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ORE KEW TEAS AND COFFBES ! LOWER PRICES ! LOWEB PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Grocebt House of of Edwaid Duify, during the next thirty days, and examine hia Teas and Coffees of the lateat importations, whieh will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of General Groceries, very low ior Cash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Daya in BOOTS ól SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Qoods, together with a full line of öentlemen's Furnishing and Hosiery Goods. l'lease cali and examine gooda and pricee, and I will ensure Satisfaction. It pays for everybody to trade at tle CASH G1UN3BKY HOUSE OF- EDWARD DUFFT. lluyuard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann Arbor,Mich BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN A11B0R, MIEH.S Devotvd to the Practical Mducation of Young and MUldle-Ayed Men and Women. [)ay Classes throughout the year. Evening Classes from September to June. Instruction according to ;he most approved pluns, and mostly individual, ■itudents eau enter at any time and recoive superior nstiuction in Business Penmanship, Commercial l,w, Business Correspondence, Business Arithme;ic, Single iiud Doublé Entry Book-keeping, Oratam'i Standard l'honography , und Practical TelJgraphy, Main line wires pass directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, affording the sludeut overy advantage of "Actual Office Practice." The progress of the student in Book-keeping is Sreatly fscüitated by the use of a new C'hart untitled " Book-keeplng at One View," just published by the Principal of this College. Cali at the rooms during school hours, or adires, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Miob. 14U3tf New Ice Company. The undersigmd wislirs to inforiu the citizens of nn Arbor that he is uow ready to take orders nd iiKikc contracta lor FURNISIUNG ICE next summer, toprivate famili hotels, ie., and At Vkky Reasonable Ratks. J. Wm.HANGSTERFEll. lSISmi pklSSOLUXlOPi OÍ' PAK'l'NEBSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing under the ürm name o( Trlpp, Aile & l'rioe, is thiB day dissolved by mutual agruement. All liabilities of the coijipimy, will besettled at their old place of busiseBS ; umi all who owe them, either by note or account, are requested to cali ond mnke iminediaw seUkment. rHAR. TRIPP, KOBERT K. AILES, BOBERT J, PKICE. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1870. 1516w6 "DINSEY & SEABOLT'S IJAKEllY, OUOCERY - AND - FLOLR & FISED STOftB. We keep coiistintly n nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and EKTAIL TRADE. We shall aleo keep a supply of DELHI FLOUB, ,1. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUlt, RYE FI.OUK, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, COKN MHAL, FEED, &o., &o. At Wholesale and retaü. A general stock of ROCER1ES AND PROVISIOJÍS oonstantly on hand, which will be 8old on as reasonable termi 'is at any othet house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country l'roduce generally. . . ,il ■ar Ooods deliverod vo any part of the city without " """" KI[VSKY A skaboLX. Ann.Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. ISMtf AFUJ.L LINE _o,Sewing Maciiine IVeertles WINES & WORBEN'S. 15Ultf Commiseioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Gounty of Washtenaw, as The underaiKiied having been appointed by the pYobate Court for said county, commissioncrp t.receive, xamine and adjust all claims and demai.dsot1 -dl persons against theestate ot Cathariiw Pidd, lte of said county deceased, hereby give notice that six months f rom date are allowed, by order of said Trobate Uonrt, for creditors to present tfaeil claims against the estáte of said decoased, and that they will meet at the resilunce óf Kdward Drake, in tho towuship of Lodl, in said county, on Saturday, the twenty-second day of May, and on Saturday, the lwe..ty-Ürst dav of August next, at ten o'clock a m., of each ot said days, to receive, examine and adjust said Diited Febrnary 23, A. 1). 