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Judges And Regents

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The Democratie State Conveution, kold at Jackson on Tuesday, made the following nominations : Por Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, full term, Hon. Benjamin F. Geaves, the prosont Chief Justice, whoee term of office will expire on the last day of December next. The ballot stood : For B. F. Graves . . 146 " H. F. Severens . . 33 H. H. Riley ... 8 " Sanford M. Green . . 8 A. L. Millard . . 16 " L. D. Norris ... 9 " Jared Patchin . . . 16 The nomination was made unanimous, the only discussion preceding such a motion, being the question by a Lonawee delégate, Col. Eldridge, " To what political party does Judge Graves belong ?" and the answer by Judge LlVekmore, of Jackson, " Judge Graves is an active member of no political party ; he is a Judgo of tho Supreme Court of Michigan. For the candidate for the vaancy oaused by tho resignation of Judge Chkistiancy, threeballots wero had, rnsulting : ForS.M. Green 71 10S 115 " L. D. Nonis 50 83 134 " H. F. Severens 32 30 ■ H. II. Riley 8 " C. I. Walker 14 3 " Samuel Iligby 11 lt " W. A. Clark, 24 " Jared l'atchin 19 Mr. NORRIS was declared nominated. The nomination of Judge Graves is a declaration by the Dcmocracy of the State that the Supreme Court is not a Iartisan body, and that being a faithful Judse is a recommendation above mere party connections. Of Mr. Noekis, it is sufficient to say that his nomination over such a list oí' competitors is a sufficient endorsement of his qualifications for the position, and even this endorsement was not needed to cominend him to the voters of Washtenaw County. If elected he will make an able and impartial Judge. The convention nominated for Eegents, Hon. Samuel T. Douglass, of' Detroit, and Hon. Peter White, of Marquette. Judge DoUGLASS is well known to the whole eastern portion of the State, we ought to say throughout the State, and his fitness cannot be questioned. Mr. WllITE is a man of eminent business qualifications, and will make a good and safe Eegent. Location is the only objection that can be brought against him, and that must yield to his interest in the University, to be increased by the establishment of a Sohool of Mines, and to the assurance given of his prompt response to calis to attend meetings of the board. No resolutions were adopted, the convention trusting to its works to speak for it. The Eepublican Convention was held on Wednesday, also at Jaokaon. Judge Graves was renominated by acclaination, and ex-Attorney General Isaac Marston was nominated on the first ballot for the vacancy, receiving 122 of the 125 votes. Mr. Marston ia an able lawyer, with judicial quaüties untested, and we suspect somewhat overrated. In noniinating him the convention refused the olive bianch offered by tlie Deinocracy. The convention nominated for Eeo-onfa TTnn. B. M. CUTCIIEON. of tee, and Hon. 8. S. "Walker, of St. Johns. Both of these gentlemen are graduates of the University and will no doubt (if elected) seek to advance the interesta of the University, but in business qualitications and mature judgment, neither can claim to be the equal of the Democratie noininees. Regent Gilbekx was tho favorite of the oonvention, as was showu by the first ballot, taken after he had peremptorily declined to be a candidate. He ought to have been nominated by acclamation, and would have been nominated by the Democratie convention but for the nomination of Mr. Noeris. The Reform State Convention was held at Lansing on Wednesday, and endorsed the norainations made by the Democracy. , -fHte Mu. WlLLAltD, Representativa froni the 3d District, made an eloquent and impassioned speech against the Forcé bilí in the House last week. He deprecated any legislativo action that would result in still further innaming the public mind, and that did not restrain the present irritation by which the country was made the mere prey of opposing extremista and the helplesa victim of contending parties. He counselled and earnestly insisted the present destructive and ruinons oontentions of partisanship should be immediately and altogether dispelled by broad and unselfish statesmanship. The general welfare demanded that in the Capítol and everywhero throughout the land all hostile thought and memories associated with the war should be placed at once and forever in the tomb of everlasting forgetfuluoss beyond any attempt at resuirection. The pressing demand of statesmanship was not inunace but mediation. TlIB Tribune of Wednesday said of the Democratie convention held the day before at Jackaon : "An attempt was made to rope in exGov. Blair by the Demócrata, but it failed. Without hia knowledge he was chosen a delégate to the convention, and by thetn made one of the vice presidenta, but he failed to put in an appearanoe at the show, greatly to their dis gust." The proceedinga of the convention, published on the same page, contradict the Tribune, and show that ex-Gov. Blair was not elected a vice-president. The Washington correspondent f the New York Tribune givos a vcrbalim report of a eolloquy betwoen Goneral Butler and Judge Poland during the sossion of Wodnosday of last week in the House of Representativos. Butler had irnpuiently said to Polaud that he did not believe that the latter really had any desiro or intention to bring up his Arkansas resolution. The conversation then proceeded in this fashion : " Judge Poland - You have no right to say that. What evidenco have you 'i " General Butler- None, perhapa ; but I believe it. "Judge Poland- I don't believo that ■trnn hfilMtfF wlmt vou sav vou le'ieve. " General Butler- I do boliovo it. "Judge Poland- I believe that you are a d - d Har. "General Butler- My courage, air, has nover been impeached. I am quite able to resent an accusation like that. You had better be careful. " Judge Poland- I don't think I have great courage, but I have quite enough for this occasisn. Not much is needed." To be called a liar is usually considered an " aocusation " which a brave and sensitivo man, especially a " fighting man," would be likely to " resent." Butler, however, did not resent it. On tho other hand, by interposing a word of caution - " You had better be careful'' he magnanimously warned Poland of the dreadful consequences which might ensue should he persist in his accusations beyond a certaln limit. It would be interesting to know just what that line of prudence is. The House Committee on Elections, which has been investigating the Kansas returns of 1872, finds that Baxter had a majority of 712 votes over Brooks. This new evidence makes it probable that two Eepublican representatives from that State, Hodges and Snyder, who were seated by the committee were never elected. By a decisión of Judge McKean in the case of Ann Eliza Young's applicatioh for divorce and aliniony, she is to receive from Brigham Young 13,000 attorney's fees and $500 per inonth alimony pending the trial, and the alimony to date from the filing of the complaiut, which was about twenty nionths ago. The United States Supremo Court has Bustained the decisión of the Supreme Court of this State to the effect that railroad lands are subject to takation. FOR a recon verted Kepublican organ, the Chicago Trihune is remarkably heretical. It calis the new Tax bilí " a gigautic steal and a brazen robbery of the masses of the people."


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