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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Estáte of Daniel Gr. Ckftinhcrlain. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Watihtenaw, - ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court lor the County of Wafthtenaw, mndeonthe ninth day of February, A. D. ï 8 7 ö , six months f rom that date were allowed for crédito to present thiir churus againat the estáte of David (-J. Cnamberïain, late of &aH County, deeeased, and that all ereditorH of said deceaeed are required to present thcir claims to said Probate Court, at tbtï Probate OlÜc.c, in the city oí' Aun Arbor, for examination and allo wi nee, on or beftirti the ninth day of Augunt next, aml that sueh olaima wilï be heard before saiá Court, on Sa-turday, the eiphth day of May, and on Sat.urday the seventh day of Au gust next, at ten o'clück in the fbrennon of eaoh of those (layn. Dated Ann Arbor. February !), A. T). 1S75. NOAH W. CUEEVEa, 1.517 Judgeof Probate. 1U0TICE! All persons indebtod tothehtte Aun Áirbóf Trading Aasoriation nro notiHed to c;ill and settle their Ooooounti iminodiafely, and tïieioby save cobís. Settlempnts will ba made at the late place of busineB8, 18 Houth Main street. ÖKO. SUTTON, AsHignee. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1875. Sheriffs Hale. BY VIRTUE of one exeoutinn issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit (Jourt for tte county of Washtenitw, to me directed, and bearing date September twenty-aoeond. 1874, wherein John Clancy is plaintiff and Charlea Holder Í8 defendant, and for the want of jjoods and chattelsto levy ti pon, Ihave thie day levied upon all the righi, title and interest of the defendant aboye named, in and to the following real enlate, to wit: Lot nuraber ten (10) in block three C-i) north of Huron atreet, in rauge two (2), according to the recorded plat of the city of Aun Arbor, Michigan, which I ahall expone for mlc to the highest bidder, aa the law direct, at the south door oi the Court Houtse in aaid city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tïie twenty-Beyenth day of March, A. D. 1875, at eleven o'ciock in the forenoon. Dated. February 10, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. 1517 liy W. H. MoIntïbe, Dep'y Sherilï lieal Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, eounty of Washtenaw ss. [n the matter of the estatë of Anu .Mary Gross, Catherine Kader, Caroline Kader, Kiuniii S. Kader and Godfrey H. Kader, minors. Notiee is hereby given, that in ]mrsuanee of an order granted to the undersigned guardián of the state of said minors, by the Hou. Judge of Probate foi 1 lic County of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of February, A. D. 1875, taere Trill he sold at public vendue, to hÍKht-.t lúdder, at the dweiling house of Mm, Rosina Haag, in the township oi' Brldgevater, in tlit oounty e!' W:ishi'iinw, in saul State, on Wednesday, the thirty-lirst day of March, A. D. 1875, at onë o'elock in the afternooD of iliat day (subjectjto all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwise extetfn at the time of the sale,) the following dcscribed real estáte, to wit : H oeing the umiivided fivescvcnths thcieof, -: Cbmmenclng at the south.■;i-i corner of the sonthwesl quarter of the northeaHi qoarter; running wöbI bundred and sixty rods on the quarter section line of seetion twolvo; thence north thirty-flve rods; thenee east one hundred and sixty roda parallel with said quarter line ; thence south thirty-tive rods to the place of beginning; and the northwesi quarter oi the southeast quarter, and the east half of tne east half of the the Dortbeaai quarter "i1 the sonthwest quarter; a rul the sou! heasi quarter of the northeast quarter; and six aCTea trom the north end of the east half of the ïsoutoeasi quarter of sefition fcwelve; utd the west half ofthe aorthwesl quarter of the southeast quarterofthe Southwest quarter of sertion thirteen, in town Tour south, range tour east, i-ontaiuing one hundred and ihirtv-six acres, more or less. Dated b'ebruary 9th, A. l. lS7.r,. JOHN (Í.C.ROS8, 1517 Guardian. MORE RiEW TEAS AND COFFEBS ! LOWER ntlCES ! LOWElt TRICES ! Pon't fail to vinit the Cash Gkoceby Hodsf. oí of Edward Uuffy, durina the next tliirty days, and iximine his Teas and Coffees of the latcat importations, whieh will be sold AT NEW YORK PMCES. Sugars, Syrups, and RpiceH, together with a full line. of General (irocorins, very low