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Civil Rights Bill

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The lower house of Congress, after a mout oxciting debate, has ptussed the Civil ltights bill iu a Bomewhat modiiied farm. The following j is the text of the bill minus the preamble : Mêsolvedj That all pernons ■witliin jurisdietion of the United States nhall be entitled to full and equftl cnjoynient of acconunodatione, advantages, faciiities, and privileges of irnif. public couveyances on land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement, subject only to conditioua and limitatious rstal'lished by law, tind appli"ble ilike to , zena of cvery race and color, regardlens of any ons condition of Rorvitude. Sec. '2. Tliat any person who Bhall viólate the foregoing section by denying to any citizen, excëpt ! for reaeons of lftW applicuble to citizens of overy race aud color, and regardlews of auy pivvious condition of servitude, the full enjdynwnt of the acconnnodatious, ailvant;it's, facilitiew, or privÜegea in said Bfio tion enumerated, or by aiding or inoitiiïg tmch dnial, phall for evcry sueh èflenië forloit and pay the Ruin of $ö00 to the person aggrieved thcreby, to be recovered in an action of debt, vith full costs : and Bhall also, for evcry such offense, be deeined guilty of a miedftmeanOT, and, upon coavicjtlqn thereof , be iined notless than $500 nor more tlmn $1,000, or bhall be imprisoned uot loss than thirty days nor more than one year; J'rotidcd, tliat uil persona may elect to buo for the penalty aforesaid, or to procecd under their rightR at common law, and 1 by Htate statutea, and ha-ing bo eloctcd to procecd '■ itï the one modo or other, their right to proceed in other jurisdiction nhall be barred. But thÍH proviso shall not apply tocriniiniil proceeding, eitner onder this act or the criminal law of any Btatet and provtded fariker. tUat a judgment for the penalty iu favor oí ttio party aggrieved, or a judgment upou an intlicímeiit, chalí be a bar to either pronecution, respectively. Sec. 3. That District and Circuit Courts of the United States ehall have, exclusive of court pf tlie Hcvcral States, cognizancft of all crimes and offeiist'S agaiuxt and violations of the proviPious of thte act; ! and action for the penalty given by the preooding ■edtion niay be proeecuted in Territorial, District, or Circuit Courts of the United States, wnerever ilofrndants niay be found. without rogard to the otlier party ; and the District Attorneys, Marohal, and Dapaly Marhalu of üie United States, and CommLflionerB ippointcd by the Circtüt and Territorial Courts of the United States, with powers of arrstmg and imprisonliifi or haling offendera agiilnst the laws of tlio United States, are hereby especially authoii.i.-ci auu rtuuirea to iustltato praccedingu agalnst evcry prsem who Hhall viólate the provisions of thiw a't, imd cause him to be arrested, and imprisoned or ! bailea, ns tho case may be, for trial befare siich i (uut of the United Btates, or Territorial Court, as I by law has oognlzaxtce of the offeuse, eieept in reepect of rlght of aetion aocruing to tho persou affgrjeved, and such District Attorneye shall cause mieh ; prèoeedlngH to be pronecuted to their termlnation, as in othcr cases ; provided, Notfaing coutained in tïiis Becticm shflll )■ contrueil to den y or defeat any right of civil aetion accruing to any pernon, wheüier by reason of tlün act or otht rwise ; aud any District AUurmv who phall willínlly fail to instituto and prsecute the prooeedtngs herein required sliall. for : t'vcry Kiu-h offensö, forfait and pay the kuiu of $óOü p üie person aggrieved thereby, to be reoovered by an aetion of debt, with fuli oosts, aud Hhnil. on conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and le ñned not leu than $1,000 nor more thau $5,000; a,nd, provided further, That a judgiuent for the penalty