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The Most Remarkable Of Casualties

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Ou Monday occurred in St. Louis ounty a casualty so singular m sume of ts features that no oue would havo beLeved beforehand that sucli a thmg was wssible. The subject was Mr. J. J. lielly nurseryman, who for the past vontv or twenty-five yeara has lived neai Webster, on tho Pacific railroad. Mr. Kelly is a large, heavy man, fifty-eignt yeara of age. Yesterday he was riding ín a lignt spring-'wagon from Kirkwood to Webster, and to keep hia fcct wnrni had pat :i lot of hot brieks in the bottom of the wagon and oovered them wrth ataraw When about midway between Webster and Kirkwood the straw barst into a blaze and set ih-e to the wagon. Mr KcIIy'k Bize and weight prevem.'d him from setting out speedily, unie by the dangerous feat of jumping out, ana he attempted to put out the flamea without leaving tho wagon, and m dtoing so his clothing caught ftre. He then got out, and, singulai-ly enougn, inStead oi attendingto putting the lire out on hw _ ..1..1.1,;,,,, ...,,i tji t.lio liovrte s lieail aml seized the bridle to prevent lus running awav Hestoodinthat positidn, appareiitly dumíounáed, untiL be was bo burnod tliat it ifl eolisidered mipossible Eor liim to recover. One of his ears waa aotaally bnnwd off. A iielghbor passing on the iroad f ound him in that atuation, and, after extínaiiiahing híR burning cldiliiüií. ooarveyed him to bis home near Webster it is.supposedbysome thatthe ñames did nut cmginato from the hot brioks, but from a burning match witu whifih Mr. Kellv had probalily hghtefl htapipe. - SL Louis Republicaai. Mr. Peteb Bickeij, oí Milwaukoe, not knowing a bank wherein h: could safely deposit his money, deposited 8278 in nis coai bin. Whon'he wnnt for it hë found Bome one had been there while ho was ! iwíiy. íhe Korvant gii-1 admitted that I sbe did it with her lit.tle rattiö,


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Michigan Argus