for Cash. Cheap burgains for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lincd íioodR, together with a full lino of Gentlemen! FuiniHhing and Hosiery (ioods. I'lease cali and examine goods and pricee, and 1 will ensure BatUfaotioa. It ;i s for evcrybody to Ir tul e at tbc cash mwm hüuí O F EDWAKI) DUFFY. Muynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann ArbortMich. Viiluablc Farming Lands, FOR SA.LE. Thi; farm lately occupied by ByronC Whitaker, on eection 23, Township of Limn. consistmg of ■J40 acres, in a hitíb statc of culÜvation, witfa one hundred acres ot wheat on the grround in good coudition, WIST K SOLO WITII1N S1XTVDAYS, líuiklings new and commodiousT with all moderu improvements. Farm well watored and feDOefl in good condition. Also 80 acres of woodland ou section 14, iu name township, which will be sold m a body or in parcela to euit. Inquines can be addrcsaed to either of the undergiizned. M J. NOYES, Chelsea. W. D. HARUIMAN, Ann Arbor. 1516 w4 O. tí. GREÜOUY, Dexter. lTOTICB. An adjourned anuiuil meeting of the membeis of the Washtenaw Mutual Pire Inguranoe Company will be held at the Oourt House, in t-hiö city on Wednesday, FebruHry 24, 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m., f i r the purpose of ainending the Charter of said company. Dated Aun Arbor, Jan, 13, 1875. N. SHELDON, Becy. j u i:i,ii"v; iioisis fob sale. A largtj ind very well built brick house, with two or inoro lots. Two large fratned houaes. Also agoodsized brick house and frame house; and a mall framo house on a &ood lot, intended for adding a front. For sale on fair terina and a reasonable credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. IT1 ON KV W AN '1' Kl- Ho many wibhing to borroio money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor tenders good aatisfactory invcstmenta at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOKÖAN. 1 Ann Arbor, April 23, 1873. 1423tf The Peoples' Drugstore. l.ll STAND OF R. W. Ellis & Go. BS anfl LIQUORS of choice selection. Dye Stuffs, Pninta, Oils and Brushes of all kinds. Large Hseortiiient of Toilet Ooorïs and superior Perfumeries. SURG1CAL INSTRUMENTS aapeeïaUy, of Tiemann'a, Kolbe's, and Ford'a man u facture. PRIOBS LO V - Prcscriptions put up by men of experience ut all honrs of the day or niftit. No 2 Main St., Ann Arbor. HALE & TREMAIN. ROOFS G. THIK ROOFING 18 DURABLE AND WATER IROOF;VERY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO STOP LEAK8 AROUND CHIMNEYS AND CONNECTIONS BETWEKN WOOD and BRICK. ïhis Roofing has been in use live years and is the best in nse ! ROOFING PAINT! Thispaint will preserve shingled roofs an indefiDite period, and is equally adapted to tin or ron roofs It is flre and water prooi'! This païnt will be put on by the Company or sold by the gallon, with instructiona how to upply the sanie. No Coal Xar is uscrt in cither. "We aolicit the public patronage. All work will be warxanted.' All Communications ahould bc addreesed to the HUTCHINS ROOFINU CO., r. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Kesidence 43 South Thayer Street. HÏ8tf T)UT YOUR MONEY WIIERE IT WILL DO THE A. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOOK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE V Y C O M P E TIT1O i ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF Gents' Farnishing Goods. E" Gall before purchasiug. 15 South Main Street. _üEJ $K, dSOAPer day t home. Terms free. AdD t0 [(illdrea Cl. Stinson ACo., Portland, Mo. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MTCHIKAN, County of Washtenaw - bs. In the matter of the estáte of Nathan Wooster, deceased. Notiee is hereby given, that in pursuanee f an order granted 10 the undersigned, Administra! nx, of the Kstate of said deceased, bv the Hon. Judge of Probate for thef'ounty of Washtenaw, OB the wconri lay of February, A. I). 