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Presid Ential Message

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Tbefollowing is tho President' message on Arkansas affaire : To the Seuatc of the Faitea States : Herewith I have the honor to senil, in ' anee vith the resolution of tlie Sonate of the 3d iust.. all the informatiou in my possession I not heretofora furniahed relating to affaire in j tlio State of Arkansaa. I Wil] venture to j presH the opinión that all thiH testimony shows ! that in the election of 1872, Joeeph Bröoks was lawfully elected Governor of that State ; that he has been unlawfully deprived of the j Hion of his oilïee since that time ; that iu 1874 theConfititution of the Stato was, by violence, intimidation, and revolutionary proceedings, overthrown, and a new Constitution adopted, and a new State government catablishecl. These proceedingH, if permitted t to stand, practically ignoro all the rights of minorities in all other Statea also. Wliat is there to prevent eadi of the States reoently readniitted to federal relations on certain conditione from changing tlieir Confltitutions and violatiug tlicir pledges if thia action iu Arkansae) is j quioaoad in. I respectfully Bubmit whether a precedent so dangerous to the stability of the State government, if not of the national goveniment alno, should be rocognized by Congress. I earnestly ask that Congres take deiinite aetion in Uña matter to relieve the Excoutive from acting apon QOefitionfi which bhould be decided by tho legislative brantüi of the ! goveiiiment. U. S. (Iuant. Exkix'TIVE Mansiom, Fcb. 8, 1875. Washington dispatchea state that thero iö no proliahility of Congres interfeiing with the Garland government - that Senatoiy, as a genera] tbing, are averso to 8uch action - and that, apart from whatever the Senate may do, the Hoiise wiïl support tho report of tlieir committee, recently made, and take no actiou in tlie premiBea.


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