neor Detroit, reccKing injuries from which ho diod J in a íew liours. A cuKiouB accident lately occurred on the . Dotrcit & JliHFaukee railroad, ncar Spring Lnkp. The first of A two engino ttached to a ; rapidly-running paaBenger-train broke it coupling and jumped tho track, the enginegoing on one side and the tender on the other, down an embanlitnent thirty feet dcep. Tho ongiueor only na njured. Tho train paeil on without knowlodgo of the accident. HÍIMK. O. 8. Tikimtkon, an old and repectod citizen of Kant Sftgiiiaw, reccntiy took Btrj-chnine iu pieaenca of !iíh familv, andwasdead in au liour. Financiitl embarrassmeute led to tlie raaU doed. LEGIKLATITE RECORD. Tuksday, Feb. 2.- Señale- Jone precuted a coi uní unica ti on from tlie Director Gciural of the T'iútiMl Hiatos Centemiial Comininsion. to the Govarnor of ttu State, in relution Ut tho internutioaal exhibition at PbUftdelphia Millar offextMl a concurrent resolutlon inHtrncting tli Htat Swanip Land lïoard to withhold from nalo all landw gTantod to til-' Stntt: for thc Piijiport of tlití ARriciütvirul Collegi until mirh laude aru appraiod and the PTiöé per aerft efltíiblirtlicd .... The Coimnittert on Priblic Ijind reportad favorable on the bilí authorizing tíuo HUto Hv.iunjt JjbjxiI líoard to aid in tue conatruction of tlio Mackinac and Marquctte railroud. IIoudc-A joint reHolution aiíking Congrr-HH to ur 01 honorable means to provont Uio rattöcation of the eciwocity treaty wa paneel by a voto of 80 to 8. rhe urne reaolution panHPd the Benata to-day by a roto of :h to 8... .The bLQ wovtdit a pastor of ftf;y dollars for setting guns tor the kiÜing of gamo was liscuwied in oommittei of tho wliole ; but au tho jinguac waa dt-omed of doubtful meaning, it wa referrea bacfc lo the Committeeon Htate Affaixs for mprovement a-nil aniomlmeut. Wednehday, Feb. 3.-Sen-at6-The Kenate n-as busy all day on matara principally of local Interest. }!)VHC - The ('omniitteo of Ways and Moans and Military Affairn roported an amendment, which was OOnotirfed in, ïvlative to alario of State military DÍfiCtirs. . . The (kmniitte oa UniverHÍty and Normal HchoolH roported favorablj on Uw bill making appropriatiouH for the Ktato normal school. . . . liilln Wfre introdneod to amend the aot for uniiorni aHHCHHincnt of property ; to rcieal Bection 134 bf the act for the palo of land for delinquent taxea ; for uniform asstHWuent of railroad property ; alpo a joint resolution akiug Con[r'nn for legtelfttion tö secure the railnwd bridgo aciDsa the harbor at Ht. ,Tmcph; to amend tho act for tippointment of a Railroad Oommiiwioner, and a bill by Mr. Holton, to provimt the ale of liquont to minore, dnmken pcruont, and habitual drunkarda, and to repeal the iroliibitory law and uniendraente. .... The House pansed the bill providing for the re-iucorporation of (Jouncila of thn Improved Order of Itcd Men ; alwo a concurrent renolution providing for a noest ïrom Friday next until Monday the IMb inst. Thursday, Feb. .-fienate- A large installmeut of petitions on the liquor qnefltion wa preBentcd, aking that tho Prohibitory Liquor law be rotained and made mort? effeetive. . . .The Committee on Public Health reported favorably the bill providing for the inapaetion of illuminating oils manufacture d from petrolnum or coal oil, and it waa placed on the general order. . . .Notice wan given of a bill to be introduced providing for the location, (- uibliRhnieiit, ana oruanization ui nuunv iu Corrcctinu, and maVe appropriation thcrefor. . . . A. l)ill was introduced to amend neetion sixtoen of the act providing for the incorporation of railroad companies, and to flx Ule dutie and liabiütiea of all raüroad companieH. lloute- Senato bilí making an appropriation for tho improvement of tile new Capítol ; also, the Sonate billa making appropriation for the State Normal Rchool ; providing for a Board of Slato Fund Commigsionen, aud amending the railroad law of 1873, wvr'! pasHcd .... Both houc oh will a.ljourn to-morrow br a ton day' excurHion around tho Stat, viaiting ha various State mptitutions. Friday, Feb. 5.- Seiiale- A bilí wa iutroduocd for the rrfief of the cducational character of penal and reforniatory inntitutions of the Stato, and a bilí rolalive to the uae of sleeping, parlor, and chair cars upon railroada of thie State .... The Senute, n committec of the wliole, had under connideration Fanchi-r'a bilí, which, in effect, takca from tho Aulitor-(icneral the management of Ule colluctlon of lelinqut-ut taxijK, and provideB that the countie uliiill hereafter have entire control of the ame. Houm-A. bilí was passed for the organizaüon of the county of Baraga, which was mado up of twentysevon townnhipB taken from the comitieB of Houghton Ontonagon and Marquette, and L'Ann mn nxed a the county soat. Aluo tho Senate bilí roducing Uio nterest ou foreelosed tax-land from 50 to 25 per cent ... Fetitiona for the abolition of Uhï County Superintendency of Schools continue to pour in, long batch being received evory day.


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