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T3 INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GKOCERY - AND - FLOl'R & FKED STORK. We keep constan ti y on hand, BREAD, CHACKERS, CAKES, ETC-, FÜR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TRADE. We shall nlso keep a BUpply of DELHI UTOTJIfc, 3. M. SWIFT Sc CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUK, BUCKWWHÜAT FLOUR, CORNMEAL, FEED, &c, &c. At Wholesale and retall. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISÏONS conötantly on hand, whit:h will be md on as reason'iblü lerni! as at uny other honBe in thia city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. ttST Goods delivered 10 any part of the city without extra cbaive. BÜVSEY êc SK.VIKILT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 1314tf A FUIX IJNE - OF - Sewtng Machine Needlcs WINES & WORDEN'S. ISOltf GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL. CHICAGO, IIjIjHaviiïff purchased all the furniture and titktm h lease of this magniticeut hotel, I havo admitted Mr. i-'ainuel M. Turner formerly of the old Tremont House and late of the l'almer House, Chicago, and Mr. Tyler B Gaekill, formerly of the Reveré House, Boston, to au interest m the business, which wül be couducted under the name of .0!l I! DKAKE & CO. THE HOUSE Covers one en tire block, having a frontale south and eabt of over 500 f eet. Is admirably locnted for the convenienee of guests ; is tboroughly built in the best mauner. with all modern improvements Every ficor from basement to ïoof, endoses a four inch layer of cement, which with otber haietfuards, ïender it practioaliy fire-proof# The ventilntiou is perfect, and the whole is being refltted witb tlie addition of new and elegant furniture as required. The service, table and other acnommoaations being the same to all t?uests. will be maintained fully up to the hiLjh standard of their predecessors, and equal to iiuy house in tbia or any other country, but the proprietors have decided to meet th just expectations of the publi in these times of tinan cial depression by grnduating the prices from $3.0to Í4.50 per day, accordin to the loeation of thd rooms occupied. JOHN B. KKE. e taissolutiotTof partnership. The partnership heretofore exiatinpr under the Ürm name of Tripp, Ailee & Priee, is this dy disBolved by mutual agreement. All liabilineM of the company, will be settled at their old place of buiiHeBs ; and all who owe them, either by note or account, are requested to cali and make immediate settkiinent. THA8. TRIPP, ROBERT K. AILE8, ROBEHT J, PRICE. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1875. 1518wfl I Mortgage Haifi. DEFaULT haring been made In the eooditiou oí I ;i eert ai ii mortgage, madi and e sec ut ed by Wil■ lam Rayer and Mina Rayei hls wlfe, o! tnn Arw .■i. Michigan, to Philip Bach, af tfai same place, dtin ed ihe iniKMi'.'uih day of April, in thi year on A hou and elghteeu hnndred and fteventy-oe, and tí mrdid in tbc office of the Register of Detda for Ihn v, ■■nut of Washteuaw, State of Michigan on the la; - kprfl, . r. 1871, al 9 1-2 o'cloek, . m., in ii ut í'j oí' inortsagen, on page 687, and on ipI k-h moríi :.i ■_■.■■ Lhere ta clalmed Mi bedueat the date oftlii tice :mi in t;iHinni "I n t ailiuuntui}; !■ y hn ml ml hihI thirteeu dollars and i ■■■ hi i v rmts. "i with another Installment of mw hundre'l and ten dollars i hecouediie on tin1 muelt'enlhfl , y ..f' pril t next, together with an attoriH-yV f f ihirfj ,■ lan sfeoold any pncedinga h taken to " fort t clos the sane; and uo uil rr pnieeiedhigs at l;iw . tiHving been in titutcd to recover .li-l si ui iü ui ( ey or aor pari thi'renf: Nw, theivforc, notice ia i hereby givcn, tliai y virtuenfih powt-i nfnalein s;ii(l inortjzajiecoutain d, I fihall lellal pttblicautlon t to the hightwl InddtT, on Baturdai thk twkmtx i sbcond dat oI'Mayïïkxt, ftt ten rt'clookin the i iiooii of aaid day, at Ihe south of the ourt , Houw in the citv of Ann i-i hal bein tin . place of huid! ug i !i: Ci reuil Courl lor eald ouaiy ol Wabtenaw), the premtBOS déscrihed i i aid inortgaKe, to tiatisfy said aimmnts, witli inl f t, diste, ( and expeiMMífi allowed liy law, whieh nremiw ai "All iliat certain tracl or parce] of land described ;■- foUuws, to t : commenetngtirenty-two feel ;ii of the nori lnvc-.t i i-i iitT tf lot. number