in favor of the party aggneved kgainst any such District Attorney, or a judgment upon an ; indictment againht any euch District Attorney, shall be a bar to tuther proseoution, rcnpcctively. ■BC. 4, That no citizen ponessiag all the othei qualiticationH which aru or may be prcbcribrd by law piall be disqualified fui service as grand orpctít juror i u Bny court of thn United Statep,oroí any Ütatt-, on j acexiunt of raco, color, or previous condition of i tude. And any oíh'cer or otli'T pprson cliarged with any ilntv i ti iltñ sloctimi nr niiiiimoiiiiiL'nf inrorawho nhíill excíude or fail to summon. any citizen i'or the cause aforepaid, hall, on eouviction theivof, he dt-. med tjuílty OÍ misa, mcanor, and be fined not more than i Í6J000. Sec. 5. That all canes arising under tlie proviaions of this act in the oourts of the United Statua nhall be ] r-.'virwiible by the Suprome Oourt oí" the United States, without regard to tho buxo in controversy, - undcr the eajne pfovógionsnd regulatione as are now provided by law for the review of other cuubüs iu Bukt court. THE VOTE ON THE BIIJ. Xve givo below tlie vote by which tho ure fiually poaaed the Hoiise : Y KAS. Albert, Hazelton (Wis.) Pratt, ! Albright, Ilazelton (N. J.) Bainey, I Avcriil, ilindeo, Rapier, ! lïarber, Hoar, E. It. Riehmond, liuriM'i', Hodgos, Koberts (E. U.), Baas, Hooper, Roblzuon (O.)t Bagóle, Jli'skiiiH, ltosH, liit tv, lloughton, Riisk, liradk-y, Howe, Rawyer, Bnffinton, HubbeU, Sayler Ind.), ííuiidy, llnnUr, Scofield. üun-hara, Hurllmt, Soudder (N. J.), '. BÍrleigh, Hyde, Scudder (N. ï.), j BürrowB, Hincs, S'-sHions, Butler (Masa.) Kasnoii, fthanks, i'.ain. Ki-lley, Sheiits, Cannon, Kellogg, Shcldun, Carpontrr, Lamport, Slioi-makêr, 'iioiï, Lansínfí, ftmall, . Ülark (N. .T.) LawBOH, Sniith (Pa.), Dlfcrke (N. ï.) Lewifl, Smlih (La.) □ikyton, Loughrkige, Bmltb (N. Y.), rl iin-iitH, Lowe, Smith (O.), Cobb (Kan.), Lynch, Knyder, rol mr. Martin, Kpragur, Oouger, McCiitry, Starkweather, Corwin, McDill (Wis.), Stovens (Mass.), Cotton, McDill (Ia.), Stowell, Orooke, MacDougall, Strawbridge, OrounBp, McKee, Sypher, Om-tis, McNulta, Taylor, Darrall, Morriam, Thomas N. (!.), PawcB, Mouroe, Thompson, Dobbins, Moore, Todi, Donnan, Morey, Townaènd, Dnoll, Myers, Tremaine, Dunnll, Negley, ïyner, Eames, Nilee Wuldron, Field. O'NeiU, Wallace, Fort, Orr, Ward (I1U, Fester, Orth, Ward (N. J.), Garfield, Iackard, White. Gooch, PMker, Whiteley, Guucklc, l'tif?1', AVilbur, Hagans, Parker (Mo.), AVülard (Utah), Hale (Me.), Paraons, Willard (Mlch.), Haln (N. V.), Pelliam. Viüiama (Win.), Harmcr, rendleton, AVillianiB (Mans.), Í HarriH (Mass.), Pliillipp, Wiama (Ind.), ' Hathorn, Plerce, "Williamn (Mieh.), '■■ Hawley (111.), Tike, Wilson (Ia.), Hawey (Conn.), Platt (Va.), Wildon (Ind.), Hhvh, Polaud, Woodworth- 1C2. NAYS .L V_ Adains, Giddings, Ilandall, Artlmr, Glover, ltead, Archer, (iimter, Kobhinp, Ashe, Ilamilton, Eobbarta (W. R.) Atkitifi, Hancock, Kobineon (IU.)) Bauning, HarriH (Ga.), Sayler (O.) Beoh, Hurta (Va,), Scholl, Bell, JTarrtson, Kchiimaker, Bcrry, Hateher, Srnor, Bland. Hrroford, Kloan, lllount, H( radon, SIopr, Bowcn, Holman, Smith (Va,), Bright, Hun ton, Hpcrr, Broitib Tg, Knupp, Ktanard, lïrown, L.imar, ítundiford, Buckner, Laraison, S cphens (( n .), Bufier (Tenn.), Lcach, Stoüa, ('althvrll, Lofland, Htortn, Ciuilijcld, Lovndc!, Swano, ('hittf nrlrn, Luttrell, Thomas (Va.}, Clark (Mo.), Magee, Thornburgh, Cftymer, McLcan, Vanee, Comineo, ■Iilliken, "Warldil, Co.ik, "Mille, AVellB, Cor, Morriflon, "Whitchrad, Crittendcn, Ncal, Whitchouee, CrnpHland, Nenniith, "Whitthorue, Cruichfleld, Niblack, WlUe, Uavis, . O'Brien, W'Unoq (34d.), DeWitt, Parker (N. H.), Wolfe, Durüam, Perry, Wood, Eden, PhelpK, , Voung (Ey.), Eldrcdge, Putter, Young (Ga.)- 100. Finck, Many horses have died in jNIissouri from having been fed on chinoh-bug fodder.


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