1875, there wil! ba sold at Public Vendue, to the highent bidder, at the latej residente of said deoeaiied in the township of Norihficld. in thi i'ountyof Wiinhtenaw, n naid State, on Thursday, the Brut day of April, A. D. 187, at teno'clock in the forenoön of thut d;y (subject to all encmnbraooei by montage orotheiwise existingat the time ofthe dcatu of Mii'l deoeased, uort ilso mbjeetto the right ofdower ot the wiüow if said deneafted therein) the following deasrihed real estáte to-wit : Thirty-six and 80-100 acre oí land, on the east half of the northwest quarterof section thirteen, in towu o e south, ran;e six east, described as follows: Bezinning at the southwest corner ot the east half ot the northwest quarter of said seotion.and running thence nortrt along the west line thirty-three chains and twenty-three links, thence east rjarallel to the north line of said section eleven chain arrl nme links , thence sonth thirty-three chains and nfieen iinke to the quarter line; thenc wettt m quarter line eleven chaius and nine linke to the place of beginning. Also the rt-versionary interest of said deceased in the followiug doacribed piece of land on said section thirteen, it beiníf a part of the dowi of the widowol Aphi:ua Wooster, late of said county. deceased, to-wit!: The equal undivid ed one-h:ilf thereof, bezinning at the northwest corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of sjiid section thirteen, and running east along the north line of said seotion fifteen chains ; thence south six chains and seventy-five links ; thence west flfteen chaios ; thence north six chains and seveuty-flve links to the place of bezinning, containing ten acres and twelve-hundredths of an acre, pil in aaid Stilte. Dated Febrimry 'iá. A. D. 1S7S. ANNA WOOSTER, 1516 Administratrix. Attachment Notice. rnHE CIIÍCUIT COURT for the County of -L Washtenaw. William W. Wines andCharles H. Worden v,i. Mary R. Stringham. Notice is hereby given that on the third day of December, A. D. 1874, a writ of attachment was duly issued out of the Circuit Conrt for the Oounty of Washtenaw, at the snit of William W.Wines and Charles H. Worden the above name"d plaintiffs. against the lands, tenements, goods and chattels, moneys and effect of Mary K. Stringham, the defendant above named, for the surn of one hundred and three dollars and eighty-ftve cents, which said writ was returnuble on the fftth day of January, A. D. 1875. Hated this6th day of January, A. D. 1875. 1612 D. OBAMER, Att'y for Plaintlff BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBÜB, MIOH., Devotvd to the Practical Education of Toung and Middle-Aged Men and Women. Day Classes throughout the year. Evening Classf from September to June. Instruction accordioij to the moet approved plans, and mostly individual. WtudentB can enter at any time and receive superior instructiou in Business Peninanship, Commercial Law, Business Correspondtnce, Business Arithmetic, Single and Doublé Eutry Book-keeping, öraham'a Standard Phonography, and Practical Telegraphy, Main line wires pjiss directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Dopartment, atfording the student every advantage of "Actual Office Practice." The progresa of th1 student in Book-fceeping is greatly facilitate-1 by the use of a new Chart entitled " Hook-keeping at One View," juat published by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or address, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Micb. H93tf TO THE Citizens of Ann Arlior AND THE SÏÏIDENTS OF THE UMVERSITY. I would reapectfully announce that my stock of Fine Woolens fou WINTER AVE AR is now complete, and will be eonstantly rcplenished with The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishiug Comfort in DreaB, combined wilh ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will befully satisfied by giviug as a trial, and aro invite d to favor ua with a citll. H. HINTERMISTEB, Mebchant Tailor. 209 JbPFEOÍí AvENtTE, betwecn Bates and Bandolph Sta. ESTABLISHED IN 1800. FULL LINE - or- Sevvin Macliine Needies WIN ES & WORDEN'S. 160UÍ Mortgage Sale. DI. I Al I1 havingbeexi made in the couditiuns of aoertain mortgage (whereby the pover therein coatained to setl beeomfl operative) execated by Loui.-i II. Buclioz, of the city af Aun Arboi, Ld the Stat of Michigan, i the undersigned George H l; i-u und Elnaina 1!. Brush, ax iuortacet'8, dated the tweoty-plghth diry of November, A. I' Bighteen lm ml red and WTeaty, and recorded on thf twelftb day of 1 c'fiiilii'i , 1K7H, al eleven o'clocb . m , Ld the tVi e of thO Registei ■! Deeds, for Ihe con ut y of Washtenaw, in the 8tat ol Mifhigan, in libei ll of mort gages, on ian'' 685, uïou wmch tuortgagi; isclaimed t be doe al th date of Ihis nut ice ilif siini of two tkouMod aod two dollar aod flftj (■il i-, iiii'l ao mi ii proeepdiiiK al law or in êfaancery haviag been instituut! U rwovei un y pint cbereof: Moflee i ■ tuercfore, herebj given, ihaton ttatnnlay, I lic twenty-fourtb da y of April. A. D. 1875, at tiïii in tbefurenoon, veshall Bell at public auction, to