1875. 1519 Ëlection Blotlce. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Washtknaw OOOTTY, Ann Akbor, MICH., Keb. 23, 185. ƒ To Ou Electors of tlte Courúy of Washtenaw : You are hereby notified that at the Ëlection to be held "'i the amt Mondsy of April, In the Kt of Michigan, the following offlci'rs are to be elected, ' Two JiMtleea of the Suprciiie Courl : on in place „f Benjamin F. Graves, whose tenn of offlee will expire Decêi r SI, 187.",, Eind one to uil the Tacancy occasioned by reglgnaUoa oí Isaac l . antíaney: Uso, two Regenta of the Untverslty in place "f SmaïÖ.Gilberl and Ulran, A tart. lr tenna of offlee will expire Dr.-emher .11 im.., AIm, a Circuit Jadge for the Fourtt Jud lcialC ire uit to whichvourcounty is attached. in plau .i Alexander D. Crane. whose term oi offlee wlU expire iSíemberSl. 1.H75; Also a County Superintendent fCommon fchoois, I plae of ÓeorgeB. Wel, - " f """rSiSÏÏ-LiMINii! Sheriff. $5 w$20rTrcTo,.: Mortgage Salo. nu .] tr haring bees made In the conditlon of certain mortgage, made and executed bj Willana Uayer aud Mina Rayer, hui wife, of .au i mr, Michigan, Philip Bach, if the same place, Led the niaeteenth dtij if April, in the peai one ihiHis;iini eiffbteen hundred and Beven ty-one, and i M i ..i il. '-l in the DlÜceoi Lhe Kei{Uter i Deels foi tlie nountj ol Waahtenaw, Htatc of Michigan, on Ihc 2d daj of April, A. d. 1871, al '- 1-2 o'clock, a. m., lii 11ber 42 of utortsaoa, on page 887, and on which morlgagt; there ík elaimed to hedueal the dateofthia nutlee ;in inatallmen) of interesi aniuunting to ou hundred and Uiirteen dollars aud eighty-ttve cents, witli anothei Instailmeiii of rne hundred and t"n dollara to become due on lhe nineteeiithdavof Anril in-xt, together wlth tn attornej ' fee f thlrty 'l"llars si mul.! uiy proceetUng In taken to foreclose the same ; and uo ttuit or proceedings ;it law baving been instltuted to recovei Baid sums of money oran; pari thereof: Niw, therefore, notlce ia II i'l'fllV 'f lii 1 l;it iiV i 1 III' il IMIWI'I' lil salt' Í II ;ii! i igagecontained, I sball sellal public aution o the hignesi bidder, on Katukdaï the twkntyskcond ia v of M a y nbxt, ai ten o'cloek ï i the fbreloon of iiiil i!;iy, ai south door of the Couri House i ii i lic cit y oí' A ii ti Arbor (thftl bel ng the place of holding the Circuit Couri for said counly of Washtenaw), the preraises described in said mort-■aa' i" satisry said amouots, wit h Interest, costa, riinl expenses allowed by law, trhich premlses are: ' All thal certain i racl nr parcel of land described as followa, to wit: cominencing twenty-two feet, casi of the imrthweat corner of lot aumber tour (4). bloeit one soath of range ttve eaat, on II ui uu streef in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtemnr and State of S Lchigan, thence easi i wenty-two feei on Huron atreet, thenoesoutb one bundred feet, thence wetri tweniy-two feet, thence north one hundred feet to the place of beginning : aleo, the righi and privilege of uaing at any and all i Imes an alley eighi reei wide at the soutb "■uil of tliis int ; also, the east half of the east brick and stone wall (' the building and store, From tl-' top tn bottoni, situated on the northwe1 corner of saïd lot aumbei four, said building being the same which was erected and m now ased and occupied aa a store by Luman R. Slawson : also, the ground apon which said east half of sala wall ii(iv Btanda" Dated, February 25th, 187B. PHILIP HACH, Mortgagee. Real Eatate for öale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Waahtenaw bs. In the mattrr of the estáte of Nathan Wooster, decoaaed. Noticeis hereyiciven, that in pursuiiDce of n order granted io thu ondereeneil, AdministrMtrix, of the Üsttite of said deceiised, by the Ron. Jude of Piobate for the County of Waahtenaw, on theaoeond dar of Febraary, A. D. 1H75, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the higheat bidder, al the Inte" reaidence of said deeeased in the township of Northfleld, in Uk t.'ounty of WttBhtenaw, in said State, on Thursday, the