Bishop George D. Gillespie's Letter Of Acceptance To Post of Bishop of Diocese of Western Michigan

Ann Aebob, Michioan. ) Ash Weclnesday, Feb. 10, 75. To the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Western Michigan : Dear Abethben- I received last eveuing from the presiding Bishop, official notice that a majonty of the Bishops of the Church have given their consent to my consecration as Bishop of the Diocese of Western Michigan Being thus entitled to give my decisión, I herefry communicate, as the llepreseutative of the Diocese, my acceptance of the Episcopate. The time which has elapsed since I received official notice through the Committee of the Convention has been with me a season of anxious thought, caref ui conference with those in whose judgineut I have conlldence, aud of fervent prayer. I have endeavored to view tlie matter from every standpoiut, and especially to regard the interests ot the Diocese over which 1 have been called to preside. ünly in the faith that the Clergy and Laity in convention assembled have been governed by the Holy Spirit iu their action, and that called by God I may promote His glory in serving His Church, can I bring myself to accept this fearful charge. I bring to the stewardship to which I have been called, a sincere desire to co-operate with my brethren of the Clergy and Laity, in building up the Church to whose service for my remaiiiiug time on earth I consécrate myself anew. Trusting to " come unto you iu the lullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ," I hope by cheerf ui toil wherever God's work demauds it, by wise and gentle counsel, by sympathy in all trials aud difticulties, by a holy walk and conversation, at least to lay foundations upon which those who come after me may build in greater beauty and strength. Comiug to the Diocese witü the kmdest feeling towards all, I doubt not that I shall be received in the same spirit. Turning from the retired Ufe of a pastor, only by experience slowly acquired can I learn to discharge the new duties that will devolve upon me. Through you I ask the prayers of the Diocese that God may be with me in all that I have need to cali upon Him íor, and especially as I am approaching that solemn transaction to which I eau ouly look forward " in weakness, in fear, and with much trembling." Commendmg you persoually and the Diocese you represent to God's favor and blessiug. I am yours very sincerely, GEÜ. D. GILLESPIE. KESIGIíATIOÑ AS PASTOK. Ann Abboe, Feb. 9th, 1875. The Wardem and Vestrymen of St. Andrew's Church, Ann Arbor : Gentlemen : Having this day received from the presiding Bishop Information that consent has been given to my consecration as Bishop of Western Michigan, I now formally resign the charge of St. Andrew's Church. To close a rectorship of unuaual length would, under any circumstauces, be painiul, but the pleasaut relatious that have ever existed between myself and the parish, render this step one that greatly tries my feelings. I have to acknowlödge the uniform respect which ha been Bhown to me by yourselves and your predecessors, and am devoutly thaukful that in all the events of parochial life our iutercourse has been marked by courtesy and conciliation, Under God'a blessing the parish has advanoed to a position uf greater strength and 8tability. I trust that your future may be bright and proaperous, and that whenever it may be my happiness to come among you I shall flnd the same united flock, uuder able and zealous ministerial care. The Communications previously made to you informally have so far opened the way for my present action, that 1 may name the first Sunday in Lent, Feb. 14, as the date of my resignation. I íeniain yours very smcereiy, GEO. D. GILLESPIE. BEBOLUTIONS OF THE VESTBY. The followiug are the resolutions passed by the Vestry of St. Andrew's Church, on the resignation of Dr. Uülespie : Resolved, That the resignation of our beloved rector be accepted with a sincere reciprocation of the kind sentiment with which he has preseuted it, and that we desire to place on record our official testimouy to his exalted private worth, his untinng devotion to duty, his noble charity, aud Cliristian íorbearance as uuiformily exhibited in all the yenrs of his long rectorate among us. Resolved, Further, that while we can bu refjret the loss that we, as a parish, must sus tain, yet we cannot withhold this exiiression o our great gratiñcation that he leaves us oul because he has beeu " called up higher," an that iu a inore important and extimded field his eminent qualitications will euable hini mor effuctually to serve the church he loves, an( adoru the Christian proíession. We pray tha th God of all grace may ever be with him. Resolved, That the Vestry St. Andrew Church attend the consecration of Dr. Giüe pie at Grand Rapidi on tha 24th inst.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Michigan Argus
Old News
George D. Gillespie