the highesi bidder, (sale to take placea! the touüi door of the C 't House in the rii of A ii ii A ri.ui , in itflid cou'nty, Mikl Courl House being tbs place of bolding the Circuit Court for said couoty of Washteuaw), the proaiises de Bcribed in Bucfa mortgage, (or ew inucn tbereof aa ahalll Bcessary to atWy Ui" amouut due on Buch mortgage, and legal costa and charges of such s;ilc, togetoer with an uttorne; fee ofthJrty dollars coDvemditoè tot bhereto), thal in i sa the following piece or parce! of land situated ín the city of Ann Arbor, in the oounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, vtz. : Being on tht partoi loi number four. in block numljer three north, in ranKR sixeast, tliat lie.-s cast of Detroit streel vi: Beglnning on the eaai hideof Dtro!1 streel where it crosses the south slde of Nortb street; thence eastalong Sorth streét oinetf--nliie links; tbence Boaih parallel to tile east sideofsald Int Unir, two chaina ; thence west parallel to North 1 rei I -..■vent v-t wo and Ihrcc-tourt hl links ; tfacBCfi nortb tifty-tive degrees west one chain and thirty(bar iind onc-h;ilf Hüksto Detroit Street; thence Dorth-easi along the east sideof Detroit streel one chain and ftfty-one links to the place of beginoing. Ann Arbor, Mie h January 2& is;.".. KLMINA li. BRI 8H,j lllt-l"M ■ Z. 1'. Kino, Att'y for Hortgagecs. 1515 Mortgage fSale. UI , j . i. j j i 1 1 . i . i 1 1 utrn inn'1 ik kii ■ ■ ' j i ■ . ■ ■ ' ■ ' ' - j of a certain mortnt: fwhf;r;by ttie power to t sell tVmrein eontuimil h:in becoine operative,) t cuted by Jane A. GrifHth,of the city of Ypsilanti, , county of Washtenaw, and Htate ot Michigan, to ] Juüan 0. Dickinson, ot the city of Detroit, Wayne ( county, Michigan, dated the seventeenth dav ot September, A.'I). 1S74, and reeordod in the office , of the Klister of Doeda for the county of ( tenaw, in the Stat; of Michignn, in liher ."i2 of . mortage, on rge 23(, upon which mortgnge ■ there is claimed to be due at the date of this i notice the sum of twenty-aeven hundred and , seventy-eight 10-10(1 dollars. and no suit or proceedinffs at law h:ivinr been instituted to recover any part thereof: Notice is therefore, hereby given, that on Wedneaday, the twenty-eiphth day of April, A. I). 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I hall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, (aaleto takepltict at the front door of the Court House, that boing tin; plaoe where the Circuit Uoiirt tor the county of Washtenaw is uauilly held, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw (iounty, -Michiurnn,) tnepremisu contained in men mortiiae, or mo much thereof n Hliall be necetwary to satisfy the amount duo on such moitgaffe, with ten per cent. interest, and lejral costa, together with an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollar, (covenanted ior therein) that Í3 to ay the following piece or parcel of land sitúate in the city of Ypsilanti, in the county of Washtenaw, ani Bfotetf Michigan, and deacribed as foUoWB, to wit: i,'onimencinst on the east line of Hiiron street, one rod north of the northweat corner of lot one hundred and eighty-five; thence north along said east line aix roda; thence e&at at right angles with said east line to the Ruron river; thence .outherly dowu the Huron river to line hix roda distant from and parallel with the north line of land hereby conveyed ; thence weatto place of bezinning. Dated Detroit, January 22, 1H7A. JI'1;IAN G. DICKINON, J. G. DicKtNHON, (in person) Morlagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. lfilft Mortgage Sale. DEPAUTr having been made in the coudiiion oí a certain mort gage exeeuted by Frcderick Kim and Chrátíua Kirn, of tiaa eii of Anu Arbor, county of Washtenaw ind State oí Michigan, to Leonard Vaughn nnr) Hartha Vauphn, of the saine place, rm the first du y of November, one thousaud eight hunded and ïxty-mne, and recoided in the Office of the ELfKfistnr ox Deeds for the county oí Washte naw, aiorwaid, on the 4th day of November, A D. 1809, at ■' i o'dock f, m., of s-iid day, in Liber 43. of mottgages. on page ís, and there ii uw olajined to be (ine upou hm mertgsgfl and bond Meoraptmyiiig the same, the sum of one thousand and seventy-two dollars and Beventy-sight oents, also an nttomey fee of Uve dollars, whould any proceedings bo taken to foveclose the same ; and no proeeedings in law or ejuity having been had to recover Hlfl urn of money or any part thereof. Now, tiierefore notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power ofsaleinsaid mortgiÚK oontained, I shali sell ai public aucHon to the hihest bidder, on the seventeenth day oí April next, at 2 o'clock i m. of said day, at the troiit door of the Gou rt House in the oity of Aun Arbor, cotinty aforould, (that being the piao.e of holding the Circuit Court for said county, all that certain piect or parcel of land, situated in the oity of Aun Arbor, county of Washtennw and State ot Michigan, aforesaid. known, bounded and described a lollows. to wit : Being lot number aix, (6) block nunibei lour [4j, south, range number two, (2) west, according to a plat of U'illinm H Maynmrd'e addilion to the city of Ann Arbor, county of Wanhtenaw, atoresaip. Dated, January 22 d, 1H75. LEONARD VAUGHN, MAKTHA VAUOitX, John N. GoTT, Mortgarees. Attorney for Mortgagees. 1514 Mortgage Sale. DËFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgage (whereby the power of sale in suid mortgage has beoome operative) executed by Merchant H. Goodrich, of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtunaw couuty, Michigan, to Elizabeth Smith, of Flymouth, Wayne county, Michigan, which mortgaye is dated the aeventh day of September, A. D. 1872, and recorded in the office ot the Register of Deeüs, oí Washtenaw couuty, on the severith daj oí' Septembt-r, A. D. 1872, at eleven o'clock a. m. of naid day, in liber 46 of mortgages, on page ;i49, which said mortgage was duly assigned by aaid Elizabeth Smith to Leonard A'aughn, by deed of assiginuent, dated February twentieth, iH74, which asaignment was duly recorded in the otiice of said Register of Deeds, on the iouith day of Jan.iary, A. 1S75, at 8 20 o'elock a. m. of said day, in liber 4 of assignmentn of mortgages, on page 477, and was by the aaid Leonard vauhn duly asaigned to Jemsha P Noble, by deed of assignment, dated February twenty-seventh, 1874, which assignment was duly recorded in the otiice of said Register of Deeds, on the fourthday of January 1875, at 8% o'clock a. m. of said day, in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page 478, and there being claimed to be due and unpaid on said muitgage, and the note accompanying the same, at the date oí this notice, the sum of six hundred and twenty-three dollars and fiftynine cents ($G-3.5U), toether with thirty dollars m said mortgage, stipuluted and agreed to be paid, as an attorney's or solicitor's fee, in case proceedings should be taken to loreclose said mortgage, and no proceedings at law or in cquity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice in therelore, hereby given, that on Monday, the twelfth day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, fthat being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenawjl shull fiell at public auction, to the higbest bidder, the premises described in said mortgage. or so mut-n thereof as shall be necessary to aatisfy said amouut, with interest, costa and expenses allowed by law, which aaid piemisea are dcscrilicd in said mortrage as follows, to-wit : All of lots numbered thirteen and fourteen f13 and 14), in block number three (31 north of Huron street, in range number four (4) of the original plat of the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan. Dated January 4, 1875. JERl'SHA P. NOBLE, Tracy W. Root, Assignee of Mortgage. Atty for Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage f whereby thetpo wer of sale in aaid mortgage has becoine operative) executed by John Hartman and Cathrin Hartman, of Saline, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to John Lowry, JrM of the same place, which mortgage is dated the twenty-third day of January, A. D. 1868, and recorded in the office of the Register of D=eds of "Waahtenaw county, on the third daj of April, A D. 1S6H, at 12 o'clock M. of said day, in liber 39 of mortgagea, on page !0, which Baid mortgage was duly aasigned by aid John Lowry, Jr. to Mary E. Poster by deed of assignment, dated March thirteenth, 186it, which assignment was duly recorded in the office of said Register of Deels, on said thirteenth (13) day of March, at 5W. p.m. of aaid day, in liber two of assignmenta of mortgapt'8 on page 134, and there being claimed to be üue and unpaid on said mortgage and the note accorapanying the same at the date of this notice the sum of live thousand aeven hundred and flfteen dollars and seventeen cents ($5,715.17). and there being ftlso eluimed as beooming dne hereafter on said mortgtge aud note thesura of thirty six hundred dollars ($;ï.