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Finance And Trade

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'J'lio monoy market hn been rother quiet [ tlin)u;.;liiiit the werk. Ütbongh the indicatioiiH ut the oloee iré inoro favorable, owing to tho more mild weatber. Intereet raten miohanged, ruling at 8@lü per oent., willi diBcoUnta to Eavortteuetonr. QoTernmentbonda tisidy and linnly licld. D. 8. E M'i of '62, J1C.1., j @116K; of 'C5, ll'.l'ifidUl'a ; 10'h, ll'J'j (' 11% currenoy G's, 11,, (HU. tiateet gold quotaüonu- New York, tífjf ; Chicago, 114%@ 114% BllHADSTUFKH. Tho folloWing wero tho recelpta and shipmenta for the weck, na Oompafed with the game time Iftfit vear : Beceiptè. SMpnettí. mirñT un. atfc_ W, brls..." 87.9M MM 41.280 70,:i25 íhoat, lu . . . . '-9J.GG0 flUU,0l(i 2O(i,7(H .i:ri,v.r, ',„■11 1,11 KM, l'.'C, 1H'.),:1K l'J,3W :1.H"-Í lata' bu.! 110,GC4 lCr.,H7( 68,906 f.7,490 tve, luí .. SJW 24,19í 2,860 18,688 larley, bu 17,140 110,081 11,76: 7'J.niw ! Ireued hog.. 10,un 1696B 8,163 W,7 Jvo hoga, No. 11G.GG1 61,088 34,7s 34,(1:1:1 lattle, 0 14,061 14,170 10,07( gjg ' The lint two days ES thi woek ññ 1 E vitiiefiHRtl a rontiiiimiii'O of the imwatJHl;ict.iv. ivoak feoliug prevalent fot wcek pastis toe rain markets. TI10 advices from New York ïud liivortiool wore of an luiHaiiHfactory tenor, wliile tlio offerinpH of property botli for imraeiliato and for futuro dolivory wero quite, largo. TIiíh wa eapeoially Ü10 cao with tho ofTeriugH of wlicnt and corn for future delivery, operators Hhowing R lack of contidence nnd a general desire to scll eveu at lower pnces. Nnmeroua selling orders were reoeived from tlio interior, wbile tlio stocks in Htore were largo and inereaHing. Shorts did not manifeHt any special deairo to próvido for their contractíj, anticipating a dowuward movement ín vaJues. Tlio remilt of tilia preasure to ne.ll waa a decline of about Jí@9í fronl tl10 11O11Í11R pn88 on both wheat and cuin. Wectoesaaj, Mowever, the conditioii of affair changcd for tbo botter, and Hinco thon the markets haveruled verv firm, with a dftily advance in vahioH, until the decline previously uoted waB not only recovered but au additional alvance of about lCrfle all round. The adviccB from New York and Livoqwol werc of a more favorable tenor ; shorts Hhowed a general desire to provide for their oontraote, and holders mainfested moro confideno.e in the trilde and less deiro to forre Hale, and coiihcquently a large decreaao in the otTeringa. lne balk f the trading is on local peculat'.ve accountBollcr March and Bollor April benig the fayorite optionB. Tbo oats market Heem to bc manipulated, and " Hqueeze " tlus month is among the probabilities. Bye and barley rule quiet and Bteady. Tlie following were the eurrent quotaüons at the opening and also at the close : 1 b Opening. Clomj.j. No. 2 spring wheat, cash 83', 85, I No. 1, sc.Uer March S4',. i No. % seücr April WS X No. 2 coru, rat-h J No. 2 corn, Beller March.. v% a No. Qcorn.BcUerMay.... m% ; '-i in Qnatai. mxh 52 ' . IS) VJ J 5.i4@54 So. 3 oatH, seller March.. 52% Bajá I No. 2 oats, cller May . . . 68J@56! No.2ryc,'caBli 98X X@1- No. 2 baker, cuh HjOT1.M íi.0'Asi.'Jü No. übarl.v, solkr Mar.. 1.05 V 1.091.10 No. 2 barle'y, sellcr Ai)ril 1.03 1.0 i)í PBOVjsiose. The movement in tliia market has boen rather light tkroughout the week, aud pnces have been easier. Mess pork was 13@25o per barrel lower. Lard was 10@15o per 100 pounds off, and meats wero also lower. Mess pork cloued at =IS 10((tl8.12J ; seller March. $18.15. Lard closed at 13.40 cash, and Í18.4O@1S.42X seller March. I.IVE STOOK. The cat Ie markot wa, steady. and a moderate business was reported at 4.50(6.00 for fair to choico shipping Hteers. f2.75@8.60 for poor to medium, and 4.00@4.7.r for fair to choice butcliers' cattle. Hogs were active, but closed eaüier uuder