four(4), block ona south of range ftYe ea it, on Hurón Btreoi In the city of Aan Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, thence east twenty-two Ceel on Ilunm Btreet, thence iMHith one huudréd teel bil nee w.eal twenty-two foei, thence nortta one hundr d feei to tht place of beginning; also, the righ;1 and prWÜPue of usuig ftt any and all times au alley ei#h1 rol wid! ;it the nouth end of tuis lot; alao, the catti half l' theoast hrirk and stone walt of the building and stort', from the t'p to tjottoöi, situated ou tí; tiorthwest corner of al li number four, sald building being the same whlch was erected and U iiom uaed and occupied as a store by Luman R. Slawstm; also. the ground upou which aaid easl halfofsaid icall now s i a 1 1 I -." Dated, FebUary 25th. 187Ö. PHILIP BACH, Hortgagee, Iioal Estato íor Hale. STATE ()F MICHIGAN, County oí Wuahtenav Hu. In the matter of tin; estáte of Nathan Woostt?r. decoased. Notico is hcreby given, that in purgoance f mi order ríinfeti tu underigned, AilminirttriTix, of the ifistate uf said deceaaed, bv the líon. Jude of Probate fox the CJounty of Wa.shtenaw, on the Bocond dar ot Fobroary, A. D. lH7öt there will be wold al Public Vendue, to the highcsl bidder, ftt the hile ridence oí Huid deeensed in the townahip of NorthÖcld, in the !'ounty of WiiBhtenHw, in said Htate, on Thursday, tho iirstdayof April, A. D. 17;. at tenoclot;k in the forenoon of that d;iy (Mubjeot to encurabrancea by mortgajíe orotheiwise Qxiütíngat the time of the doath of eaid docoased, und snbjt ctto the riglit ofdowerot the widowof saiddeceaaed theruin) the following deseribed real estáte to-wit : Thirty-bix and 80-100 acres of land, on the east half of the northwewt quarter of seetion thirteen, in town o o Bouth, runfie six east, deacribed as follows: Beginning at the aouthwest corner ot the half ot the northwest quarter ot' said aection, and running thence nortti along the west line U.irty-three (ilüiins and twenty-three links, thence eawt parallel to the north line ot said section eleven ehaini and nine links , thence south thirty-three chaina and iifteen liiiks to the quarter line; thence west quarter line eleven chaina and nine linka to tne place of beginnin. Also tho rpversionary interest of eaid deoea.sed in the foUowiflg dea;ribed piece of land on taid section thirtt-en, it being a part of the dower of the widow ol Aiphenfl Wooster, late of said county. deceased, to-wit : The cqual undivid ed one-half thereof, bezinning at the northwet corner of the east half of the northwest quarter of said section thirteen, and runuinjr east along the north line of said section fifteen chains; thence south six chains and seventy-five links ; thenoü West íifteen chairas ; thence north six ohaina and seventy-flve links to the place of beglnning, oontaininji ten acres and twelve-hundredths of an acre,fill in said State. Dated Februnry 2d. A. D. 1S75. ANNA WOOHTER, 1516 Administratrix Rnal Estáte for Sale. STATEOF MICHIGAN, county of Waafatenaw u. In the matter of the estáte ef Aun Mary Gross, Catheriue Kader, Caroline Kader, Emtna S. Kader and (iodi'rey H. Kader, minore. Not.iee Is hereby giren, that in pursaance of ui order granted to the undevstgned guardiai of the estáte of ssid minora, by tlie Hon. Judge of Probate for theCoanty of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of February, A. D. 187Ö, there wlll besold at public rendue, to the higbeat bidder, at the dwellrog house of Mrs. Rosina Haug, In the tovnship of Bridgewator, in the county of Waahteuaw, in said 8tate, on Wednesday, thv thirty-i'ust, day of Marcli, A. D. 1875, at on o'clock in the afternooD of tbai day (subject te all eneumh ranees by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale.) the followinc describea real estáte, to wil : It being the uBdivlded iiveseventha thereof, vix: Coinmencf ng at the southpast corner of the Southwest quartcr of the northeüt quarter; running w si ooa hundred and sixty rrKi.i on tbe qnarter section lino if sectloc twelve; thence nortli tiiir) y-fivp r'wls; thence east one liundred and sixty rods parallel witli said qnarterline; tln-nct' sonth tliirty-tivc rtfis tu the nlace of beginning; and the northwesi quarteroi the aoutheasi quartcr, and the east half of the east half of the the northeast quarter of the sotithwest quarter; and the Boutheasi quarter of the aortheast qaarter: and six acres from the nortfa end of the east half of the southeast quarter of section twelve; and the west half of the northwest quarter of the toutheast quarterof the soutliwcst quarter of section thirteen, in town tour south, range tour east, containing one hundred and thirty-six acres, more or less. Dated Fehruary üth, A. D. 187:. JOHN G.GBO88, 1517 Guardián. Estáte of George Sutton, 2d. