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Civil Rights

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AN AOÏ to p rot eet a'J eïtlzena in th.-ir civil and legal rlghte. ij!i, s, it is esseutial to just government v.v rt ■iin.;n,ti the oquality of all man before the la liold that it ia the duty of govcraraent in lts talinge wilfla. tSe peopl to mete out eifcual aml exact j lis tice to all, of wliatever uativity, race., color, Cii' persuasión, roiiglous or politioa] ; mul it being tin' appropri&te object f Legtulation to enact gr$at iumllui.'utal principie int ■ i fore, lie it enactm oyttteSenateand House qf Representa tin- :f the l'it.'tcil tstatfs of Amerha, ir C as&ernbled, T]i;ii ui persoiiA wlthln the [urisdiotiou ef the United Statea ehaU !■■ entitled to Üie f uil and equal eojojment of the MSoomodaUons, advantagés JiifiliticM, ;md pridtogw of imiK, pubüa oouvoyaacea on land or water, theaterfl, and otliaí placea of public ;;i:iuMiiH-iit ; subject only to the conditionfi teid liiiütatiouri tablifthed by law, atul fqpplic&blG ulike to ciÜáens o vwry race and colar. regárdleHa of any prevloua condition of Bervitude. ski'. ".i. ihat any persön who shaU viólate the forcgoiög section by denying to any citizéï except for La by law appllcabio to citizotfs of viry fapq and color1, and regardlefBft of any pevious oohdition of eervttnde, the ful] enjoymentof any of the ao iomiiioú:t;i'is, aUvantagea, oi; prtvüegea in Baid oction enumerated, or by aidmg orineiting s;icli dontal, BhaU, for overy nuoh ofienee, f orf eit and pa y the aam of H00 to 1 1 : - pUBOD aggrieved thereby. to be recovered ín au aooonof debt, wlth full coate ; and, tíia-U alBO, for evory auoh oíl'onac, bo lniui-i.1 guilty of a ]iii,-driuca;ii)r, jiikI, iijmn can- victiou thureoi', Bhall be fined íiot leas than $500 nor Goore tii;iu 1,(X)O, or shan be imprionnl ïiot less than thixtj daye uor moro than year: Proviaêd Thai Ui persona m;:;. dtapi to tfie for the p&nilty afori said or to proceed ander their i at oommon law and by Staf statutes ; and having bo elected to proceed In the one mode or the other, their right to prooeed iu the otheruriediotion shaH be brrd, liut thia proviso t-hall not applj to criminal proceedinge, either under thia act or the oriniiii;il Vaw of any State : A ndprot ciihti urtficf, That a judgment for the penalty la (jtvorof th i.arly aggtieved, or a judgment upoii an Indictnicnt, BliaU bc a bar to oithör proKocutiou regpectively. Bec. 8. That the District and Circuit Courts oí the United Statea Bhall have, excluslvely of the courts of the eeveral siatcs, cognizance of all orunee and offenses agaiiüt, and vfolationë of, tht: provisión of thisaot; and actiona for the penalty given by the preceding wuctiou may be proKi'irutrd in the Territorial, District or Circuit Cowrts of the United States, wherever the defendant may bo faund, without regtmé to the other party ; and the District Attornej a, Marahale and Deputy Marshall of United .staten, and Coui mi sei oiierá appoiuted by the Circuit and Territorial Courts of the United States, with powerfi of arresting and imprisonlag or bailing offendeiy Bgatnst the laws of the Dnited Btatea, are hereby specially authorized and required to instituto prooeedings againet every person who nhall viólate the provisions of this actt aiid causo hirn to i)-1 HrroawMi ana uupnsonea r nanea, a,u til-' oase niay be, for trlal, before such oourt of the United States or Territorial court as by l.-iw haa eo&niaanee oí the offense, ezoept ín respeal oi tlic riuht cl' aclion aceruing to the peraon aggrievedj and Buch District Attoruuys skall cause such próceedings to be proseCHted to ibeir termina(don ;is in other cases: Providtd, Xluil uotlúng contatned in this .seetíon fhall be coaetrued to deny or defeat any right of civil action accruing to any perekhi, wheüier by reason of thiH act or otlierwise ; aud any Dibtrict Aétorney who hall willf nlly fail to iuntitiite ;i:ul HOSOOUtfi íue proci'edings herein reqnired, sliali, fpr e"ery BUefc olíanse, forfeit and pay tlie Hiiiu of $500 to tlie peleón aggrieved therebj, to be reoovered by an action of debt, wiih f 11 costs, and BttaU, on ■ tmietioa thereof, be deomud gullty of ) mlsdomeaoor, and be íined not leB than $l,((X) nor more tliau $5,000 : Androvided fúrther. That a judgincnt for tne penalty in favor of the party upgriovcd, against any mu-h District Attorney, fhall be a bar tu eitlier prosecution respe ctively. Sec. -1. That no citizen posHesBÍng all othcr '■■ üeutioiis Avliich are or niay be prsscribod by law Bhall bíí disíjnaliiid for service ns grana or peüt juror in any court of thc United Statcs? or of auy Staíc, oa account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and any offloer or other persqn oharged with any duty in toe selection of summonIng of jnrors who shan exelude or fall feo Bmnmán auy citizen for the causes aforosaid, ehall, on con Ícüqq l]ici'ot', clcemed guilty of a mideiueanor, ! be i'nn'd nut more tlia.n í'i, mu. Skc, 5. That all casoa ariaizig under urovisjoas of thiw a t tu tlw fcourte of Ihn lnit.'d Bt&es io revlewablo by thc SapremS court of the United Btates, without regard to the Bum in controverey, under the same proTiaiona and regul&ti&na tu are now provided by law for the review of other causes in Beid court.


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Michigan Argus