(iOO) and interest also an attorucy'f lee of ttfty dollars au provided for in aid iTiortgüye, and no proceedings at law ot in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that onSaturday, the twenty-seventh day of March, A. D. 1876, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House ín the city ot Ann Arbor (that being the place for holding the ('irruit Court for said county of "Washtenaw) I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises dencribed in said mortgage, or bo mueh thereof aa shall be necessary to satisfy said aniouut, with interest, costs and expenses allowed by law, which said premisea are described in said mortgage as f llows, to wit : All thoup trncts or pareéis of land situated in the townahip of Saline, Washteuaw county, and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to wit : The southeast quarter of eection nineteen (li)),and the southweet quarter of the north east quarter of section uineteen (19), and the southeant quarter of the northwest quarter of sec tion nineteen (líí), aud the öouthwest quarter of the eoutheast quarter of aection eishteen (18). township four (41 eouth of range flve (5) east ; alao ten (10) acres of land off the southeast quarter of the southeaat quarter of aection thirteen (13) in town 4, a 'uth range four east, bounded as followa: 10cresoff from the aouth side of the southeast quarter of the aoutheast quarter of section thirteen f 13), town fonr Bouth range four east, being thirty roda north and aouth, and eighty rods eaat and weat, all of aid description contain ing two ñundred and ninety (2lMi) aerea of land more or loss. Dated December 31, 1874. MARY E. FOSTER, D. Cramer, Aaaignee of Mortgage. Att'y for Assignee, 1511 Commissioner's Notice. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washteuaw, kBfl. ïhe undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for ea d County, Commissionera to receive examine and adjust all claims Bfiá demandsof all persons ag-inöt the estáte of Richard Flannery,late of aid county deceased, hereby give notice that six montha from date are allowed, byorderof said Probate Court, for creditors to S reaent their rlaim isiainst. the estáte of aaid eceased, and that they will meet at the otfice of the County Clerk, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Baid County, on Saturday, the tenth day of April, and on Saturday, the tenth day of July uext at ten o'clook A. M., of each of said daya, to receive, examine and adjuet said elaims. 1513 PETER TUÏTE, m LTJKE COYLB. i Lom' DttdJauryllth, A. D. 1875. Judicial Notice. WHEREA6, by the order flxiogtUetiin , ■evnltermiiif th i Ireuiti boím Sí fereBt coantioa. for the roars 187-1 . í- Fourth Judicial ( Ircuil thc a .i,, ',!?{"' ln'4 1 ebrua i term oí ai'l Coui i Coi i,, ': Waxbti-nsw, for the .■■! 1875, win faii lntï f -I-.-.T. ...VI OF I KR1 ,Vv ,.';'."'■' H, is, Iry i Ip' prtn i-íiun of the 9tatut niad'p upou whkh i awful tu hold , knd wliereas H ppea lo 1. Ihi Irairaw i i i' n,rj ...i ihrnild ... .t I,,, i,,,, ; ,., n pui nanee of the statute in rnade ;m urovlded, a Bpecia] ic (■..un MI be held al the Coort Hon ■ "í1 couutv, to oommpiice on Tuiuday, the t-. i _■( 'Ui 'M ri m u.ii i , ioiv, il MI íiclm.]. forepo f sald day: And il la furthi thal a petll iury bedrawn f pursuanceof the Statute in su. provided, and Ihai Buch jury la suimnontd ? ln'arat snch term, nu Monday, the n Marcb, 1875, al lo o'cloek .1. m. of u ,,. i, furilirr onlered thal thi. ordi ofllce "i the Ulork of said .? Dl1 1 lerk cause 8 coyy ai the 8ame to be 1.111,1' ," ' each of the two w.-.kly newsimpers p, UiecityofAnn Arlwr.viz.: V7„ ( ir „,,d Ftuat ruitanl and r icWm 2? toral Least three auoeossive weeks, tlie first Sr1 catión tu be ftl leasl thirty 'ii.ys previona t í:' ;H'I 23da; of Fobruarj oext. " Wln Dated January 2, 1875. l.