contimied heavy receipts closing at $6.25@6.80 for poor to choice Yorkers, ei'.d (i.C()(u.7.:0 for poor to choice heavy : extra 7.40. Siieep closed active at ï4.00@G.OO for poor to choiee gi-ades. BEESSEÜ HOtlS, HEEDH AND UIOHWINEH. Dressed hogs rulod lirmer early in t!je week, vdvancing from $7.60@7.B0 for light and $7.90 to i.20(r(8.25 for heavy, with soma faney at 8 3(1 Later, au easier ' f eeliug prevniled, aud the market closed eauier at $7.70(7.80 for ligbt, ond Y.UU(íC8.ia ror imïj ; i"j #8 25 Seeds were in fair deinand and closed steady at $2.35@2.G5 for fair to clioice timotliv ! ifi.öü for clovor ; 2@2.25 for prime crushing to cboice Haxaced 85c for Hungarian; imd WK 95c for millet. Higbwima wcre eteady at f 1.04. PBODDCE. Tho stock of bntter aro well rcduced, and tlie msrket íh firmcr, with hoiho Bhipping inquiiy ; tresb roll, 21@23o ; packed, 15@25o for fair to good ; and 24@26c for choice. liroom coni lirm at ll((;13c for good to extra. Becawas. lirni at 25@28o per 16. Boana are in acfav demand, and wantod on local and sliipping acconnt; quotable at W.75@2;00 for Hurto cboice. Clieono was fairly setivo and firm at 15@lT4c for good to primo fartmy, and 8@1M for poor comruon. Cüdor steatly at i'.ir,i,r C.UO per brl for Hweet. Dried peas in request ti l.!ior2.(i() fr neon, and flüO@1.65 for nmvrowfat. EggB nn higlxer but letjB activo, the higher prioeB naturally chccking tl ie oonsimintu.ii ; fresh quotablë at 82@96c ; pulled, 23@25c for bent; 10(al5o ïor common. FeatlierH quiot. (amo lirm, witli a gocxl douiand for stook killed m ollicr KtatoH. I'rniric obiclienB, Í2.5O@2.75; (muil, S2.00(rt2.25 ; rebbits, fl.26@1.80. llidos worc finn anfl in .good domund ut 7.'-3'i' 7:1,c lor groen froien, 8@83cfor lioa-, and '.)'.)'.,'■ lor lWht green Haltod.' Hopswere qnietat 33@40o lor good to prime, ÍS0@35c for fair. Haney qnietat 2S@24c. Hay (inner and in botter (Iemand; No. 1 timothy. 17.50(a)18.()0 ; No. 2. Í15.50@16.50. Nnt wero offered frecly. iind slow aivloHnt f ofmer prices. l'o-.illry in dcmand and lirm all round, exceptiug geese, wliieli were diill ; linkovH, 10(íí12X ; Poor to diolce elui'kenB,.B@llc;dnckB, lSiil3o, and goeBü C@8e per pound. VEOETABLEH. 1 oiíiLoeH wort) in mui ; ftvmi híi-uuu'ojv"i a from frobt, quotablo at B0c(f 1.05. Vegetables were quiet and steady ; nales at Í3.25@8.75 for red onions ; ii.n0W4.50 for yollow ; 40@80c for tunüps ; celory, 50(nfi5e ; parunipe, 1.7a ; Httbbard squash, 75c@1.0Oper dozen. Yeal in dcmand and firni at 5@10c for poor toclioioe. COOI'EUAIIE. WOÖD AND LUMBEK. Pnckera' gooda in the cooperage line met with a goed demnud early in tlio week, but eloed easy and lower at $1.10 for pork barreln, and ÍÍ.45 for lard tiercé. Other cooperage quiet and imcüanged. Wood was firm, and a moderate deniand wtó roported at f oriner quotations- stocliH fair. Iiiunber quiet, but ürnüy held. Telegraphlc Uarket Eeport. NEW YOBK. Bkkvkr Wí 1JÍ Hoos- Dressed 8?) 9X Coïton 1 ( 1C4' FI.OU11- Hupcrliuc Wcstcru i 00 4 4 SU WnEAT- No.3 Chicago 1 U7 @ 1 10 No. 1 Spring 1 15 @ 1 20 Conv '..... f 8 Oats '. 69 Tl Uyk 9 98 Pokk- Ne w Mes 19 00 IS Sfl Labs- Steam I3,'3i l 8T. LOUIS. Wheat- No. 2 lied 1 05 O 1 06 Coen- No. 2New 63 @ 5 Oats- No.2 56 (ü 57 Byk-No. 2 1 08 Kil 1 08 PoliK- Mchs 18 00 @1S 50 I,ABI : 18 1JJÍ Hoos 6 M ' M Oattle 50 O 5 75 .M!1,WAUKEE. Wiikat-No. 1 90 Q 91 No. 2 80 @ 87 Cobn- No. 2 63 9 3,14 Oats- No. 2 &0 3 Jf RïE U9 @ 1 01 BAltLKï-No. 2 1 12 @ 1 16 CINC1NNATI. WHEAT-Ued 107 @ 1 10 COBS- New 65 @ M Oats 5i (?, I1-' Blï 1 10 9 1 12 Pobk- Mese 18 75 i.l 25 I,A)U 13X@ H'í TOLEDO. Whkat-No.1 1M (f JIJ Amber 1 7 (4 1 08 New 68 69 OiXS 58 00 DETKOIT. Whbat- Extra l 10 @ J 13 Amber 1 05 @ 1 07 Cobn I G9 Oaïs 58 @ o9 CLEVELAND. WlIKAT- NO. 1 B0d 110 @ 1 13 ; Mo.2Keil 1 0-t @ 1 07 (OKN M @ TO 0AT8 68 @ 62


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