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. Ata setwion of the Protmte Oourfc ior the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mond;iy( the first day of February, in the year one thoimand eiht hundred and aeventy-flvePresent, Noah W. i'heever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of (ieorge tíntton, 2d, incompetent. öeagwicK uean, u-uarainn oí sam esiate, cornet into court and representa that lie ia now xirepared to render his titth account as uch Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the third day of March, uext, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for exaniiniiig and allowint such account, and that the uext of kin of said incompetent, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are reqtiired to appear at a sesaion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate OtHcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said couiity, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is i'urther ordered that said Guardián, give notice to the perrons ïnterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publi&hed ín the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in said eounty, three aucoessive weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1516 Judge of Probate. Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of execution issued out of and under tho ueal of the Circuit Court for the CounLy of Washtenaw, to me directed and de livered, I have on this 2Oth day of. January. A I). 1875, levied upon all the riglit, title and interest ol James H. Hicka and Hiram P. Ludden, in and to the following deacribed real estáte situated in the eounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit : The equal, undivided one-hail part of all that certain piece, orparcel of land. situated in the villaje of Dexter, in the eounty of Waehtenaw and State aforesaid, known, bounded and described aa followa, to wit : Beginning on A. street, at the corner of Iota four and tive, in block one, and running thence on the line of said lots four and five, sixtyseven feet ; thence parallel with A. street, thirtyIwo feet; thence parallel with the line of lots four and tive, twenty-eight feet; thence m a etraisrht line across lots ttve and six, to a point on A. street, on lot six, seventy nine feet f rom the corner of lote tive and six ; thence from auch point along the line of A street to the place of beginning, which above described propert j I shall expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 6th day ot March, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloek A. M. of said day. Dated, January 2Oth. 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Sle. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the eounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me directed, wherein John Clancy is plaiutiff and Patriek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defeudants, and for the want of goods and chattels, I have this day seized and levied upon all the right, title and interest of Patrick and Eliza Kelly aforesa-id, in and to the fullowing described property, to wit: The east half of the southoast quarter ot section thirty; also the northeast quarter of the southeaat quarter of section twenty-nine, all in townahip number one aouth of range six east, Washtenaw eounty, State of Michigan, which above deserf bed property I shall exposé for sale at public auction, as the law directB, to the hihest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the eighth day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloek a. m. of said day. Dated, February 15, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1618 By Wm. H. McIntyrk, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff 's Sale. BV VIRTUE of one uiii of exectios tssiud out of and uiiilfr the si-al ol I lic Circuit Court for the county ot' Washtenaw, to BM9 direct cd and dt1üvered, I