-,i: A. D. CRANE, ClrcuU J,„„t BborifFs Sale. BY VIKTUB otone writ of execution 1 of:ind mider thé e:il of the Circuit Comtï! the cr.iimy ui Waahteouw, tu me direcUd J livered, I biive on thiB 2Oth fluy t , , 1875, leviml upon all tlic light, lül : and Junes H. Hicks and Hirnm P. Ludaen thofoUowfng desenbed re 1 ocíale situated bv1 county of Washtenaw, tute of Michigan to The eqnal, undivided uno-hail part oí ail th3t tain picce, or paroel of land. si' unted in the iflC oiUexUr, in tln; oounty ctt Washtenaw und gt iiforefaid, ltnícwu, bounded and deacnbed J Iowb, to wit : Bezinning on A. treet, at tl, '' ner oi lot four and üve, in block oue, and run; lit [i vu i uí unju ïvjto tuin tllLU nVé ■ even Ie et ; thi-nce parallel with A. strtettW wofect; thonee parallel with the line of Wt ldiI tive, twenty-eiyht feet; thence in a strí ine aero lote tiw and six, tt a point on m lot six, seventy nine feet trom the eirner Of T' and híx ; t henee i'rom siicb point long tbeb f A streel to the place of begiuniog, which ibrf' loncribed propert j 1 shall exposé for sale at S luotion to the htoheet bidder, at the soutbáLí ;he Conrt Houe ín the city of Ann Arbor on 2 ïth díiy ot March, A. D. 1H75, at ten o'di )t"HHÍd day. Düted, January 2Oth. 1875. l M. FLEMING Sheiif, Eatiite of Catharine Pidd. iïATP: OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtem, il 8. Ata session of the Probate (Jourt ■foinj jounty of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, tl sixth day of January, in the year on eight hundred and seventy-tive. Present, Pfoah W. Cheever, Judge of Probat Id the matter of the estáte of Cathai deceaaed. On readinr and flling the petition, dul] of Kosena Da vis, prnying that an Adm raay be appointed on the estáte of taid deëtaT Thereupon it is orde red, that Ihieaüay, t twen ty-third day of February teiio'cloia the forenoon, be aflsigned for the hearing of potition, and that the iieirs at law of saiödHaji and uil other persons interested in said estafe, k reqfiired t appear al seysion of said conrt, tia be liolden at the Probate Office, in the city of in Arbor, and ehffw cause, if any there be, rtyi prayer of the petitiner should not be grutte And it iti further ordertd, that said pel uoí.ice to the persona interested in sai the pendency of said petition, and ■ thereot', by cansina a copy of this order tobm Hshed in the Michigan Ar gus, a newspa] and circulatinp in said county, three sueea weeks previous to aid day of heaiing. (A truecopy.) N UAU vv. CHKEYEB, I 1M5 í udtre oí Probiv I Estáte of John F. Weissinger, ,JTATE OF MICHIGAN, Coun-.y oí Waübton I M At si session of tlie Probate Court íoti V eounty of Wasutenaw, holden at the Probatetfe E in the city of Ann Arbor, on Moiulay, thetaq ñfth ilay of .lanuary, in tbe year on eight hundrcd :tnd seventy-live Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of In the ma'terof theesiate oí' John F. WeiiïistE K deceased. On reading and tiling the petition, dnlyveriH of Edwurd Eisenhardt, praying that au Aam trator may be appoiiited uu the estáte of eaüi ceased, Thereupon it ia ordered, that Tuesdny, ts twenty-third day of February next, atleno'dw ia the forenoon, be ussined tor the said petitinn, ünd that the heirs at lawof ú deceaaed, and all other persons interest eBtate, are required t appear a; ; bi w Cmri, then to be holden ut the probati the city of Aun Albor, fínd sljuw eau there be, why the prayer of the petitioi not be grtinted ; And it is further or ! said petitioner give notice to ] terestod in s;iid estáte, of the pend D petition and the hearing then of, bi copy of this order to be published in thi Argus, a newspnper printed and oircui; eounty four aucceasive week previoue ■ of hearing. (A true copy) NOAH W. CE KEVER, 1516 JudgoofProbit, Estáte of Richard Flannery. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN', Couuty of Washtew, O 88. Ata session of the I'robate Court tor eounty of Washtenaw, holden at ttie Piob:ite ofia in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneeday, the tl tieth day of January, in the year one thonsn1 eight hundred and seventy ftve. Preient, Noab W. cheever, Judge of Proton In the matter of' the estáte of Hiclmii Hsraifri, deceased. On roading and filing the petition, ikVj f-nW., of Mary Flannery, praylng that au - . may be appointed on the estáte of said ■ ■■ ïhereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, t! titteenth day of February next, at ten o'dod a the forenoon, be aasijmeo for the hearine of üü petition, and that the heirt. atlawofsaii and all other persona interested iusu: required to appear at a sassioD of said to be holden at the Probate office, in the city oí k: Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, iï the privyei of the petitioner should nol L Andit is further ordered that said petil notice to the persons interested in s:ni. the pwndency of said petition, and the heua thereof , by causing a copy of tliis oru-i lishedintbe Micfitffan Argus, a newspa and circuluted in said eounty, ttm weeks