Ürstdayof April, A. D. 1876, at teno'cloek in the forenoon of that duy (subject to all encumbrances by mortíage or otheiwiwe existing at the time of the death of aaid deceased, und also snbjeot to the right of dower ot the widow of said deceased thereln) the iollowing deacribed real eatate to-wit : Thirty-nix and 80-loü acres of land, on the east half of the northwest quarter of suction thirteen. in town o e south, ranjíe híx east, described as follow: lieginning at the southwest corner ot the east liuli ol the northwest quarter of suid section, and running thence nort.'i uUmg the west line thirty-three chaina anu twenty-three links, thence east parallel to the north line ot said MOtiOQ elevan chuins and ninn linka , thence aouth Uiin y-three chaina and lifteen iinka to the quarter line; thence west n quarter line eleven chaina and nine links to tne place of bezinning. Alao the reversiunüry interest of naid deeeased in the t'ollowiug deseribed piece of laud on said section thirteen, it being a part of the dower of the widow ol Aipheus Wooster, late of said county. deceased, to-witi: The equal undivid ed one-half theTeof, bezinning at the northwest corner of the east half of the northweat qu:irter of said section thirteen, and running east along the north line of said section fifteen chains ; thence soul h six chains and seventy-five links ; thonce weat flftenn chains ; thence north aix chains and eventy-five linka to the placu of bezinning, containing ten aerea and twclve-hundredtha of an aero, all in said St:ite. Dated February 2d, A. D. 1875. ANNA WOOHTER, 1516 Administratrix Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw sa. In the matter of tn estáte of Aun Mury Uross, Catherine Kader, Caroline Kader, Emma S. Kitd'T and Godfrcy H. Kader, minors. Notice is hereby giveu, that in pursuance of an order grautcd to the undertsgned guardián of theestate of said minors, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the ninth day of Feliruary, Á. I). 1S73, there 'ül besold u publk vendue, to the highest bidder, at the dwellfng house nf Mrs. Rosina Haag, ín the townshlp "f Bridgewater, in the coiinly of Washtenaw, in said State, on Wednesday, the tliirt y-rirst day of Match, A. D. IS, 5, at one o'clock in 'the afternoon of that day (subject U :il] encumbrances by iriortgage oí otherwfae existlng at the time of the sale.) the followiug described real estáte, to wit : It being the undivided fivesevenths thereof, viz : Connnencing at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast juarter ; ruuning west one hundred and sixty roda on the quarter sectlon Una of seetion twelve; thence north thirty-flve rods; thence east one hundred and sixty rod's parallel with said quarter line ; thence south 'thirty-tive rods to the place of beginning; and the northwest quarter of the BOUtheaet quarter, and the east half of toe east half of the the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter; and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter ; and six acres from the north end of the east half of the ;southeast quarter of section twelve; and the west half of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarterof the Southwest quarter ol seotion tlurtcen, in town four south, range four east, contaiiiing one hundred and thirty-six acre, more or less. Dated February 9th, A. D. 1875. JOHN G. GBOSS, 1517 ' Guardian. Estáte of George Suttou, 2d. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waebtenaw, 88. At a sesaion of the ProDate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the first day of February, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and seventy-rKePresent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. ' In the matter of the estáte of George Sntton, 2d, incompetent. Sedgwick Dean, Guardian of said estáte, comes into oourt and represente that he is now prepared to render his fitth account as such Guardian. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the third day of March, uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for examining and allowing such account, and that the uext of kin of said incompetent, and all other persous interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any tliere be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered that said Guardian, eive notice to the persons interesled in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearinir thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publi&hed in the Michigan Argus, a hewspaper printed and cireulating in aaid county, three successive weeks previous to Haid day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1516 Judge of Probate. Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of execution isaued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the CGunty of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I have on thia 20th day of January, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the right, title and interest oí James H. Hioks and Hiram P. Ludden, in and to the following described renl estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Miohigan, to wit : Theequal, undivided one-haif part of all that oertain piece, or parecí of land. situated in the villaje of Dexter, in the county of Washtenaw and State aforesaidi known, bouuded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning on A. street, at the corner of lots four and live, in block one, and running thence on the line of said lots four and flve, sixtyseven feet ; thence parallel with A. street, thirtytwo feet ; thence parallel with the line of lots four and tlve, twenty-eight feet ; thence in a straight line across lots tive and six, to a point on A. street, on lot aix, seventy nine feet from the corner of lote live and six ; thence from euch point along the line of A street to the place of beginniog, which above deecribed propertj 1 shall expose for sale at public auction to the hijiheët bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on the Gth day ot March, A. D. 1SK, at. ten o'clock A. M. of said day. Dated, JanuaV 2Oth. 1875. 3FLEM1NGt' Sheriff. Sheriffs Sle. BY VIRTUE of one execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me direeted, wherein John Clancy ia plaintiix and Patriek Kelly and Kliza Kelly are defendante, and for the want of gooda and chattela, I have this day aeized and levied upon all the right, title and interest of Tutrick and Eliza Kelly aforeaaid, in and to the following deacribed property, lo wit : The eaet half of the southeaat quarter of section thirty ; also the northeast quarter of the aoutheaat quarter of eection twenty-nine, all in township nuinber one aouth of rango six east, Washtenaw county, látate of Michigan, which above descrlbed property Ishall expose for sale at public auction, as the law directa, to the highest bidder, at the aouth door of the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the eighth day of April, A. D. 18Ï5, at ten o'clock a. m. of Baid day. Dated, February 15, 1815. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1518 By Wm. H. McIntïee, Dep'y Sheriff. Hheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one wrlt of exectlon issued out of and under the ael "I the Circuit Court for the county of Wa&htejaaw, to me directed and delivered, I have on this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1875, levieti opon all the right, title and tntereal of ruim Mus n. Senioa, Henry M. Henion, and 8. NweU Henion in md to the followinff descrlbed real estáte situated in the county of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to wit: All tliat certaia tïact op iai-cel of land Bituated in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, Michigan, known, bounded and aeserfbed as f.illows, vi..: BeiAg t pari t' section nuniber thirtylwu, in towuship number two south of range sis cast, commencing al the quarter stakc in mrtii line of said section tblrty-two. running thence west ahmgsaid northline, ninechalnsand sixty-one umi oue-fourth links, thence south nine degreea and thirty ni i nut es cast one chain and ni'ty links, thence east "parallfl with section line aleven chaina and forty-nine links to the Saline Flank Boad, thence nortli thirteen degrees, cast one chain aml lifty-six links to the north line of said Bection, thence vest along sald north Une of section, one chain and nint'ty-nfne ïinkstotheplaceofbeginning. Wbich above described property I shall expose for sale to the bigbeet bidder, al the south door of the Court House In the city of Ann Arbor, on tbc 8d day of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock, a. m. of said day. Dated I"eb. 17th, 1875. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wuethtcnaw, U. The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Oonrt föï hu d Oounty, Commirttiionera to receive, examine and atljunt till mm demandsol all persons iiainöt the estáte of fiiehard Flíinnery, hite of said county áeceased, lioreby give notice that wix montha from date are alJowtd, by order of said Probate Court, lor creditors to present their claims aguinst the estute of ssid aecuased, and that they will meet at the store of Edward Duif y , in the oity of Aun Arbor, in tiaid County, on Wedneaday, tlie nintecnth üay of May, und on Thursday, the nineteenth day of Auqust next at ten o'clock A. M., of each of aaid daya, to receive, examine and adjust saitl claims. EDWARD DUFFY, Pom PETER TUITE. Com' Dttted February 30, A. D. 1875. 151t Mortgage Sale. DBFAULT haviug been made i„ the ,onJir "l"l mortgaw h8 i .■,■,,„.. opeïatKL? nitedbj Herelmni II Ooodnch. of tfodtti ■ Arbor, Wamitenaw county, tfichiunn i, i '" A"n Broith, ol Plrmouth, Wayne ,.n,„„'v i. '"'ih whicb muitgwH Mduled the WTrath ('m'. lember, A. D. 1872, and record , : '' 'l1 theKKil -as, oi Wanhtena e „iï t "f tli rem li rlaj of Beptembi-T ti i {Si' eleven o'clock t M. ol said day, in líber 46 Ji J' . [H(?e : W, which sniii imivi "■,,,,. „.,,""■ id Elizalwth Bmith „ Yfi"h bj ded „1 HMgnment, datod Peb?"1 tweutietb, i874, whicli ntwignment ws ,i y corded in the ooiocotaaid Itegister of 7 ■ the fmirth liiy of Jnniiary, A. 18J6 ji5 o'cluck a. m. (.t siiirl day, in libel 4 of uasíBT,l of mortKag, on pnce 477, and waa bv tl. . 'j Lr.,,iinr(l Vnulin iluly aasignwj to .Irrush. !? (il)l(r. tiv (Ici-il nf MMimmiml il.,t.,.i r, '. a '. wunty-seveulh, 1874, which irifÜP ecorded in the ofliee of 8 id Register of n,,,,] ■ he fourth day of .Tanuary ! 87.r, at si ,aw . ' otl aidday, ulibex 1 of asÍKnm..'nth"ot morti m page 47S, iiid there being claimtd to be du?? 1 mpaiil on said mortgaffe, nul tho Dote aecoirW ng the naiiu-.Ht tlio dme of thin notice thi i ix hnndred'and twenty-three dollars andiS? line oenta (6.8.59}, toi:etb(ir with thirW dolluïï laidniortgage, stipulated and agroed to beïï 8 Jin attorney's or solicitor's fee, in önse procewi inga bhould be tHken to torecloHe said mortaa md no proceeditigti at law or in equity hnvinA insiitnted to recoTei the same or any part the Notice is therei ore, hereby given, thaton i the twelfth day of April. A. D. 1875, at ten oB in the foreuoon of BaiA day, at the pouth door f theCourt House In the city of Ann Arbor mt being tlie place lor holding the Circail ' said county of Waahtenawil Bhall k(;i; aaotion, to the highest bidder, the premúes d scribed in said inortgure or o much therot shall be necermary to satisfy said umouut tH interest, co3ttand expendes allowed by law,WÏ ?aid prtmies are di'scribed in said ntórtaftsy tollowB, to-wit : All oi loía numbereá ihwS aüd fourteeu f 13 anrt 14), in block number thtee "■ north of Hnron street, in rane numberfoyr ' 1 the origiual plat of the city ot Ann Arbor, yjuv tenaw county, Michijptn. Dated Januury 4, lS7-r. JKRUSHAP.NOBLK, Tkacy W. Root, Assignee of Morta8e Att'y for Aasignce. Mortgage Sale. DEF ATJLT havlng beeD made in the ( of aeeitain mortgage whereby the poi in coatoined to seU has becoine operative by Louis E. Buchoz, of the city of Ani tne state cf Michigan, to the und 8. Brush and Elmina U. Brush, as raortgai the twenty-eighth day of Novembt hundred and aeventy, and recorded or day of December, 1870, at el v n oi in the offiue of the Etegiatei of DeedB, foi Of Waahtenaw, in the State of