hare on this sixteenth day of YAruary, A. J. 1875, lenied upon all the right, title and intorewt of Connlius 11. Ilcuion, Ucury M. Hen ion, and 8. Newell Hcniun in and to thefoUowlng deserfbed real estáte sttuated in the eounty oí' Wushteimw , Stute of Ulchigan1 tO wit : All that certain trittt or pareel of land situated in tho towiiship of Ann Axbor, county of Washtenau . Michigan, knnwii, bounded and aeseribed aa folkm, viz.: Betng ■ part of section nomber thirtytwo, iij tuwnslüp tuimber two south of range tb east, commencfng At the quarter itake in north line of sairl section thirty-two. runniny wct alone said north Une, nlae chaina and slxty-one and one-fourih links, thence south nine degreea and thirty minutes r:ist one chaln and ftfly links, thence east parall] with section line eleven chaina and forty-nine links to the Saline Flank Hond, thence north thirteen degrees, easi one chain and fifty-sbt links to the north line of said section, thenee esi along said north line of section, one chain and nim - ty-mne links to the place of beginning. Wfiieb afeove mscribed property I shall exposé for sak' to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 3d day oí' April, A. D. 1875. at ten o'cloek, a. m. of said day. Dated Feb. 17th, 1875. 1618 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. CornmissionerV Notice. (gTATKOF MIOHIUAN, county of Waslitouaw, k?es. The underaigned haviUK been appointed by the Probate Court for sa d Oounty, Comminsiou ers to receive, examine and adjust uit ciaims ann demandsot all perons Offuinat the estáte of Richard Flannexy , late ol said eouniy deeaaaed, horeby give notice that aix mouths trom date are allowed, oy order of said Probate Co art, tor crediton to preHout tüeir claims againvt the estala of inl deceased, and thut they will meet at the blore of Edward Duüj, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid County, on Wedneaday, the ninteenth day of May, and on Thursday, the uineteenth day of August neit t ten o'cloek A. M., of each of aid days, to reeeive, examine and aüjust said claimt. EDWARD DUFFY, ï n PETER TUITE. Com Dated February 20, A. D. 1376. U ' Mortgage Sale. kBFAULT havuwb .. mada i„ ,h. cobBh, 1. 11. iid i Po( utedby -. ..,„ .fLdtimilli, ol Plymouth, ..y ,„.;y iliic i. -.:.... i.dated thi wntli a„v mber, A. U 1872, and I, n ÍJ." ■ ■ '!-. ..I V, ,,.hl.i.;, ,, he aevjï(h aj ... B teml i-r, A i. Ï2' "' leven ... ;,.,■!. ,; ,,( m,.,i day, in il.ei il ;agai, nu pui . i v hioh iid mortgaire -.. i' id Klizubeth Smith t„ iTiihn, bj ir., u disignment, ,:,t,,, WHtitii Ih, i, I. wl.ich iiBi)!Timen( aniU-il in .. ceoisaid Register ,,ti,,,',7reta tourth .luy oi Jmj :,ry. . . i-., i'clock B. of smd day, in libei I .,t .ls'.' n '■' fl ;-w -, 'n 477, aml was hv .ï?'1 i .. Vuufhn dnl tn ,],.r,„ï ""l NoWe. by .1 i o( a-i,iimit, d ,, FTa ' r,wonty-v(.ulli, K74, which i .Bi n " '"J") reoorded ui the otlicc ol aid Hclh: ■ the fourthdayof Jamiary 1875,5 ■ iaiady, in Ubei I (.i' luwigtiiueute oí n in page 178, and tlieru heing nlnimedtol anpaid onsiiid mort(?aee, und the note accomn . ing the same, Hl the rune ot D.íb nutite V&1' nt Kix hunii'cd aml twtnty-thrve dollar 'k.„ , a ninec uu (6 3.53), logether with tbirtydolW' Mid mortgsge, tipulati-d und agrewl to be 2S as ,in nttoraay'i) or olioiloi'i (ee, in case mT? iugi sbould bf i.tken to torecloae siud laonT anrt no proccedinifí :t law or in . qniiy havinsiS1 irwtiiuted to recover iWiwnicor itny.prt tL2 Noties is Iheri'lore, in roby given, that i ■ the f -.uil. day ui April, A. L). 1875, al in the furciioon o( sairt day, at soutli the Cour) House in f!, e city of Aun .w beinstthe pi i.n holding the Circuit Cnlmiï -ii.l nounty oi WRshtenawll xliall Ml rtaotiun, bo the tiirhest bidder, the premisj soribed in Haid morttinc or mmli theteni nhnll uecennary to aatiaty uaid ami interest, oomaanrl expenpea allowed l. , eaid prtini-eR ure dt-scribed in said WrtgMp''t; t'nll.'ws, u.