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The Drought In New England

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For six moiiths the people ot Uie Easteni States have been complaimng ' of want of rain. Mills have been eonipelled to aborten working honrs, f armera have baan pnt to muoh extra labor to obtaiu water for their stock, and m inany to-svns water hos been sold by the barrel. One farmer in New Hmnpahire, ït is said, has 500 barrels of eider, but ftO Wl and in anotUcr town a íaxmex s noTifle tootf tiro and tl ie ilames were extiuguiHhed bv throwing eider upon them, wator not bèïfag obteinable. The Boston Herahl ia inelined to blame ha veoplc tac tiiis lack. It ays: " ín the la;;t. tury New England was pretiy well overea witli trees, and tlie ram that foJl soaked into tlic Rroiuul, ran slowly down tlio vídleys and iinally rt-ached the ocv.m. ow tluriand is Btrippcd of trees; tlie liiüs, and mountain regions, even, vher tlie sources of our rivera are, have been bared to the scorching raya of the san, and nearly two-tliirds of all the ram that falls evapórate bufore it reaches the aeahoard Thishadne(l up the UvainH uito brooks, the broöKs into mere i rivulets, vitli duHtybottoms, for montlw. TIiík ha ruined mauy of our ttow brooks. Thin, too, by causing; tlio Bufldcii dc])arturo of the mkhvk in Bptíbt, oauses majiy Uestnu'tivo Koëhëtó Iu ti 10 Üiick ÍStainc wooda the gradmd nu -luns; of snow lauta for wí-cks and keeps the rivera at a high pitch, whiV thtí KtreiUiw v.'lioso head water ilow frofcfl country Btripped of trees ns aud fall witii the Buddennqpa oí mountaiu ferooka ni'ter a shower. The reokless iinprovidencp, dne t enpidity and carelr:■whioh haa nmde Ho nmeh tot our tt'rntory a hideoua expanRO ot' rnpgel, rookN, woi-Ui!.: ftelda, is the canse yi ilrcmghtjí. Impivmdenc.p mnt ocnMU blame, not Providence."


Old News
Michigan Argus