M li of mortgages, on ■ I there íb claimed to be aue at the date ol the suin of two thonsand and two dolían ents, and no Buit or proceedings a1 chancery Inning leen instituted to i ■ part thereof: Notice is there'fore, hei tha1 on 6aturdav,the twenty-fourth da; D. loo, ai. ten üciouk ni me lorei public auctlon, tothehlghest hU ■ ! jiiici' at iIm' iouth door of the Court Ho city of A ii ti Arhor, in said couiity, ■. Houw being th place of bolding theCin for aaid coanty of Wasbtenaw), the pi scribed n such mortgage, for so muco ■ sluill be aeccsBory to satisfy the amouni such mortgage, and lega) costa and chai ■ sale, together withan attorney fee of thirtv d .;. lars oonvenanted tor thereinl that is I following pieee or parcel of land situated tiihe city of Ann Arbor, in the coinit; ainl State of Michigan, vi,.: Beingon thatparii !ot number four, In Wock number thrcc nat i nnge six. cast, thai Uea easl of Detroit streetrú: BegínniiiK on the east sido of Detroit si it cromestbe south sidc of Nortb streel eastalong North titreet ninety-nine linki south parallel to the east side of Baid lot four, to ehalna; thence wct parallel to N seventy-two and thTee-fourtha links; th i fifty-five degrees west one chain aud ttórty. fout and one-half links to Detroit stn north-east along the east side of Detroit chaiu and fifty-one links to the place of Ann Arbor, MIch January '28, 1875. GEORGE S. VAiVSU, ).. ELMINA R. BRUSH,JM Z. P. Kiiro, Att'y for Mortgageea. ffls Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made iu the conditiosi ot a certain mortgage Cwhereby th&poweroÍMlí iu said mortsie has becouiu operatiTe) eiecatri by John Hartman and Cathrin Hartmae, jí Saline, Washtemiw county, Michigan, to Jén Lowry, Jr., of the sanie place, which mortgagtii dated the twenty-third day of January, A. D. b, and record ed in the office of the Heguterof Dttdi of Wafihtenaw couuty, on the third daj of Apri!, A D. 1368, at 12 o'clock M. of said day.mUber 39 of mortgages, on page 90, whinh said mortiaj? was duly .issigued by said John Lowi Mary E. Poster by deed of assinment, daied Miirch thirteenth, 186i, -which assisnment tss duly recorded in the oih'ce of said Register q{ Deed, on aaid thirteenth (13; day of ïti p.m. of aaid day, in hber two of aaeigi mortgages on page Vtë, and tbere being daimtd tobe uue and unpaid on aaid mortgage and the note the Bame at the date of thé notice the sum of tíve thouaand seven hundreí and üfteen dollars aad eeventeeu cents (WJlS.l!ji and there being also claimeel as becoming dne liPre.Hfter on said morteaee ar.d note the sum ot thirty aix hundred dollars ($3.600) and intcret. also au attorney's fee of flfty dollars as pnmdel for 111 amd mongage, and 110 proceedinRs at law 01 in equity haviög been instituied to recover tal aame or any part thereof : Notice ia therefote hereby given , that on Saturdny, the twen ty-seratk dayof March, A. D. 1S75, at eleven o'clock in Ik for'enoon of aaid day, at the south door 01 tu Court House in the city oí Ann Arbor (that ban the place for holding the Circuit Cour! county of Washtenaw) I shall seft tt ïuWic ai tion, to the highest bidder, Ihe preroiseB tacribrt in aaid niortgage, or so much thereoï as ehall N neeesaary to satiefy said amouut, with interetl costa and expensea allowed by law, premiaea are described in aaid mortgag to wit : All thoaf tr i ets or pui cel of I ated in the townabip of Saline, WashtenanciHinii, and State of Michigan, known niid dfscriW a f ollow , to wit : The southeaat quarter of In niDetenll9),aDdtheaouthweBtquarteroftbeMi'i eaat quarter of seetion nineteen (19), and I southeat quarter of the north west quarter ol tion nineteen (19), and the aouthwes'. thesoulheast quarter of section eii township four (4) south of range five (5) east; i ten (10) acres of land off the southeast the southeaat quarter of aection tbiit. town 4, S"Uth ran;;efour east, bounded asfoJo'! 