-wii : AH of iols numbered thirt aml tourtc.ii f 13 ;m.l 14), in block numh noi-tli of Huron stret't, in range numbe] the original plat ol the cityot Ann Ar1 teuaw county, M icliivrun. Datol .fiinnary 4, 1878. JBRVSHA P. NOBLE Tim-ï W. Root, Asaijrnee ol1 Mortw ' Att'y tor Asaigne-e. Murtgagö Sule. DEFAÜLT hariDKl n inade in the co of ■ certaiu mort(rage(whereby thepm in coDtained to sel] ba becorae operativi l.y Louia H. Buchoz, of the city of Am the State of Michigan, t. undfr.sigi S. lïrusli umi Kliniiia 11. l'.riish, ;is inorta.i ■- the Cwcnty-eijihtli (hiy of Novfniber, . hundred and seveuty, and recordcd on day of' Iiei-ciiiln-r, 1870, ai eleven o1 tn the offiee of the Regúter of üeeds, foi of Washtonaw, in the Stat.' of Michigan ing 44 of mortEages, on page mr,, upon wlii, Ihere i claimed to lu due at the of the suin of two thousand and two dolls an.l no snit .,i proceedíngs ai ]iw ,jr'. cbaneery having been instituted t'. n jjart thereof: Notice is therefore, hi i tliaton 8aturday,the twenty-fourth daj I). 1873, at ten o'clotkin the'foruuuon, w. public auction, to the highent lii.i.irr, l.lac.' at the south door of the tuurt II. city oí' Ann Arbor, in sai.l county, ■ House heing the place of bolding i)iI- lor said county of Washteuaw), the in auch mortgage, s. . mucn sliull I.; aecesaary to aatiafy the amouAtdvoi sueh mortgage, and legal costs and chai sale, togetber with au attorney lars conrenanted f'.r therein), that ifollowing piece or parcel ■!' tand i' city of Ann Arbor, in the county of . and State of Michigan, vi..: lii-iu;; on tl lui f.iur, in l.l.x-k number thn six .-ast. hal li.-s t-ast ..1' Detroti Beginning on the east aide of Detroitsti it crosses the south of North strei east along Isorth streel niiiety-iniieliüks; tlft, soutb parallel to the east side of said tol chaina ; thnce west parallel to Nor aevénty-two and three-fourths links; th flfty-five degrees west one chain au l'imr and one-half links to Detroit streel; tfop north-east along tb e east side of Detroii chain and ftfty-one links to the piare of bi Aun Arbor. Mlcfa January ■_, 1875. GEORGK S. BRÜ8H, i ,. ELMTNA Iï. BRÜ8H, Z. P. K'iNfi, Att'y for Hortgagees. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUTT having been made iu the oonditix! ot a certaia mortgage (whereby th&poweroi&i in suid mortgafíe has becorae operativc by J ohn tl artman and Cat hrin Hart Saline, Washtenuw eounty, Michigan, Lowry, Jr., ot' the ame place, which morigans dated the twonty-thiid day ot' -lauuary, A ind recorded in the otiicu of the Regit i of Waahtenaw eounty, on the third daj ofijt: A D. 1S68, at 12 o'ciock M. of said da] 39 of ïnortpages, on page 90, which hak wau duly assisned by said John Lowj M;iry E. Koater by dtsed ot assisrnr-K. March thirteenth, IW-t, which assiL'i duly recorded in the office of eaid H Deeoft, on waid thirtf-eoth (13j day of Mal p. M.of said day, in líber two of asaip mortgagea on pae 184, and there neing ctiins tobe uue and unpaid on said mortgage note accompunyiug the sarae at the dal notit'tj the auni of tive tiiousanct seven and Uiteen dollars and seventeen cents . and there being tlso olaimed aa beeoi hereafter on said raortg:ige aud note tl thirty ix huodred dollars f3.600) an-1 also an attorDey'a fee of flfty dolían as for in said moitgafre, and no proceedinsti at lawa in equity having been iustituied to re same or any part thereof: Notice is therefere hereby given, that onSuturday, the twen t day of March, A. I). l$7ö, at eleven o'ciock in tin forenoon of aaid day, at the gouth door ofthi Court House in the city ot Ann Arbor ffüat bein the place for holding the Circuit Cour' eounty of Washteimw) I shall se ii tion, to the hihet bidder, the pre mises üfeamVj in said mortgafrer so mueh therrof aa shailtneeessary to aatiW? s;tid amonnt, with intens costs and expenses allowed by law, n premises are deacribed in said mortgage así; lloi-, to wit : All thos1 tri ets or parcela ot I ated m the township ol saline, wasmenawcGmi and State of Michigan, known and descriad follows, to wit : The sontheast quurter of íttí uiiieteen (I9j,tind the Southwest qu:irteroi' the nwtk east quarter of aeetion nineteen (19), und Ui southeast quarter of the nurthwet (!it: t.ion nineteen (19), and the southwest quarter the southeast quarter of section eirfileen '■ townahip four (4) souih of ranpe five (5j ftiat: il teu (10) acres of land offtlie southea' the southeast quarter of eection thirtcm Ui town 4, s 'Uth ranrefour eaat. bounded asfollorc 10 ueree off from the south side ot tl i quarter oí the southeapt quarter of si teen f 13), town four south range four thirty rods novth and south, ar rods east and west, all of said deseription contad; ing two hundred and ninety f290) acres of t more or less. Dated