previous to said day ot' hearing, (A truecopy.) NOAH VV ('HEEVKR, 1514 Judge of l'robiti Estáte of Goorge Sutton, i. STATE OF MHJH1OAN, County of Wiishtiin, sa. Ata sessionof the Prouute Court for:s eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oifi in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the int! of February, in the yetr one thousand eighti dred and seventy-flvePresent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of George Snit 2dT incompetent. Sedgwick Dean, Guardian of said estat, into oourt and representa that he is now prejsrt to rendcr his fltth account as such Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that "Wednesday, t third day of March, next, at ten o'cloek m t'oreuoon, be asiigned for examining andallowt t such account, and that the next of kin oí i incompetent, and all other persons n said estáte, are reqnired to appear at a I said court, then to be holden at tlie 1'robateO I in the city of Ann Arbor, in said coüötj,! show cause, if any there be. why the said ao I shonld not be allowed : Andit is furtherotwl that said Guardian, irive notice to tht terested in said estáte, of the pendency oí ■ account, and the hearing thereof', by caualg copy of this order to be published in the 'i" Argus, a newspaper priuted and eirculatiaf gnM eounty, three Buccessive weeks previo' said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVRÍ, 1516 Judge of Pro Estáte of Kinma L. Knight, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof "ibtaHsa. Notice is hereby given, that by au oflw the Probate Court foi the County of Waibl! made on the twenty-lifth day of January, i-J 1875, six months from that date were allo creditors to preeent their claims agaiust the " of Emma Kuight, late of said CouolJ.' coased, and that all creditors of said decijv, required to present their claims to said BOW Court, at the Probate Office, in the city oí i Arbor, for cxamination and allowance, on i; fore the twenty-fourth day of July next, aM such claims will be heard before said twitt' Saturday, the twenty-fourth day of April, f' Saturday, the twenty-fouith day July nelt, o'cloek in the forenoon of eaeh of those davi. Dated Ann Avbor, January 25, A D. 1875. NOAH W. CHEEMiB. 1515 Judg.' of 1'rfl'. Commigsioners Notice. UT ATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof WashJ O ss. The undersigned having been appom" ths Probate Court for said county, commisJ to receive, exnmine and adjust all claims m . mands of all persons agninst the estáte oí i"J Moore, late of saic county deceased, heieWS,. notice that six months from date are allowp order of said Probate Court, for ereditors t f sent their claims against the estáte of ' ceased, and that thy will meet at the latt i jr dence of said deceased, in the township oí 'l : in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-J" day of April, and on Saturday, the twenty-Kf day of July next, at ten o'cloek A. M., of eaw said days, to receive, examine and adjust claims. Dated Januaiy 25, A. D. 1875. 1515 JAMES M. KELSEY, rommls,ion! OTHNIEL GOODINU, ! ' mnral-B . Sheriffs Sule. BYVIRTUB ofoneexecution issued outofj under the sealof tho Circuit Court for the J ty of Washtenaw, State of Micbigan, to "e rected, wherein John Clancy is plaintiff ai ' riek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defendants, aov the want of goods and chattels, I have thi seized and levied upon all the nght, title aoa terest of Patrick and F.liza Kelly aforesaid. i to the following deseribed property, to wit . east half of the southeast quarter of sectiol i u. also the northeast quarter of the southea" j ter of section twenty-nine, all in townsnrp ber one aouth of range six east, 'WashtenaW ty, State of Michigan, which above descrít)F erty I ahall expoee for sale at public a!llLt the law directa, to the higheat bidder, at the" door of the Court House in the city ot An , bor, on Monday, the fifteenth day f Fe"á, next, A. D. 1874, at ten o'cloek a. m. of 10 Dated, Jannary 1, 1874. M. FLEMING, Slieni, 1511 By Wm. H. McIntïbe, Dep'y "hu" _ rtlSSOLVTIONOF PAKTNËBSHlp The partnership heretofora existing !m?'ji nrm name of Tripp, Ailes & Price, u tb" ' th solved by mutual agreement. All liabiHeí i w eompany, will be aettled at their oíd place o ( isesa ; and all who owe them, eitber bj no account, are requeated to cali and mukeimme settlement. chab. TEIPP.„ „ ROBERT K. AILJ1. ROBEHT J, , Dated Ann Arbor, F.b. 1, 187. ifl"


Old News
Michigan Argus