10 acres off from the outh side of the ml quarter ot the southeaat quarter of Beetion JJ teen (13), town four south range fonr thirty roda north and south, and BOT roda east and weat, all of said descripti. i ing two hundred and ninety (21)0) acreB ot lamore or leaa. Dated December SI, 1874. maryefosiee D. Chamer, Assignee of Monpi Att'y for Assignee, l511 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the cm" of a certain morigage (whereby tl.e por sell therein contaiued haa become operai cuted by Jane A. Orifñth, of the city of county of Washtenaw, and State ot M) Julián . DickinKon, of the city of Deti' connty, Michigan, dated the Beventw September, A. D. 1874, and recordad i of the Register of Deeda for the eount) tenaw, in the State of Michigan, in "ta" mortgages, on page 236, upon whicn mum there is claimed to be due at the dr notie the aum of twenty-seven ham}: seventy-eight WO dollars, and no siutfflP ceedinga at law having been instituto! any part thereof: Notice is thereft given, that on WedneBday, the twentyof April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'elock a noon, I hall sell at public auction, to tl bidder, (aale to take plací at the front i Court Houae, that being the place WMH cuit Court for the county of Washtem ally held, in the city of Ann Arbor, .'"n;, county, Michigan,) the premises conMine -.m mortgage, or o much thereot aa shall oe ■ "J to satiafy the amouut due on auch moi'. ten per cent. intereat, and legal ooí!: with „n attorney fee of twenty-ve M pieoe or parcel of land sitúate in the OÍJ lanti, in the county of Washtenaw, ? "J Michigan, and deacribed as followa, to m menoiuK on the east line of Huron stns north of the northweet corner of lot one ]lg and eighty-flve ; thence north alon wuo " six rods ; thence east at right angles line to the Huron river; thence souja. the Huron river to a line six rods diand parallel with the north line of la?" oonveyed ; thence west to place of mm ■ Dated Detroit, tagjf fcng J. G. Dickinson, (in person) MM Att'y for Hortgagee. '____- -- Mortgage Sale. m DEFATTLT having been made in fLkfeJ a certain mortgage executed by lieueM eet and Christina Kirn, of the citj of Atm-M 'tiOi. ty of Wasfctenaw and State of Hichlg.' ard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, ol : uw , s-:; on the flrst day of November, one tiou hund'ed and sixty-nine, and recorded of the Register of Deeds lor the coun W , naw, aloreaaid, on the 4th day of NoTC 186!), at Si o'clock p, m., ofsaid dy, w ■'■ moitgagea. on page 48, and there s nowj be due upon said mortgaffe and bond f",-: the same, the sum of one tliuusand Dl dollars and seventyeight cents, atóo fee of thirty-ttve dollars, should any 1 be taken to foreclose the same and MJ inlawor equity huvinfr been hiji to sum of money or any part thereof. '„, notice i8 bereby given, 1 bat by virtue m $v of sale in said mortgaue contamed, i' nublio auction to the hlghest bidder, o i teenth dy of April next, at 2 0 clocï ■ day, at the tront door of the Court u city of Aun Arbor, county aforesuld, tlie p ace of hokiiug the Circuit ( ""'■,„, ty), all that certaiu piect or parcel Jg in the city of Anu Arbor, county oi r State oí Michigan, aforesaid. known, "M&described a tolluws. to wit : Bng lol , (6) blocknumbei four [4j, Bouth,ranp m jii C2j west, according to a plat of WUB" nard's addilion to the city of Aun Aro'' Washtenaw, aforeujup. Dated, January 2id, bNABD VAt1 MARTHAÏ John N. Gott, 1Í . Attorney for Mortgagees. "Estáte of Dnniol U. CUamberU OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CounW" R ss. Notice ís hereby (pven, '"' , ■ the Probate Court for tliu l'o""' ' A.P- made on the ninth day of Februa J; Six months from that ilate wem i J , ,. Hors to present their claims ag8 Cl)UOt, , lJnvidO Chamberlain, late ol e Aece, md, and that all oivhtor! ' s"88id ïfj, requiredto present thell rlaiin citï of Co.rt, at the Probate Oflloe, ,"„, Arbor, for examination aud aod fore the ninth day ot August u - claims will be heard betore " ' l SlfL.J day, the eighth day of May, d „dook aeventh day of August next, at k fomioon of each of those day p is, j. Dated Ann Arbor, Februag- , w Ny JudgS"r


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Michigan Argus