December 31 , 1874. MABY E. FOSTÏl D. Cbamer, Assignee of MonnfAtt'y for Affflignee, 1511 Mortgage Sale. DEKAUI-T having been made in the coniiao I of a certain mor'gaire (whereby tbe power' I soll thercin contained has become opei cuted by Jane A. Uritñth, of the city of ïpsili" I county of Washtenaw, and State ot Micbis-11 I Julián i. Dickinson, of the city of Dtti county, Michigan, dated the s:vente ; September, A. D. 1874, and recorded in the of the Itegister of Deeds for the county of ■ tenaw, in the State of Michigan, ■ mortgages, on page 236, upon which nwrip? there ia claimed to be due at the date of notice the sum of twenty-seveu huudied seventy-eight 10-100 dollars, and no euit orXceedings at law haviug been inntituted toiw any part theveof: Notice ia therefo given, thal on Wednesday, the twentyof April, A. I). 18J5, at ten o'clock in Üyl noon, I shall aell at public auction, to the w. bidder, (sale to take plací at the front door " Court House, that being tne place whe eiiit Court for the county of Washten ally held, in the city of Ann Arbor, W county, Michigan,) the premises contaiDed Jj mortirage, or mo rauch thereof as shall b to satisfy the amount due on such moitgagf. ten per cent. interest, and legal costa, W with an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars, H' nanted for therein) that is to say the foW pieoe or parcel ol' land sitúate in the cit) ol 'r lanti, in the county of Washtenaw, and S Michigan, and described aa follows, to wit: ' mencinp on the east line of Hurón stn i north of the northwest corner of lot one o: ■ and eighty-flve ; thence north alongsaid eait' six rods ; thence east at right angles with fflUflw line to the Huron river ; thence soutlierii " j tlie Huron river to a line six rods distanlJJ and parallel with the north line of Upa {I convryed ; thence west to place of beginBlDS' Dated Detroit, January 22, 1875. JULIANO. DICKIJ. G. DioKiNSON, (in person) JloriS!1 Att'y for Mortgngee. 1516 _ Mortgage Sale. DEF AULT having been made in the cono a certain mortgage executed by FredeneK and Christina Kim, of the ciu of Ann Arboi,,. ty of Washtenaw and State ot' Michigan, to w aid Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, ot thesiiniep' . on the flrst day of November, one thousauo hund-ed and sixty-nine, and recuided in of the Reglstet of Deeds for the county 01 "r"n naw, aloresuid, on the 4th day of Noyemwr. J 1809, at %i o'clock p, M., of 9;iid day, in Ij't".'2s mortgages", on page 4, and there is now '""„,. be due upon said mortgage and bond ; the same, tlie sum of one thousand and ' dollars and seventyeight ci-ntn, also au fee of dve dollars, should auy I be taken to foveclose the same ; and no prTj in law or equity having been had to n1" oB Bum of money or any part thereof. Now, ■' s notice is lieri-bjr given, that by viitue ot i of sttle in said mortgai;e contained, I B' public auction to the hii;hest bidder, on tM fl teenth day of April aext, at 2 o'clock P. ' lS, day, at the tront door of the Court House city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, """, „J; the p ace of holding the Circuit Court fr,sl""t,i ty), all that certain pieci or parcci ot ' ,,j in the city of Aun Arbor, county of Me"?j v. State of Michigan, aloresuid. known, ""gi deBcribed as follciws to wit : Bemg lot u"". 16] block nimbei lour [4j, south, range '! (il west, ccordingto a plat of Willium ' - ': nard's addiiion to Ihe city of Aun Arbor, ■ Washteiuiw, aioresaip. Dated, January 22d,.NAKnX, JohnN. Oott, i5m Attornej lor Mortgagees. EstatTof Daniel G. Chamberlai tTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of ""i O as. Notioe is nereby given, that 07! abtei1 the Probate Court for the ol " g;n, made ou the nintli day of February, -V ier c"; date were allowe" ' tetl itorsto present tluir claims against '""„„tr, 'r David U. Chiimberlain, late of sald l' ceased, and that all cred.tors ol ?! required to present theii claims to s. w ( A„D Süirt, at the Probate Office, in the u.ï ,kArbor, for examination and iiHow"' ( ,„ fore the mnth day ot August pexj, " x -;.,.;' claims willbe heard before s.iid Court, d t , day, the elghth day of May, and on ÍU jn & seventh day of August next, at ten o cl forenoon of eaeh of thase oays. 18IS, Dated Ann Arbor, "SSSJfccgggt


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Michigan Argus