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SrBSCBiEE fok the Aeous- $1.50 a yeor. _ Iliermometer yesterduy raorning, 20 dejfesbelowzero. More sun-dogs Wednesday, an indication j more cold weather. The owners of house-plauts go about (.th gorrowful laces. pr C. A. Leiter is off od a visit to his old lome, at Cantón, ühio. _- Sheriff Fleming has appoiuted N. H. pierce one of his deputies. -Anunusual sight : Wednesday noon and ota load of wood on the market. Xhe sleighing is splemiid, but the weath, is too cold to use it comfortably. ' -Coasting is fast becoming a fashionable , sure for young ladies and gentlemen. llie Wells-Sweet assault and battery case es off to-niorrow before Justice McMahon. oev. W. H. Shier has recovered from his m so that he will be able to preach next sbbath. _ Michael Frederick Snyder, drawing wood , H Kittridge Friday last, had both ears rozen solid. _ friday eveuing, James Barritt waa swiped" to the tune of six dollars, ou North lin street. _ Tbere are now six boarders at the FlemHouse, five of whom are awaiting trial at be next term of the Circuit Court. _ gupervisor Leitch, of Ypsilanti, returned rom bis trip to California just in time to at,nd the special session of Supervisors. -Herman Curtis, a drayman living on Iiin street, died suddenly Wednesday about jon. The cause of death was apoplexy. -John Hylaud, "Eookey," was in town iednesday. He is eugineer of one of the esmere of the Detroit Fire Department. -Quite a number of Ocïd Fellows from this ty have been attending the session of the ranii Lodge at Detroit, duriug the week. -Eev. S P. Murch, pastor of the M. E. hurch, Sharon, received a donation on Tuesq erening. The amount received was $168.i. -Jonu P. Little, of this city, while at work I the paper mili, dropped a large framing lisel, and striking lus foot, it severed the nds. - A new time-table went iuto operation on ie Central road last Suuday. We have not ;en fumished a copy in order to correct our ble. -Small muskrat houses, light cornhusks, c, etc, were poor guides to the weather ophets last fu.ll, wheu they prophesied an n winter. - John W. Nanry, of Superior, had on extotion on our streets, yesterday, a fat sheep, bich received a great deal of atteution, its ïght was estimated at 300 lbs. -A meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual re Iusurance Company will he held at the ort House, on Weduesday, Feb. 24th. The ended charter will be cousidered. -Messrs. Scott and Hogers arrived atNashle, Tenn., last Friday, from which place :y wnt.e that the weather is mild and pleast. Oh ! that we all could go to Nashville. -We give below the time the different lista iré blown by the three leading esbüshmeuts in this city : J. Keek & Co., 7 1-2, , 1, 4 1-2; Krause, same; Lewick, 8, 12, 1, 1-2. -The sheriff of Genessee county was iii city Wednesday, summouing witnesses to ie trial of the McNamara's, the Flint bodyealors. Our express agent was ainong the ituesses subpoenaed. - A house located in that part of Ypsilanti nown as Clarkville, and occupied by a famy named Boyle, was destroyed by fire iednesday moruing. Loss $800, insured for 150. Caubed by a detective chimney. -During the winter many persons have inirmed us that as soon as tax paying times ere over they were going to subscribe for the 58U8. The tax collector has conipleted his ork and we are ready tö receive the subscripons. -John Commisky, of Northfield, while ridig a horse Tuesday afternoon, was thrown ld badly injured, receiving a dangerous cut i the head. Dr. W. B. Smith, of this city, ressed the wound, and found that the skul 1 ïs not broken. -The Argus says: "Jas. Loney was arerted Weduesday for enticing away and marying Miss Laura Carter, a minor, against the ousent of her mother." Jimray, come over ere next time. The old lady's willing. - Manster Enterprise. -Deputy Sheriff Mclutyre went to Sharon fonday, and arrested Martin Kobler and dward French, charged with assault and baU ff upon Chnstian Overschmidt. Betore Jusice Clark Tuesday, they plead not guilty, and !"ebail for their appearance March 4th. -Anieles of association of the Michigan 'Jper Manufauring Co., were recorded in the "lirk's office yesterday. The manufactory to k located in the townohip of Ann Arbor, and lhe office of the company at Detroit. CapiW tock $30,000, with power to increase to 100,000. - Edward Duffy, Esq., one of the Superintadents of the Poor, left for Lansing Tuesdy moruing to attend the State Convention of ■W Masters, held the l"th inat., for the purP of regulating the various wants of the Pr ad to remedy some of the existing evils tins thereto. -Jae. Kennedy, of Northfield, has for a imber of years aold his apples to Wood, . ""Tin & Co., aud tiuds it to be the most prof"We erop of his farm ; the amount received '. for 1874 wasi402.62. He is reported to be of the best apple-packeis in the county. inon Wheeler, also ot Northfield, sold his ( erop to the same firm, receiviug therefor ! 8um oJ 486. As aa apple-packer, Wheel"is considered a success. "" The next term of the Circuit Court will kgin Tueaday, Feb. 23. The whole number of ■ 130, divided as follows: motions, 2; 'Ptóal motiotiB, 17 ; ohancery, flrst-class, 14 ; clS8, 2 ; 3d claas, B ; 4th class, 5 ; criminal, ;uM of tact, 65; imparlance, 13. The lnt)r is called to appear one week after the IMng day, the first week of the term being H apart ïor chaucery sases and motious. City Treasurer Dor Kellogg has comP'e'l the work of collecting the city taxes, '0l made his return of unpaid taxes to the ounty Treasurer. The following are the nnt8 returned : lst and 2d wards, f856.51 ; ú 'ai 4th wards, 1,203.43 ; 5th aud 6th "wis, H54.82; total( $2,214.66. The total J"imt of taxes levied in the city was íftñ,l4' The treasurer of Saline has made his rns, th amount of unpaid taxea being - There are extensive repnrts n regard to small pox in Ypsilnnti in circulation. V'twere informed Wednesday afternoon, by a prominent resident of that city, that but fouï oases of varioloid were tiow in Ihn placo, that thcy wen propertv taken rare of, nnd that "" further spreid of tho dreaded dfeean iras appreliendcd. - A11. Mclutyre had a rorps of siiow-nhov!lers out, last Fridny clearing the walk of the heavy snow dnfts in the Tlnrd ward. We hear tliat in the progross of the corps some excitement was creatert bf their presence in front ot the premisos of soms widowed families, who begging thsm to Btop work, that they would do the job, saving that they could not afford to pay the expense. Being infoiuied that they would not be taced, abettei teeltog existed. - It is eucouraging in these days, while the thermometer ranges down aniong the twoiitios and thirties below zero, to see our merchants advertising Spring goods- it reminds us that there is something bctter ahead. C. H. Milieu & Son, always in season with their goods, aré receiving a new stock for early spring trade, inoludiug embroidenos, dress goods, cottons, ties, aud a large lot of those popular " Collingwood Black Alpacas." Now is the time to niake advantageous purchases. - Quite a curious case, showing the operation of the law goveruing minors, was developed in the Register's office. A couple recently married bought a farm, paying part down aud issuiug a mortgage jointly for the balance. It came to light, however, that the liege lord was not of age, aud so the ceromony of mortgaging and recording had to be gono over again, the wife who was old enough, alone becoming the party of the first part. Young men should take warning. - Ou Thursday evening of last week, ths niany frionds of David Dcpue, of Pittsfield, gnve him a suri)rise party, the occasion being his birthday ; notwithstanding tlie extreme cold weather and the almost impassable roads, on account of snowdrifta, a bout 70 persons were present. The guests did not forget to provide an abundance of " good things," and a bauntiful supper was served. Everythiug passed off pleasautly, aud at a reasouable hour the company separated, wishing " David " mauy happy returns of his birthday, and assured him that if the night had been propitious there would have been as many more persons present.


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Michigan Argus